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By Henry James
The text is that ! the !irst Ameri"an a##earan"e in $% !rm& '()*+
At the -itt-e t.n ! /e0ey& in S.it1er-an2& there is a #arti"3-ar-y "m!rta$-e hte-+ There
are& in2ee2& many hte-s& !r the entertainment ! t3rists is the $3siness ! the #-a"e&
.hi"h& as many tra0e-ers .i-- remem$er& is seate2 3#n the e24e ! a remar%a$-y $-3e
-a%e5a -a%e that it $eh0es e0ery t3rist t 0isit+ The shre ! the -a%e #resents an
3n$r%en array ! esta$-ishments ! this r2er& ! e0ery "ate4ry& !rm the 64ran2 hte-6
! the ne.est !ashin& .ith a "ha-%7.hite !rnt& a h3n2re2 $a-"nies& an2 a 21en !-a4s
!-yin4 !rm its r!& t the -itt-e S.iss #ensin ! an e-2er 2ay& .ith its name ins"ri$e2 in
8erman7-%in4 -etterin4 3#n a #in% r ye--. .a-- an2 an a.%.ar2 s3mmerh3se in
the an4-e ! the 4ar2en+ One ! the hte-s at /e0ey& h.e0er& is !am3s& e0en "-assi"a-&
$ein4 2istin43ishe2 !rm many ! its 3#start nei4h$rs $y an air $th ! -3x3ry an2 !
mat3rity+ In this re4in& in the mnth ! J3ne& Ameri"an tra0e-ers are extreme-y
n3mer3s9 it may $e sai2& in2ee2& that /e0ey ass3mes at this #eri2 sme ! the
"hara"teristi"s ! an Ameri"an .aterin4 #-a"e+ There are si4hts an2 s3n2s .hi"h e0%e a
0isin& an e"h& ! Ne.#rt an2 Sarat4a+ There is a !-ittin4 hither an2 thither ! 6sty-ish6
y3n4 4ir-s& a r3st-in4 ! m3s-in !-3n"es& a ratt-e ! 2an"e m3si" in the mrnin4 h3rs& a
s3n2 ! hi4h7#it"he2 0i"es at a-- times+ Y3 re"ei0e an im#ressin ! these thin4s at the
ex"e--ent inn ! the 6Tris ,3rnnes6 an2 are trans#rte2 in !an"y t the O"ean H3se
r t ,n4ress Ha--+ B3t at the 6Tris ,3rnnes&6 it m3st $e a22e2& there are ther
!eat3res that are m3"h at 0arian"e .ith these s344estins: neat 8erman .aiters& .h -%
-i%e se"retaries ! -e4atin9 R3ssian #rin"esses sittin4 in the 4ar2en9 -itt-e P-ish $ys
.a-%in4 a$3t he-2 $y the han2& .ith their 40ernrs9 a 0ie. ! the s3nny "rest ! the
Dent 23 Mi2i an2 the #i"t3res:3e t.ers ! the ,ast-e ! ,hi--n+
I har2-y %n. .hether it .as the ana-4ies r the 2i!!eren"es that .ere 3##ermst in the
min2 ! a y3n4 Ameri"an& .h& t. r three years a4& sat in the 4ar2en ! the 6Tris
,3rnnes&6 -%in4 a$3t him& rather i2-y& at sme ! the 4ra"e!3- $;e"ts I ha0e
mentine2+ It .as a $ea3ti!3- s3mmer mrnin4& an2 in .hate0er !ashin the y3n4
Ameri"an -%e2 at thin4s& they m3st ha0e seeme2 t him "harmin4+ He ha2 "me !rm
8ene0a the 2ay $e!re $y the -itt-e steamer& t see his a3nt& .h .as stayin4 at the hte-
58ene0a ha0in4 $een !r a -n4 time his #-a"e ! resi2en"e+ B3t his a3nt ha2 a hea2a"he
5his a3nt ha2 a-mst a-.ays a hea2a"he5an2 n. she .as sh3t 3# in her rm&
sme--in4 "am#hr& s that he .as at -i$erty t .an2er a$3t+ He .as sme se0en7an27
t.enty years ! a4e9 .hen his !rien2s s#%e ! him& they 3s3a--y sai2 that he .as at
8ene0a 6st32yin4+6 When his enemies s#%e ! him& they sai25$3t& a!ter a--& he ha2 n
enemies9 he .as an extreme-y amia$-e !e--.& an2 3ni0ersa--y -i%e2+ What I sh3-2 say is&
sim#-y& that .hen "ertain #ersns s#%e ! him they a!!irme2 that the reasn ! his
s#en2in4 s m3"h time at 8ene0a .as that he .as extreme-y 2e0te2 t a -a2y .h -i0e2
there5a !rei4n -a2y5a #ersn -2er than himse-!+ /ery !e. Ameri"ans5in2ee2& I thin%
nne5ha2 e0er seen this -a2y& a$3t .hm there .ere sme sin43-ar stries+ B3t
Winter$3rne ha2 an -2 atta"hment !r the -itt-e metr#-is ! ,a-0inism9 he ha2 $een
#3t t s"h- there as a $y& an2 he ha2 a!ter.ar2 4ne t "--e4e there5"ir"3mstan"es
.hi"h ha2 -e2 t his !rmin4 a 4reat many y3th!3- !rien2shi#s+ Many ! these he ha2
%e#t& an2 they .ere a s3r"e ! 4reat satis!a"tin t him+
A!ter %n"%in4 at his a3nt=s 2r an2 -earnin4 that she .as in2is#se2& he ha2 ta%en a
.a-% a$3t the t.n& an2 then he ha2 "me in t his $rea%!ast+ He ha2 n. !inishe2 his
$rea%!ast9 $3t he .as 2rin%in4 a sma-- "3# ! "!!ee& .hi"h ha2 $een ser0e2 t him n a
-itt-e ta$-e in the 4ar2en $y ne ! the .aiters .h -%e2 -i%e an atta"he+ At -ast he
!inishe2 his "!!ee an2 -it a "i4arette+ Present-y a sma-- $y "ame .a-%in4 a-n4 the #ath
5an 3r"hin ! nine r ten+ The "hi-2& .h .as 2imin3ti0e !r his years& ha2 an a4e2
ex#ressin ! "3ntenan"e& a #a-e "m#-exin& an2 shar# -itt-e !eat3res+ He .as 2resse2
in %ni"%er$"%ers& .ith re2 st"%in4s& .hi"h 2is#-aye2 his #r -itt-e s#in2-e7shan%s9 he
a-s .re a $ri--iant re2 "ra0at+ He "arrie2 in his han2 a -n4 a-#enst"%& the shar# #int
! .hi"h he thr3st int e0erythin4 that he a##ra"he25the !-.er$e2s& the 4ar2en
$en"hes& the trains ! the -a2ies= 2resses+ In !rnt ! Winter$3rne he #a3se2& -%in4 at
him .ith a #air ! $ri4ht& #enetratin4 -itt-e eyes+
6Wi-- y3 4i0e me a -3m# ! s34ar>6 he as%e2 in a shar#& har2 -itt-e 0i"e5a 0i"e
immat3re an2 yet& smeh.& nt y3n4+
Winter$3rne 4-an"e2 at the sma-- ta$-e near him& n .hi"h his "!!ee ser0i"e reste2& an2
sa. that se0era- mrse-s ! s34ar remaine2+ 6Yes& y3 may ta%e ne&6 he ans.ere29 6$3t I
2n=t thin% s34ar is 42 !r -itt-e $ys+6
This -itt-e $y ste##e2 !r.ar2 an2 "are!3--y se-e"te2 three ! the "0ete2 !ra4ments& t.
