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Diffusion Lab 4.1 experiment B p. 87 (in the lab manual) 4.2 experiment B p. 93 (in the lab manual) 4.

3 experiment A p. 96 (in the lab manual)

<-- these are the actual labs

we need all of the usual parts - 3 sep abstract things, 3 separate intros, 3 separate procedures, 3 separate datas( 3 drawings) and charts and whatever), 3 separate conclusions, a lab bench and quiz, and one current event David: Ill do the conclusion questions and data for 4.1 and 4.2 Luke: you are going to do the conclusion questions and data for 4.3 Is there anything else you guys need me to do? I feel like I dont have as much work as everyone else Nadia; Ill do the lab bench, current event, and lab quiz! and im going to do the procedures for all three Kristen:you are going to do the introductions for all three and the abstract

Kristens parts: In this lab, we determined how different molarities of sucrose changed the overall mass of a potato piece. In this lab, we determined the effects of osmosis through a semi permeable membrane, a dialysis bag imitating a cells membrane, using hypertonic and hypotonic solutions. In this lab, we examined tugor pressure and plasmolysis using the diffusion of hypertonic and hypotonic solutions through an onions cell wall. POTATO INTRO: For plants, the amount of water in their cells is extremely crucial for the ongoing functions and daily activities that keep the cells alive. The amount of water relative to the osmotically active substances in a plant cell is very important for a cells survival, and it must be maintained. The molarities, or the solute concentrations, affect the cells weight and the cells volume. If the plant cell is immersed in a hypotonic solution, then the weight and volume will increase at intervals at which the cell takes in the water. If a plant cell is submerged in a hypertonic solution, then the weight and volume will decrease as water exits the cell. ONION INTRO: The presence of a cell wall in a plant organism is vital for its survival, but without a large central vacuole that can maintain its water intake and output, the plant will cease to live. These central vacuoles react to the stimuli of a plants environment, by responding to the different molarities of solutions. If a plant cell is surrounded by a hypertonic solution, then the vacuole will regulate water out of the cell, as the interior of the cell, the protoplast, shrinks and pulls away from the cell wall. This response is known as plasmolysis. When a plant cell is immersed in a hypotonic solution, the vacuole will accept more water than it outputs, and therefore the protoplast will expand in response to more water being added to the cell. However, unlike animal cells, a plant cell can never lyse because of too much water pressure. Its cell wall restricts too much expansion of the

protoplast, and when a cell reaches the maximum of water its cell wall will allow, a high turgor pressure will result, which will stop further water from entering the cell. Turgor pressure is the pressure that the protoplast puts on the cell wall as a result of the water intake or output. If the turgor pressure becomes too high, it will force water through the membrane and push it out of the cell.The ideal state for a plant cell is to be completely turgid, which allows stability for the plant.

DIALYSIS INTRO: Dialysis bags are extremely important in the medical fields and are used throughout hospitals nation wide. Dialysis tubing is a flat tube that is made of regenerated cellulose fibers. These fibers create a selectively permeable membrane, which only allows some substances to pass through and not others, just like a cell membrane. Depending on the molecular weight of the substance, it will either pass through the pore with ease or not pass through the tubing at all. This membrane is an example of diffusion, which is commonly seen in animal and plant cells. Unlike dialysis tubing, a membrane of a cell consists of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded to allow the passage of substances that can not passively diffuse through.

Nadia s Parts: Lab Bench Design the Experiment: Diffusion & Osmosis

Exercise 1: Diffusion
In this activity, you fill a dialysis bag with a sugar/starch solution and immerse the bag in a dilute iodine solution. Water, sugar, starch, and iodine molecules will all be in motion, and each molecule will move to a region of its lower concentration, unless the molecule is too large to pass through the membrane. Your task is to determine relative size of the various molecules and gather evidence of molecular movement. Hint: One piece of information that will help you is to recall that when iodine comes in contact with starch, it changes from an orange-brown color to blue-black. For more information, review the section on Concentration Gradient. Return to Design of the Experiments. Analysis of Results.

Diffusion & Osmosis

Exercise 3: Water Potential of Potato Cores

This activity is very similar to Exercise 2, except that you use cores from potatoes instead of dialysis bags. You submerge the cores in solutions of varying sucrose concentrations. When you calculate the percent change in mass, some of the cores will have gained weight while others will have lost weight, depending on the movement of water. You then graph this data and determine which concentration of the sucrose solution is in equilibrium with the cores. Since you know that the pressure potential of the surrounding solution in an open beaker is zero, you can now calculate the water potential.

