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ICE iScx has joined the chat xxmoriix: babeeeeeeeee xxmoriix: :D iScx: heeyyy babyyy iScx: holy shit

this pill is starting to kick in o.o xxmoriix: unti prego? xxmoriix: xD iScx: na its a blues iScx: it feels like im half tipsy xxmoriix: uhmm xxmoriix: kwll? iScx: xD xxmoriix: anwz...wierdooo xxmoriix: sup? iScx: you know what blues are? xxmoriix: cant remmber,but they sounds fimilar xxmoriix: xD iScx: :P iScx: :* xxmoriix: :* xxmoriix: S UUPPPP iScx: whaa xxmoriix: su? xxmoriix: <.< xxmoriix: >.> xxmoriix: dumyy xxmoriix: <3 iScx: su iScx: xD xxmoriix: omfg. xxmoriix: -__xxmoriix: what is up iScx: nothing just chillin xxmoriix: gonna watch the el clasicco no? iScx: the what? xxmoriix: el classico? xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: Barcelona - Real madrid,,,ur bf fav;s team playing x3 iScx: sorry babe if i answer back slow im like feeling so weird xxmoriix: socorr,and ish okaay iScx: i need alcohol iScx: brb xxmoriix: o.o xxmoriix: tyt :s xxmoriix: :* iScx: back:* iScx: GIN iScx: x3 xxmoriix: webaa :* xxmoriix: umm,okaay xxmoriix: xD iScx: ty iScx: the drink xD xxmoriix: ikw? xxmoriix: xD iScx: xD iScx: just checking xxmoriix: lol,funny u telling hardcore alchoholic person

iScx: xD iScx: well im gonna be drunk more often now xxmoriix: loving it? iScx: fuuuuun xxmoriix: like u aint drinking vodka xxmoriix: :3 iScx: we r getting vodka for saturday and blue wkt iScx: and other stuff xxmoriix: haha sum1 growing up :') xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: IM KIDDING OKAAY xxmoriix: calmm iScx: funny.. iScx: :P xxmoriix: nuts xxmoriix: btw xxmoriix: babee xxmoriix: TELL xxmoriix: lst night xxmoriix: that really pissed me off ;D iScx: i feel so weird right now iScx: wtf iScx: :3 ik xxmoriix: TELL. iScx: i cant remember iScx: like really xxmoriix: <.< xxmoriix: try iScx: so sleepy xxmoriix: DONT xxmoriix: U xxmoriix: DARE xxmoriix: GO xxmoriix: BED xxmoriix: TONIGHT xxmoriix: well u can go take lil nap then come bak xxmoriix: ? iScx: xD xxmoriix: LIL xxmoriix: nap iScx: naa i wont wokeup xxmoriix: oh well then no nap babe xxmoriix: :3 iScx: i wonttt xxmoriix: betta iScx: gawd this pill omg wtf is wrong with it woahh xxmoriix: i been smoking shishaa xxmoriix: :x xxmoriix: brb eatingg xxmoriix: xxxxxxxxxxx iScx: tytttt:* xxmoriix: bkz xxmoriix: :* iScx: WBBBB iScx: mAUHH xxmoriix: TYYYY xxmoriix: Muaaah xxmoriix: :x xxmoriix: high still? iScx: meoww

