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Sullens Unit Plan Feedback Lexi, Overall this is a nice first attempt at a unit plan.

The connections are a place in which Id encourage you to think more. For both the arrows in your mathematical storyline and the connecting lines in your concept map, you should be able to write a sentence or phrase about how this connection comes about rather than just noting that it will or can. This requires some time and thought, but Id encourage you to use those tools going forward and press yourself to be more specific. Your schedule is a good one, although Id like to see a bit more nuanced writing about how the lessons relate to the unit goals. For example, the Solving linear equations using graphs should add something about what new knowledge is being developed, which seems to be making smart choices about the form of equation to use. Your end-of-year problem for your assessment is nice, but Im thinking it only hits one way of thinking about the equation point-slop at least based on the task as it stands. Im wondering if a contextual problem in which students could use either point-slope or slopeintercept (or even another method) would be a better assessment? Full credit. -Mike

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