Lab Quiz

1. Which beaker(s) contain(s) a solution that is hypertonic to the bag? a. Beaker 3 b. Beakers 2 and 4 c. Beakers 1, 2, and 5 d. Beaker 4

e. Beakers 3 and 4

ANSWER: c. Beakers 1, 2, and 5

2. Which bag would you predict to show the least change in mass at the end of the experiment? a. The bag in Beaker 1 b. The bag in Beaker 2 c. The bag in Beaker 3 d. The bag in Beaker 4 e. The bag in Beaker 5

ANSWER: c. The bag in Beaker 3

3. Arrange the beakers in order of the mass of the bags inside them after the experiment has run for 30 minutes. List the bag that loses the most mass first. a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 c. 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 d. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5

e. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4

ANSWER: e. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4

4. In beaker B, what is the water potential of the distilled water in the beaker, and of the beet core? a. Water potential in the beaker = 0, water potential in the beet core = 0 b. Water potential in the beaker = 0, water potential in the beet core = -0.2 c. Water potential in the beaker = 0, water potential in the beet core = 0.2 d. Water potential in the beaker cannot be calculated, water potential in the beet core = 0.2 e. Water potential in the beaker cannot be calculated, water potential in the beet core = 0.2

ANSWER: b. Water potential in the beaker = 0, water potential in the beet core = -0.2

5. Which of the following statements is true for the diagrams?

a. The beet core in beaker A is at equilibrium with the surrounding water. b. The beet core in beaker B will lose water to the surrounding environment. c. The beet core in beaker B would be more turgid than the beet core in beaker A. d. The beet core in beaker A is likely to gain so much water that its cells will rupture. e. The cells in beet core B are likely to undergo plasmolysis.

ANSWER: a. The beet core in beaker A is at equilibrium with the surrounding water.

SCORE : 4/ 5 Current Event - These current events have to do with how diffusion can contribute to causing certain diseases. http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/pulmonary/interstit ial-lung-disease/ http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5019245_lungs-together-control-blood-pressure.html

Procedures for all 3 experiments: 4.1 experiment B p. 87 (in the lab manual) 1. Place a drop of water on a slide 2. Touch the edge of the dissecting needle to the drop of water, and next into the dry carmine. 3.Mix the carmine on the needle with the drop of water on the slide and cover with a coverslip and observe. 4. Look at it with the microscope focused on one particle of carmine on low power, then on high power. 5. Record the results. 4.2 experiment B p. 93 (in the lab manual) 1. Observe and record observations of the two demonstration microscopes with Elodea in solutions A and B. 4.3 experiment A p. 96 (in the lab manual) 1. Get 100 mL of DI water and 100 mL of each sucrose solutions and put them in seperate labeled 250 mL beakers/paper cups. 2. Using a sharp cork borer, cut seven cylinders of potato. Push the border through the potato, twisting it. Once filled, take the potato out, repeat this until you have seven cylinders of potato that tare 5 cm long.

3. Put all the samples in a petri dish and keep covered to prevent them from drying out. 4.Place one cylinder between the folds of a paper towel to blot it. 5. Weigh it to the nearest 0.01 g on the aluminum sheet on balance. Cut the cylinder lengthwise, making two long halves put them into a water beaker, record the time that this happens.6. 6. Repeat steps four and five with each cylinder, placing potato pieces in the appropriate incubation solution from 0.1 to 0.6 M. Incubate for 1.5-2 hours. 7. Swirl each beaker every 10-15 minutes as the potato cylinders incubate. 8. Record the time the pieces are remove calculate the incubation time and record. 9. Record the final weight after weighing the potato pieces. 10. repeat this procedure for all samples and record you data.

