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// ==UserScript== // @name Facebook - Ghost Trappers Smart Autohunt EDITED // @namespace iispyderii & Jaryl // @description A smart autohunt

script for the Ghost Trappers Facebook App // @include http://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/* // @version 2.44 // @history 2.44 - Just added some things to the notes // @history 2.43 - Removed Ghost Monster cheat for time being // @history 2.42 - Grr... Stupid "Test" alerts popping up // @history 2.41 - Fixed ghost monster assist from breaking code // @history 2.40 - Attempt fix for the 1 sec refreshings, that doesn't oc cur to me // @history 2.39 - Removed the redirection // @history 2.38 - Made a minor error... // @history 2.37 - Increased performance by a little bit and please read the updated notes // @history 2.37 - and for other browsers other than firefox please use h ttp://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/ instead of facebook // @history 2.36 - Fixed a little bugs and added the new daily reward to the "?" button on DC ID // @history 2.35 - Fixed unwanted refreshing (Causing CPU usage too) // @history 2.34 - Fixed updates notification // @history 2.33 - Fixed back configurations button // @history 2.32 - iFrame compatibility // @history 2.31 - Disabling of daily reward when completed // @history 2.30 - Fixed randomly going to the ghost monster page // @history 2.29 - Fixed auto update saying it has an update everytime ag ain // @history 2.28 - Fixed auto GM page when you have no active GM // @history 2.25 - Added auto goto GM page when you have active GM (+ Set tings) // @history 2.24 - Just some simple edits, might add in Milamber's sugges tion soon. // @history 2.23 - Added more stuff to the notes // @history 2.22 - Added configurations menu at the top of the page // @history 2.22 - Added notes on how to use // @history 2.21 - Little more touches here and there // @history 2.19 - Fixed up update alerter // @history 2.18 - Added more detailed location on title // @history 2.17 - Changed update alerter // @history 2.15 - Fixed update alerter from spoiling the script // @history 2.14 - Reverted to old auto-update (Hopefully works with chro me now) // @history 2.13 - Fixed auto-update not working (Still not working) // @history 2.11 - Fixed title on captcha not working // @history 2.10 - Changed to another update alerter again (Hopefully fix ing chrome) // @history 2.09 - Fixed even more minor bugs // @history 2.08 - Fixed auto captcha refresher (Now works) // @history 2.07 - Fixed some more minor bugs // @history 2.06 - Added a manual check for updates at the "User Script C ommands" menu // @history 2.05 - Used back the old update alerter so that it would not interfere with hunting // @history 2.04 - Fixed some minor bugs // @history 2.03 - Fixed auto captcha refresher (Still not working again) // @history 2.02 - Fixed "White Page of Death" // @history 2.02 - Changed update alerter // @history 2.01 - Added more settings // @history 2.01 - Page location (index, etc.) on the title

// @history 2.00 - Initial release of editings // ==/UserScript== var SUC_local_ver = 2.44; var GTSAH_Notes_Ver = 6; /** SETTINGS IS NOW A MENU OPENED BY A JAVASCRIPT HYPERLINK AT THE TOP OF THE PA GE!) **/ /*********** MAIN SCRIPT (DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!) **** *******/ /********************* Update Checker *********************/ var SUC_script_num = 82046; function updateCheck(forced) { try { GM_xmlhttpRequest( { method: 'GET', url: 'http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/'+SUC_script _num+'.meta.js?'+new Date().Date.getTime, headers: { "Pragma": "no-cache", "Cache-Control": "no-cache" }, onload: function(resp) { var remote_version, rt, script_name; rt=resp.responseText; remote_version=(/@version\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt) )[1]; if(SUC_local_ver!=-1) { script_name = (/@name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec (rt))[1]; GM_setValue('SUC_target_script_name', sc ript_name); if (remote_version > SUC_local_ver) { if ( document.getElementById("ne wsText")) { document.getElementById( "newsText").innerHTML = "<p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:22px;\ "><b><u>There is an update available for the auto-hunt script! <a href=\"http:// userscripts.org/scripts/source/82046.user.js\">Download</a> now!<u></b></p>"; } if (forced) { alert('Update available for "'+script_name+'! Click on the link at the newsText near the hunt button to download."'); } } else if (forced) { alert('No update is available fo r "'+script_name+'."'); } }