iScx: fuck YEAH xxmoriix: i guess iScx: hahaha iScx: meowww iScx: im so iScx: ahhhhhhh iScx: gooooooddd fooood? xxmoriix: i feel worryy xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: susagee and beer xxmoriix: <3 iScx: NOMMMMm xxmoriix: babee iScx: susaggesss xxmoriix: u scaring me xxmoriix: xD iScx: muwahaha iScx: [l\lo iScx: looolll xxmoriix: :l iScx: im liek half drubnk xxmoriix: awesomee xxmoriix: ughh time to use up ;) iScx: useee upp comee on getttt meeeeeeh iScx: >:D xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: no it gonna feel like raping,not fair xxmoriix: :l iScx: nooooooo iScx: ashaha iScx: abebeeee i lvoeee youuuuuu xxmoriix: omfgg xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: i loveee you tooooooooo xxmoriix: lil drunk idiott xxmoriix: xd iScx: drinninkn iScx: whooopo iScx: moreee ginnnnnn iScx: :sd iScx: :D xxmoriix: ugh i neeeeeeeed some drink,beer not doing shit xxmoriix: feeling jelllyyy iScx: drinnknkk iScx: wooo iScx: gooo abee goo xxmoriix: um o.o iScx: -snogs ya lipsss soo fuckinnn deepiScx: AUHHHH iScx: M xxmoriix: nothing happeinggg u are dunkk xxmoriix: x) iScx: lawwwlll iScx: wait till saturdayyy iScx: wooooooooo iScx: gonna get fuckkk faveeeeddd drunkkko xxmoriix: awesomee xxmoriix: :') iScx: yushshhs iScx: now gonna try get normal

xxmoriix: nuuuh xxmoriix: u are fun drunkk xxmoriix: drink moreeeeee xxmoriix: cmoooooooooooooooooon xxmoriix: xD iScx: wowowowow iScx: yaay iScx: wooooooo iScx: my dads gonna go like WHSSAS when he comes homee xxmoriix: drinkkk xxmoriix: BABEEEEEEEEE iScx: muwahahaaha xxmoriix: GOOO xxmoriix: :3 iScx: wsowwwwwoooooooo iScx: brb morreee ginnnnnnn xxmoriix: yesssssssssssss xxmoriix: x3 xxmoriix: drunk wiffyyy yeeey :D <3 iScx: nomoiknmo iScx: bbbbbbkkkkkkkkk xxmoriix: webaaaaa :* iScx: :**************** iScx: neneeed weeeeeeed nooww D; xxmoriix: thats why they dontt give drink to under 18 xxmoriix: :) iScx: dopee doepee iScx: bluees r drugs anywaysss iScx: ahahahsh xxmoriix: shjrhskhrks xxmoriix: ? xxmoriix: hkfhkja xD iScx: cduffi iScx: hahaha xxmoriix: jskojltks? :o iScx: fjffjkfx?????? :Dp[ xxmoriix: umfshsno iScx: drunknknk onn mee owen iScx: what aas twatt iScx: bhahas iScx: g9migm slepe sooom iScx: moreereeee smokeeeingnhn xxmoriix: kk\ iScx: lvoreee youuuuuuuuu so fucknih m8cyhhh xxmoriix: i love u tooooooooooo lil drnkk ....fagg xxmoriix: x3 iScx: myyy cuhtnntt iScx: drun kk qitht meeeeeeeeee iScx: ayhhhhhhhhh felllll if meee chair iScx: LOLLjz xxmoriix: omfgg xD iScx: fycjkkkkkkk youuu right nowww iScx: loool xxmoriix: um...ahem :l iScx: -pulllllllls ur pants down------xxmoriix: :l iScx: fuccke youu iScx: hahah xxmoriix: that was fast? xxmoriix: xD

