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Mark Schemes
Edexcel GCE

Biology (Salters-Nuffield) (Pilot) 8048 and 6134

January 2004

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January 2004 Publications Code US014463 All the material in this publication is copyright London Qualifications Ltd 2004

General Introduction General Information p p

Mark Schemes

Unit SN1


Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health


Unit SN2


Development, Plants and the Environment

p 12

Unit SN3

6133 paper 02 6134

Practical Work Review Environment and Survival

p26 p 29

Unit SN4

Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiners and revised, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of senior examiners and subject teachers. The schemes are further amended at the Standardisation meetings attended by all examiners. The Standardisation meeting ensures as far as possible that the mark scheme covers the candidates' actual responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same way. The schemes in this document are the final mark schemes used by the examiners in this examination and include the amendments made at the meeting. They do not include any details of the discussions that took place in the meeting, nor do they include all of the possible alternative answers or equivalent statements that were considered to be worthy of credit. It is emphasised that these mark schemes are working documents that apply to these papers in this examination. Every effort is made to ensure a consistent approach to marking from one examination to another but each marking point has to be judged in the context of the candidates' responses and in relation to the other questions in the paper. It should nbt be assumed that future mark schemes will adopt exactly the same marking points as this one. Edexcel cannot under any circumstances discuss or comment informally on the marking of individual scripts. Any enquiries about the marks awarded to individual candidates can be dealt with only through the official Enquiry about Results procedure.

Unit Codes and Unit Titles

This Mark Scheme covers the unit offered in this examination for Advanced Subsidiary Biology (Salters-Nuffield) (Pilot) 6131. The units available for the complete qualifications, Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced, are listed in the table below. Level AS Unit Code 1 2 3 A2 4 5 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136

Unit Title Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health Development, Plants and the Environment Report and Practical Review Environment and Survival Energy, Exercise and Coordination; Coursework Investigation Synoptic Paper

The following symbols are used in the mark schemes for all questions: Symbol ; semi colon eq / obli que U curly brackets () round brackets Meaning of symbol Indicates the end of a marking point Indicates that credit should be given for other correct alternatives to a word or statement, as discussed in the Standardisation meeting Words or phrases separated by an oblique are alternatives to each other Indicate the beginning and end of a list of alternatives (separated by obliques) where necessary to avoid confusion Words inside round brackets are to aid understanding of the marking point but are not required to award the point Words inside square brackets are instructions or guidance for examiners

U square brackets
Crossed out work

If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can be ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed out work for that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to do so. Spelling and clarity In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs but not subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in later parts Of the question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer. No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers, except for the essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into account as follows: the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be unambiguous e.g. for amylase, 'ammalase' is acceptable whereas 'amylose' is not e.g. for glycogen, 'glicojen' is acceptable whereas `glucagen' is not e.g. for ileum, 'illeum' is acceptable whereas 'ilium' is not e.g. for mitosis, 'mytosis' is acceptable whereas 'meitosis' is not candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part of an answer gains no mark irrelevant material should be ignored.

January 2004

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme

Unit SN1 (6131)

Question 1 (a) 1. Compact / eq ; 2. {Polymer / eq} of glucose ; 3. Can be (easily) hydrolysed / can be broken down to release energy ; 4. Insoluble / does not affect osmosis / eq ; 5. Will not diffuse out of cells / will remain in cells ;
2 marks Maximum mark

(b) (i)

Correct glucose structure for each molecule where the reaction is taking place ; ;
2 marks


Hydrolysis ;
1 mark Total 5 marks

January 2004 Question 2 (a) (i)

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Entrapment in {alginate / gel) (beads / matrix) / eq ; 1 mark Enzyme more stable / eq ; Product not contaminated with enzyme / less down stream processing to remove enzyme ; Enzyme can be reused ; Allows a continuous process ; 2 marks



{Sucrose / other disaccharide) {doesn't fit / is the wrong shape / different structure I eq} ; Only lactose can fit! eq ; Reference to lactase active site ; 2 marks Total 5 marks

