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Pursuant ArticlelV Sec{ion c) of Executive 5 to OrderNo. 648 the following rules are hereby promulgated the Housingand Land Use Regulatory by Board (HLURB) implement to Presidential DecreeNos. 957, 1216,1344andotherrelated laws applicable open marketand mediumcost subdivision to and cpndominium projects.

RULEI MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS Section1. DesignStandardsfor Subdivision

projecisshall conformwith the follorving Residential subdivision minimumdesign standards, local government applicable units'(LGU)zoningordinances well as as pertinentprovisionsof the National Building Code if project is with housing component:

A. Site Griteria
'1. Location Conformity ZoningOrdinance/Comprehensive UsePlan with Land Subdivisionprolects shatl be located in residential zones or other areas appropriate residential for uses.lf thereis no ZoningOrdinance approved or Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the dominantland use principleand site factorscited hereinshall be used in determining suitability suitability a of pro1ect. projects (e.9. housing Subdivision supportive other majorurlcan of activities for industrial workers) may be allored in area zoned for the said urban activities. 2. PhysicalSuitability projectsshall be locatedwithin suitablesites for housingand Subdivision outsidehazardproneareasand protection areasas provided by pertinent for laws. Critical areas(e.9,areassubjec{ flooding, to landslides thosewith and unstable mustbe avoided. soil) The site shall be stable enoughto accommodate foundation load without grading cufting excessive earthmoving, or andfilling.


3. Accessibility to The site must be served by a road that is readilyaccessible public lines. Saida@essroadshallconform wrththe standards set transportation of hereinto accommodate expecteddemandcausedby the development proJect approved withoutthe be the area. ln no case shall a subdivision may be necessary accessroad/right-of-way. accessroadright-of-way Said unit. constnrtedeitherby the developer the localgovernment or

B. PlanningConsideratlons
1. AreaPlannlng projects the Planning designing subdivision and of shalltake intoaccount following: welfare ofthe futureoccupants: a. safetyandgeneral b. adequate, safe, efficient and integrativeroad circulation system everylot therein; servicing allocation landusesfor diversity and amenity: c. judicious of d. preservation site: of sitingor orientation lots; e. proper of with f. harmony existing proposed and development thevicinity; in g. applicationof workable design principlesor parameters a well for planned self-sustaining and environment. Whena developer planner (PUD) submits Planned a or UnitDevelopment of pro1ect, layout shall likewiseconform to the stiandards for type the projects. residential/condominium a. Openspaces Open spaces shall conformto the provisions P.D. 1216 and its of implementing andshallinclude following: rules the a.1 Streets- adeguateand safe means of vehicularand pedestrian for circulation easements utilities planting and strips, shallbe and orovided. a,2 Walks - paved walks shall be providedto the living units ftom parking and streets, spaces fromliving units playareas to a.3 Parksand playground - suitablerecreational area(s)shall be allocatedwithin the subdivision. Where applicable, hierarchy a of
41 , "f

such recreationalareas may be provided for, such that, a strategically located main park area is supplemented or complementedby one or more smaller pocket(s)or areas for use. These areas must be accessibleto living units recreational and free from anv form of hazard or risk. Said parks and playgrounds shall be clearedand free from any debris.Parksand playgrounds muchas possible shallbe at streetlevel. as and b. Facilrties Amenities

Areas requiredfor subdivision facilitiesand amenitiesshall be judiciouslyallocatedin accordance with the provisionsherein soecified. c. Density Density of subdivisionprojectsshall conform with the residential of set densities forth in the zoningordinance the city/municipality is a mixtureof housingtypes whereprojectis located. Wherethere row (such as singledetached, house' town withinthe subdivision unitsin of thetotalnumber dwelling shallinclude etc.), density houses, for plusthe total numberof lots intended single structure multi-storey houses. andsemidetached 2. Site Preservation a. Slope slopeto allowrainwaterto be grade shallhavea desired Thefinished an into streetdrains. Wherecut and fill is necessary, channeled in to gradeshall be aftained preventany depression the appropriate area. thatwill prevent in shallbe executed a manner and ditching Grading properties. of or erosion flooding adjoining

