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Para que tus dibujos a lpiz de grafito o carbn compuesto no se manchen, es necesario que los barnices con laca

plstica en spray, la cual es un fijativo para dibujos. La venden en todas las tiendas para artistas. Tambin puedes proteger tu dibujo colocndole un marco con cristal, aunque esta solucin es ms cara. No te recomiendo que uses el papel mantequilla como nica proteccin, ni siquiera ensobretando el dibujo, pues aun con ese papel se puede manchar tu dibujo. El papel mantequilla es buena proteccin slo si tu dibujo est previamente barnizado con laca plstica. Incluso si enmarcas con cristal tu dibujo, aun as ser bueno que previamente lo hayas barnizado con laca plstica. Es decir, de todos modos se impone el barnizado con laca plstica como la mejor solucin. Respecto al consejo de algunos de fijar los dibujos con spray para cabello, no te recomendara esa solucin, pues ese tipo de spray est hecho para fijar el peinado, no para fijar dibujos artsticos. Piensa que el fijador para cabello no es indeleble, pues se puede volver a diluir con agua. Qu pasar si a un dibujo fijado con spray para cabello le caen accidentalmente algunas gotas de agua? El uso de fijador para cabello para fijar dibujos es una solucin de paso, que se justifica nicamente como solucin provisional. Se supone que los dibujos as fijados sern finalmente tirados a la basura. Por otra parte, el fijador para cabello no es precisamente barato. So that your drawings to pencil of graphite or compound coal are not stained, it is necessary that the varnishes with plastic lacquer in spray, which is a fixing solution for drawings. They sell it in all the stores for artists. Also you can protect your drawing placing to him a frame with crystal, although this solution is more expensive. I recommend to you not even that you use the paper butter like unique protection, putting in a butter paper envelope the drawing, because with that paper your drawing can even be stained. The paper butter is good protection only if your drawing previously is varnished with plastic lacquer. Even if you frame with crystal your drawing, even so it will be good previously that you have varnished it with plastic lacquer. That is to say, anyway the varnish with plastic lacquer like the best solution prevails. With respect to the advice of some to fix the drawings with spray for hair, it would not recommend that solution to you, because that type of spray is made to fix the hair, does not stop to fix drawings artistic. It thinks that the spray for hair is not indelible, because it is possible to be returned to dilute with water. What will happen if to a drawing fixed with spray for hair some drops of water fall to him accidentally? The use of spray hair to fix drawings is a step solution, that is justified solely like provisional solution. One assumes that the drawings thus fixed finally will be thrown to the sweepings. On the other hand, the spray for hair is not indeed cheap.

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