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Chapter-8 , 9, and 10 Chapter-8 Types of joint based on mobility Be familiar with fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial joints Synovial

ynovial joint types, fig. 8.3 Types of synovial joint, mainly of both limbs. Be familiar with table 8.2 Movements such as uniaxial, biaxial and multiaxial. Knee joint, elbow joint Joint injuries and disease related to joints. Be aware of the conditions.

Chapter-9 Different types of muscle tissue Gross anatomy of skeletal muscle Microscopic anatomy of muscle fiber: be familiar with different parts such as I band, A band etc. Organization of actin and myosin. Role of troponin and tropomyosin, Component of triad, and role of each part. Sliding filament model of contraction. All the steps. Component of neuromuscular junction Event at neuromuscular junction Source of energy during muscle contraction What is oxygen deficit Comparision of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. Table 9.3.

Chapter-10 Be familiar of the naming criteria of muscle. Be familiar of the different fascicle arrangement in muscle Types of lever and example represented in fig. 10.3 Be familiar with the action of following head and neck muscle.

Orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus, risorius, orbicularis oris, mentalis, buccinators, depressor anguli, levator labii and platysma Be aware of the muscle involved in mastication and tongue movement:

Prime mover of jaw closure, muscle participating in the grinding of teeth, Compression of cheek, open mouth and depress mandible, depress tongue, protract tongue, muscles involved in elevating and depressing hyoid. Movements of neck such as: flexing and lateral rotation of head, extends vertebral column, Prime mover in inspiration, muscles that participate in expiration and inspiration. Action of all the muscle represented in table 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, and superficial muscles of forearm. Action of all the muscles represented in table 10.14, 10.15 ( only superficial muscle)

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