of Preservation SiteAssets or Suitabletrees with a caliperdiameterof 200 millimeters more' of groundcoverper Department Environment shrubsand desirable presewed' Where a {DENR)rules shall be and NaturalResources and shallbe in quality soilexists the site,it shallbe banked good top parks and yards, playgrounds, grades of [reservedior finishing garoen area. Cover Ground usedfor ground materials plants otherlandscaping and shrubs, Grass, use for appropriate its intended andlocation' cover shallbe of a variety coverof the area. planted as to allowwell-tended so Theyshallbe

^.1 ,

Easements provisions projects observe conform thefollowing to and shall Subdivision by: as oneasements mayberequired
Code, waterbodies; on 51 lV, Chapter Section of TheWater (NPC), transmission lines; on Power Corporatton o . National fault on of per No. PHIVOLCS Resolution 515,Series 1992, identified traces; right-of-way: entities' public and companies other utility o . Other roads national abutting govemment unitsfor projects e . National/local (primaryroads) where adequateeasementshall be providedfor, areas; including loading unloading and

laws. Otherrelated

4. Girculation and of to Depending the classification roadsadjacent the subdivision on of shouldresultinto a hierarchy the size of the projectsite, roadnetwork as functions should and define and servethe subdivision one integrated unit. a. Roadscomplemented pathwalks with withinthe subdivision mustbe so aligned facilitate to movement and to link the subdivision the to property. nearest majortransportation routeandioradjacent Whenever thereare existing roadswithinthe project whichshall site plan,these shall be improved be made part of the subdivision in accordance thestandards forthherein. with set b. Streets should conform to the contours of the land as far as oracticable. projectadjoinsa developed Wherea proposed property, roadswithin the said projectshall be connected/integrated/alignedexisting with ones. project Wherea proposed property, provision adjoins undeveloped a for futureconnection shallbe mandatorv.
c. As far as practicable, streets shall be laid out at right anglesto minimizecriticalintersections such as blind comers. skewjunction, eic. C. Roadsshallconformto soundengineering practices.



pro1eds e. Subdivision shallcomplyto the pertinent requirements Batas of Pambansa 344,otherwiseknownas the Accessibilitv No. Law. 5. Installation StreetNameVSigns: of The developershall bear the cost of installation street namesi/signs of coincident the construction streets. with of

C. DesignParameters
1. Land Allocation proiects Foropen maket and medium with an areaof one cost subdivision (1) hectareor more, the percentage (o/o) allocationof land shall be as follows: a. saleable area- maximum 7Oo/o the grossarea of of b. non-saleable - minimum 307o thegross area of of area The followingnon-saleable with PD area shall be observed consistent N o .1 2 1 6 : b.1 ParkVPlaygrounds for Allocation arealor parksand playgrounds ol shallbe mandatory projectsone (1) hectare or more and shall be deemed nonwithinthe area.The sameshallbe strategically located buildable parksand playgrounds project. for subdivision Area allocated shall in no casebe lessthan 100Sauare meters. for shall be as The percentage requirement parkVplaygrounds follows: Table1. Parksand Playgrounds Allocation DENSlTY (No. Lots/thvelling of Unit PARKS/PLAYGROUNDS in Area of Allocation Percent Gross

20 and below 21-25 26-35 36-s0 5 1- 6 5 Above65


3.5 4-0 5.0


7.0 9.0



b.2 CommunityFacilities

Mandatory provision of areas for communityfacilities, such as neighborhood multi-purpose centerbothfor openmarketand medium cost housingprojectswith area one (1) hectareand above. These areas are non-saleable. However, the developer may provide additionalareas for communityfacilitiessuch as schools and commercial/reticentersin excessof the mandatory il requirement set forthin thisrulewhichshallbe deemed saleable. The useof the said area shall be indicated the plan and shall be annotated the tiile in in thereto.(Referto Table!) f able 2. Facilities According to the Number of SateabteLots/ Dwelling Unitsfor Subdivision Projects hectare t and Above
No. of Saleable Lots and/0r Dwelling Unit Neighbor' Convenience hood Stores & Element High MultiOther ary School'* Tricycle Terminals-Purpose Commercial School-Cenler* Centers..

