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Creating a web page using HTML

<html> <head> <title> FRAME</title> <frameset rows="25%,*"> <frame src="caption.html" > <frameset cols="25%,*"> <noframe><frame src="details.html" ></noframe> <frame src="infor.html" name="hai"> </frameset> </head> </html> Caption.html <html> <head> <title>details</title> </head> <body bgcolor="orange"> <h1><center>National Engineering college</center></h1> </body> </html> Details.html <html> <head> <title>Information</title> </head> <body bgcolor="lightblue"> <h1>welcome</h1> <a href="Z:\IP\Ex1\college.html" target="hai" >college details</a><br> <a href="Z:\IP\Ex1\course.html" target="hai">course details</a><br> <a href="Z:\IP\Ex1\address.html" target="hai" >contact address</a><br> <a href="Z:\ex2\form.html" target="hai">Student details Form</a><br> </body> </html>

College.html <html> <head> <title>Information</title> </head> <body bgcolor="pink"> <p align="Left"> <b> <h4> N.E.C college is located 5kms away from kovilpatti. It has more facility for students as well as faculty. Many student development programs are conducted in our college. Faculty also attended many workshops conducted by our and other colleges. spacious laboratories is available for students.well experienced faculties are available in our college </h4></b></p> <ul> <li>Placement cell</li> <li>canteen</li> <li>Dispensary store</li> <li>Hostel</li> <li>Transport facility</li> </ul> </body> </html> course.html <html> <head></head> <body bgcolor="yellow"> <center <b>courses with Departments</b><br> <b>Bachelor of Engineering </b> </center> <ul> <li>Computer science and Engineering. <li>Electrical and Electronics Engineering. <li>Mechanical Engineering. <li>Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. <li>Electronics and communication Engineering. </ul> <center> <b>Bachelor of Technology. </b> </center> <ul>

<li>Information Technology. </ul> <center> <b>Master of Engineering.</b> </center> <ul> <li>Computer science and Engineering. <li>Computer Communication. <li>High Voltage. <li>Manufacturing. </ul> </body> </html> Address.html <html> <head> <title>contacts</title> </head> <body bgcolor="palegreen"> <center> <h4>Contact Details</h4> <h5>K.R Nagar,Kovilpatti-628503</h5> <h5>Phone no:267890</h5> <h5>Email ID:nec@nec.com</h5> <h5>website:www.nec.com</h5> </center> </body> </html> Infor.html <html> <head> <title>contacts</title> </head> <body bgcolor="lightred"> <center> <h4>Welcome</h4> </center> </body> </html>

Form.html <html> <head> <title>Student details</title> </head> <body bgcolor="pink"> <form method=get action="info.html"> <h1>Student details</h1> <input type="image" src="Z:\ex2\images.jpg"><br><br> Name:<input type="text" name="t1" size=20> <br><br> Address:<br> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<textarea rows=5 cols=20 wrap=off> </textarea><br><br> Sex:<input type="radio" name="Gender" value="Male">Male <input type="radio" name="Gender" value="female">Female<br><br> Email:<input type="text"size=20><br><br> Year: <select name="year"> <option>I year <option>II year </select> <br><br> Department: <select name="dept"> <option>M.E.Computer science <option>M.E.Computer Communication <option>M.E.High voltage </select> <br><br> Select:<input type="radio" name="r1" value="Dayscholar">Dayscholar <input type="radio" name="r1" value="Hostel">Hostel<br><br> Hobbies: <input type="checkbox" name="c1">Reading books <input type="checkbox" name="c2">Playing cricket <input type="checkbox" name="c3">Watching TV <input type="checkbox" name="c4">Listening songs <br><br> <input type="file" name="f1"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html>

Info.html <html> <body> <h1>Student details is submitted</h1> </body> </html>


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