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Note: For children born premature (<37 Age Birth Gross Marked head lag Motor

weeks gestation) corrected age should be used (up till 2 years old) to assess developmental milestone 4-6 weeks 3 months 6 months 10 months Moderate head lag Mild head lag Sits alone and plays Prone head up 45o Prone head up 90o Prone Head up 90o Gets to sitting position Rotate head Props up on forearms Props up on hands Crawls forward Makes alternating with arms extended Pulls to stand cycling movements Rolls over Stands with support Sits with support Cruises Bears weight with legs Fixates & follows past midline Grasp reflex may be lost Follows 180o Unfists mostly Hand regard Holds object placed in hand Reaches Fixdates on small object Follows falling objects Reaches out to grasp (palmar grasp) Transfers to opposite hand Mouths Grasps own feet & gets feet to mouth Imitates speech sounds Polysyllabic babbling Looks for hidden toy and uncovers it Bangs 2 cubes held in hand Pincer grip

1 year Stands alone Walks with support/alone

Fine Motor Visual

Barely fixate/follows Grasp reflex


18 months Stoops and Recovers Walks alone , runs Walks backwards Carries toy while walking Up/down steps with support Climbs onto chair Scribbles spontaneously Builds tower of 4 cubes Turns 2,3 pages @ time

2 years Up/down steps (2 feet per step) Jumps Propels tricycle by pushing with feet on floor Kicks and throws ball Holds pencil in fist Copies lines Builds tower of 6 blocks Turns pages 1 @ time

Speech Languag e Hearing

Alert to sounds Cries when hungry/uncomfortable

Turns eyes to sounds Vocalises

Turns head to sounds (@ ear level) Vocalises/Laughs/Sque als with pleasure

Locates sounds well Jabbers Says papa, mama indiscriminately

Responds well to name 2 3 single words with meaning Calls papa & mama specifically Understands simple words/phrases Single-finger pointing Obeys 1-step command with gesture Indicates needs (not by crying) Understands No Gives toy on request Pushes things away he/she does not want Stranger anxiety, closely attached to familiar adult Shows affection Joint attention Imitates actions Enjoys putting objects in and out of boxes, emptying cupboards Cooperates with dressing

10-20 single words Mature jargoning (includes intelligible words) Points to named body parts, pictures, objects Points to indicate needs Obeys simple instructions

2-3 word phrases Knows 50 words Understands 2-part instructions Listens to simple stories Enjoys nursery rhymes & jingles

Personal Social Behfavio ural

Reflex smile Sleeps & feeds

Social smile Regards face

Initiates social smile Smiles & vocalises @ mirror Excited @ toy/familiar pleasant situations (feeding, bathing)

Excited by approach of familiar people Stretches arms to be lifted Plays peek-a-boo and imitative games

Waves bye-bye Starts to explore environment Reacts to encouragement & discouragement Clasp hands Holds own bottle Finger feeds

Plays alone but near familiar people Emotionally dependent on familiar adult Domestic mimicry Meaningful play with toys Likes sitting on knee and looking @ books for few minutes Uses spoon Drinks from cup Takes off shoes/socks Assists dressing Aware & disapproves of wetness

Enjoys solitary play, alongside peers (parallel play) Pretend play Possessive, egocentric, resistant Not sharing Clings to mother Constantly demands attention Tantrums when not understood/ demands not met Indicates toilet needs Washes hands Dresses with help Help put things away

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