January 2004
Question 3 (a) [Points must be comparative] Arteries More (smooth) muscle / eq More elastic {fibres / tissue) / elastin No valves (except aorta and pulmonary artery) Narrow lumen / eq Thick layer of collagen (fibres) / eq Thick wall

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme

Maximum mark

Veins Less (smooth) muscle Less elastic {fibres / tissue) Valves present Wider lumen Thin layer of collagen fibres Thin wall 3 marks


Higher (blood) pressure / more chance of damage to endothelium ; 1 mark


High {hydrostatic / blood) pressure ; Which is higher than {solute potential gradient / eq) / correct osmotic effect described ; (Plasma forced out) through (pores / gaps) in capillary wall ; The fluid is forced out of the capillary into the intercellular space ; 2 marks


Blocked lymph vessels / high blood pressure / {low solute potential / high water potential} in blood / loss of plasma proteins / damage to tissue / histamine / eq ; 1 mark (ii) Oedema ; 1 mark Total 8 marks

January 2004 Question 4 (a) Parents Hh and hh ; Gametes of each parent shown ; Correct genotypes of offspring Hh and hh ; Probability 50% / 1 in 2 / 0.5 / eq ;

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme

Maximum mark

4 marks

(b) (i)

Level one answers introduce a relevant idea 1. Reduce risk of heart disease ; 2. Allows early medical intervention / prenatal testing / abortion / decision not to have children ; 3. Allows a change in lifestyle ; 4. Able to reduce risk factors ; 5. Named risk factor ;

The mark scheme for level two answers continues on the following page.

January 2004 Question 4 continued (b) (i)

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Level two answers develops and qualifies the ideas 6. Able to monitor cholesterol levels ; 7. Take diuretic drugs / sympathetic nerve inhibitors lowers blood pressure ; 8. Use beta-blockers reduces heart rate and blood pressure ; 9. Use (anticoagulant / platelet inhibiting drugs! clot busting drugs) reduces the risk of a clot forming

10. Eat less salt to reduce blood pressure ; 11. Have a low fat diet / reduce intake of cholesterol / take {stanins / stanols / other cholesterol lowering drugs} [have a more balanced diet /-eat less saturated fat / eat more fibre / eq prevents the build up of (fatty plaques / atheromas / atherosclerosis / narrowing arteries) ; 12. Eat five portions of fruit or vegetables a day / take vitamin supplements / take antioxidants prevents cellular damage due to free radicals ;

13. Exercise more - to increase strength of cardiac muscle / make heart stronger / help prevent build up of {atheroma / fatty plaques} / reduce fat (burns fat)! reduce BMI / reduce risk of obesity! eq ; 14. Stop smoking to reduce (nicotine! free radical) levels ; 15. Reduce stress lowers blood pressure ; 16. Avoid heavy drinking avoid risk of damaging (heart tissue! liver tissue)! reduce LDL production ; [If there are level one answers only, allow a maximum of two marks] 4 marks

January 2004

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme

Question 4 continued

Maximum mark

Depression / stress OR Cost of screening to NHS / eq OR Problems with life insurance company / confidentiality / eq OR May decide not to have children / increased number of abortions / increased chance of miscarriage / ethical {considerations / issues) (related to testing / abortion) / problems of false {negative / positive) results ; 1 mark Total 9 marks

January 2004 Question 5 (a)

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

(Ventricular) systole / ventricular contraction ; 1 mark


(As ventricle contracts) pressure increases ; From 2.0 -4.0 kPa Ito {14.0 /15.0) kPa ; 2 marks


Point when pressure in ventricle first exceeds pressure in atrium ; Point when pressure in aorta first exceeds pressure in ventricle ;

[allow marks if X and Y both placed on the X axis at the correct times] 2 marks


(60 0.8) = 75 ; Beats per minute / bpm ; 2 marks

January 2004 Question 5 continued (e) (i) Same pattern as normal ECG; More than one cycle in the grid ;

