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Rita Media Group

Advocacy Project


Brainstorming PowerPoint (included on the instructional DVD and the resource CD). Rush Red Sector A Music Video (included on the instructional DVD). MASS Media activity. Music Video Assignment file. Media Organizers file.



This task is aimed at educating students about media and the various forms that media can take. The goal of this task is to have students begin thinking critically about the impact that these media forms have on their lives.


Use the following discussion questions to introduce the this task to the students: What types of media are used in our society? What are the purposes of media? How does media impact our day to day lives?


Important Note: We have only been given copyright permission to use the material from Rush under the following conditions: All materials are only permitted to be used in schools strictly in relation to this project. The use of these materials for any other purpose is strictly forbidden.

St. Rita Media Group

Advocacy Project


Language: Variety of Writing expectations. Generate ideas about more challenging topics and identify those most appropriate for the purpose. Describe how their skills in listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and representing help in their development as writers. Language: Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behavior by adapting active listening strategies to suit a wide variety of situations, including group work. Generate ideas about more challenging topics and identify those most appropriate to the purpose.

ACTIVITY CONTENT Journal Assignment 1

Have students complete the specified journal entry for this task.

MASS Media Activity Read and discuss the handout entitled MASS Media. This is an activity that will enrich student understanding of media forms. Use the Media Organizers file to engage students in critical thinking related to media forms and to deepen student understanding. Use the PowerPoint presentation entitled Brainstorming to introduce the group brainstorming activity.

Music Video Activity using Red Sector A by Rush Watch the music video for Rushs Red Sector A while reviewing the chart comparing the lyrics to the images on screen. Have students create their own music video communicating a social justice message using PowerPoint software. Refer to Music Video Assignment for all of the instructions.

Language: Variety of Media expectations. Drama: Demonstrate understanding of the motives of the characters they interpret through drama and dance. Assemble, rehearse, and perform a collection of drama and dance works based on themes and issues drawn from a variety of sources from diverse cultures. Identify performance techniques that have an effect on the audiences emotions and senses.

Computer Software Suggestions: Microsoft PowerPoint SMART Notebook

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~ Mother Teresa

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