10& below 11-99 100 499 500 999 1000 1499 1500 1999 2000 2499 2500 Over &

x x x

x x x x x



Mandatory non-saleable Optional saleable when provided the planthe same shallbe but in annotated the title in d,l ,

b.3 Circulation System of b.3.1 Hierarchy Roads The circulation systemfor open marketand mediumcost projects housing shallhavethefollowing hierarchy roads: of Table3. Hierarchy Roads of Project Size Range (Has. )
2.5& below Above2.5- 5 Above -10 5 Above - 15 10 Above15- 30 Above30 -oo-do-oo-

major, motor minor, court,alley maior, collector, minor, molorcourt, alley

Cost Medium
major,minor, motor court,alley -oo-

major,collector, minot, motor court,alley do-oodo-

with b.3.2 Minimum roadright-of-way be in accordance shall of thissection. ln no case shalla majorroadbe less than 10 meterswhen connection. roadand/or future as usedas mainaccess the as or a) MajorRoaci a street roadlinking siteand serves the main traffic artery within the project site and shall the axisof the property. traverse longer b) CollectorRoad - a street or a road that services pedestrian/vehicular traffic from minor roads leading to major roads. is direct c) Minor Road - a roadwhichmainfunction to provide access lotsandother to activity centers. d) MotorCourts- shall have a right-of-way not less than 6 of for sufficient space for meters in width with provision vehicular turn aroundin the form of a cul-de-sac, loop, branch "T",witha maximum iength 60 meters of inclusive or of terminal. e) Service Roads - roads for whichprovide the distribution nf traffic individual andactivity centers. among lots


f) Alley - a 2-meter wide walkwaywhich shall be used to break a block and to serve pedestriansand for emergency purposes- lt shall not be usedas accessto property. (ROW b.3.2 RoadRight-of-Way The conesponding right-of-way hierarchy roadsshall be for of as ficllows: Table4. Road Right-of-Way

Projec{ Size (Hectares)

2.5 below & Above - 5 2.5 Above- 10 5 Above - 15 10 Above - 30 15 Above 30

Motor Court Alley

Right4f- Way(Row) (Meters) Medium Cost OpenMarket Maior Collector Minor MaiorCollector Minor 108 108 12 108 JO 8 12 108 12 10 8 12 108 10 12 8 15 12 10 12 10 8 .tE 15 12 10 12 10 ROW Caniaoervav ROW Cariaqeurav

z z

Note: 6-mseMce a road, both ends connectinga to minor oad, shall be allored br blocks not excedinq meters. 60 a) Majorroadsshall maintain unifcrmwidth of roadright-ofa way. Tapering roadwidthshallnot be alloryed of wherethe road rightof-wayis wider than the prescribed for stiandard the interconnecting of the proposed road subdivision. projectmust secureright-of-way the b) Interiorsubdivision to publicroadandthe right-of-way nearest shallbe designated as interconnecting witha minimum road widthof 10 meters. Thisfact shallbe annotated the title of said roadlot and on mustbe donated and deemed tumedoverto the LGUupon completion the saidinterconnecting of road. (SeeFigure1)

d,l ,





Road Figure1. Interconnecting

projects mainpublicroadmustprovide abutting c) Subdivision in a setback $meter deepby S-meter lengthat bothsides of loadingand entrance accommodate to of the subdivision (see 2). of unloading passengers Figure


Figure2. SetbackRequirement Along MainPublicRoad *L '.ft


d) Subdivision projects shall have provision for future expansionwhere applicable, designating by the major roads, as prescribed in Sec. 1.C.b.3 as the 2 for intercrnnecting road right-of-way both open marketand proJects. medium costhousing b.3.3 Planting Strips Planting strips shall be observed with the following road soecifications: Table5. Width of PlantingStrips and Sidewalks ROADWIDTH (m)
15.00 1 20 0 10.00 8.00 6.00(Service Road)