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

2 marks (ii) They may have been {exercising / stressed / eq} / genetic variation / age / fever / body temperature / stimulant / excitement ; 1 mark

(iii) 1. Measure (ECG) under physical exercise (treadmill) ; 2. Blood pressure check ; 3. Measure blood cholesterol ; 4. Ultrasound ; 5. Calculate BMI ; 6. MRI ; 7. CAT / CT / EBCT ; 8. {Ambulatory /24 hour} monitoring ; 9. Coronary {angiography / angiogram} ; 2 marks Total 12 marks

January 2004
Question 6 (a) (i)

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark


Guanine / G; Nucleotide ; Phosphate / phosphoric acid ; Deoxyribose / pentose sugar / 5C sugar ; 4 marks


Hydrogen ; 1 mark

(b) (i)

Transcription 1 mark


Aspartic acid, Arginine, Cysteine, Lysine ; 1 mark

(iii) 1. Incorrect amino acid inserted into polypeptide chain / {chain / sequence) of amino acids changed ; 2. Named (Gly / glycine) ; 3. Different (side group / R group I eq) ; 4. Different bonds formed ; 3 marks Total 10 marks

5. Different (3D) shape when folded / ect

January 2004

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Question 7 (a)

Restriction / endonuclease ; 1 mark


1. Use of {agarose / polyacrylannide} gel ; 2. DNA loaded into wells / description ; 3. Use of a buffer ; 4. {pd / current} applied ; 5. (Negatively charged) DNA moves to (positive) electrode ; 6. DNA fragments move according to {charge / size} / {smaller go further or faster! converse} / eq ; 7. Transfer DNA to {nylon / nitrocellulose} (paper) / southern blotting ; 8. DNA strands separate (exposing base sequences) / single stranded / use of alkali 9. Gene probe with complementary sequence ; 10. {Binds / eq} to faulty gene ; 11. Use of {radioactive / fluorescent} labelling ; 12. Use of imaging technique (e.g. X-ray, UV, laser) ; [allow mark points under either section (i) or (ii). Maximum 6 marks] 6 marks


January 2004 Question 7 continued

6131 Unit SN1 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

(c) (i) 1. Chloride (ions) {cannot leave / retained by} cell / eq ; 2. Correct reference to sodium ions ; 3. {Decreases water potential / increases solute concentration} inside cell / eq ; 4. Water (diffuses / moves) into cell / water leaves the mucus ; 5. By osmosis ; 6. Therefore less water in mucus / eq ; 3 marks (ii) {Bacteria / pathogen / microorganism} trapped in sticky mucus / antibodies inactivated ;
1 mark

Total 11 marks


January 2004 6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme

Unit SN2 (6132)

Question 1 Maximum mark
Endoplasmic reticulum / mitochondrion / mitochondria / membrane-bound organelles / internal membranes ;

1 mark
(ii) Bacterium! named bacterium / bacteria / blue-green algae -I cyanobacteria ;

1 mark

(b) (i) (ii) OR (I) (ii)

Ribosome ; Protein synthesis ;

(Rough) endoplasmic reticulum / intermembranal space ; {Transporting / trafficking / folding! synthesising} proteins ; 2 marks


(Outer mitochondria!) membrane / double membrane! intramembranal space! double envelope ; Crista / infokling of (inner mitochondria!) membrane / inner mitochondria! membrane ; 2 marks Total 6 marks


January 2004 Question 2 (a)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

1. Tail / flagellum ; {To swim / to propel it) to the {egg / ovum / vitelline membrane}; 2. Small(er) size ; Makes it easier for it to swim Ito aid mobility / makes it possible to produce them in large numbers ; 3. Haploid number of chromosomes / only one of each chromosome / (only) 23 chromosomes rather than 46; So {normal /diploid) number restored at fertilisation ; 4. Acrosame / sac of enzymes ; To digest way (in)to egg ; 5. Mitochondria ; Energy for swimming / eq ; 4 marks


