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Issue #3 Muharam 1430

he received a letter from Imam telling him he had

Habib Ibne Mazahir reached Karbala. The letter was carried by a
messenger who entered Kufa in the dark by
Habib was the childhood Imam Hussain (AS) climbing over the city walls. The messenger
friend of Imam Hussain (AS). wrote a letter to Habib
inviting him to come to
reached Habib's house as Habib, his wife and his
One day Prophet Karbala. young son were sitting down for breakfast. Habib
Mohammed (PBUH) was read the letter, kissed it and tears began to flow
walking with his companion down his cheeks. His wife asked him what was
Who would be thirsty
named Mazahir when he wrong. Habib said "Who would ever have thought
for the blood of
stopped and sat on the Imam Hussain (AS) that people would be so thirsty for the blood of the
ground. He called grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), whose
Mazahir’s young son Habib name they utter in every Adhaan and in every
to him and hugged and Salaah?"
kissed him. Mazahir said: "O Prophet (PBUH)!
What good deed has my son done to deserve such Habib's faithful slave kept all the things ready for
affection?" With tears in his eyes the Prophet Habib's travel and his noble wife encouraged
(PBUH) replied: "O Mazahir! When we were Habib to join Imam Hussain (AS). Habib instructed
walking I happened to look at Habib. He was his servant to take his horse to a farm outside the
walking behind my grandson Hussain (AS) and city and if anyone ask him about where is he taking
wherever Hussain stepped he lifted the dust from the horse he should tell them that he is taking the
under Hussain’s feet and put it to his eyes in horse for graze so he can feed him the growing
respect" O Mazahir! This Habib will come to my grass on the farm. At Namaz-e-Asr time, when
Hussain’s (AS) aid one day". most people were in the masjid, Habib slipped out
of Kufa and rush towards Karbala. Habib Ibne
Habib sacrificed his life in Karbala at the age of Mazahir reached Karbala late in the evening on 9th
seventy-five. When Imam Ali (AS) moved the Muharram. Imam Hussain greeted Habib with great
capital to Kufa, Habib also moved to Kufa. He affection. When
became a well known and respected citizen of Bibi Zainab (SA)
Kufa. The first letter of invitation to Kufa which heard that Habib
Imam Hussain (AS) received was signed by Habib. had come she
asked Janaab-e- In This Issue
After Hazrat Muslim and Hazrat Hani Bin Urwah Fizza to convey
were killed by Ibne Ziyaad, Kufa was sealed off her greetings to
and nobody was allowed to get in or out of the city Habib. When
without the Governor's permission. Ibne Ziyaad Habib received
also started spreading the rumour that Imam the message he • Habib ibn Mazahir
Hussain (AS) had gone to Madina and that he was began to cry and
said, "How
• An invitation to join
living there happily under the protection of Yazid.
Even Imam Hussain's (AS) messenger Qais Bin fortunate are the the Imam
Musheer who tried to take a letter to the citizens of companions of
Imam Hussain
• Crossword
Kufa was arrested outside Kufa. He was tied down
and gagged, and thrown from the roof of the (AS) that the • Cartoon
palace to the ground three times. Ibne Ziyaad daughter of
succeeded in spreading fear in Kufa and silencing Fatima Zahra
the people. (SA) should
honor them with
Habib was heartbroken because he could not join greetings".
Imam. He did not even know where Imam was until Habib fought
bravely on the
day of Ashura. When he forgive this humble
fell from his horse he servant for not being
cried out: "O my master able to give more than
Hussain (AS)! Help his unworthy life for you
me!!" Imam Hussain and Islam". Imam took
(AS) rushed to him. Habib in his arms and
Habib looked at Imam cried, "O my friend!”
and said "O the Habib died resting his
grandson of the Holy head on Imam's
Prophet (PBUH), please shoulder.

Draw a picture

2 Imam Hussain's companion
4 Habib rested his head on Imam Hussain's
_________ when he died
5 Mazahir's son
7 ______ conveyed Bibi Zainab's greetings to Habib

1 Prophet Mohammed's companion
3 _______ spread terror in kufa
6 Where Habib lived
Write a summary

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