! .hi"h he $3rie2 in the #"%et ! his %ni"%er$"%ers& 2e#sitin4 the ther as #rm#t-y
in anther #-a"e+ He #%e2 his a-#enst"%& -an"e7!ashin& int Winter$3rne=s $en"h an2
trie2 t "ra"% the -3m# ! s34ar .ith his teeth+
6Oh& $-a1es9 it=s har7r72@6 he ex"-aime2& #rn3n"in4 the a2;e"ti0e in a #e"3-iar manner+
Winter$3rne ha2 imme2iate-y #er"ei0e2 that he mi4ht ha0e the hnr ! "-aimin4 him
as a !e--. "3ntryman+ 6Ta%e "are y3 2n=t h3rt y3r teeth&6 he sai2& #aterna--y+
6I ha0en=t 4t any teeth t h3rt+ They ha0e a-- "me 3t+ I ha0e n-y 4t se0en teeth+ My
mther "3nte2 them -ast ni4ht& an2 ne "ame 3t ri4ht a!ter.ar2+ She sai2 she=2 s-a# me
i! any mre "ame 3t+ I "an=t he-# it+ It=s this -2 E3r#e+ It=s the "-imate that ma%es them
"me 3t+ In Ameri"a they 2i2n=t "me 3t+ It=s these hte-s+6
Winter$3rne .as m3"h am3se2+ 6I! y3 eat three -3m#s ! s34ar& y3r mther .i--
"ertain-y s-a# y3&6 he sai2+
6She=s 4t t 4i0e me sme "an2y& then&6 re;ine2 his y3n4 inter-"3tr+ 6I "an=t 4et any
"an2y here5any Ameri"an "an2y+ Ameri"an "an2y=s the $est "an2y+6
6An2 are Ameri"an -itt-e $ys the $est -itt-e $ys>6 as%e2 Winter$3rne+
6I 2n=t %n.+ I=m an Ameri"an $y&6 sai2 the "hi-2+
6I see y3 are ne ! the $est@6 -a34he2 Winter$3rne+
6Are y3 an Ameri"an man>6 #3rs3e2 this 0i0a"i3s in!ant+ An2 then& n Winter$3rne=s
a!!irmati0e re#-y56Ameri"an men are the $est&6 he 2e"-are2+
His "m#anin than%e2 him !r the "m#-iment& an2 the "hi-2& .h ha2 n. 4t astri2e
! his a-#enst"%& st2 -%in4 a$3t him& .hi-e he atta"%e2 a se"n2 -3m# ! s34ar+
Winter$3rne .n2ere2 i! he himse-! ha2 $een -i%e this in his in!an"y& !r he ha2 $een
$r34ht t E3r#e at a$3t this a4e+
6Here "mes my sister@6 "rie2 the "hi-2 in a mment+ 6She=s an Ameri"an 4ir-+6
Winter$3rne -%e2 a-n4 the #ath an2 sa. a $ea3ti!3- y3n4 -a2y a20an"in4+
6Ameri"an 4ir-s are the $est 4ir-s&6 he sai2 "heer!3--y t his y3n4 "m#anin+
6My sister ain=t the $est@6 the "hi-2 2e"-are2+ 6She=s a-.ays $-.in4 at me+6
6I ima4ine that is y3r !a3-t& nt hers&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ The y3n4 -a2y mean.hi-e
ha2 2ra.n near+ She .as 2resse2 in .hite m3s-in& .ith a h3n2re2 !ri--s an2 !-3n"es& an2
%nts ! #a-e7"-re2 ri$$n+ She .as $arehea2e2& $3t she $a-an"e2 in her han2 a -ar4e
#aras-& .ith a 2ee# $r2er ! em$ri2ery9 an2 she .as stri%in4-y& a2mira$-y #retty+
6H. #retty they are@6 th34ht Winter$3rne& strai4htenin4 himse-! in his seat& as i! he
.ere #re#are2 t rise+
The y3n4 -a2y #a3se2 in !rnt ! his $en"h& near the #ara#et ! the 4ar2en& .hi"h
0er-%e2 the -a%e+ The -itt-e $y ha2 n. "n0erte2 his a-#enst"% int a 0a3-tin4 #-e&
$y the ai2 ! .hi"h he .as s#rin4in4 a$3t in the 4ra0e- an2 %i"%in4 it 3# nt a -itt-e+
6Ran2-#h&6 sai2 the y3n4 -a2y& 6.hat ARE y3 2in4>6
6I=m 4in4 3# the A-#s&6 re#-ie2 Ran2-#h+ 6This is the .ay@6 An2 he 4a0e anther -itt-e
;3m#& s"atterin4 the #e$$-es a$3t Winter$3rne=s ears+
6That=s the .ay they "me 2.n&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6He=s an Ameri"an man@6 "rie2 Ran2-#h& in his -itt-e har2 0i"e+
The y3n4 -a2y 4a0e n hee2 t this ann3n"ement& $3t -%e2 strai4ht at her $rther+
6We--& I 43ess y3 ha2 $etter $e :3iet&6 she sim#-y $ser0e2+
It seeme2 t Winter$3rne that he ha2 $een in a manner #resente2+ He 4t 3# an2 ste##e2
s-.-y t.ar2 the y3n4 4ir-& thr.in4 a.ay his "i4arette+ 6This -itt-e $y an2 I ha0e
ma2e a":3aintan"e&6 he sai2& .ith 4reat "i0i-ity+ In 8ene0a& as he ha2 $een #er!e"t-y
a.are& a y3n4 man .as nt at -i$erty t s#ea% t a y3n4 3nmarrie2 -a2y ex"e#t 3n2er
"ertain rare-y ""3rrin4 "n2itins9 $3t here at /e0ey& .hat "n2itins "3-2 $e $etter
than these>5a #retty Ameri"an 4ir- "min4 an2 stan2in4 in !rnt ! y3 in a 4ar2en+ This
#retty Ameri"an 4ir-& h.e0er& n hearin4 Winter$3rne=s $ser0atin& sim#-y 4-an"e2 at
him9 she then t3rne2 her hea2 an2 -%e2 0er the #ara#et& at the -a%e an2 the ##site
m3ntains+ He .n2ere2 .hether he ha2 4ne t !ar& $3t he 2e"i2e2 that he m3st
a20an"e !arther& rather than retreat+ Whi-e he .as thin%in4 ! smethin4 e-se t say& the
y3n4 -a2y t3rne2 t the -itt-e $y a4ain+
6I sh3-2 -i%e t %n. .here y3 4t that #-e&6 she sai2+
6I $34ht it&6 res#n2e2 Ran2-#h+
6Y3 2n=t mean t say y3=re 4in4 t ta%e it t Ita-y>6
6Yes& I am 4in4 t ta%e it t Ita-y&6 the "hi-2 2e"-are2+
The y3n4 4ir- 4-an"e2 0er the !rnt ! her 2ress an2 smthe2 3t a %nt r t. !
ri$$n+ Then she reste2 her eyes 3#n the #rs#e"t a4ain+ 6We--& I 43ess y3 ha2 $etter
-ea0e it sme.here&6 she sai2 a!ter a mment+
6Are y3 4in4 t Ita-y>6 Winter$3rne in:3ire2 in a tne ! 4reat res#e"t+
The y3n4 -a2y 4-an"e2 at him a4ain+ 6Yes& sir&6 she re#-ie2+ An2 she sai2 nthin4 mre+
6Are y35a54in4 0er the Sim#-n>6 Winter$3rne #3rs3e2& a -itt-e em$arrasse2+
6I 2n=t %n.&6 she sai2+ 6I s3##se it=s sme m3ntain+ Ran2-#h& .hat m3ntain are .e
4in4 0er>6
68in4 .here>6 the "hi-2 2eman2e2+
6T Ita-y&6 Winter$3rne ex#-aine2+
6I 2n=t %n.&6 sai2 Ran2-#h+ 6I 2n=t .ant t 4 t Ita-y+ I .ant t 4 t Ameri"a+6
6Oh& Ita-y is a $ea3ti!3- #-a"e@6 re;ine2 the y3n4 man+
6,an y3 4et "an2y there>6 Ran2-#h -32-y in:3ire2+
6I h#e nt&6 sai2 his sister+ 6I 43ess y3 ha0e ha2 en34h "an2y& an2 mther thin%s s
6I ha0en=t ha2 any !r e0er s -n45!r a h3n2re2 .ee%s@6 "rie2 the $y& sti-- ;3m#in4
The y3n4 -a2y ins#e"te2 her !-3n"es an2 smthe2 her ri$$ns a4ain9 an2
Winter$3rne #resent-y ris%e2 an $ser0atin 3#n the $ea3ty ! the 0ie.+ He .as
"easin4 t $e em$arrasse2& !r he ha2 $e43n t #er"ei0e that she .as nt in the -east
em$arrasse2 herse-!+ There ha2 nt $een the s-i4htest a-teratin in her "harmin4
"m#-exin9 she .as e0i2ent-y neither !!en2e2 nr !-attere2+ I! she -%e2 anther .ay
.hen he s#%e t her& an2 seeme2 nt #arti"3-ar-y t hear him& this .as sim#-y her ha$it&
her manner+ Yet& as he ta-%e2 a -itt-e mre an2 #inte2 3t sme ! the $;e"ts ! interest
in the 0ie.& .ith .hi"h she a##eare2 :3ite 3na":3ainte2& she 4ra23a--y 4a0e him mre !