(Mitosis and) meiosis ; 1 mark (Produces) {biological / genetic} variation ; No two sperms the same ; Many sperms do not reach egg / increases chances of fertilising eggs ; Selection for {fittest / eq} sperm ; Some sperms defective ; 2 marks Total 7 marks



January 2004 Question 3 (a)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Vacuole ; Tonoplast ; Plasmodesmata / plasmodesma ; Pits ; Chloroplasts / plastids ; Starch grains / amyloplast ; Calcium pectate qualified / middle lamella ; 3 marks

(b) (i)

Sclerenchyma / (wood) fibres ; (xylem) vessel (cell / element) ; 2 marks

(ii) 1. Cellulose microfibrils held together by hemicelluloses ; 2. Reference to orientation of microfibrils to give maximum support in stated direction ; 3. Reference to H-bonds ; 4. Lignification makes walls (stiffer / rigid / thicker} ; 5. Cellulose walls are thicker /-secondary cellulose ; 3 marks


January 2004 Question 3 continued 6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Paper production / (production of) {cloth / fishing nets / fabric} / biocomposites / ropes / string / animal feed / biofuel / fermented to make biogas / green manure ; 1 mark


Nettles will regrow after stems have been harvested / harvest seeds and sow for new crop / no need to buy seeds / idea that one can always grow more (as opposed to) use of non-renewable resource / named non-renewable resource e.g. oil / if used as (bio)fuel {carbon dioxide output is equal to carbon dioxidelnput / carbon neutral} ; Not causing deterioration of (good) agricultural land / eq ; 2 marks Total 11 marks


January 2004 Question 4 (a)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Remote sensing / satellite (images)! GIS / Global imaging system / OTCS ; 1 mark


(Algae supply polyps) with {sugar / carbohydrates / energy / food} ; (Algae supply polyps) with oxygen ; Any credible suggestion why colour is an advantage to the polyp ; 2 marks


1. Some (species of) coral become less common / other types become more common (and take over) 2. Reference to competition ; 3. Existing species {become adapted to change / evolve} ; 4. Correct reference to mutation ; 5. Improved conservation measures (to alleviate effects of human interference)

6. Increased sea temperature was not the real reason why the reef was in decline suggested credible alternative e.g. {pollution / predation / disease} / whatever the original cause {has now declined / no longer the problem it was} ; 2 marks Total 5 marks


January 2004 Question 5 (a)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Genes inaccessible (to substances that might induce them) / genes cannot be {switched on / induced); Therefore {transcription / mRNA synthesis} {prevented / cannot take place} ; 2 marks


All {male gametes / sperms} Z / gets Z from father ; {Egg cells / female gametes / ova} have hat, W / female bird gets W from her mother ; {Equal / similar} probability of ZZ or ZW/ (approximately) {50% / 50-50 / 1:1 ratio} {chance / probability} of getting ZVV ; 2 marks


By temperature ; (Temperature) at which eggs incubated / eq ; Males produced at medium temperature / females produced at high and low temperatures ; 3 marks Total 7 marks


January 2004 Question 6 (a)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

(Lipid has) high energy value / eq ; To provide {nutrition / energy} (for the seed / embryo) ; [do not allow food] (To provide energy) for {growth / development / germination / eq} ; Until photosynthesis 2 marks


Reference to {seed dispersal / seeds dispersed} / eq ; Only a proportion of the seeds {mOved around / hidden / collected} are actually eaten ; Prevents overcrowding / colonisation of new areas / reference to competition 2 marks


January 2004 Question 6 continued (c) (i) Induction ;

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

1 mark (ii) Gibberellic acid {produced / activated} when seed exposed to cold ; {Switches on / induces} (lipase) gene ; Correct reference to transcription ; Removes {inhibitor / repressor}; 2 marks (iii) 1. mRNA leaves the nucleus ; 2. Reference to {codon / anticodon} ; 3. Amino acids {joined / condensed) ; 4. On ribosomes ; 5. Amino acid sequence determined by base sequence (of RNA / DNA) ; 6. Any correct reference to tRNA ; 3 marks Total 10 marks


