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Authorship & Reservoir Dogs (a film by Quentin Tarantino, 1991) This will form the basis of the seminar

exercise next week. This checklist can be used to analyse aspects of authorship within a film. You can use this to identify common themes that are present across a filmmakers body of work.
Reservoir Dogs Mise en scne other Tarantino Films you have seen (to be filled in after the screening)






Themes & ideology

Is there an authorial voice? Are there any signatures? Cameos? Is there a specific or unique visual style?

Now consider other aspects of film studies such as:

Inclusion of stars?

Generic Conventions

Representations of gender/sexuality/nation ality etc Intended audience?

Authorship and independence Is Reservoir Dogs a typical Tarantino film?

List any aspects of the film which you think are particular traits of Tarantinos body of work:

Can you identify any ways (e.g. in terms of narrative, genre, ideology) in which the film is similar to or different from mainstream Hollywood cinema?

What message(s) does the film send out?

For next week

What is the difference between an auteur and a metteur-en-scne?

List up to 3 individuals you would categories as an auteur:

List up to 3 individuals you would categories as metteur-en-scne:

Choose one other filmmaker that you would categories as an Auteur (this is usually but not always the director of a film) describe their visual style and artistic vision:

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