the $ene!it ! her 4-an"e9 an2 then he sa. that this 4-an"e .as #er!e"t-y 2ire"t an2
3nshrin%in4+ It .as nt& h.e0er& .hat .3-2 ha0e $een "a--e2 an imm2est 4-an"e& !r
the y3n4 4ir-=s eyes .ere sin43-ar-y hnest an2 !resh+ They .ere .n2er!3--y #retty
eyes9 an2& in2ee2& Winter$3rne ha2 nt seen !r a -n4 time anythin4 #rettier than his
!air "3ntry.man=s 0ari3s !eat3res5her "m#-exin& her nse& her ears& her teeth+ He
ha2 a 4reat re-ish !r !eminine $ea3ty9 he .as a22i"te2 t $ser0in4 an2 ana-y1in4 it9 an2
as re4ar2s this y3n4 -a2y=s !a"e he ma2e se0era- $ser0atins+ It .as nt at a-- insi#i2&
$3t it .as nt exa"t-y ex#ressi0e9 an2 th34h it .as eminent-y 2e-i"ate& Winter$3rne
menta--y a""3se2 it50ery !r4i0in4-y5! a .ant ! !inish+ He th34ht it 0ery #ssi$-e
that Master Ran2-#h=s sister .as a ":3ette9 he .as s3re she ha2 a s#irit ! her .n9 $3t
in her $ri4ht& s.eet& s3#er!i"ia- -itt-e 0isa4e there .as n m"%ery& n irny+ Be!re -n4
it $e"ame $0i3s that she .as m3"h 2is#se2 t.ar2 "n0ersatin+ She t-2 him that
they .ere 4in4 t Rme !r the .inter5she an2 her mther an2 Ran2-#h+ She as%e2
him i! he .as a 6rea- Ameri"an69 she sh3-2n=t ha0e ta%en him !r ne9 he seeme2 mre
-i%e a 8erman5this .as sai2 a!ter a -itt-e hesitatin5es#e"ia--y .hen he s#%e+
Winter$3rne& -a34hin4& ans.ere2 that he ha2 met 8ermans .h s#%e -i%e Ameri"ans&
$3t that he ha2 nt& s !ar as he remem$ere2& met an Ameri"an .h s#%e -i%e a 8erman+
Then he as%e2 her i! she sh3-2 nt $e mre "m!rta$-e in sittin4 3#n the $en"h .hi"h
he ha2 ;3st :3itte2+ She ans.ere2 that she -i%e2 stan2in4 3# an2 .a-%in4 a$3t9 $3t she
#resent-y sat 2.n+ She t-2 him she .as !rm Ne. Yr% State56i! y3 %n. .here that
is+6 Winter$3rne -earne2 mre a$3t her $y "at"hin4 h-2 ! her sma--& s-i##ery $rther
an2 ma%in4 him stan2 a !e. min3tes $y his si2e+
6Te-- me y3r name& my $y&6 he sai2+
6Ran2-#h ,+ Mi--er&6 sai2 the $y shar#-y+ 6An2 I=-- te-- y3 her name96 an2 he -e0e-e2
his a-#enst"% at his sister+
6Y3 ha2 $etter .ait ti-- y3 are as%e2@6 sai2 this y3n4 -a2y "a-m-y+
6I sh3-2 -i%e 0ery m3"h t %n. y3r name&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6Her name is Daisy Mi--er@6 "rie2 the "hi-2+ 6B3t that isn=t her rea- name9 that isn=t her
name n her "ar2s+6
6It=s a #ity y3 ha0en=t 4t ne ! my "ar2s@6 sai2 Miss Mi--er+
6Her rea- name is Annie P+ Mi--er&6 the $y .ent n+
6As% him HIS name&6 sai2 his sister& in2i"atin4 Winter$3rne+
B3t n this #int Ran2-#h seeme2 #er!e"t-y in2i!!erent9 he "ntin3e2 t s3##-y
in!rmatin .ith re4ar2 t his .n !ami-y+ 6My !ather=s name is E1ra B+ Mi--er&6 he
ann3n"e2+ 6My !ather ain=t in E3r#e9 my !ather=s in a $etter #-a"e than E3r#e+6
Winter$3rne ima4ine2 !r a mment that this .as the manner in .hi"h the "hi-2 ha2
$een ta34ht t intimate that Mr+ Mi--er ha2 $een rem0e2 t the s#here ! "e-estia-
re.ar2+ B3t Ran2-#h imme2iate-y a22e2& 6My !ather=s in S"hene"ta2y+ He=s 4t a $i4
$3siness+ My !ather=s ri"h& y3 $et@6
6We--@6 e;a"3-ate2 Miss Mi--er& -.erin4 her #aras- an2 -%in4 at the em$ri2ere2
$r2er+ Winter$3rne #resent-y re-ease2 the "hi-2& .h 2e#arte2& 2ra44in4 his a-#enst"%
a-n4 the #ath+ 6He 2esn=t -i%e E3r#e&6 sai2 the y3n4 4ir-+ 6He .ants t 4 $a"%+6
6T S"hene"ta2y& y3 mean>6
6Yes9 he .ants t 4 ri4ht hme+ He hasn=t 4t any $ys here+ There is ne $y here& $3t
he a-.ays 4es r3n2 .ith a tea"her9 they .n=t -et him #-ay+6
6An2 y3r $rther hasn=t any tea"her>6 Winter$3rne in:3ire2+
6Mther th34ht ! 4ettin4 him ne& t tra0e- r3n2 .ith 3s+ There .as a -a2y t-2 her !
a 0ery 42 tea"her9 an Ameri"an -a2y5#erha#s y3 %n. her5Mrs+ San2ers+ I thin%
she "ame !rm Bstn+ She t-2 her ! this tea"her& an2 .e th34ht ! 4ettin4 him t
tra0e- r3n2 .ith 3s+ B3t Ran2-#h sai2 he 2i2n=t .ant a tea"her tra0e-in4 r3n2 .ith 3s+
He sai2 he .3-2n=t ha0e -essns .hen he .as in the "ars+ An2 .e ARE in the "ars a$3t
ha-! the time+ There .as an En4-ish -a2y .e met in the "ars5I thin% her name .as Miss
Deatherstne9 #erha#s y3 %n. her+ She .ante2 t %n. .hy I 2i2n=t 4i0e Ran2-#h
-essns54i0e him =instr3"tin&= she "a--e2 it+ I 43ess he "3-2 4i0e me mre instr3"tin
than I "3-2 4i0e him+ He=s 0ery smart+6
6Yes&6 sai2 Winter$3rne9 6he seems 0ery smart+6
6Mther=s 4in4 t 4et a tea"her !r him as sn as .e 4et t Ita-y+ ,an y3 4et 42
tea"hers in Ita-y>6
6/ery 42& I sh3-2 thin%&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6Or e-se she=s 4in4 t !in2 sme s"h-+ He 34ht t -earn sme mre+ He=s n-y nine+
He=s 4in4 t "--e4e+6 An2 in this .ay Miss Mi--er "ntin3e2 t "n0erse 3#n the
a!!airs ! her !ami-y an2 3#n ther t#i"s+ She sat there .ith her extreme-y #retty han2s&
rnamente2 .ith 0ery $ri--iant rin4s& !-2e2 in her -a#& an2 .ith her #retty eyes n.
restin4 3#n thse ! Winter$3rne& n. .an2erin4 0er the 4ar2en& the #e#-e .h
#asse2 $y& an2 the $ea3ti!3- 0ie.+ She ta-%e2 t Winter$3rne as i! she ha2 %n.n him a
-n4 time+ He !3n2 it 0ery #-easant+ It .as many years sin"e he ha2 hear2 a y3n4 4ir-
ta-% s m3"h+ It mi4ht ha0e $een sai2 ! this 3n%n.n y3n4 -a2y& .h ha2 "me an2 sat
2.n $esi2e him 3#n a $en"h& that she "hattere2+ She .as 0ery :3iet9 she sat in a
"harmin4& tran:3i- attit32e9 $3t her -i#s an2 her eyes .ere "nstant-y m0in4+ She ha2 a
s!t& s-en2er& a4reea$-e 0i"e& an2 her tne .as 2e"i2e2-y s"ia$-e+ She 4a0e
Winter$3rne a histry ! her m0ements an2 intentins an2 thse ! her mther an2
$rther& in E3r#e& an2 en3merate2& in #arti"3-ar& the 0ari3s hte-s at .hi"h they ha2
st##e2+ 6That En4-ish -a2y in the "ars&6 she sai256Miss Deatherstne5as%e2 me i! .e
2i2n=t a-- -i0e in hte-s in Ameri"a+ I t-2 her I ha2 ne0er $een in s many hte-s in my
-i!e as sin"e I "ame t E3r#e+ I ha0e ne0er seen s many5it=s nthin4 $3t hte-s+6 B3t
Miss Mi--er 2i2 nt ma%e this remar% .ith a :3er3-3s a""ent9 she a##eare2 t $e in the
$est h3mr .ith e0erythin4+ She 2e"-are2 that the hte-s .ere 0ery 42& .hen n"e y3
4t 3se2 t their .ays& an2 that E3r#e .as #er!e"t-y s.eet+ She .as nt 2isa##inte25
nt a $it+ Perha#s it .as $e"a3se she ha2 hear2 s m3"h a$3t it $e!re+ She ha2 e0er s
many intimate !rien2s that ha2 $een there e0er s many times+ An2 then she ha2 ha2 e0er
s many 2resses an2 thin4s !rm Paris+ Whene0er she #3t n a Paris 2ress she !e-t as i!