January 2004

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme

Question 7 (a)

Maximum mark Access for {pollinators / pests / parasites} ; Wind exposure ; Light intensity ; Light spectral composition ; Wavelength / spectral composition of light ; Rainfall / snow cover / soil moisture / water availability ; Grazing by animals ; Humidity / wafer vapour ; {Carbon dioxide / oxygen} concentration ; 3 marks

(b) (i)

Dendrochronology ; 1 mark


Increases ; Any valid attempt to quantify the increase in growth e.g. more than double, at least x5 (or more) ; Sustained-for (at least) three years (at a similar rate) ; 2 marks

(c) .

Pollen analysis / use of pollen from peat ; Layers dated according to the depth / the deeper the {sediment / peat layer} the older the specimen / date the peat layer by radiocarbon method ; Identify species in different layers / estimating relative abundance from pollen density / eq ; 2 marks


January 2004 Question 7 continued (d)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

More carbon dioxide turned into wood / more photosynthesis ; Therefore more carbon dioxide removed from atmosphere / increased carbon dioxide absorption ; Therefore less greenhouse gas (than there otherwise would be) ; 2 marks


Increased rate of decay ; Due to increased {microbial activity / enzyme activity} ; 2 marks Total 12 marks


January 2004 Question 8 (a) (i)

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Allows the (easy) introduction of {genes / DNA) into a plant (cell) ;

-1 mark


Plasmid is a circular piece of DNA; Separate from main chromosome / eq ; New {gene / DNA) can be {attached / incorporated) into plasmid ; Plasmid can pass from bacterium into plant cell (carrying new gene) ;
2 marks


DNA gun / particle gun ; Using a virus to infect the plant ;

2 marks


A plant cell with the cell wall removed / no cell wall present ;
1 mark

(d) (i)

Cell division / meristematic activity ; Cell differentiation / reference to named cell types being made ; Mitosis ;
2 marks


{Rapid / cheap} production of many plants ; All from the same callus / with the same genotype ; All incorporating genetic modification ; Carried out in {disease free / sterile) conditions ; Easy distribution of plantlets ;
2 marks

Total 10 marks


January 2004

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme

Question 9 (a)

Maximum mark
Up to three marks for mentioning three of the following points with an additional mark for the qualification in each case up to a total of 6 marks for the whole section

1. An issue about antibiotic resistance ; Antibiotic markers could lead to antibiotic resistance in (human) (pathogens / microbes / bacteria) ; 2. May cause allergies ; Possible example of such an allergy / attempt to describe what is meant by an allergic response ; 3. Could make crop harmful to consumers ; Reference to presence of possible toxic substances ; 4. May (affect! spread-to) (other (non-GM) crops / wild plants) ; Pollen may spread to {non-GM / organic farms} / may transfer herbicide resistance to other {weeds / wild plants) ; 5. Loss of genetic diversity Iincreased reliance on fewer and fewer strains ; (World's human food supply) vulnerable to {climate / environmental) change / newly emerged {disease / pathogen) of the crop plants ; 6. International biotech companies cannot be trusted ; Could make developing world / the world in general too dependent on a small number of suppliers / issues too complex for public to understand therefore easily misled ; 7. Inadequate testing of GM products ; Until the recent concern many GM products were released onto the market untested / adequate international protocols for testing do not exist ;


January 2004 Question 9 continued

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

8. GM may have unforeseen {environmental / medical} consequences ; Reference to the precautionary principle / (the risk may be small) but the dangers could be too catastrophic to take the risk! when we find a problem it could be too late ; 9. {Ethical / religious} objections to tampering with nature / GM difficult to control / current research might be harmless but where will it all lead? ; Economic factors may force people to adopt GM to compete (even if they are opposed to it) / (in the wrong hands) risks of promoting {biological warfare / eugenetics / designer babies} ; 6 marks


