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1.Open MyEclipse. 2.Close Outline,properties,Image and snippet.

3.How to Switch to another work space? Select the recent work space or other

4.How to Reset the settings ->Right Click in the perspective ->Reset

5.How to create a java project. Goto file ->new ->java project ->or Right click in the package explorer ->new ->java project

5.1 Give project name as project1->finish

5.2 If it is showing Open Associated Perspective then click on yes ,then it will open java perspective. Click on yes.

5.3 How to create a class,package ....etc Right click in the project->new 5.3.1.Package:It is used to create a package. Com.companyname.projectname.modulename.submodulename Util/helper/actions ....etc. 5.3.2.Class:It is used to create a .java file. 5.3.3.Interface:It is used to create an interface. 5.3.4.Enum:It is used to create enum. 5.3.5.Annotation:It is used to create annotation. 5.3.6.Source Folder:It is used to create source folder .If we are creating .java files in the source folder then only we can compile those files . Keep the entire project related configuration files in a source folder called config.

Dont keep project related configuration files in SRC source folder.we have to create another source folder called config. 5.3.7.Folder:It is used to create a folder. 5.3.8.Junit Test Case:It is used to write a Junit test cases.

5.4.Create a class ->click on class 5.4.1.Provide the package:edu.test 5.4.2.Provide the name:HelloWorld 5.4.3 Select PSVM,Generate Comments Click on finish.

5.5 To run the java program ->Right click in the java program ->run as ->java application

Web Project: Step 1: How to configure tomcat with Eclipse-->Go to menu bar -window preferences 1.1.My Eclipse-Application Servers

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