} }); } catch (err) { if (forced) alert('An error occurred while checking for updates:\n'+ err); } } GM_registerMenuCommand(GM_getValue('SUC_target_script_name', '???') + ' - Manual Update Check', function() { updateCheck(true); }); updateCheck(false); /************ Ghost Monster & Hunting & Captcha *************/ var TitleOver = "" if(document.getElementsByName("captcha_id")[0]) { var d = new Date(); d.setMilliseconds(d.getMilliseconds() + 1800000); var mins = d.getMinutes(); var secs = d.getSeconds(); if (mins < 10) {mins = "0" + mins;} if (secs < 10) {secs = "0" + secs;} TitleOver = "Captcha - Auto refreshing at " + d.getHours() + ":" + mins + ":" + secs; setTimeout(function() {document.getElementsByName("captcha_id")[0].paren tNode.submit();}, 1800000) //name = "captcha"; //setTimeout(function() {document.forms.captcha.submit(); }, 1800000); //var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form'); //var formid = forms[3].id //setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById(formid).submit();}, 1800000 ); } else { /*GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: 'http://www.jaryl.giantice.com/GhostMonster/checker.php', headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Cache-Control": "no-cache" }, onload: function(rD) { if (rD.responseText != GM_getValue("GTSAH.GM", "") && rD .responseText != "") { var linkz = rD.responseText

if (rD.responseText.indexOf("&assist=1") == -1) { linkz = rD.responseText + "&assist=1" } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: linkz, headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Cache-Control": "no-cache" }, onload: function(rD) { GM_setValue("GTSAH.GM", rD.respo nseText); } }); } } });*/ if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<div class=\"dcReminder\">") != -1 && GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoDC", false)) { document.location = "http://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/dc.php?dc_ id=" + GM_getValue("GTSAH.DCID", 0).toString(); } if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("Congratulations! Your reward has be en added to your inventory!") != -1 && GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoDC", false)) { GM_setValue("GTSAH.AutoDC", false); } if (document.getElementsByClassName("gmButton gmActiveAssistButton")[0] && GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoGM", true)) { document.location = document.getElementsByClassName("gmButton gm ActiveAssistButton")[0].parentNode } else if(GM_getValue("GTSAH.GMClose", false) && document.location != "htt p://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/ghost_monster.php" && document.location.toString() .indexOf("ghost_monster.php?") != -1 && document.location.toString().indexOf("te st=") != -1 && document.getElementsByClassName("gmButton gmActiveAssistButton")[ 0] == null) { if (document.location.toString().indexOf(GM_getValue("GTSAH.GM", "")) != -1) { TitleOver = "Assisted Ghost Monster, closing tab in " + GM_getValue("GTSAH.GMCloseSecs", 6) + " seconds." setTimeout(function() {window.close();} , GM_getValue("G TSAH.GMCloseSecs", 6) * 1000); } } var link = document.getElementById('topHuntActive').firstElementChild.hr ef if(link != -1)

{ if (document.getElementById('profile_whisky_quantity').textConte nt == "0") { document.title = "0 Magic Potions left! Please refill!"; } else { if (document.getElementById('topHuntSeconds') != null) { var minutesid = document.getElementById('topHunt Minutes').innerHTML var secondsid = document.getElementById('topHunt Seconds').innerHTML } else if (document.getElementById('topHuntMinutes') == nu ll) { var minutesid = '0' var secondsid = '0' } minutes = parseInt(minutesid, 10); seconds = parseInt(secondsid, 10); //add 3-33 seconds onto refresh timer randomly (i hope) timeoutvalue = (minutes * 60 + seconds + Math.round((Mat h.random() * 5)) + 1) * 1000; datefinished = new Date() datefinished.setMilliseconds(datefinished.getMillisecond s() + timeoutvalue) if (minutes <= 0 && seconds <= 0) { document.location = link; } else { setTimeout(function() {document.location = link; } , timeoutvalue); } } } else { TitleOver = "Unable to parse hunt link. Refreshing in 30 seconds ..."; setTimeout(function() {document.location = 'http://www.ghost-tra ppers.com/fb/index.php';}, 30000); } if (GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoGMPage", false) && document.location != "http ://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/ghost_monster.php") { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: 'http://www.ghost-trappers.com/fb/ghost_monster.php ', headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Pragma": "no-cache",

