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Elec ctrical

an nd Electr ronic Circuit Des ign Lab I I CEG/ETE283 3

Lab 2 Verificatio of Theven on nins Theore em

Read ding: Fund damentals of Electric Cir rcuits by Cha arles Alexan nder and M Matthew Sad diku Introd ductory Circ Analysis by Robert L. Boylestad cuit s L d
Objec ctive: 1. To find ex 1 xperimentally the values fo a thevenin equivalent of a circuit y or s 2. To check the experime 2 ental values w the calcul with lated values 3. To build a thevenin equ 3 uivalent of th original cir he rcuit and verif whether it is really fy equivalen nt. Breadboard, DC power sup B D pply, Digital M Millimeter (D DMM), Resistors, Variable resistor.

Equip pments: Circu uit Diagr rams:

Proce edure:

1. Measure the actual va e alues of the re esistors using DMM g 2. Construc the original circuit show in circuit 1 Set the supp voltage as close to 5 ct wn 1. ply s volts as you can and record the act r tual values. 3. Measure the values of VL. e 4. Disconn the RL and measure the open circuit voltage VOC for circuit 2 between nect e t C terminal a and b. thi is equal to t Thevenin Equivalent v ls is the voltage VTH 5. Measure VL and VOC for the suppl voltages of 6,7,8 and 9 v e ly f voltages. 6. Measure the resistanc of circuit 3 from terminal a to termin b with the voltage e ce nal source open. This is equal to Thev o e venin Equival resistance RTH. lent e, 7. Construc the Theven ct nins equivale circuit sho in circuit 4. ent own t 8. Using th same RL ca he alculate VLs f the differe Thevenin circuits. Com for ent mpare with the value of the original circuit. T es They should b the same in both circuits be n s.

Calculation and results:

R1 = VS

R2 = VTH = VOC VTH = VOC (measured) (calculated)

R3 = VL (in the original


RL = VL (In the Thevenins Circuit)

RTh = VL (calculated) % error

1 2 3 Reports: 1. Using the data in the table, show how Thevenins theorem is verified 2. Calculate VTH in the circuit 2, using VS and the resistances and record these values in column 3. Then compare with the measured values 3. Calculate RTH and using calculated VTH, RL , calculate VL . Record these values in column 6. Compare these values with the values in column 5.

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