Planting Side{ralk SlriP (m) (m.) 1.30 | 1.20 0.80 1.20 0.80 1.20 0.40 0.60 OPIIr )nal

MEDIUM COST Planting Side{ralk Strip (m) {m) 1.30 120 0.80 | .zu 0.80 1.20 0.40 0.60 ootn )nal

b.3.4 RoadPavement All roadsfor bothopen marketand mediumcost housingprojects pavernent shallbe pavedwith eitherconcrete asphalt. or Concrete shallhavea minimum thickness 150millimeters a minimum of and compressive strengthof 20.7 Mega Pascal(Mpa) while asphalt shallhavea minimum thickness 50 millimeters of pavement Sidewalk shallhavea minimum compressive strength of 17.2MegaPascal. b.3.5 RoadIntersection Roads should intersectat right angles as much as practbable. Multipleintersections along major roads shall be minimized. Distance betweenoffsetintersections shouldnot be less than 20 meters from corner to comer. ,ntersections should o@ur on straightsectionsinsteadof on curved sectionsof road and on grades gentle withclearsight distance. Road intersections shall be providedwith adequatecurb radii principles. Figure consistent sound with (see engineering 3)

4,1 .r''

cul- oE- sAc

7 : cuRE Aotus R


Fl9ur6 3 : Curb Rldai Dlmension


b.3.6 RoadGrade/Slope Crownof the roadsshallhavea slopeof not lessthan 1.5 percent, while curbsand guttersshall not be less than 7 peroentto 9 peroent(see Figure 4). Gradesand verticalcurbs shall conformto the design requirements the Department public Works and of of Highways (DPWH).
FterrcF yvAY C A R R IA G E





Flgure 4. Road Grade/$lope 2. Lot RequiremefltA a. Lot Layout: The foflowingshail be consideredwhen prottingthe subdivision prgect: a-1 Preservation site assetsand propersitingorientation rots; of of blending with existingand proposed development the vicinity; in ano a.2 Application workabledesign principlegparameters a well of for planned environment. To aeommodatea wider rangeof clientele termsof incomelevel (in and to provide diversity in housing design in a ..lifestyle), .and subdivision projecl, the owner/developeiis encouraied to ailocate areas for vanous housing types such as singl+.detached, dupler/single aftached rowhou$s. and


Lot b. Minimum Area underopen market lot The minimum areafor varioustypesof housing projec{shall be as follcws and mediummst housing Table6. MinimumLot Area OF WPES HOUSING a. SingleDetached b. Dupler/SingleAttached c. Rowhouse COST MARKET MEDIUM OPEN (Sqm.l (Sqm.) 't20 96 60 100 80 50

aftachedandlor rolhouse as Saleablelots designated duplo</single withhousing units. lotsshallbe provided Price of saleablelots intendedfor singledetachedunits shall not exceed40 percentof the maximumselling price of house and lot pacKages. Lot Design by suchthattheyare not bisectecl lots c.1 Saleable shallbe designed ways and utility politicalboundaries, water courses,drainage lines. accessroad. c.2 A lot shallbe servedby an independent possible, frontage elevation shallbe at streetlevel. lot c.3 Whenever to be c.4 Lotlinesshallpreferably madeperpendicular street lines. shapedlotsshallbe avoided' c.5 Deeplotsand inegularly widthfor sideyardswithadequate c.6 Lotsshallbe planned risks. against c.7 Lotsshallbe protected c.8 Lots shall not be laid out if potentialrisks exist e.g. erosion, faultlines,etc. flooding, slides,



d. Lot Frontage The minimumfot fontages ficr vario.rstypes of housing under open projects market and medium costhousing shallbe as follows: Table7. MinimumLot Frontage TYPES HOUSING/LOT OF 1. Single Detached a. CornerLot b. Regular Lot c. lnegular Lot d. Interior Lot 2. Duplex/Single Attached 3. Rowhouse (m.) FRONTAGE 12 10 3 I