Up to four marks from the following marking points 1. This is a means of addressing some very serious problems / in developing world {problems are too serious! it is unethical / immoral} to ignore possibilities of GM; 2. Including vitamin A deficiency / malnutrition ; 3. Blindness ; 4. Many developing countries have already welcomed the proposal ; 5. Ways of testing GM products for safety {do exist! could be developed} / international {protocols / agreements} on GM could be developed / testing can be undertaken successfully / testing so far has found only limited risks from GM / many countries have been using GM for years ; 6. May lead to new scientific discoveries / there are likely to be even more useful developments from GM if we {allow / do not discourage} research ; 7. a relatively {easy / cost effective} form of foreign aid cheaper than supplying vitamin tablets and treating blindness ;


January 2004

6132 Unit SN2 Mark Scheme

Question 9 (b) continued

Maximum mark

Two additional marks from the following marking points 8. It is possible to use antibiotic resistant genes for antibiotics which are no longer used medically / possibility that we could detach antibiotic genes from transgenic organism once development is complete ; 9. The potential of GM is so great that some risks e.g. the risks of {starvation / blindness / human suffering) are worth taking ; 10. Illogicality_of accepting products of conventional plant and animal {breeding / artificial selection) whilst regarding GM as too dangerous! products from conventional (plant and animal) breeding are not always tested and yet they are regarded as 'natural' / hysteria about dangers of GM seems {out of proportion to / detracts from) other better documented risks such as {obesity / political instability in developing countries) ; 11. If the people can get the vitamin from vegetables why aren't they doing it already? / GM is more effective than having an 'eat vegetables' campaign ; 12. Why can't you trust GM companies? Not in the biotech industry's interest to put people at risk !biotech industry has self-regulation / it is fair enough to counteract misleading environmentalist propaganda ; 6 marks Total 12 marks


January 2004

6133/02 Unit SN3 Mark Scheme

Unit SN3 Practical Review (6133/02)

Question 1 (a) Maximum mark

1. Is the use of living things justified / animals cannot give consent ; 2. Need to minimise {suffering / harm} to animals / need to return to natural habitat ; 3. Benefits of use outweigh ethical considerations ; 4. Religious objections ; 2 marks



1. Detail of apparatus with appropriate level of accuracy ; 2. Detail of technique (e.g. dots on paper, video, stroboscope for Daphnia, reference to blank or zeroing between readings with colorimeter) ;

3. Repetition / replication ; 4. Dealing with anomalies ; 5. Controlling variables ; 6. Appropriate comment about {objectivity / subjectivity / qualitative / quantitative / bias} ; 4 marks Total 6 marks


January 2004
Question 2 (a)

6133/02 Unit SN3 Mark Scheme

Maximum mark


1. Type of graph related to type of data ; 2. Reference to clarity of trends or patterns / allows anomalies to be identified ; 3. Choice of scale ; 4. Correct axis for each variable (independent variable on x axis / dependent variable on y axis) ; 5. Use of error bars to show {variation / range / standard deviation / standard error} of results ;

Table 6. Independent variable in first column ; 7. Each column headed with appropriate title ; 8. Units with titles not with data ; 9. Additional columns for calculations e.g. (rates / percentages / means};
3 marks

(b) (1)

Appropriate method of control of two named variables ; ;

2 marks

(ii) 1. Correct link between variable and its effect on the results (e.g. temperature affects amount of product) ; 2. Direction of effect on dependent variable correctly explained (e.g. increasing temperature increases amount of product) ;
2 marks Total 7 marks


January 2004 Question 3

6133/02 Unit SN3 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

(a) (i) 1. Systematic error is where all values differ from the true value by the same amount / eq ; 2. Random error is where values lie equally above or below an average value / eq ; 2 marks (ii) 1. Correctly identifies a source of systematic error (e.g. wrong colour filter used to calibrate a colorimeter) 2. Explains how systematic error affects results (e.g. all results too high or too low) ; 2 marks


