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November 03, 2008

It's Voting Time!

By Brian Goessling Edited By: Brian Goessling
Email: speednews@speedcouncil.org

With elections being tomorrow, each candidate

is trying to swing voters with last minute Kentucky Election Information:
campaign advertisements and political http://www.elect.ky.gov/
speeches. In the following, I list some
references for the election. I tried to include Find Voting Precinct Location
sources that were either strictly informative or https://cdcbp.ky.gov/VICWeb/index.jsp
as nonpartisan or bipartisan as possible. Of
course with everything, you must weigh the Sample Ballots for each Kentucky county
point of view in order to make the most informed http://apps.sos.ky.gov/electionballots/
Websites on the Election
For those of you who have already voted and http://factcheck.org/
those that never registered, enjoy your day off. http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/
For those of you who have yet to vote or even to http://www.vote411.org/
make up their mind on whom to vote for, weigh
your options and make the most informed
decision possible. Each option has both its good Official Presidential Candidates’ Websites
and bad. It is the responsibility of the voter to http://www.barackobama.com/index.php
make the choice that they deem to be right. For http://www.johnmccain.com/
those voting back home, view the sample ballot
website on the right to know what local elections
there are and to be otherwise informed on what
choices you will need to make.

Good luck!

It's The End of the World As We

Know It Game Night
What day? : Monday, November 3rd
What time?: 7 PM- 10 PM
Where?: Kersey

Come and join the Freshman Speed School Student Council for a night of fun and games. This is a
free event with board games, including Apples to Apples and Taboo, and video games, such as
Mario Kart and Rockband. There will also be a Poker Tournament with prizes and a Mario Kart
bracket! Come early to sign up for these special games! This is open to ALL students!
Go Vote and Enjoy Your Day Off!
Which will you choose?
Easier Harder

FYI: Filming Your Vote at the Polls

is Illegal in Kentucky
YouTube and PBS have encouraged voters to document their voting experiences when they head
to the polls this year. While the goals of this initiative are admirable, the use of recording equipment
at the polls is against the law in Kentucky. If you plan to participate in this initiative, you are encour-
aged to document your voting experience once you have left the voting precinct, but not while you
are in it. This way you can still participate, but not commit a crime while doing so. For more informa-
tion visit: www.sos.ky.gov/videoyourvote. (Submitted by: Dean of Students and Student Affairs)

Re-sign-up for Current Residents

of Housing
Re-sign-up for Current Residents of University of Louisville Traditional Housing runs from Novem-
ber 3rd-21st. We invite anyone wanting to pursue on campus housing for Spring 2008 or Fall 2009
to attend a tour on Tuesday, November 11, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The tour will visit the scenic
Complex-Center Hall and home of the Leadership Learning Community, the suites at Louisville
Hall, and be amazed by the spacious University Tower Apartments with kitchens! Please contact
Tandra Montgomery via email t0mont01@gwise.louisville.edu with questions about the tour or
buildings. (Submitted by: Michelle Massey, Housing)

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