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"(OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs Note the errors or messages above, and press the key to exit. 17... "

When you install Apache 2.2 and try to run it, the above message is dispalyed.

I will share my experience on resolving this issue on Windows PC. I have Windows XP at home computer and when I installed Apache on home PC that does not have any network I did not get such a problem. Apache was running from the first time without any errors.

Later, I installed the same version of Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 on a PC, which belongs to network. That time, I saw this famous message: "(OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted...."

First, I changed (as recomended) 'Listen *:80' line in httpd.conf file, which is located in "conf" folder ("C:\Apache2.2\conf" on my PC) to 'Listen'. Then I start Apache and got the same error!

On internet, I look for the same error message and found many recomendations. Some one explained that this error occurs because of SKYPE that uses the same port, some one recomended to disable firewall, some one recomended to change port. I do not have SKYPE or firewall and I tried to change port, but nothing was working. I saw the same post on a forum. Guy wrote that he tried everything and nothing helped.

I am not sure that I found the cause of the problem that all these guys had, but I am sure what was my problem.

When you install Apache it starts running and if you try to start it the second time, it tries to listen to the same port that is already taken by the first instance of the running Apache and as a result the famous message is displayed: "(OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down"

If you do not belive me, try to stop Apache first an then start it. It will be started without error message! Is n't it funny?

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