Davids parts: Solution Source Bag Beaker Control Original Contents Sucrose and Starch H2O and I2KI Water Original Color Clear Amber Yellow Clear Final Color Purple Amber Yellow Clear Color After Benedicts Test Green Green Blue

Experiment 4.1 B Data Table:

4.1 Experiment B Conclusion Questions: 1. What is the significance of the final colors and the colors after the Benedicts tests? Did the results support your hypothesis? Explain, giving evidence from the results of your tests. Yes, the results supported our hypothesis. The final color of the bag was purple, indicating that the I2KI from the beaker solution entered the bag. The final color of the beaker was amber yellow, indicating that the starch from the bag did not enter the beaker. The final color of the control remained clear because nothing was done to it at this point. The final color of the bag after the Benedicts test was green, indicating that there was sugar in the bag. The final color of the beaker after the Benedicts test was green, indicating that the sugar from the bag solution entered the beaker. The final color of the control was blue after the Benedicts test, indicating that there was no presence of sugar in the control solution. 2. How can you explain your results? The dialysis tubing is permeable to the I2KI and not permeable to the starch because the final color of the bag turned purple while the final color of the beaker remained amber yellow, meaning the I2KI moved across the dialysis bag from the beaker into the bag while the starch was unable to move from the bag to the beaker. The dialysis tubing is also permeable to the sugar because the final color of the beaker after the Benedicts test turned green, meaning the sugar moved across the dialysis bag from the bag into the beaker. The final color of the control after the Benedicts test turned blue, meaning that no presence of sugar would yield a color different than green. 3. From your results, predict the size of I2KI molecules relative to glucose and starch.

The size of I2KI molecules are approximately the same size or smaller than glucose molecules and definitely smaller than starch molecules. Glucose molecules are also definitely smaller than starch molecules. This conclusion can be drawn because the starch molecules werent able to pass through the dialysis tubing, while the glucose and I2KI molecules could. 4. What colors would you expect if the experiment started with glucose and I2KI inside the bag and starch in the beaker? Explain. The final color of the beaker would be purple, while the final color of the bag would be amber yellow. With starch unable to pass through the dialysis tubing and I2KI able to pass through the dialysis tubing, I2KI would enter the beaker and turn the beaker solution purple. The final color of the bag and beaker after the Benedicts test would be green because regardless of where sugar, I2KI, or starch is, sugar is able to pass through the dialysis tubing. Thus, sugar would reach equilibrium and be present in both solutions, so both solutions would turn green. 1. 4.2 Experiment B Conclusion Questions: Based on your predictions and observations, which solution is hypertonic? Hypotonic?

Solution A is hypertonic because it has a high concentration of salt, and the solution

has a higher concentration of solute than the cell. Solution B is hypotonic because it contains no solute, and thus the solution has a lower concentration of solute than the cell. 2. Which solution has the greatest osmolarity?

Solution A has the greatest osmolarity. 3. Would you expect pond water to be isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic to Elodea cells? Explain. Pond water would be expected to be hypotonic because pond water is the natural home for Elodea. In its natural environment, the net flow of water is from the surrounding medium into the Elodea. If the net flow of water is into the cells, then pond water must be hypotonic. 4. Verify your conclusions with your laboratory instructor.


Experiment 4.2 B Data Table: Solution A Appearance/Condition of Cells The protoplast of the Elodea cell shrank away from the cell wall. There is a large distance between the cell wall and protoplast. The Elodea cell is plasmolyzed. The protoplast of the Elodea cell moved closer to the cell wall. There is hardly a distance between the cell wall and protoplast. The Elodea cell is turgid.

Lukes parts: Experiment 4.3 A Data Table Contents In Beaker Distilled Water 0.2 M Sucrose Initial Mass 1.70 1.73 Final Mass 2.02 1.76 Mass Difference .32 .03 Percent Change in Mass + 18.82% + 1.73%

0.4 M Sucrose 0.6 M Sucrose 0.8 M Sucrose 1.0 M Sucrose

1.73 1.73 1.72 1.78

1.47 1.25 1.11 1.22

.26 .48 .61 .56

- 15.03% - 27.75% - 35.46% - 31.46%

Figure 4.6

Conclusion Questions 1. At a little over 0.2 M Sucrose, the curve crosses the zero change line on the graph. This signifies that at this point, the addition of more sucrose will continue to produce a negative value for the % change in weight. 2. This information can help us determine the osmolarity of the potato tuber tissue because the graph gives us the amount of sucrose in the potato tuber tissue by default, and how much the weight of the tissue will change as we increase the concentration of sucrose in the solution that the potato tuber tissue is contained in. 3. In more dilute concentrations of sucrose, the weight of potato pieces increases after incubation. Other factors that influence the about of water taken up by the potato pieces includes temperature, particle size, and time given.

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