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Aid and First raining CPR T English in

CPR = Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Come and Learn

12 When: January 28, 20 t vi Where: Irnd ng Stree Site- 2 floor th 3029 14 Street NW 09 Washington, DC 200 Time: 8:45am-4:00pm FREE

First Aid and CPR skills How to react in an emergency Tools to have at home in case of emergency

Limited seats only 20 available Register Early.

To register for this training please call 202-332-4200 ext. 1056 or 1017


miento Entrena rimeros de P xilios y Au citacion Resu ulmonar Cardiop spaol en E

Venga y Aprenda:

Primeros Auxilios y Resucitacion Cardiopulmonar Como reaccionar en caso de emergencia Herramientas que debemos tener en casa

Cuando: Enero 21, 20


Donde: th 3029 14 Street NW 09 Washington, DC 200 Segundo Piso Hora: 8:45am-4:00pm GRATIS

Puestos Limitados solo 20 disponibles Matriculese ya!

Para inscribirse por favor llame al 202-332-4200 ext. 1056 o 1017


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