1. Reference to the {range / standard deviation / standard error} of results / use of error bars ; 2. Considers extent of error (large range means large degree of error) / difficult to find {trend / pattern); 3. Effect on significance (larger the degree of error the less significance) ; 4. Reference to large {set of results / sample} being more representative: 5. Awareness of accuracy or error in {apparatus /technique} ; 3 marks Total 7 marks


January 2004

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme

Unit SN4 (6134)

Question 1 Maximum mark


1. Changes in {tree species / communities / eq} with time ;

2. Seral stages / predictable changes / directional changes / eq ; 3. Changes bought about by trees themselves / eq ; 4. Reference to climax ; 5. Relevant example from the data ;
2 marks


1. None at outset ;

2. Biomass increase (with time) ; 3. Fall after 200 years ; 4. Greatest rate of increase between 80 and 120 years ; 5. Any other quantitative description ;
3 marks


1. Soil conditions not suitable / lack of water / lack of minerals / other abiotic factor ; 2. Cannot compete with {alder / willow} ; 3. Didn't happen to colonise ; 4. Other {climatic / external} factor ; 5. Species before (Hemlock spruce) change conditions ;
2 marks Total 7 marks


January 2004 Question 2 (a) 6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark
Answers must be appropriate to a named organism maximum two marks if organism not named

1. Method for defining samples (eg quadrat) ; 2. Method for quantifying organisms (eg counting individuals, percentage cover) ; 3. Method for selecting samples (eg transect, random or systematic sampling) ; 4. Method for fixing samples (eg random numbers, fixed point above chart datum) ; 5. Additional detail of equipment used ; 6. Additional appropriate practical detail (eg running means, repeats) ;

4 marks

(b) (i)

Mussels (not found / found less) {outside stream / in sea water} / converse ; Reference to greatest number of mussels in middle of stream / eq / converse ; Numerical calculation comparing outside stream with in stream, allow between 5 and 6 times as many ; 2 marks

(ii) 1. Mussels (cannot tolerate / tolerate less well) {salt water / high salinity) / tolerate fresh water better ; 2. Mussels which begin development in sea water don't survive ; 3. Hidden from predators ; 4. Can feed for longer! food (only found / found more) in stream / can open shell to feed in fresh water ; 5. Cooling effect from stream ; 6. Cannot tolerate dry period between tides / need to be in water continuously ; 7. Less affected by wave action / better attachment to {substrate / rocks / eq) ; 2 marks


January 2004

6134 Unit 5N4 Mark Scheme

Question 2 continued

Maximum mark


1. Dog whelks can only survive in saltwater; 2. Therefore very few present at sites 3, 4 and 5; 3. Dog whelks in sea water feed on mussels ; 4. Not enough time between tides to eat a mussel ; 5. Reference to explanation of the one dog whelk at site 3; 6. Identify one biotic or abiotic factor in context ;
3 marks Total 11 marks


January 2004 Question 3 (a) (i) 1.9 (x 104) 1.1 (x 104) = {0.8 x 104 / 8000} kJ re yr-1 2 marks 6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark



0.8 x 100; 2 marks

= 12.5%;


Some used in plant respiration ; Not all parts of plants {eaten / available} ; Indigestible matter / cellulose / plant cell walls / faeces / excretion ; In {heat / respiration} of 1 consumers ; 2 Marks Total 6 marks


January 2004 Question 4 (a)

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Cell wall ; Cell membrane ; Ribosome ; Mesosome ; Cytoplasm ; Some organelles ; Correct reference to DNA as genetic material / reference to RNA in viruses ; Bacterial cell much larger (must be comparative): Any other TWO correct differences: ; 2 marks


January 2004 Question 4 continued (b) (i) (0)3:00 / 3 a.m.