The numberof rowhouses shall not exceed20 unitsper block/cluster but in no caseshallthisbe bevond100metersin lenoth. 3. Lengthof Block Maximum lengthof blockshallbe 400 meters, however, blocksexceeding provided an alleyapproximately mid-length. 250 meters shallbe with at 4. ShelterComponent a. Minimum floor area for open market housingshall be 42 square meters and 30 squaremeters medium for costhousing. b. Minimum levelof completioncomplete for house all typesof dwelling unitsbased thesubmitted on specifications. Provision firewallshall be in conformity of with the Fire Code of the Philippines and mandatoryfor duplexeVsingle aftached units and everyunitfor rowhouses (refer Fig.5). to

^,1 .n.,









c?l ol


for Figure5. FirewallRequirement Rowhouse

Yard/Setback and unitsbothfor openmarket medium of setback dwelling Theminimum Building Codeof the National projects to shallconform the costhousing Philippines. 6- WaterSupply System Rules: a. Specific The subdivisionwater supply shalt be mandatoryor obligatorily system public watersystemor community to @nnected an appropriate meet the total daily providedthat the water supply is enough to population. of requirements theanticipated community When neithera publicwater system,nor an acceptable is available,a centralizedwater supply system shall be system provided that: accepted,
a.1 The technical consultant of the developer shall determine the location and discharge capacity of the water supply source(s) withinthe subdivision; $^.r


a.2 The permitto drill well(s) or tap water lines fiom the appropriate govemment agencies shallbe obtained; a.3 The water source shall be sufiicientto meet the daily water requirements everyhousehold the subdivision; of in a.4 No hazards shall exist in the immediate virjnity of the vvater source that mightreduce pollute supply; or the a.5 Waterdistribution shallbe assured. Accordingly,everywater serviceentrarrceor @nneclionshall be provided with a pressure.compensating, self-regulating, constant flowvalveor fittingto ensureequitable distribution water,water of and powerconservation, and long-term savingson operational costsof the water system. a.6 Eachsubdivision shallhaveat leastan operational deegrvell and pumpsetswith sufiicient capacity to provide Average Daily (ADD)to all homeowners. Demand b. Water Requirement - Every dwellingunit shall be served by an individualsupply of water suffcient to meet the total hourly domestic needsof everyhousehold any 8 hourperiod. for TheAverageDailyDemand(ADD)for bothopenmarketand medium cost housing projects is 150 liters per capita per day (LCPD) household connection. (PerBoardResolution 506,seriesof 1992) No. c. Fire Protection Demand - Provision fire protection ficr shallcomply withthe requirements the National protection of Fire Code. d. WaterTank Capaoty - 20%ADD plusfire reserye. e. Pipes - Pipesshallconform the standards to required Metropolitan by Watemorks and SewerageSystem (MWSS) and/or Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA). 7. Electrical Porrer Supply System Mandatory individual household connedionto primaryand/or alternate sourcesof power. Installationpracfices,materialsand fixtures used shall be in accordance Wth the provisions the Philippine of EleclricalCode andor locat utility company. Provision streetlightingper pole is mandatory SGmeterdistance of at andeveryotherpoleif distance lessthan50 meters. is Electrical bills for streetlights shall be proportionately shouldered the by




