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Lesson L9

Page I1 C1

Keywords plant nursery plants nursery plants ixora pine tree orchid rose canna water lily sugar cane money plant tapioca coleus flowering non-flowering red flowers woody soft stem stems oval-shaped leaves shiny dull thorns surface smooth rough shape round long heart-shaped entire-edged needle-shaped lobe-edged tooth-edged colours green water lily pine tree coleus rose external features Activity Sheet 1 flowering non-flowering plant soft woody stem thorns entireedged leaves oval-shaped tooth-edged needle-shaped long round smooth shiny dull rough surface green and red water lily pine tree coleus rose list external features plants record table Activity Sheet 1 flowering non-flowering plant soft woody stem thorns entire-edged leaves oval-shaped tooth-edged needle-shaped long round smooth shiny dull rough surface green and red external features listed recorded plants different shapes colours sizes environment beautiful external features table plant plants record list external features plant woody soft stem non-flowering plant dull round entire-edged leaves external features plant woody soft stem flowering plant shiny dull oval-shaped leaves external features plant soft woody stem dull shiny heart-shaped entire-edged leaves lists external features record morning glory coleus papaya flowering soft stem leaves smooth dull rough surface lists external features record bougainvillea water hyacinth birds nest fern green oval-shaped long leaves rose canna ixora external features flowering plant red flowers woody stem green leaves oval shaped entire-edged shiny surface thorns tooth-edged dull soft long rough smooth list table record external features rose canna ixora flowering plant red flowers woody stem green leaves oval shaped entireedged shiny surface thorns tooth-edged dull soft long rough smooth Activity Sheet 4 bamboo tree external features list record table flowering plant hardy stem entire-edged leaves long green rough dull surface Activity Sheet 5 lilac daisy flowering plants similarities differences green leaves dull woody soft stem oval-shaped entire-edged tooth-edged flowers different solours purple red clusters singly



C4 A1 Ev1 Ev2 Ev3 Ev4 Ev5 Er1




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