iScx: yesyssy iScx: -zstiepssss infronty of yaaaiScx: f3lllll agdin xxmoriix: -brings u up- babeee xxmoriix: xD iScx: durjnnknkn iScx: ayay iScx: moreef ginnnj xxmoriix: oh man xxmoriix: :s xxmoriix: -bites ur armmm- u freakkkkkkkkk iScx: jmmm babeye iScx: -lucjsss uu down yur ahole bodtyy= iScx: mmm iScx: tastetyyy xxmoriix: -pulles ur hair up and kisses ur lips- wakeuppp xxmoriix: xD iScx: mmmgwt mee babyjgvc iScx: fuc memwee xxmoriix: um o.o xxmoriix: u wanna fuck? xxmoriix: xD iScx: hellllllllllll yeahi xxmoriix: thats hard xxmoriix: :x iScx: imcomung to youuu fck you uy hatsd core iScx: mmmm iScx: yunmy u xxmoriix: -looks at ur eyesiScx: hang over rtomoroe iScx: fuckffuck me ree iScx: sjahaaa iScx: its raiingn iScx: ourtsuer xxmoriix: i get yaah iScx: mmmmmmmmmmmm yesh iScx: nmonm nomn xxmoriix: kwl? iScx: mreoee gimnnnnnn iScx: felreepll to drowbewed xxmoriix: S T O P drinking,SCHOOL TOMOZ iScx: nooooooooooooooo]fgnsdf iScx: pulsr yiemtiem iScx: babyyyyy xxmoriix: umm? iScx: drunking gon iScx: dkepp faling iScx: lolaosd xxmoriix: mhm.. :) iScx: neneed a pisssssd iScx: tah iScx: brbef iScx: dx xxmoriix: tytt :** iScx: gonsnan fuck yoyu so ha4rdd weeekdernd iScx: abtybyyy iScx: lceeeeeeeee yuouuu xxmoriix: webaa :* xxmoriix: fuck me? xxmoriix: weekend?

xxmoriix: thats late tho iScx: tyttytyyyy :&************* xxmoriix: :x xxmoriix: RIGHT NOW iScx: oh yesh iScx: haerfecoreeeeeeee iScx: fuckfmemee xxmoriix: u fuck me xxmoriix: more fun ;) iScx: fim fimn iScx: yeyeyus iScx: -kiss iru lipsssssssssiScx: -puses to bed -------iScx: fu k meeeeeeeeeeee! iScx: hate m6 virgininty xxmoriix: hahah xD xxmoriix: babee u are fun drunkness xxmoriix: -pulles u to bed and lays u next to me- handle it o.o iScx: lvor you iScx: m mmmmmm hakdne youu qwllllllllll iScx: ,mmmmmm iScx: -getas nkedddiScx: szfcuc kkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeee hardddddddd xxmoriix: -lays u bak next to me- cmonnn :l iScx: --jumps on ued and basgs uoyuuuxxmoriix: >.> xxmoriix: u are drunk iScx: mmmmmm iScx: u sedcyyyyyyyy ytniggggggg iScx: -uckssss you harddddddddddd iScx: iScx: locveeee meeeeee iScx: bon whi55555555 iScx: no shurt xxmoriix: u are drunk...no xxmoriix: xD iScx: qbaeyyyyyyyy iScx: hatsbcorer meee iScx: mm iScx: u sexy fulfetr iScx: neelyuy 9999 xxmoriix: no hardcoringg tonighttt,u are drunk,i dont feel like its fair to u iScx: haha] xxmoriix: :3 iScx: ginnnn iScx: morerw iScx: in rela\ i be fucknigh uyouu xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: oh well...real... iScx: fuckf uckcvk iScx: ypu be fudkung me real iScx: right now iScx: mmmmmmmm xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: okaay babee iScx: eoooooooo]eodp iScx: wreikend i be ufkv y7ouuuuu iScx: hasrdxcoreeeeeeeeeee iScx: bouncungggggggggg on yaaaaaaa iScx: l0ofee youuuuuuuuuuu

