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Poetry Language Test

Spring 2012

1. A comparison using like or as: 2. A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five: 3. Repetition of sound at the end of words: 4. Comparison without using like or as: 5. Central message or main idea: 6. Time or place of the literary work: 7. Perspective from which the story is told: 8. Regularly repeated line or group of lines: 9. A mental picture that forms from the use of descriptive words: 10. Sequence of events in a literary work: 11. Stories passed down by word of mouth: 12. Nonhuman object given human traits: 13. Same initial consonant sound: 14. Anything that stands for or represents something else: 15. Patterns of beats or stresses: 16. Use of language that normally means the opposite: 17. When one thing is said, but the opposite is meant: 18. When one thing is expected, but something else happens instead: 19. When the audience/reader knows something that the character does not: 20. A poem not written in rhyme or meter: 21. Division of lines in poetry: 22. To use any element more than once: 23. A poem that tells a story: 24. A song like poem that tells a story: 25. People or animals in a literary work: 26. A funny five lined poem: 27. Words that imitate sound: 28. The pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song:

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