(COC)and usersthereofprior to issuanceof Certificate Completion of tum-over openspaceto LGU. of SewageDisposal9ystem The salage disposal system for open market and medium cost projects subdivision shalleitherbe any of the follor/ing: a. Connection Community to Sewer System publicor community Connections shallbe madeto an approved sewer system,subiectto the requirements provisions the Sanitation and of Codeof the Philippines other and applicable andregulations. rules b. Septic Tanks Where communitysewer system is not available, se\flageshalt be disposed andtreated individual of in septictank6. Conskuction individual of septic tanks shall conformto the design standards Sanitation (PD of Codeof the Philippines 856)ahd Natienal Plumbing (RA Codeof the Philippines 1378). 9. DraindgeSyrtem The draihdgesystem of the subdivision shall conformto the natural drainagepatternof the subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate waterbodies publicdrainage or system. In no caseshalldrainage outfalls drain into a privatelot. lts layout shall conformto sound engineering principl0s design/ certified a dulylicensed by civil/sanitary engineer.Drain practices. linesshallbe of durable materials approved and installation p@ects,underground Forbothopenmarket and medium costsubdivision drainage systemshallbe properly engineered environmentally and sound provided and shall be with adequateReinforced ConcretePipes(RCP), catch basinsmanholes, inletsand crossdrainfor efficientmaintenance. pipes Minimum drainage diameter shallbe 30 centimeters. 10. GarbageDisposalSystem The subdivision shall have a sanitrary eflicientrefusecollection and and disposalsystem,whether independently in conjunction or with the garlcage municipaUcity collection disposal and services. The SummarizedPlanningand Design Standardsfor Open Market and Medium CostSubdivision Projects presented Table8. is in




TABLE8. Planningand DesignStandards For A Residential SubdivisionProject UnderPD957 PARAMETERS 1. Project Location OPENMARKET HOUSING MEDIUM COST HOUSING

Withinsuitable sitesfor housing Withinsuitable sitesfor housing and outside potential hazard and outside potential hazard proneand protection proneand protection areas. areas.

2. Land Allocationfor projects t hectareand above.


a. Saleable area b. Non-saleable area

(maximum) a. 7O% b. 30%(minimum)

b.1 Areaallocated Mandatory for per allocation parksandplaygrounds tabulation for parKs and below: playgrounds for projects ha. & t Density Percentage of aoove. (No. Lots Dwelling of or Unit Gross Allocated Area for

Per Hectare)
20 & below 2 1_ 2 5

parks playgrounds and

3.5o/o 4-O%

36-50 5 1- 6 5 Abcve65

5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 9.0%

Innocase anarea shall allocated parks playgroundsless for and be

than100sqmandthe sameshallbe strategically located within the subdivision. b 2 Areaallocated Mandatoryprovisionof areas for communityfacilitiessuch as for community neighborhood multi-purpose projects centerfor housing witharea 1 facilities hectare above. Theseareasare non-saleable. and However, the provideareas for community developer may facilities such as schoolsand commercial centersin excess of the mandatory requirement forthin this rulewhichshallbe deemed set saleable. The use of the said area shall be indicated the olan and in (Refer Table 1 ) annotated the titlethereto. in to b,3 Circulation System Observe hierarchy roads of

^,1 ,$ ,



OPENMARKETHOUSING 120sqm 96 sqm 60 sqm

MEDIUM COSTHOUS]NG 100sqm 80 sqm 50 sqm

Minimum Areas Lot a. SingleDetached b. Duplex/SingleAttached c. Rowhouse

lots shall be lots designated duplexand/orrowhouse Saleable as provided withhousing components. units shall not for Priceof saleablelots intended single-detached price of house and lot exceed 40% of the maximum selling pacKages. 4. Minimum Frontage Lot 4.1 SingleDetached a. cornerlot lot b. regular c. inegularlot lot d. interior Aftached/ 4.2 Single DuPlex 4.3Rowhouse 5. Length Block of

12m 10m 6m 3m 8m 4m Maximum length of block is 400 meters, however, blocks exceeding 25O meters shall be provided with an alley at approximatelymid-length.

6 . RoadsRightof Way

size range Project 2.5 has.& below A b o v e 2 . 5 -5 h a s . A b o v e 5- 1 0 h a s . Above10 - 15 has. Above15 - 30 has. Above30 has.

Road MajorRoadCollector MinorRoad road CollectorMinor Major 10m 12m 12m 12m 15m 15m 1 0m 10m 10m 12m 12m 8m 8m 8m 8m 10m 10m
10m 10m 12m 12m 12m 15m 10m 10m 10m 12m 8m 8m 8m 8m 8m 10m

A 6.0 meter service road, both ends connecting to a mlnor road, shall be allowed for blocks not exceeding60 meters.

