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Fractal Theory

Amy Kim Stella Shin Julie Chae Howord Soh James Lee

Table of Contents

3. 4.

6. 7.

Introduction Mathematical Examples Self-Similarity Problem & Solution Fractals in Nature Fractal in Stock Conclusion

What is the length of the British coastline?

Mathematical Examples

The Sierpinski Triangle


Von Koch Curve

Problem & Solution

S 1
S 2


(1) When perimeter of S1 is a, show circumference of S2, S3 with a.

(2) When area of S1 is s, show area of S2, S3 with s.

(1) The length of perimeter of the white triangle = The length of perimeter of the entire triangle * 1/2 (The length of perimeter of the entire triangle) + (The length of perimeter of the white triangle ) = a + a/2 = (3/2)a

(The length of perimeter of the entire triangle ) + (The length of perimeter of the biggest white triangle ) + 3 * (The length of perimeter of the smallest white triangle ) = a + a/2 + 3 * a/4 = (3/2)a + (3/4)a = (9/4)a (2)

S2 = S1 * 3/4 S2 = (3/4)s S3 = S2 * S3 = (3/4)S2 = (9/16)s

fractals in Natural


Bacterial colony (courtesy E. Ben-Jacob)


Fractal in Stock

Stock shows fractal

The new fractal images are found constantly around the world. The researchers are still working dedicatedly to find out more about fractals, so that we can make use of them in better ways.

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