"Cache-Control": "no-cache" }, onload: function(rD) { if (rD.responseText.indexOf("you do not") == -1) { document.location = "http://www.ghost-tr appers.com/fb/ghost_monster.php"; } } }); } } UpdateTitle() /************************* Titles *************************/ var pt = document.location.toString().search(/\?type=/); /*var ptt = ""; if (pt != -1) { ptt = ": " + document.location.toString().substring(pt + "?type=".length , document.location.toString().length); }*/ function UpdateTitle() { if (TitleOver == ""){ if (document.getElementById('topHuntMinutes') != null) { var minutesid = document.getElementById('topHuntMinutes' ).innerHTML var secondsid = document.getElementById('topHuntSeconds' ).innerHTML } else if (document.getElementById('topHuntMinutes') == null) { var minutesid = '0' var secondsid = '0' } var mins = parseInt(minutesid, 10); var secs = parseInt(secondsid, 10); if (mins < 10) {mins = "0" + mins;} if (secs < 10) {secs = "0" + secs;} document.title = " " + document.location.pathname.toString().re place("/ghost-trappers/", "").replace(".php", "") + " Hunt: " + mins + ':' + s ecs + " Potions: " + document.getElementById('profile_whisky_quantity').textCo ntent + " "; } else { document.title = TitleOver } setTimeout(UpdateTitle, 1000); } /************************** Menus **************************/

function CreatePopupWindow(name, w, h, display) { if (display == null) display = true; if (document.getElementById(name + '_Message') == null) { if (display) { var CloseButton = "<A HREF='#' ID='" + name + "_Close'>< big><b>X</b></A>"; var PopupWindow = document.createElement("div"); var WindowPosition = "90px_300px" WindowPosition = WindowPosition.split("_"); PopupWindow.style.position = 'absolute'; PopupWindow.style.top = WindowPosition[0]; PopupWindow.style.left = WindowPosition[1]; PopupWindow.id = name + "_Message"; PopupWindow.innerHTML = "<DIV STYLE='position:absolute; z-index:100; background: white; padding: 0px 0px; color: black; border: 1px soli d; font:10pt Verdana; width: " + w + "px; height: " + h + "px;'><DIV ID='" + nam e + "_Titlebar' STYLE='background: black; color: white; font-weight: bold'>&nbsp ;" + name + " <DIV STYLE='position:absolute; right:0px; top: 0px'>" + CloseButto n + "</DIV></DIV><DIV ID='" + name + "' STYLE='padding: 5px 5px; text-align: lef t; overflow: auto; height: " + (h - 26) + "px;'></DIV></DIV>"; document.body.appendChild(PopupWindow); document.getElementById(name + '_Close').addEventListene r("mousedown", function() { document.getElementById(name + '_Message').parentNod e.removeChild(document.getElementById(name + '_Message')) }, false); return document.getElementById(name); } } else { document.getElementById(name + '_Message').parentNode.removeChil d(document.getElementById(name + '_Message')); } return null; } function ShowConfigWindow(display) { var ConfigWindow = CreatePopupWindow('Configuration', 275, 200, display) ; if (ConfigWindow != null) { ConfigWindow.innerHTML = "<TABLE HEIGHT='100%'><TD STYLE='text-align: right; width: 100'></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH='200'>Auto Daily Reward</TD><TD STYLE ='text-align: right; width: 100'><INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' ID='Auto_Daily_Reward'>< /TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH='200'>Daily Reward ID</TD><TD STYLE='text-align: right; w idth: 100'><INPUT TYPE='text' STYLE='width: 65%' ID='Daily_Reward_ID'><A HREF='# ' ID='Daily_Reward_ID_Help'> <big><b>?</b></A></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH='200'>Auto GM Assist</TD><TD STYLE='text-align: right; width: 100'><INPUT TYPE='Checkbox'