xxmoriix: not when u are drunkkk,nopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxmoriix: :3 iScx: neeeedc nmore pils iScx: vr iScx: brbbsdzx iScx: oghh babyu xxmoriix: tyttsdzx xxmoriix: :* iScx: comingggggggggg xxmoriix: u comingg? xxmoriix: :o iScx: m mm,; iScx: u my fucking lifeeeeeeeeeeee iScx: on yedhhhhhhhh iScx: mmmm iScx: you know u wna ytu xxmoriix: i want to? xxmoriix: xD xxmoriix: idk? iScx: sudc kv drnnmrrrrrrrrreeeeeee iScx: hahaha iScx: illd duc,vv uoooooiiiiiiii iScx: u dooooooooooowAIZ iScx: ABHJHY fuck me re xxmoriix: nopee,no hunnnyyy xxmoriix: nothingg xxmoriix: happeing xxmoriix: xd iScx: hasrd iScx: hgertr drtgu k iScx: ger drunki iScx: .kvoe mesa iScx: brb iScx: sj iScx: ,oreeeeeee gimnnnnnnn iScx: lose mevirintty n satyurduaU iScx: FJCKFUCK iScx: meowe iScx: tlzk atyyyyy xxmoriix: okaay babee iScx: i[ds fucky uouu rigth h mohtrw iScx: wekekeed end dufckinggg right\.? iScx: nwaetlyuuuyyy 9p m iScx: babging uoyuuu weekednx iScx: kollll iScx: gonna get dufkdkeedd by yoyuuuuuu xxmoriix: noo weekendd baby doll xxmoriix: :x iScx: esz qwehdn endx iScx: u dfuckibg me qeekdeidn xxmoriix: babbee u not making any sense iScx: u ucki ng nmeee weekendddds xxmoriix: am i? iScx: i waana fuck you knoew iScx: ryreasssss xxmoriix: i wish ;3 iScx: fukc sokjlllllllll iScx: nkwowwww iScx: fuck me,ee iScx: tes nmmm,,#

iScx: fk meeee iScx: i lv0eeeee uoyuuuu iScx: myfcjking life iScx: more smoinggg iScx: tv on iScx: ahjwrdf iScx: keep falgingggg iScx: olny you iScx: fucl me wya you wqw at xxmoriix: nott gonna fuck youuu iScx: mop[] iScx: u asdteeeeeee xxmoriix: hm? iScx: morws ampkingggg iScx: nearly n ieneeee xxmoriix: i dont get youuu but kk xxmoriix: x) iScx: morer gim,nnnnn xxmoriix: STOP. iScx: drunki iScx: gimnnn ginnn xxmoriix: babe xxmoriix: STOP iScx: d4tikjingggg otelll# iScx: mmmm] xxmoriix: -slaps u softlyiScx: yeesh yesdds iScx: ,mho0trrrr xxmoriix: o.o iScx: ufk mrr iScx: hahaa iScx: lips r nnom xxmoriix: GTFUPP iScx: ohh yesssssssssssss iScx: more mrkeeeeeee iScx: mmmmmmmmmmm iScx: moreeer3 333333 iScx: m,m# iScx: -lips you uneeol33wqiScx: lofve yuo iScx: ,my on an onluyyyyy iScx: zbastyuuuuuuuuu iScx: igoterrrrrrrr xxmoriix: okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay iScx: ig rother iScx: astyuyyyyyyyyyyyyy iScx: i love ryouiiiiiii iScx: fffuck eme iScx: hhaahj xxmoriix: noo fuckkkkkkk iScx: toingtg ed sonoooon iScx: love meeeee fuck meeee morrrrrrrrreeeee iScx: neeefc piss iScx: againmn xxmoriix: kk iScx: e ndkelwwwwwwwaaaaaaa iScx: ggonna gucm yo8uuuuu iScx: aasdyug iScx: uii krr[t fasuki g xxmoriix: :*

xxmoriix: kk iScx: :(*& iScx: if otheret iScx: kissing you iScx: i lovc4rrrr uoiiiiiiiii xxmoriix: <3 iScx: withuot yuoi i e noymih iScx: <r43 iScx: its 8999999 iScx: sid drun knkk iScx: kill me of ,ove i gpt yf roy uouuu iScx: gonna punke iScx: llp0oolllllllllll iScx: fuck mee fuxkx em iScx: mmmm iScx: mnnn xxmoriix: x) iScx: hartreeeeeee iScx: fuck meeeeeeeef iScx: eannana be fucked by yuup iScx: only tyioyy iScx: hardd iScx: hasrd hardxd hzrfdcx xxmoriix: fun? xxmoriix: xD iScx: m,l,km,mmmmm iScx: love wmeee iScx: mk\\aeee love to meeeee#] xxmoriix: i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu xxmoriix: i fucking love youuuu iScx: mmm iScx: yes mrkroeeeeeeeeee iScx: mmm bbabyyy iScx: fuxk me iScx: e# xxmoriix: oh man.. xxmoriix: :s iScx: --s ofs uyuouuuu and wa sk ya0-iScx: yuo nowo u like ito xxmoriix: mhm... iScx: i wanna be fuvked by youuuuu xxmoriix: okaaaay iScx: i lvoeee oyuuuuuuuu iScx: uuu wi,,,,,,,, iScx: mmmmmmmmm iScx: ur drink hmmmmm iScx: lov emeee me .ike ohh yezs iScx: goannad ucl mee uluu iScx: fuck toy sardddddddddddd iScx: we rde of ourlife xxmoriix: yeh.. iScx: fuck o8 hrd core iScx: bbaby7yy iScx: hazng over tomorowq iScx: OOHH YESSSSSSS iScx: love meee iScx: nowww iScx: fuck meeee iScx: hharddcoreee bab6yyy iScx: dad nto home yettt

