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All Pass Systems

A system which passes all frequencies without any attenuation is known as an all pass system or all pass filter. Such systems are characterized by the transfer functions which have a zero in mirror image position with respect to the imaginary axis of s-plane for every pole in the left half of s-plane. We have seen in chapter 4, that for stable systems the poles must lie in the left half of s-plane only. If for every left half of s-plane pole there is a corresponding right half plane zero at mirror image position, such a system is known as an all pass system. Consider the system,

Minimum Phase Systems

A system with all zeros and poles in the left half of s-plane is known as a minimum phase function. For a stable system all poles have to b~ necessarily in the left half of s-planes. However, there is no restriction on the zeros of the transfer function. Consider a system with one zero in the right half of s-plane and two poles in the left half of s-plane.

For a given non minimum phase transfer function, it is always possible to get the corresponding minimum phase function which has exactly the same magnitude characteristic but least phase angle characteristic. To do this, for every right half plane zero of the given transfer function, associate an all pass function and add a zero in the left half plane at corresponding position so that the magnitude curve remains the same. Consider

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