ID='Auto_GM_Assist'></TD><TD WIDTH='200'></TD></TR><TR><TD STYLE='text-align: ri ght; width: 100'>Auto GM Page (Active)</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' ID='Auto_G M_Page'></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH='200'>Auto GM Close</TD><TD STYLE='text-align: r ight; width: 100'><INPUT TYPE='Checkbox' ID='Auto_GM_Close'></TD></TR><TR><TD WI DTH='200'>Auto GM Close Secs</TD><TD STYLE='text-align: right; width: 100'><INPU T TYPE='text' STYLE='width: 65%' ID='Auto_GM_Close_Secs'></TD></TR></TABLE>"; document.getElementById('Auto_Daily_Reward').checked = GM_getVal ue("GTSAH.AutoDC", false); document.getElementById('Daily_Reward_ID').value = GM_getValue(" GTSAH.DCID", 0); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Assist').checked = GM_getValue( "GTSAH.AutoGM", true); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Page').checked = GM_getValue("G TSAH.AutoGMPage", false); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close').checked = GM_getValue(" GTSAH.GMClose", false); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close_Secs').value = GM_getValu e("GTSAH.GMCloseSecs", 6); document.getElementById('Auto_Daily_Reward').addEventListener('c lick', function () { GM_setValue("GTSAH.AutoDC", !GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoDC", fa lse)); }, true); document.getElementById('Daily_Reward_ID').addEventListener('key up', function () { if (document.getElementById('Daily_Reward_ID').value != "") { GM_setValue("GTSAH.DCID", document.getElementById('Daily_Reward_ID').value);} }, true); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Assist').addEventListener('clic k', function () { GM_setValue("GTSAH.AutoGM", !GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoGM", true) ); }, true); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Page').addEventListener('click' , function () { GM_setValue("GTSAH.AutoGMPage", !GM_getValue("GTSAH.AutoGMPage", false)); }, true); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close').addEventListener('click ', function () { GM_setValue("GTSAH.GMClose", !GM_getValue("GTSAH.GMClose", fals e)); }, true); document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close_Secs').addEventListener(' keyup', function () { if (document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close_Secs').value != "") {GM_setValue("GTSAH.GMCloseSecs", document.getElementById('Auto_GM_Close_Se cs').value);} }, true); document.getElementById('Daily_Reward_ID_Help').addEventListener ("click", function() { alert('LIST OF DAILY REWARDS AND IDS\n------------------------------\nCONTRACTS\n"Countess Wilhelmina" - 1\n"Selena Darkblade" - 2\n"Nur se Chapham" - 3\n"Lorelle TMF" - 4\n"Balthasar The Sorcerer" - 11\n"Mr. Arlingto n Steele" - 12\n\nCOCKTAIL RECIPE\n"Midnight Rider" - 5\n"Midnight Smash" - 6\n\ nCOMPANIONS\n"Ghost fox" - 7\n"Ghost owl" - 8\n"Ghost Beaver" - 9\n"Ghost Badger " - 10\n-------------------------------'); }, false); } } document.body.innerHTML = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacin g=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td height=\"4\"></td></tr><tr><td><td width=\"160 \"></td><td><a href='#' id='Config_Open' class='config_open_btn'><em><b>Script C onfiguration</b></em></a></td></tr></table>" + document.body.innerHTML; document.getElementById('Config_Open').addEventListener("mousedown", Sho wConfigWindow, false); /*************************** Notes ***************************/ if (GM_getValue("GTSAH.LastNotes", 0) < GTSAH_Notes_Ver) {

alert("Notes:\n\n- The script configurations button will be located at t he top of the page, just click the \"Script Configurations\" javascript hyperlin k to open.\n- To use the auto closer on firefox, you must first goto \"about:con fig\" and edit \"dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows\" to true.\n- Update alerter will be shown on the newsText below the hunt button\n- The title bar is now not working.\n- There is a COB bot also available for download, check my userscript s page.\n\nOnce you click \"Ok\", this notes box will not open again until there is a note update.\n\nhttp://jaryl.giantice.com/GhostMonster/ for a ghost monste r auto-finisher by clicks of people using this bot (NOT WORKING ANYMORE AS IT IS REMOVED)! Password is \"ghosttrappers\"\n\nTHIS SCRIPT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. M AYBE NEXT TIME I WILL CONTINUE IT AGAIN.\nScript Credits: iispyderii & Jaryl\nPl ease give a review to this script if you can! :)"); GM_setValue("GTSAH.LastNotes", GTSAH_Notes_Ver); }

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