she .ere in E3r#e+
6It .as a %in2 ! a .ishin4 "a#&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6Yes&6 sai2 Miss Mi--er .ith3t examinin4 this ana-4y9 6it a-.ays ma2e me .ish I .as
here+ B3t I nee2n=t ha0e 2ne that !r 2resses+ I am s3re they sen2 a-- the #retty nes t
Ameri"a9 y3 see the mst !ri4ht!3- thin4s here+ The n-y thin4 I 2n=t -i%e&6 she
#r"ee2e2& 6is the s"iety+ There isn=t any s"iety9 r& i! there is& I 2n=t %n. .here it
%ee#s itse-!+ D y3> I s3##se there is sme s"iety sme.here& $3t I ha0en=t seen
anythin4 ! it+ I=m 0ery !n2 ! s"iety& an2 I ha0e a-.ays ha2 a 4reat 2ea- ! it+ I 2n=t
mean n-y in S"hene"ta2y& $3t in Ne. Yr%+ I 3se2 t 4 t Ne. Yr% e0ery .inter+ In
Ne. Yr% I ha2 -ts ! s"iety+ Last .inter I ha2 se0enteen 2inners 4i0en me9 an2 three
! them .ere $y 4ent-emen&6 a22e2 Daisy Mi--er+ 6I ha0e mre !rien2s in Ne. Yr% than
in S"hene"ta2y5mre 4ent-eman !rien2s9 an2 mre y3n4 -a2y !rien2s t&6 she
res3me2 in a mment+ She #a3se2 a4ain !r an instant9 she .as -%in4 at Winter$3rne
.ith a-- her #rettiness in her -i0e-y eyes an2 in her -i4ht& s-i4ht-y mntn3s smi-e+ 6I
ha0e a-.ays ha2&6 she sai2& 6a 4reat 2ea- ! 4ent-emen=s s"iety+6
Pr Winter$3rne .as am3se2& #er#-exe2& an2 2e"i2e2-y "harme2+ He ha2 ne0er yet
hear2 a y3n4 4ir- ex#ress herse-! in ;3st this !ashin9 ne0er& at -east& sa0e in "ases .here
t say s3"h thin4s seeme2 a %in2 ! 2emnstrati0e e0i2en"e ! a "ertain -axity !
2e#rtment+ An2 yet .as he t a""3se Miss Daisy Mi--er ! a"t3a- r #tentia- in"n23ite&
as they sai2 at 8ene0a> He !e-t that he ha2 -i0e2 at 8ene0a s -n4 that he ha2 -st a 42
2ea-9 he ha2 $e"me 2isha$it3ate2 t the Ameri"an tne+ Ne0er& in2ee2& sin"e he ha2
4r.n -2 en34h t a##re"iate thin4s& ha2 he en"3ntere2 a y3n4 Ameri"an 4ir- ! s
#rn3n"e2 a ty#e as this+ ,ertain-y she .as 0ery "harmin4& $3t h. 2e3"e2-y s"ia$-e@
Was she sim#-y a #retty 4ir- !rm Ne. Yr% State> Were they a-- -i%e that& the #retty 4ir-s
.h ha2 a 42 2ea- ! 4ent-emen=s s"iety> Or .as she a-s a 2esi4nin4& an a32a"i3s&
an 3ns"r3#3-3s y3n4 #ersn> Winter$3rne ha2 -st his instin"t in this matter& an2 his
reasn "3-2 nt he-# him+ Miss Daisy Mi--er -%e2 extreme-y inn"ent+ Sme #e#-e
ha2 t-2 him that& a!ter a--& Ameri"an 4ir-s .ere ex"ee2in4-y inn"ent9 an2 thers ha2 t-2
him that& a!ter a--& they .ere nt+ He .as in"-ine2 t thin% Miss Daisy Mi--er .as a !-irt5
a #retty Ameri"an !-irt+ He ha2 ne0er& as yet& ha2 any re-atins .ith y3n4 -a2ies ! this
"ate4ry+ He ha2 %n.n& here in E3r#e& t. r three .men5#ersns -2er than Miss
Daisy Mi--er& an2 #r0i2e2& !r res#e"ta$i-ity=s sa%e& .ith h3s$an2s5.h .ere 4reat
":3ettes52an4er3s& terri$-e .men& .ith .hm ne=s re-atins .ere -ia$-e t ta%e a
seri3s t3rn+ B3t this y3n4 4ir- .as nt a ":3ette in that sense9 she .as 0ery
3ns#histi"ate29 she .as n-y a #retty Ameri"an !-irt+ Winter$3rne .as a-mst 4rate!3-
!r ha0in4 !3n2 the !rm3-a that a##-ie2 t Miss Daisy Mi--er+ He -eane2 $a"% in his
seat9 he remar%e2 t himse-! that she ha2 the mst "harmin4 nse he ha2 e0er seen9 he
.n2ere2 .hat .ere the re43-ar "n2itins an2 -imitatins ! ne=s inter"3rse .ith a
#retty Ameri"an !-irt+ It #resent-y $e"ame a##arent that he .as n the .ay t -earn+
6Ha0e y3 $een t that -2 "ast-e>6 as%e2 the y3n4 4ir-& #intin4 .ith her #aras- t the
!ar74-eamin4 .a--s ! the ,hatea3 2e ,hi--n+
6Yes& !rmer-y& mre than n"e&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6Y3 t& I s3##se& ha0e seen it>6
6N9 .e ha0en=t $een there+ I .ant t 4 there 2rea2!3--y+ O! "3rse I mean t 4 there+ I
.3-2n=t 4 a.ay !rm here .ith3t ha0in4 seen that -2 "ast-e+6
6It=s a 0ery #retty ex"3rsin&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6an2 0ery easy t ma%e+ Y3 "an 2ri0e&
y3 %n.& r y3 "an 4 $y the -itt-e steamer+6
6Y3 "an 4 in the "ars&6 sai2 Miss Mi--er+
6Yes9 y3 "an 4 in the "ars&6 Winter$3rne assente2+
6O3r "3rier says they ta%e y3 ri4ht 3# t the "ast-e&6 the y3n4 4ir- "ntin3e2+ 6We
.ere 4in4 -ast .ee%& $3t my mther 4a0e 3t+ She s3!!ers 2rea2!3--y !rm 2ys#e#sia+
She sai2 she "3-2n=t 4+ Ran2-#h .3-2n=t 4 either9 he says he 2esn=t thin% m3"h !
-2 "ast-es+ B3t I 43ess .e=-- 4 this .ee%& i! .e "an 4et Ran2-#h+6
6Y3r $rther is nt intereste2 in an"ient mn3ments>6 Winter$3rne in:3ire2& smi-in4+
6He says he 2n=t "are m3"h a$3t -2 "ast-es+ He=s n-y nine+ He .ants t stay at the
hte-+ Mther=s a!rai2 t -ea0e him a-ne& an2 the "3rier .n=t stay .ith him9 s .e
ha0en=t $een t many #-a"es+ B3t it .i-- $e t $a2 i! .e 2n=t 4 3# there+6 An2 Miss
Mi--er #inte2 a4ain at the ,hatea3 2e ,hi--n+
6I sh3-2 thin% it mi4ht $e arran4e2&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6,3-2n=t y3 4et sme ne t
stay !r the a!ternn .ith Ran2-#h>6
Miss Mi--er -%e2 at him a mment& an2 then& 0ery #-a"i2-y& 6I .ish YOU .3-2 stay
.ith him@6 she sai2+
Winter$3rne hesitate2 a mment+ 6I sh3-2 m3"h rather 4 t ,hi--n .ith y3+6
6With me>6 as%e2 the y3n4 4ir- .ith the same #-a"i2ity+
She 2i2n=t rise& $-3shin4& as a y3n4 4ir- at 8ene0a .3-2 ha0e 2ne9 an2 yet
Winter$3rne& "ns"i3s that he ha2 $een 0ery $-2& th34ht it #ssi$-e she .as
!!en2e2+ 6With y3r mther&6 he ans.ere2 0ery res#e"t!3--y+
B3t it seeme2 that $th his a32a"ity an2 his res#e"t .ere -st 3#n Miss Daisy Mi--er+ 6I
43ess my mther .n=t 4& a!ter a--&6 she sai2+ 6She 2n=t -i%e t ri2e r3n2 in the
a!ternn+ B3t 2i2 y3 rea--y mean .hat y3 sai2 ;3st n.5that y3 .3-2 -i%e t 4 3#
6Mst earnest-y&6 Winter$3rne 2e"-are2+
6Then .e may arran4e it+ I! mther .i-- stay .ith Ran2-#h& I 43ess E34eni .i--+6
6E34eni>6 the y3n4 man in:3ire2+
6E34eni=s 3r "3rier+ He 2esn=t -i%e t stay .ith Ran2-#h9 he=s the mst !asti2i3s
man I e0er sa.+ B3t he=s a s#-en2i2 "3rier+ I 43ess he=-- stay at hme .ith Ran2-#h i!