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

1 mark

(ii) 1. Rise in temperature detected ; 2. After 7 hours / after midnight / eq ; 3. By {themnoreceptors / hypothalamus} ; 4. Stimulates effectors ; 5. Reference to sympathetic nervous system ; 6. Sweat glands / sweating / vasodilation / lethargy / hair erector muscles Letc ; 7. (More) heat lost ; 8. Less heat generated ; 9. (Body / blood) temperature falls ; 10. Reference to heat loss mechanisms switched off ; 11. Back to normal {at 10:00 / after 17 hours} ; 12. Negative feedback means rise in temperature causes fall in temperature] eq ; 5 marks (iii) 1. Persistent coughing ; 2. Blood in {sputum / eq} ; 3. Shortness of breath ; 4. Loss of appetite / weight loss ; 5. Fatigue ; 2 marks


January 2004

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme

Question 4 continued

Maximum mark


1. Mutation of bacteria ; 2. Vaccines less effective ; 3. Decreased availability of vaccination ; 4. Less rigorous vaccination programme ; 5. Reference to plasmids ; 6. Antibiotic resistance developing ; 7. Misuse of antibiotics ; 8. Increased travel / migration ; 9. Increase of HIV; 10. {Confined / crowded / overcrowded} areas qualified, with reference to disease transmission
2 marks Total 12 marks


January 2004 Question 5 (a)

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

Teeth decay slowly / teeth less likely to {decay / break down} / dental history unique to individual ; 1 mark



DNA in hair (cells) ;

2. DNA unique to individual ; 3. 4. Produce {DNA fingerprint / pattern of DNA fragments} ; Reference to {digestion of DNA / restriction enzymes} ;

5. Reference to {separation of fragments! electrophoresis} ; 6. Reference to comparison with {relatives / existing records} ; 3 marks

7. Reference to PCR / amplification of DNA ;


1. Body core temperature ; 2. Rigor mortis / degree of muscle contraction ;

3. Decomposition / colour of body / bloating of body ; 4. Entomology / number and types of insects found ; 2-marks Total 6 marks

5. Succession {qualified / description / eq} ;


January 2004 Question 6 (a) 1. (HIV proteins act as) antigens ;

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

2. Stimulate immune response / antibody production by B cells ; 3. Clonal selection by the antigen / eq ; 4. B cells {proliferate / clone / divide / clonally expand / undergo mitosis) ; 5. To plasma cells ; 6. (Plasma cells) {produce / eq} (specific) antibodies ; 7. Reference to antigenic presentation ; 4 marks


1. Not much effect in first few years ; 2. Number of T helpers falls (with time) ; 3. Reference to role of cytokines ; 4. Less able to {respond to antigen / mount immune response / eq}/ not enough cytokines produced ; 5. More difficult to prevent infection ; 6. Health deteriorates / more infectious illness / opportunistic infection / example ; 7. Reference to T cells going below 200; 8. Reference to AIDS; 9. Death likely ; 4 marks Total 8 marks


January 2004

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme

Question 7 (a) The populations don't interbreed ;

Maximum mark

1 mark


1. {Changes / mutations} in {DNA / genes / alleles} ; 2. Accumulate in populations / changes of gene frequency / eq ; 3. Over production of offspring / many {offspring / eggs} ; 4. Competition (for a resource) ; 5. Better adapted {survive / reproduce} ; 6. Advantageous {alleles / characteristics} are inherited ; 7. Different selection pressures (in each population) ; 8. Different characteristics benefit each population ; 9. (Genetic / characteristic / phenotype) differences (between populations) become greater over time ; 10. Hybrid offspring infertile ; 11. Incompatible genomes / chromosomes become different / meiosis fails in hybrid ; 12. New species when (mating between the two populations) can't produce fertile offspring 13. Reproductive or temporal isolation ; Biological content - maximum 6 marks Continuous prose - 1 mark 7 marks


January 2004 Question 7 continued (c) 1. Religious beliefs not compatible ;

6134 Unit SN4 Mark Scheme Maximum mark

2. Explanation of incompatibility / reference to creationism ; 3. Lack of evidence / incomplete fossil record ; 4. Impossible to experiment because time scale too big / theory not fact ; 2 marks Total 10 marks


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