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Unlocking the secrets of SolidWorks

Belt/Chain Assembly Feature

SolidWorks has the ability to create a belt or chain to work with a system of gears or pulleys.

Belt/Chain Assembly Feature

Use the Belt/Chain assembly feature to model systems of belts and pulleys or chains and sprockets.

Belt/Chain feature creates:

Belt mates to constrain the relative rotation of the pulley components. A sketch containing a closed chain of arcs and lines describing the path of the belt.

Belt/Chain Dialog Box

Select Pulleys Select Belt Length Driving Checkbox Engage Belt Checkbox Create Belt Part Checkbox

Select Pulleys

Select Belt Length

SolidWorks automatically calculates belt length Checking Driving box allows for choosing a length Slack in belt will be automatically taken up by tensioner pulley

Engage Belt
Engaged belt will drive all pulleys SolidWorks automatically creates mates to rotate pulleys at the correct rates

Create Belt Part

Check Create Belt Part to make a part from the belt sketch Belt part can be edited to create a solid from the sketch

Creating Solid Belt

Belt sketch can be extruded to make a solid belt

Extruding in one direction with a thin feature creates the desired belt shape

Finished Product

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