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Be Nice

Attitude determines how nice you are.

Personality-Who you are Environment-What around you Expression of OthersWhat you feel Self image-How you see yourself Exposure to growthwhat you have experienced Association with PeersWho you are with Choices-What you do

How to choose the right attitude

Take responsibility for your attitude Evaluate your present attitude Develop the desire to change Change your attitude by changing your thoughts Develop good habits Manage your attitude daily

Be quick and take your time

IPOD story

Make customers into fans

Focus on Customer Satisfaction vs. Customer Service

Waiting for ideal conditions is rarely an option

Perspective on Problems
Key story Problems are everywhere, and everybody has some Our perspective on the problem, usually determines our success or failure There is a difference between problem spotting and problem solving The size of the person is more important that the size of the problem Problems responded to correctly, can actually advance us forward

Take the blame

Memorize awkward phrases

Its my fault

Fix everything two ways

Almost every problem has 2 solutions 1. Immediate solution 2. Deeper solution-keeping the problem from ever happening again Investigate-how and when, who knows? Write the new procedure Get an expert involved By fixing the simple problems, all you will be left with are the very weird complicated knots

Practice puppetry
Pretend you are a puppeteer. The patient is upset with the puppet

If change doesnt cost you anything, then it isnt real change. John Maxwell

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