mther 2es& an2 then .e "an 4 t the "ast-e+6
Winter$3rne re!-e"te2 !r an instant as -3"i2-y as #ssi$-e56.e6 "3-2 n-y mean Miss
Daisy Mi--er an2 himse-!+ This #r4ram seeme2 a-mst t a4reea$-e !r "re2en"e9 he !e-t
as i! he 34ht t %iss the y3n4 -a2y=s han2+ Pssi$-y he .3-2 ha0e 2ne s an2 :3ite
s#i-e2 the #r;e"t& $3t at this mment anther #ersn& #res3ma$-y E34eni& a##eare2+ A
ta--& han2sme man& .ith s3#er$ .his%ers& .earin4 a 0e-0et mrnin4 "at an2 a $ri--iant
.at"h "hain& a##ra"he2 Miss Mi--er& -%in4 shar#-y at her "m#anin+ 6Oh& E34eni@6
sai2 Miss Mi--er .ith the !rien2-iest a""ent+
E34eni ha2 -%e2 at Winter$3rne !rm hea2 t !t9 he n. $.e2 4ra0e-y t the
y3n4 -a2y+ 6I ha0e the hnr t in!rm ma2emise--e that -3n"hen is 3#n the ta$-e+6
Miss Mi--er s-.-y rse+ 6See here& E34eni@6 she sai29 6I=m 4in4 t that -2 "ast-e&
6T the ,hatea3 2e ,hi--n& ma2emise--e>6 the "3rier in:3ire2+ 6Ma2emise--e has
ma2e arran4ements>6 he a22e2 in a tne .hi"h str3"% Winter$3rne as 0ery im#ertinent+
E34eni=s tne a##arent-y thre.& e0en t Miss Mi--er=s .n a##rehensin& a s-i4ht-y
irni"a- -i4ht 3#n the y3n4 4ir-=s sit3atin+ She t3rne2 t Winter$3rne& $-3shin4 a -itt-e
5a 0ery -itt-e+ 6Y3 .n=t $a"% 3t>6 she sai2+
6I sha-- nt $e ha##y ti-- .e 4@6 he #rteste2+
6An2 y3 are stayin4 in this hte->6 she .ent n+ 6An2 y3 are rea--y an Ameri"an>6
The "3rier st2 -%in4 at Winter$3rne !!ensi0e-y+ The y3n4 man& at -east& th34ht
his manner ! -%in4 an !!ense t Miss Mi--er9 it "n0eye2 an im#3tatin that she
6#i"%e2 3#6 a":3aintan"es+ 6I sha-- ha0e the hnr ! #resentin4 t y3 a #ersn .h .i--
te-- y3 a-- a$3t me&6 he sai2& smi-in4 an2 re!errin4 t his a3nt+
6Oh& .e--& .e=-- 4 sme 2ay&6 sai2 Miss Mi--er+ An2 she 4a0e him a smi-e an2 t3rne2
a.ay+ She #3t 3# her #aras- an2 .a-%e2 $a"% t the inn $esi2e E34eni+ Winter$3rne
st2 -%in4 a!ter her9 an2 as she m0e2 a.ay& 2ra.in4 her m3s-in !3r$e-.s 0er the
4ra0e-& sai2 t himse-! that she ha2 the t3rn3re ! a #rin"ess+
He ha2& h.e0er& en4a4e2 t 2 mre than #r0e2 !easi$-e& in #rmisin4 t #resent his
a3nt& Mrs+ ,ste--& t Miss Daisy Mi--er+ As sn as the !rmer -a2y ha2 4t $etter ! her
hea2a"he& he .aite2 3#n her in her a#artment9 an2& a!ter the #r#er in:3iries in re4ar2 t
her hea-th& he as%e2 her i! she ha2 $ser0e2 in the hte- an Ameri"an !ami-y5a mamma&
a 2a34hter& an2 a -itt-e $y+
6An2 a "3rier>6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--+ 6Oh yes& I ha0e $ser0e2 them+ Seen them5hear2
them5an2 %e#t 3t ! their .ay+6 Mrs+ ,ste-- .as a .i2. .ith a !rt3ne9 a #ersn !
m3"h 2istin"tin& .h !re:3ent-y intimate2 that& i! she .ere nt s 2rea2!3--y -ia$-e t
si"% hea2a"hes& she .3-2 #r$a$-y ha0e -e!t a 2ee#er im#ress 3#n her time+ She ha2 a
-n4& #a-e !a"e& a hi4h nse& an2 a 4reat 2ea- ! 0ery stri%in4 .hite hair& .hi"h she .re
in -ar4e #3!!s an2 r3-ea3x 0er the t# ! her hea2+ She ha2 t. sns marrie2 in Ne.
Yr% an2 anther .h .as n. in E3r#e+ This y3n4 man .as am3sin4 himse-! at
Ham$3r4& an2& th34h he .as n his tra0e-s& .as rare-y #er"ei0e2 t 0isit any #arti"3-ar
"ity at the mment se-e"te2 $y his mther !r her .n a##earan"e there+ Her ne#he.&
.h ha2 "me 3# t /e0ey ex#ress-y t see her& .as there!re mre attenti0e than thse
.h& as she sai2& .ere nearer t her+ He ha2 im$i$e2 at 8ene0a the i2ea that ne m3st
a-.ays $e attenti0e t ne=s a3nt+ Mrs+ ,ste-- ha2 nt seen him !r many years& an2 she
.as 4reat-y #-ease2 .ith him& mani!estin4 her a##r$atin $y initiatin4 him int many !
the se"rets ! that s"ia- s.ay .hi"h& as she 4a0e him t 3n2erstan2& she exerte2 in the
Ameri"an "a#ita-+ She a2mitte2 that she .as 0ery ex"-3si0e9 $3t& i! he .ere a":3ainte2
.ith Ne. Yr%& he .3-2 see that ne ha2 t $e+ An2 her #i"t3re ! the min3te-y
hierar"hi"a- "nstit3tin ! the s"iety ! that "ity& .hi"h she #resente2 t him in many
2i!!erent -i4hts& .as& t Winter$3rne=s ima4inatin& a-mst ##ressi0e-y stri%in4+
He imme2iate-y #er"ei0e2& !rm her tne& that Miss Daisy Mi--er=s #-a"e in the s"ia-
s"a-e .as -.+ 6I am a!rai2 y3 2n=t a##r0e ! them&6 he sai2+
6They are 0ery "mmn&6 Mrs+ ,ste-- 2e"-are2+ 6They are the srt ! Ameri"ans that
ne 2es ne=s 23ty $y nt5nt a""e#tin4+6
6Ah& y3 2n=t a""e#t them>6 sai2 the y3n4 man+
6I "an=t& my 2ear Dre2eri"%+ I .3-2 i! I "3-2& $3t I "an=t+6
6The y3n4 4ir- is 0ery #retty&6 sai2 Winter$3rne in a mment+
6O! "3rse she=s #retty+ B3t she is 0ery "mmn+6
6I see .hat y3 mean& ! "3rse&6 sai2 Winter$3rne a!ter anther #a3se+
6She has that "harmin4 -% that they a-- ha0e&6 his a3nt res3me2+ 6I "an=t thin% .here
they #i"% it 3#9 an2 she 2resses in #er!e"tin5n& y3 2n=t %n. h. .e-- she 2resses+ I
"an=t thin% .here they 4et their taste+6
6B3t& my 2ear a3nt& she is nt& a!ter a--& a ,man"he sa0a4e+6
6She is a y3n4 -a2y&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--& 6.h has an intima"y .ith her mamma=s
6An intima"y .ith the "3rier>6 the y3n4 man 2eman2e2+
6Oh& the mther is ;3st as $a2@ They treat the "3rier -i%e a !ami-iar !rien25-i%e a
4ent-eman+ I sh3-2n=t .n2er i! he 2ines .ith them+ /ery -i%e-y they ha0e ne0er seen a
man .ith s3"h 42 manners& s3"h !ine "-thes& s -i%e a 4ent-eman+ He #r$a$-y
"rres#n2s t the y3n4 -a2y=s i2ea ! a "3nt+ He sits .ith them in the 4ar2en in the
e0enin4+ I thin% he sm%es+6
Winter$3rne -istene2 .ith interest t these 2is"-s3res9 they he-#e2 him t ma%e 3# his
min2 a$3t Miss Daisy+ E0i2ent-y she .as rather .i-2+ 6We--&6 he sai2& 6I am nt a
"3rier& an2 yet she .as 0ery "harmin4 t me+6
6Y3 ha2 $etter ha0e sai2 at !irst&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste-- .ith 2i4nity& 6that y3 ha2 ma2e
her a":3aintan"e+6
6We sim#-y met in the 4ar2en& an2 .e ta-%e2 a $it+6
