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Mechanisms of Labor

DESCENT -involves the entrance of the ____________________________________ of the fetal head to the pelvic inlet. Caused by: FLEXION As the fetal head moves deeper into the pelvis, it meets resistance from either the cervix, pelvic floor or walls of the pelvis. This _________________________ so that the chin is brought in close contact with the chest. INTERNAL ROTATION When the head reach the level of the ischial spines, it rotates ____________________________________________________________so that its largest diameter is presented to the largest diameter of the outlet. EXTENSION The forces of uterine contractions, pushing effort of the mother and the ____________________________________cause the head to extend towards the vaginal opening. As the head extend, the chin is lifted up and, then, it is born. EXTERNAL ROTATION When the head comes out, the shoulder which enters the pelvis in transverse position _______________________________________for it to become in line with the anteroposterior diameter of the outlet and pass through the pelvis. EXPULSION When the head is born the shoulder and the rest of the body follows without much difficulty.

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