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Introduction: On 17th February 2012, The CMS (Schools of Computing and Mathematics) at university of Greenwich requested us to perform security

audit on the computing laboratories, restricting only to the computer lab in the first floor of the king William building. The laboratories in the 1st floor of King William building are categorised in to 3 sections with unique name. MR. Nigel Waring, the chief auditor, has assigned me task of performing security audit on the computing labs in the first floor of KW (King William). There are certain constraints that are to be minded throughout the auditing process. They are, Students Adherence to General Usage Rules Physical and environmental security in line with ISO 27001: A9 Scope: The auditing process mainly concentrate in checking the students acceptance or adherence to the universitys general usage policy and to ensure all the physical and environmental assets in the lab are designed and maintained according to the standards. The auditing is performed during 20th February 2012 25th March 2012 in the king William building at university of Greenwich. There are 2 major restrictions or constraints given by the University of Greenwich which need to be followed during the auditing sessions. They are, Conversing verbally or in written with any of the university staff or students. Investigating Operating Systems and network servers.

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