6T3t $nnement@ An2 #ray .hat 2i2 y3 say>6
6I sai2 I sh3-2 ta%e the -i$erty ! intr23"in4 her t my a2mira$-e a3nt+6
6I am m3"h $-i4e2 t y3+6
6It .as t 43arantee my res#e"ta$i-ity&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6An2 #ray .h is t 43arantee hers>6
6Ah& y3 are "r3e-@6 sai2 the y3n4 man+ 6She=s a 0ery ni"e y3n4 4ir-+6
6Y3 2n=t say that as i! y3 $e-ie0e2 it&6 Mrs+ ,ste-- $ser0e2+
6She is "m#-ete-y 3n"3-ti0ate2&6 Winter$3rne .ent n+ 6B3t she is .n2er!3--y #retty&
an2& in shrt& she is 0ery ni"e+ T #r0e that I $e-ie0e it& I am 4in4 t ta%e her t the
,hatea3 2e ,hi--n+6
6Y3 t. are 4in4 !! there t4ether> I sh3-2 say it #r0e2 ;3st the "ntrary+ H. -n4
ha2 y3 %n.n her& may I as%& .hen this interestin4 #r;e"t .as !rme2> Y3 ha0en=t
$een t.enty7!3r h3rs in the h3se+6
6I ha0e %n.n her ha-! an h3r@6 sai2 Winter$3rne& smi-in4+
6Dear me@6 "rie2 Mrs+ ,ste--+ 6What a 2rea2!3- 4ir-@6
Her ne#he. .as si-ent !r sme mments+ 6Y3 rea--y thin%& then&6 he $e4an earnest-y&
an2 .ith a 2esire !r tr3st.rthy in!rmatin56y3 rea--y thin% that56 B3t he #a3se2
6Thin% .hat& sir>6 sai2 his a3nt+
6That she is the srt ! y3n4 -a2y .h ex#e"ts a man& sner r -ater& t "arry her !!>6
6I ha0en=t the -east i2ea .hat s3"h y3n4 -a2ies ex#e"t a man t 2+ B3t I rea--y thin% that
y3 ha2 $etter nt me22-e .ith -itt-e Ameri"an 4ir-s that are 3n"3-ti0ate2& as y3 "a--
them+ Y3 ha0e -i0e2 t -n4 3t ! the "3ntry+ Y3 .i-- $e s3re t ma%e sme 4reat
mista%e+ Y3 are t inn"ent+6
6My 2ear a3nt& I am nt s inn"ent&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& smi-in4 an2 "3r-in4 his
6Y3 are 43i-ty t& then@6
Winter$3rne "ntin3e2 t "3r- his m3sta"he me2itati0e-y+ 6Y3 .n=t -et the #r 4ir-
%n. y3 then>6 he as%e2 at -ast+
6Is it -itera--y tr3e that she is 4in4 t the ,hatea3 2e ,hi--n .ith y3>6
6I thin% that she !3--y inten2s it+6
6Then& my 2ear Dre2eri"%&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--& 6I m3st 2e"-ine the hnr ! her
a":3aintan"e+ I am an -2 .man& $3t I am nt t -2& than% Hea0en& t $e sh"%e2@6
6B3t 2n=t they a-- 2 these thin4s5the y3n4 4ir-s in Ameri"a>6 Winter$3rne in:3ire2+
Mrs+ ,ste-- stare2 a mment+ 6I sh3-2 -i%e t see my 4ran22a34hters 2 them@6 she
2e"-are2 4rim-y+
This seeme2 t thr. sme -i4ht 3#n the matter& !r Winter$3rne remem$ere2 t ha0e
hear2 that his #retty "3sins in Ne. Yr% .ere 6tremen23s !-irts+6 I!& there!re& Miss
Daisy Mi--er ex"ee2e2 the -i$era- mar4in a--.e2 t these y3n4 -a2ies& it .as #r$a$-e
that anythin4 mi4ht $e ex#e"te2 ! her+ Winter$3rne .as im#atient t see her a4ain& an2
he .as 0exe2 .ith himse-! that& $y instin"t& he sh3-2 nt a##re"iate her ;3st-y+
Th34h he .as im#atient t see her& he har2-y %ne. .hat he sh3-2 say t her a$3t his
a3nt=s re!3sa- t $e"me a":3ainte2 .ith her9 $3t he 2is"0ere2& #rm#t-y en34h& that
.ith Miss Daisy Mi--er there .as n 4reat nee2 ! .a-%in4 n ti#te+ He !3n2 her that
e0enin4 in the 4ar2en& .an2erin4 a$3t in the .arm star-i4ht -i%e an in2-ent sy-#h& an2
s.in4in4 t an2 !r the -ar4est !an he ha2 e0er $ehe-2+ It .as ten ="-"%+ He ha2 2ine2
.ith his a3nt& ha2 $een sittin4 .ith her sin"e 2inner& an2 ha2 ;3st ta%en -ea0e ! her ti--
the mrr.+ Miss Daisy Mi--er seeme2 0ery 4-a2 t see him9 she 2e"-are2 it .as the
-n4est e0enin4 she ha2 e0er #asse2+
6Ha0e y3 $een a-- a-ne>6 he as%e2+
6I ha0e $een .a-%in4 r3n2 .ith mther+ B3t mther 4ets tire2 .a-%in4 r3n2&6 she
6Has she 4ne t $e2>6
6N9 she 2esn=t -i%e t 4 t $e2&6 sai2 the y3n4 4ir-+ 6She 2esn=t s-ee#5nt three
h3rs+ She says she 2esn=t %n. h. she -i0es+ She=s 2rea2!3--y ner03s+ I 43ess she
s-ee#s mre than she thin%s+ She=s 4ne sme.here a!ter Ran2-#h9 she .ants t try t
4et him t 4 t $e2+ He 2esn=t -i%e t 4 t $e2+6
6Let 3s h#e she .i-- #ers3a2e him&6 $ser0e2 Winter$3rne+
6She .i-- ta-% t him a-- she "an9 $3t he 2esn=t -i%e her t ta-% t him&6 sai2 Miss Daisy&
#enin4 her !an+ 6She=s 4in4 t try t 4et E34eni t ta-% t him+ B3t he isn=t a!rai2 !
E34eni+ E34eni=s a s#-en2i2 "3rier& $3t he "an=t ma%e m3"h im#ressin n Ran2-#h@
I 2n=t $e-ie0e he=-- 4 t $e2 $e!re e-e0en+6 It a##eare2 that Ran2-#h=s 0i4i- .as in !a"t
tri3m#hant-y #r-n4e2& !r Winter$3rne str--e2 a$3t .ith the y3n4 4ir- !r sme
time .ith3t meetin4 her mther+ 6I ha0e $een -%in4 r3n2 !r that -a2y y3 .ant t
intr23"e me t&6 his "m#anin res3me2+ 6She=s y3r a3nt+6 Then& n Winter$3rne=s
a2mittin4 the !a"t an2 ex#ressin4 sme "3risity as t h. she ha2 -earne2 it& she sai2
she ha2 hear2 a-- a$3t Mrs+ ,ste-- !rm the "ham$ermai2+ She .as 0ery :3iet an2
0ery "mme i- !a3t9 she .re .hite #3!!s9 she s#%e t n ne& an2 she ne0er 2ine2 at the
ta$-e 2=hte+ E0ery t. 2ays she ha2 a hea2a"he+ 6I thin% that=s a -0e-y 2es"ri#tin&
hea2a"he an2 a--@6 sai2 Miss Daisy& "hatterin4 a-n4 in her thin& 4ay 0i"e+ 6I .ant t
%n. her e0er s m3"h+ I %n. ;3st .hat YOUR a3nt .3-2 $e9 I %n. I sh3-2 -i%e her+
She .3-2 $e 0ery ex"-3si0e+ I -i%e a -a2y t $e ex"-3si0e9 I=m 2yin4 t $e ex"-3si0e
myse-!+ We--& .e ARE ex"-3si0e& mther an2 I+ We 2n=t s#ea% t e0eryne5r they
2n=t s#ea% t 3s+ I s3##se it=s a$3t the same thin4+ Any.ay& I sha-- $e e0er s 4-a2 t
%n. y3r a3nt+6
Winter$3rne .as em$arrasse2+ 6She .3-2 $e mst ha##y&6 he sai29 6$3t I am a!rai2
thse hea2a"hes .i-- inter!ere+6
The y3n4 4ir- -%e2 at him thr34h the 23s%+ 6B3t I s3##se she 2esn=t ha0e a
hea2a"he e0ery 2ay&6 she sai2 sym#atheti"a--y+
Winter$3rne .as si-ent a mment+ 6She te--s me she 2es&6 he ans.ere2 at -ast& nt
%n.in4 .hat t say+
Miss Daisy Mi--er st##e2 an2 st2 -%in4 at him+ Her #rettiness .as sti-- 0isi$-e in the
2ar%ness9 she .as #enin4 an2 "-sin4 her enrm3s !an+ 6She 2esn=t .ant t %n.
