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How to create transistors and introduce your own spice models: 1) First you need to create a text file

with a spice .model statement ex) .model CNMOS NMOS (level = 3 bla bla) remember the name of your model CNMOS You will use this later. 2) Launch Cadence CIS 3) Open new project <yes> {provide name and path} 4) From the Main Menu: File->Open->Library 5) Choose: breakout from the large list of libraries on my computer the path is: D:\Cadence\PSD_15.0\tools\capture\library\pspice\breakout.olb 6) Save this library: Main Menu: File->Save As -- in a place that you care about with a name that you can remember. This is the name of your new library. You will see a list of parts Qbreaks are Bipolar devices Jbreaks are JFETs Mbreaks are MOSFETs MbreakN3 is a three terminal NMOS (source tied to substrate not ground) For MOSFETs I use MbreakN4 and MbreakP4 7) Delete the parts that you do not care about and rename the one(s) that you want to use. This is the name of the part that you will place when you want to use this device. I usually name it the same name as my model so I might change: MbreakN4->CNMOS 8) Click on the name of your new part 9) You will see a picture of the symbol for your part. You need to change the name of the device that you see (for this example MbreakN4 would be changed to CNMOS) This is important. The name must agree with the name of the model that you wish to use when you simulate this part. 10) From this view you can click on the transistor and choose to have parameters such as length, width and m be displayed along with the transistor when the transistor is placed in the circuit. You can also alter the appearance of the transistor I have not had much luck with this. 11) Save your new library 12) When you want to simulate with this new part you need to add this library where this part is: Place->Part <Add New library> 13) You also need to include the model file: see the following handout http://www.csupomona.edu/~bolson/courses/Chip%20Design/config%20for%20simulation%20add %20model%20files.doc OR http://www.csupomona.edu/~bolson/web_pages/chip_design.htm/ then click on: How to: Configure for Cadence-PSPICE simulation and include .model files

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