iScx: more gumnnn xxmoriix: uhm iScx: dad jomee iScx: oh nooooooo iScx: !"3 iScx: act norma xxmoriix: u kwl? iScx: npo one iScx: fadon invite iScx: loel xxmoriix: who? iScx: abyyyyy iScx: daddlyi how,me iScx: more smoking iScx: ueu# iScx: love mee xxmoriix: I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU iScx: ahhhhhhhhh my dad does t know iScx: i lvoeee youiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iScx: baby iScx: mauhhh iScx: :*8**** xxmoriix: :* iScx: fo4rever xxmoriix: foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer iScx: sod runk iScx: alwtasu xxmoriix: alwayssssss xxmoriix: for lifeeeeeeee iScx: sod rnkhknn iScx: hl9voe youuuuuuuu iScx: u better nit leafv meee iScx: i go nns die if you gof#]] xxmoriix: not gonna xxmoriix: :x xxmoriix: shupp iScx: i'll die iScx: ooooooood#]]]] xxmoriix: STFU xxmoriix: now iScx: 8i lvoe youuu iScx: basbybyy oy ur my worlds iScx: ddasd jome i think iScx: holy shit iScx: kop; iScx: i nee d tto pule iScx: hahaa iScx: sod rihynuink xxmoriix: yeh babee xxmoriix: ... iScx: i loe you iScx: u r my everytnig iScx: gln a puke xxmoriix: getting better? iScx: oh yes iScx: nm,,,,,,,,,,,,,, xxmoriix: outa drunkiishh? xxmoriix: :# iScx: bzby iScx: i kveo youu.

iScx: basyyy iScx: gonna pukni xxmoriix: um iScx: ;okl iScx: oinut bef iScx: ove youi xxmoriix: i dont get yahh xxmoriix: :x iScx: sk fucibf muvh## iScx: i lvo9e ryou iScx: cuah tomoro32 xxmoriix: i lovee yu tooooooooooooo iScx: im foni g xxmoriix: what? iScx: i needx my dlwepru xxmoriix: leavingg? iScx: i need my sleeephy iScx: probetlu xxmoriix: ah okaay iScx: gonna pynk xxmoriix: kk iScx: dtug kn iScx: nedddd pisss again iScx: and pukne iScx: ;ol;' xxmoriix: alrightt iScx: ni5eyt ni432# iScx: ye] iScx: ywwww]yee xxmoriix: nightyy xxxxxx iScx: nihgtewe iScx: tikll vtgomotreow iScx: yedase] iScx: i ove youuu xxmoriix: love u too iScx: i lvor uoi iScx: lat53er54ews xxmoriix: laters iScx: latytrerdzx iScx: i vlove rryiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu iScx: yegwyew xxmoriix: love u toooo iScx: O**********]] xxmoriix: :* iScx: pokigffffffffff] xxmoriix: pooofs xxxxxxxx iScx: :*******(} iScx: poooooooooooof i iScx: x iScx: x xxmoriix: pooof xxxxxxxxx iScx: cxxxxxxxxxxxxx iScx: 98us iScx: latersd iScx: o # xxmoriix: laterz xxx iScx has left the chat

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