me@6 she sai2 s322en-y+ 6Why 2n=t y3 say s> Y3 nee2n=t $e a!rai2+ I=m nt a!rai2@6
An2 she 4a0e a -itt-e -a34h+
Winter$3rne !an"ie2 there .as a tremr in her 0i"e9 he .as t3"he2& sh"%e2&
mrti!ie2 $y it+ 6My 2ear y3n4 -a2y&6 he #rteste2& 6she %n.s n ne+ It=s her .ret"he2
The y3n4 4ir- .a-%e2 n a !e. ste#s& -a34hin4 sti--+ 6Y3 nee2n=t $e a!rai2&6 she
re#eate2+ 6Why sh3-2 she .ant t %n. me>6 Then she #a3se2 a4ain9 she .as "-se t
the #ara#et ! the 4ar2en& an2 in !rnt ! her .as the star-it -a%e+ There .as a 0a43e sheen
3#n its s3r!a"e& an2 in the 2istan"e .ere 2im-y seen m3ntain !rms+ Daisy Mi--er
-%e2 3t 3#n the mysteri3s #rs#e"t an2 then she 4a0e anther -itt-e -a34h+
68ra"i3s@ she IS ex"-3si0e@6 she sai2+ Winter$3rne .n2ere2 .hether she .as
seri3s-y .3n2e2& an2 !r a mment a-mst .ishe2 that her sense ! in;3ry mi4ht $e
s3"h as t ma%e it $e"min4 in him t attem#t t reass3re an2 "m!rt her+ He ha2 a
#-easant sense that she .3-2 $e 0ery a##ra"ha$-e !r "ns-atry #3r#ses+ He !e-t
then& !r the instant& :3ite rea2y t sa"ri!i"e his a3nt& "n0ersatina--y9 t a2mit that she
.as a #r32& r32e .man& an2 t 2e"-are that they nee2n=t min2 her+ B3t $e!re he ha2
time t "mmit himse-! t this #eri-3s mixt3re ! 4a--antry an2 im#iety& the y3n4 -a2y&
res3min4 her .a-%& 4a0e an ex"-amatin in :3ite anther tne+ 6We--& here=s Mther@ I
43ess she hasn=t 4t Ran2-#h t 4 t $e2+6 The !i43re ! a -a2y a##eare2 at a 2istan"e&
0ery in2istin"t in the 2ar%ness& an2 a20an"in4 .ith a s-. an2 .a0erin4 m0ement+
S322en-y it seeme2 t #a3se+
6Are y3 s3re it is y3r mther> ,an y3 2istin43ish her in this thi"% 23s%>6
Winter$3rne as%e2+
6We--@6 "rie2 Miss Daisy Mi--er .ith a -a34h9 6I 43ess I %n. my .n mther+ An2 .hen
she has 4t n my sha.-& t@ She is a-.ays .earin4 my thin4s+6
The -a2y in :3estin& "easin4 t a20an"e& h0ere2 0a43e-y a$3t the s#t at .hi"h she
ha2 "he"%e2 her ste#s+
6I am a!rai2 y3r mther 2esn=t see y3&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6Or #erha#s&6 he a22e2&
thin%in4& .ith Miss Mi--er& the ;%e #ermissi$-e56#erha#s she !ee-s 43i-ty a$3t y3r
6Oh& it=s a !ear!3- -2 thin4@6 the y3n4 4ir- re#-ie2 serene-y+ 6I t-2 her she "3-2 .ear it+
She .n=t "me here $e"a3se she sees y3+6
6Ah& then&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6I ha2 $etter -ea0e y3+6
6Oh& n9 "me n@6 3r4e2 Miss Daisy Mi--er+
6I=m a!rai2 y3r mther 2esn=t a##r0e ! my .a-%in4 .ith y3+6
Miss Mi--er 4a0e him a seri3s 4-an"e+ 6It isn=t !r me9 it=s !r y35that is& it=s !r HER+
We--& I 2n=t %n. .h it=s !r@ B3t mther 2esn=t -i%e any ! my 4ent-emen !rien2s+
She=s ri4ht 2.n timi2+ She a-.ays ma%es a !3ss i! I intr23"e a 4ent-eman+ B3t I DO
intr23"e them5a-mst a-.ays+ I! I 2i2n=t intr23"e my 4ent-emen !rien2s t Mther&6
the y3n4 4ir- a22e2 in her -itt-e s!t& !-at mntne& 6I sh3-2n=t thin% I .as nat3ra-+6
6T intr23"e me&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6y3 m3st %n. my name+6 An2 he #r"ee2e2 t
#rn3n"e it+
6Oh& 2ear& I "an=t say a-- that@6 sai2 his "m#anin .ith a -a34h+ B3t $y this time they ha2
"me 3# t Mrs+ Mi--er& .h& as they 2re. near& .a-%e2 t the #ara#et ! the 4ar2en an2
-eane2 3#n it& -%in4 intent-y at the -a%e an2 t3rnin4 her $a"% t them+ 6Mther@6 sai2
the y3n4 4ir- in a tne ! 2e"isin+ U#n this the e-2er -a2y t3rne2 r3n2+ 6Mr+
Winter$3rne&6 sai2 Miss Daisy Mi--er& intr23"in4 the y3n4 man 0ery !ran%-y an2
#retti-y+ 6,mmn&6 she .as& as Mrs+ ,ste-- ha2 #rn3n"e2 her9 yet it .as a .n2er
t Winter$3rne that& .ith her "mmnness& she ha2 a sin43-ar-y 2e-i"ate 4ra"e+
Her mther .as a sma--& s#are& -i4ht #ersn& .ith a .an2erin4 eye& a 0ery exi433s nse&
an2 a -ar4e !rehea2& 2e"rate2 .ith a "ertain am3nt ! thin& m3"h !ri11-e2 hair+ Li%e her
2a34hter& Mrs+ Mi--er .as 2resse2 .ith extreme e-e4an"e9 she ha2 enrm3s 2iamn2s in
her ears+ S !ar as Winter$3rne "3-2 $ser0e& she 4a0e him n 4reetin45she "ertain-y
.as nt -%in4 at him+ Daisy .as near her& #3--in4 her sha.- strai4ht+ 6What are y3
2in4& #%in4 r3n2 here>6 this y3n4 -a2y in:3ire2& $3t $y n means .ith that harshness
! a""ent .hi"h her "hi"e ! .r2s may im#-y+
6I 2n=t %n.&6 sai2 her mther& t3rnin4 t.ar2 the -a%e a4ain+
6I sh3-2n=t thin% y3=2 .ant that sha.-@6 Daisy ex"-aime2+
6We-- I 2@6 her mther ans.ere2 .ith a -itt-e -a34h+
6Di2 y3 4et Ran2-#h t 4 t $e2>6 as%e2 the y3n4 4ir-+
6N9 I "3-2n=t in23"e him&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er 0ery 4ent-y+ 6He .ants t ta-% t the .aiter+
He -i%es t ta-% t that .aiter+6
6I .as te--in4 Mr+ Winter$3rne&6 the y3n4 4ir- .ent n9 an2 t the y3n4 man=s ear her
tne mi4ht ha0e in2i"ate2 that she ha2 $een 3tterin4 his name a-- her -i!e+
6Oh& yes@6 sai2 Winter$3rne9 6I ha0e the #-eas3re ! %n.in4 y3r sn+6
Ran2-#h=s mamma .as si-ent9 she t3rne2 her attentin t the -a%e+ B3t at -ast she s#%e+
6We--& I 2n=t see h. he -i0es@6
6Anyh.& it isn=t s $a2 as it .as at D0er&6 sai2 Daisy Mi--er+
6An2 .hat ""3rre2 at D0er>6 Winter$3rne as%e2+
6He .3-2n=t 4 t $e2 at a--+ I 43ess he sat 3# a-- ni4ht in the #3$-i" #ar-r+ He .asn=t in
$e2 at t.e-0e ="-"%: I %n. that+6
6It .as ha-!7#ast t.e-0e&6 2e"-are2 Mrs+ Mi--er .ith mi-2 em#hasis+
6Des he s-ee# m3"h 23rin4 the 2ay>6 Winter$3rne 2eman2e2+
6I 43ess he 2esn=t s-ee# m3"h&6 Daisy re;ine2+
6I .ish he .3-2@6 sai2 her mther+ 6It seems as i! he "3-2n=t+6
6I thin% he=s rea- tiresme&6 Daisy #3rs3e2+
Then& !r sme mments& there .as si-en"e+ 6We--& Daisy Mi--er&6 sai2 the e-2er -a2y&
#resent-y& 6I sh3-2n=t thin% y3=2 .ant t ta-% a4ainst y3r .n $rther@6
6We--& he IS tiresme& Mther&6 sai2 Daisy& :3ite .ith3t the as#erity ! a retrt+
6He=s n-y nine&6 3r4e2 Mrs+ Mi--er+
6We--& he .3-2n=t 4 t that "ast-e&6 sai2 the y3n4 4ir-+ 6I=m 4in4 there .ith Mr+
T this ann3n"ement& 0ery #-a"i2-y ma2e& Daisy=s mamma !!ere2 n res#nse+
Winter$3rne t% !r 4rante2 that she 2ee#-y 2isa##r0e2 ! the #r;e"te2 ex"3rsin9
$3t he sai2 t himse-! that she .as a sim#-e& easi-y mana4e2 #ersn& an2 that a !e.
