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Basic Petrophysical Definitions: shaly sands Simplified Rock Rock

Components solid matrix

nonmoveable fluids

moveable fluids

dry clay


mud silt





matrix qtz, feldspar, etc.

clay & OHdry clay

clay-bound water

moveable water



Clay/Shale definitions

Vclay Vwet shale

dry shale

Saturation definitions

PhieSwe PhitSwt

Phie(1-Swe) Phit(1-Swt)

Porosity definitions

Effective porosity, Phie Total porosity, Phit Water-filled porosity

Density *Water- or oil- filled; NOT gas Neutron Sonic

*Apparent density porosity, PhiD *Apparent neutron porosity, PhiN *Apparent sonic porosity, PhiS PhiEPT *NMR total porosity *bound fluids *NMR free fluids *NMR non-clay fluids Mercury


High Frequency Resistivity NMR

Core Porosity

Laboratory (core) @ net overburden pressure

Humidity dried Critical point Dean Stark Vacuum/oven dried @ 220F

Porosity measured at ambient conditions will Be higher than that measured at overburden.

This diagram assumes a shaly sand; clastics and clays but not carbonates. Color variations in the bars denote uncertainties. In Clay/Shale definitions the variations are due to differences in definition of clay and shale. In Porosity, the bias and uncertainties in the measurements are compounded by the uncertainties in the clay and shale definitions. After J.B. Clavaud, 2006, personal communication

residual HC

bound water

residual HC



non-move. fluids

Dak 2009

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