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NAME: ________________________________________

DUE DATE:__________________________________

Use a yellow high-lighter to identify the level that you feel you've achieved for each of the Learning Categories below. Your work will be assessed using a blue highlighter where the colour overlaps and turns green our assessment matches. Complete the Learning Skills section on the reverse of this page by reflecting on the statements and identifying how you feel you have used your learning skills to complete this task. CATEGORIES KNOWLEDGE LEVEL 1
The student demonstrates limited understanding of the motives of the characters interpreted through his/her Aliens skit. The student uses planning skills when creating storyboards with limited effectiveness. The student applies performance skills in dramatic performance with limited effectiveness. organizes ideas and feelings using gestures, phrasing and movements with limited effectiveness.

The student demonstrates some understanding of the motives of the characters interpreted through his/her Aliens skit. The student uses planning skills when creating storyboards with some effectiveness. The student applies performance skills in dramatic performance with some effectiveness. The student expresses and organizes ideas and feelings using gestures, phrasing and movements with some effectiveness.

The student demonstrates considerable understanding of the motives of the characters interpreted through his/her Aliens skit. The student uses planning skills when creating storyboards with considerable effectiveness. The student applies performance skills in dramatic performance with considerable effectiveness. The student expresses and organizes ideas and feelings using gestures, phrasing and movements with considerable effectiveness.

The student demonstrates thorough understanding of the motives of the characters interpreted through his/her Aliens skit. The student uses planning skills when creating storyboards with a high degree of effectiveness. The student applies performance skills in dramatic performance with a high degree of effectiveness. The student expresses and organizes ideas and feelings using gestures, phrasing and movements with a high degree of effectiveness.



COMMUNICATION The student expresses and



SELF REGULATION: Self - _______ Teacher - ______ (Key: N-Needs Improvement, S-Satisfactory, G-Good, E-Excellent COLLABORATION: INDEPENDENT WORK: Self - _______ Teacher - ______ Self - _______ Teacher - ______ RESPONSIBILITY: Self- _______ Teacher- ______

I take ownership over my actions, words, and gestures and do not blame others. I respect the personal space of others (keeping my hands to myself).

I take on different roles when working in groups and I help to delegate the various responsibilities. I avoid excluding others and work with everyone in my group effectively. I accept other peoples opinions, even if they are different than mine. I share my ideas and learn from other peoples ideas.

I follow rules and routines without needing to be reminded. I help others do the same (modeling expectations, helping those having difficulty getting started). I am able to work without direct teacher supervision. I follow instructions and can restate/recall what I am asked to do.

I take responsibility for my own actions and I do not blame others. I am a role model.

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