^,1 '^f1',


PARAMETERS MotorCourt Alley


c z


Alleyis a 2-meter wide walkway whichshallbe usedto breaka purposes. blockand to serveboth pedestrians for emergency and It shallnot be usedas access property. to (ROW)of majorroadsshallbe increased project Right-of-Way as sizeincreases.

Major roads shall maintaina uniformwidth of road right-of-way. Tapering roadwidth of shallnotbe allowed, where roadrighfofthe way is widerthanthe prescribed standard the interconnecting for roadof theproposed subdivision. NOTE: 1 Interior project secure subciivision must public rightof-waythenearest to road and right-ofway bedesignated interconnecting witha minimum the shall as road width 10mete$. fact of This shalt annotatedthetitle said be on road and of lot must donated deemed be and turned totheLGU over upon comDletion said oi the interconnecting Figure (See road. 1). 2 Subdivision projects abutting public must provide setback 3main road a of meter deep 5-meter length both by in at sides thesubdivision of entrance to accommodate and ioading unloading ofpassengers.Figure (See 2) prqects have 3.Subdivislon shall provision future for expansion applicable, where bydesignating a minimum interconnecting road rightof-way meters. of10

Hierarchy Roadsper of Proyect Size Range 2.5 has.& below A b o v e 2 . 5- 5 h a s . Above5 - 10 Above 10 - 15 has. Above .l5 - 30 has. Above 30 has.

major, minor. motorcourt, alley major,minor,motorcourt,alley major, collector, rninor, molor court, a'ley
_do_ major,collector, serviceroad, mtnor,motorcourt,alley _do_ _do_do_



PARAMETERS 9. Roads Specifications Strip(PS)* a. Planting (SW) Sidewalk ROW 15m 12m 10m 8m Road) 6 m (Service
b. RoadPavement



PS 1 . 3m 0 . 8m 0 . 8m 0.4m optional


1.2n 0 . 6m optional

Major Minor MotorCourt Sidewalk Alley

Concrete/Asohalt ConcreteiAsphalt Concrete/Asohalt Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt

Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt ConcreteiAsphalt Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt

of thickness 150 shallhavea minimum road pavement Concrete of strength 2A7 MPa compressive mitf imetersand a minimum while roads may either be concreteof same thicknessand of thickness 50 or strength asphaltwith minimum compressive millimeters. of strength compressive shallhavea minimum Sidewalk oavement 17.2MPa. l0 WaterSupply Mandatoryconnectionto appropnatepublic water system; system. watersuPPlY centralized and deepwell shallhaveat leastan operational Eachsubdivision provide Average Daily pump sets with sufficient capacity to (ADD)to all homeownersDemand Water a. Minimum Requirement Supply b. FireProtection Demand connection per per 150liters capita dayfor household

of with the requirements shallcomply for Provision fire protection the FireCodeof the PhiliPPines.



a.2 The minimum area for a singlepark/playground be 50 square shall meters.lncrements 3.00squaremeters everyadditional of licr family type in excessof 10 unitsshallbe added. dwelling a.3 Parks/playground otherrecreational or fucilities may not be required if the condominium locatednot morethan or 800 metersfrom a is publicly parUplayground/or recreational accessible other facilities. a 4 Parks/playground shall be properlylandscaped accommodate to bothactiveand passive activities. a.5 Parks/playground may be accommodated the yard/s provided in suchyardsare adequate usable park. and as (optional) a.6 Otherfacilities pool, such as tenniscourts,swimming etc. may be integrated with the parktplayground. ParkingSpaceRequirement b.1 ForResidential Condominium Units . b.1 1 The parkingslot requirement residential for condominium pro1ecl shall be in accordance with the provisionsof the National Building Codeof the Philippines. b-1-2 Off-sitepa*ing may be allowed in additionto the on-site parkingprovided parkingarea is part of that the designdted the projec{ and provided further that the required distance shallbe in ao@rdance with the National Building Codeof the Phitippines. b.1.3 Compliance with additionalparking spaces as required by localordinances shallbe mandatory. b.2 ForCommercial Condominium Units parking requirement b.2.1 The minimum slot shallbe in acoordance with the provisionsof the NationatBuildingCode of the Philippines. b.2.2 Off-site parking may be allorvedin additionto the on-site parkingprovided parkingarea is part of that the designated the project the projectis withinthe commercial or subdivision where common parking area is part of the approved subdivision plan and provided further that parking arrangements explicitly are indicated the contract saleof in of propertyto be developed. Off-site parking shall not be located200 metersawayfrom condominium project.



