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Assalamualaikum . bu maaf sebelumnya tugas yang kesatu gak salah soal bu ?

soalnya yang ibu kasih contoh itu , jenisnya statement sedangkan soal latihan yang ibu kasih jenisnya question . Yang reni tau question itu dibagi 2 : YES/ NO QUESTION INFORMATION QUESTION Kalau masalah rumus yang YES/NO QUESTION memakai kata IF atau WHETHER. Exm : do you help your father at home? Jill wants to know if I help my fatrher at home. Sedangkan yang information question melihat dari pertnyaan yang mengandung 5 W+1H. Exm : where did you get your raincoat? She wants to know where I got my raincoat. Mohon info nya aja bu , takutnya beda rumus ! Kemungkinan ini soal dan jawaban dari ibu . Makasih sebelumnya.
1. did you love me? rini asked me. Rini asked me if I loved her. 2. Will you tell me that you need me? prabu asked rani. Prabu asked rani if she needed him. 3. are you all right?prabu wondered. Prabu wondered if I was all right. 4. Nunik asked me : why do you want me to tell it to him? Nunik asked me why I wanted her to tell it to him. 5. Jodi asked the students , how can you do it in a short time? Jodi asked the student how they could do it in a short time.

6. What is your name?the stranger asked me. The stranger asked me what my name was. 7. May I borrow your car for a moment? rini asked me. Rini asked me if she might borrow my car for a moment. 8. what time will you pick me up?doni asked me. Doni asked me what time I would pick him up. 9. is she a students? prabu inquired. Prabu inquired if she was students. 10. have you told what I said to you?I asked nunik. I asked nunik if she told what I said to her.

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