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On every day, perhaps every hour the local media brims with articles.

reports, discussions, speeches and other forms of biased persuasion that are nothing more than an endless collection of very incessant slander against the political opposition. The leader of the opposition is called by various names including the 'agent of pluralism' (whatever that means), the spy, the betrayer, the friend of foreign powers, the destroyer and other labels. The media is filled with condemnations and exhortations, all of them blasting and demonising the opposition while portraying politicians of the ruling elite as angels on Earth. These days the opposition leader is being knocked right and left non-stop just because he passed a comment related to the Middle East in the WSJ. Instead of demonising the opposition leader, why can't the politicians of the ruling elite do something to correct the situation in the Middle East. The Palestinian people have been waiting for their nationhood for many decades. The western nations especially the US & UK have deliberately blocked their aspirations. The UK was responsible for the mess in the first place and the US has taken over and maintained it. It is time for the politicians from the ruling elite to walk the talk. Instead of continuing to hide behind their big friendship and blind admiration towards Washington and London, they should stand up and demand the UN General Assembly initiate a debate on the status of Jerusalem. Should the city continue to be occupied by Israel, or should it be freshly divided or should it be turned into an international city, or as a UN-supervised enclave functionng strictly as a global religious centre. When the status of this city has been made clear, the US and others will no longer be able to thwart the aspirations of the Palestinians. The ruling elite must stop demonising the opposition now and do some real work for once.

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