c. AccessRoads and Roads shall serve every building,parkingspace, parUplayground points).Minimum or roads righfofpoints (e.g.garbage collection service and thereofshallbe the carriageway the 6 way shallbe I meters, meters strip. as sideu/alk/planting shallbe developed remaining meters 2 with a minimum circulation for Pathwalks shall be provided pedestrian widthof 1.2meters. with shallbe in accordance an<.| of Construction roads,sidewalk pathwalks subdivision.Spacefor tum aroundat dead of the standards residential provided. endshallbe by shallbe provided publicstreet accessto the property Direc{vehicular or alley. or to meansof accessshall be provided each dwelling, An independent adjoining group of dwellingsin a single plot, without trespassing for must be independent each properties. Utilitiesand servicefacilities dwelling unit. meansof accessto each livingunit shallbe provided An indeoendent passing unit through yardof a living or anyotheryard. any without of c.1 Hierarchy Roads prgects,the hierarchy roadsshallbe of condominium For horizontal for standard requirements the same as the minimum design subdivision Prolects. c.2 Pavement All roads (major, minor, motorcourt)for both residentialand commercial condominium projects shall be paved with concrete/asphalt. and Basic Facilities Services Area) Area(Laundry/Drying d.1 Service laundry anddryingareasshallbe provided. Adequate Where such serviceareas are held in common,they shall have and kept away ftom fencedor screened outdoorlocations, suitable entranc frontyards. or livingrooms, shallconform and drainageutilities d . 2 Watersupply,power,swerage of to the requirements a subdivision.



d.2.1 ReservoirMater Tank Formulti-storey buildings lf the heightof the building requires waterpressure excess in of thatin the mainwaterline, water a tankshallbe provided. Tank shallalso be required the peak drawnshouldreduce if the pressure on the highest usable floor to less than 0.06 Mpa - the minimumpressurerequiredfor satisfactory operation fixtures, particularly of thosewrlhflushvalves. d.2.2 Capacity 2oo/o Average plusfirereserye DailyDemand d.3 Mechanical Equipment andService Areas d.3.1 Provision of elevators shall conform to the olans and specifications the duly licensed architecUengineer of who shalldetermine requirement elevators the for including the number of cars. capacity,safety features and standards, elevatortype, speed and locationin relationto the over_all design useof thebuilding; design and the architecUengineer shallcertifyunderoath thatall the components thereof in are accordancewith the National Building Code of the Philippines, Accessibility the Law and national industry stahdards otherpertinent and laws. d.3,2 Compliance the provisions the Fire Code of the to of Philippines, be mandatory. shall d.4 Refuse Collection/Disposal Centralized garbagedepository area and efficientrefusecollection anddisposal services shallbe provided whether independenily in or conjunctionwith the city or municipality garbage collectionand disposal services_ shallconform the provisions the Sanitation lt to of Code of the Philippinesand its lmplementingRules and Regulations/pertinent referral codes. FloorAreaRequirements a. Single-Occupancy Unit Singfeoccupancy unitsshallhave a minimum floor areaof 1g square meters,however, net floor area of 12 squaremetersmay be allowed a provided that: a.1 Theseare intended students/employees/workersprovided for ano further thecondominium that project whichthese be integrated to will is withinhighlyurbanized areas.

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