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Global Literature Name ________________________

“Going Home” by Archie Weller


Check out these new terms, references, and vocabulary words so that they’re familiar to you when
you get to them in the story.

Unfamiliar Terms/References
1. Charlie Pride (p.89) – African American country music singer (born 1938)
2. magpies (p. 89) – birds of the crow family
3. metho (p.90) – ethanol, a fuel used for industrial purposes
4. corroboree (p.91) – Aboriginal Australian term for a ceremonial gathering
5. Gorgon (p.91) – a vicious female monster in Greek mythology
6. cockies (p.94) – Australian term for farmers
7. larrikins (p.94) – Australian term for mischievous or unruly people
8. wadgula (p.95) – Native Australian term for white people
9. “inside” (p.95) – reference to being in prison

1. glowering – to look or glare with anger
2. self-righteous – overly confident of one’s own beliefs or morals, narrowly moralistic
3. writhing – to twist into distortion
4. revulsion – a strong pulling away – often with a sense of extreme distaste
5. lanky – awkwardly tall and thin
6. debonair – sophisticated with carefree grace and charm
7. grotesque – especially ugly, oddly formed, absurd, or bizaare
8. dereliction – a state of abandonment or neglect
10. supercilious – having a superior or arrogant manner
11. ominous – menacing or threatening, a bad omen

Previewing. Read the italicized paragraph on page 89.

What are the two themes present in this story? Write these in your own words.
1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

Making Connections. Using what you learned in class, briefly describe the effects that The Stolen
Generations had on Native Australians.
Now, predict how this information will help you make sense of the story.


Unfamiliar Terms/References/Vocabulary.

1. Circle the words above on the page that they appear.

2. Write the definition in the margin of the story.

Guiding Questions

1. What is the significance of Charlie Pride, mentioned in the lyrics and first sentence of the story?
2. Name three (3) ways that Billy Woodward has attempted to assimilate to white culture.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________

3. What has Billy given up in order to fit in to white culture?

4. Name three (3) instances that, according to Billy, show that he can never fit in to white culture.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________

5. How has Billy’s family changed over time? Describe this change and give one example.

Description – _____________________________________________________________


Example - ________________________________________________________________


6. Describe the mix of emotions that Billy must feel as he returns home.

7. Speculate. Why has Billy’s life been so different than the rest of his family’s?

8. Given the ending of the story, what do you think will happen to Billy? How can you tell?
Prediction - _______________________________________________________________

Evidence - _______________________________________________________________



1. Describe the transformation Billy Woodward makes during the story. How is he described in the
beginning? At the end? Why does this transformation take place?

2. Given the two (2) themes you identified earlier, state what the two (2) messages of the story might be.
Given evidence for why this would be true.
Message #1 - ___________________________________________________________
Evidence - ______________________________________________________________

Message #2 - ____________________________________________________________

Evidence - ______________________________________________________________

3. Is this story similar to other stories you have heard, read, or watched? Which ones? How so?

Extra Credit
1. How does the description of the setting on pg. 92 relate to one of the messages you identified? (Does
the description seem appropriate given the message? Why?)

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