2e!erentia- #rtestatins .3-2 ta%e the e24e !rm her 2is#-eas3re+ 6Yes&6 he $e4an9
6y3r 2a34hter has %in2-y a--.e2 me the hnr ! $ein4 her 43i2e+6
Mrs+ Mi--er=s .an2erin4 eyes atta"he2 themse-0es& .ith a srt ! a##ea-in4 air& t Daisy&
.h& h.e0er& str--e2 a !e. ste#s !arther& 4ent-y h3mmin4 t herse-!+ 6I #res3me y3
.i-- 4 in the "ars&6 sai2 her mther+
6Yes& r in the $at&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6We--& ! "3rse& I 2n=t %n.&6 Mrs+ Mi--er re;ine2+ 6I ha0e ne0er $een t that "ast-e+6
6It is a #ity y3 sh3-2n=t 4&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& $e4innin4 t !ee- reass3re2 as t her
##sitin+ An2 yet he .as :3ite #re#are2 t !in2 that& as a matter ! "3rse& she meant t
a""m#any her 2a34hter+
6We=0e $een thin%in4 e0er s m3"h a$3t 4in4&6 she #3rs3e29 6$3t it seems as i! .e
"3-2n=t+ O! "3rse Daisy5she .ants t 4 r3n2+ B3t there=s a -a2y here5I 2n=t %n.
her name5she says she sh3-2n=t thin% .e=2 .ant t 4 t see "ast-es HERE9 she sh3-2
thin% .e=2 .ant t .ait ti-- .e 4t t Ita-y+ It seems as i! there .3-2 $e s many there&6
"ntin3e2 Mrs+ Mi--er .ith an air ! in"reasin4 "n!i2en"e+ 6O! "3rse .e n-y .ant t
see the #rin"i#a- nes+ We 0isite2 se0era- in En4-an2&6 she #resent-y a22e2+
6Ah yes@ in En4-an2 there are $ea3ti!3- "ast-es&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6B3t ,hi--n here& is
0ery .e-- .rth seein4+6
6We--& i! Daisy !ee-s 3# t it56 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er& in a tne im#re4nate2 .ith a sense !
the ma4nit32e ! the enter#rise+ 6It seems as i! there .as nthin4 she .3-2n=t
6Oh& I thin% she=-- en;y it@6 Winter$3rne 2e"-are2+ An2 he 2esire2 mre an2 mre t
ma%e it a "ertainty that he .as t ha0e the #ri0i-e4e ! a tete7a7tete .ith the y3n4 -a2y&
.h .as sti-- str--in4 a-n4 in !rnt ! them& s!t-y 0"a-i1in4+ 6Y3 are nt 2is#se2&
ma2am&6 he in:3ire2& 6t 3n2erta%e it y3rse-!>6
Daisy=s mther -%e2 at him an instant as%an"e& an2 then .a-%e2 !r.ar2 in si-en"e+
Then56I 43ess she ha2 $etter 4 a-ne&6 she sai2 sim#-y+ Winter$3rne $ser0e2 t
himse-! that this .as a 0ery 2i!!erent ty#e ! maternity !rm that ! the 0i4i-ant matrns
.h masse2 themse-0es in the !re!rnt ! s"ia- inter"3rse in the 2ar% -2 "ity at the
ther en2 ! the -a%e+ B3t his me2itatins .ere interr3#te2 $y hearin4 his name 0ery
2istin"t-y #rn3n"e2 $y Mrs+ Mi--er=s 3n#rte"te2 2a34hter+
6Mr+ Winter$3rne@6 m3rm3re2 Daisy+
6Ma2emise--e@6 sai2 the y3n4 man+
6Dn=t y3 .ant t ta%e me 3t in a $at>6
6At #resent>6 he as%e2+
6O! "3rse@6 sai2 Daisy+
6We--& Annie Mi--er@6 ex"-aime2 her mther+
6I $e4 y3& ma2am& t -et her 4&6 sai2 Winter$3rne ar2ent-y9 !r he ha2 ne0er yet
en;ye2 the sensatin ! 43i2in4 thr34h the s3mmer star-i4ht a s%i!! !rei4hte2 .ith a
!resh an2 $ea3ti!3- y3n4 4ir-+
6I sh3-2n=t thin% she=2 .ant t&6 sai2 her mther+ 6I sh3-2 thin% she=2 rather 4 in2rs+6
6I=m s3re Mr+ Winter$3rne .ants t ta%e me&6 Daisy 2e"-are2+ 6He=s s a.!3--y
6I .i-- r. y3 0er t ,hi--n in the star-i4ht+6
6I 2n=t $e-ie0e it@6 sai2 Daisy+
6We--@6 e;a"3-ate2 the e-2er -a2y a4ain+
6Y3 ha0en=t s#%en t me !r ha-! an h3r&6 her 2a34hter .ent n+
6I ha0e $een ha0in4 sme 0ery #-easant "n0ersatin .ith y3r mther&6 sai2
6We--& I .ant y3 t ta%e me 3t in a $at@6 Daisy re#eate2+ They ha2 a-- st##e2& an2
she ha2 t3rne2 r3n2 an2 .as -%in4 at Winter$3rne+ Her !a"e .re a "harmin4 smi-e&
her #retty eyes .ere 4-eamin4& she .as s.in4in4 her 4reat !an a$3t+ N9 it=s im#ssi$-e
t $e #rettier than that& th34ht Winter$3rne+
6There are ha-! a 21en $ats mre2 at that -an2in4 #-a"e&6 he sai2& #intin4 t "ertain
ste#s .hi"h 2es"en2e2 !rm the 4ar2en t the -a%e+ 6I! y3 .i-- 2 me the hnr t a""e#t
my arm& .e .i-- 4 an2 se-e"t ne ! them+6
Daisy st2 there smi-in49 she thre. $a"% her hea2 an2 4a0e a -itt-e& -i4ht -a34h+ 6I -i%e a
4ent-eman t $e !rma-@6 she 2e"-are2+
6I ass3re y3 it=s a !rma- !!er+6
6I .as $3n2 I .3-2 ma%e y3 say smethin4&6 Daisy .ent n+
6Y3 see& it=s nt 0ery 2i!!i"3-t&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6B3t I am a!rai2 y3 are "ha!!in4
6I thin% nt& sir&6 remar%e2 Mrs+ Mi--er 0ery 4ent-y+
6D& then& -et me 4i0e y3 a r.&6 he sai2 t the y3n4 4ir-+
6It=s :3ite -0e-y& the .ay y3 say that@6 "rie2 Daisy+
6It .i-- $e sti-- mre -0e-y t 2 it+6
6Yes& it .3-2 $e -0e-y@6 sai2 Daisy+ B3t she ma2e n m0ement t a""m#any him9 she
n-y st2 there -a34hin4+
6I sh3-2 thin% y3 ha2 $etter !in2 3t .hat time it is&6 inter#se2 her mther+
6It is e-e0en ="-"%& ma2am&6 sai2 a 0i"e& .ith a !rei4n a""ent& 3t ! the nei4h$rin4
2ar%ness9 an2 Winter$3rne& t3rnin4& #er"ei0e2 the !-ri2 #ersna4e .h .as in
atten2an"e 3#n the t. -a2ies+ He ha2 a##arent-y ;3st a##ra"he2+
6Oh& E34eni&6 sai2 Daisy& 6I am 4in4 3t in a $at@6
E34eni $.e2+ 6At e-e0en ="-"%& ma2emise--e>6
6I am 4in4 .ith Mr+ Winter$3rne5this 0ery min3te+6
6D te-- her she "an=t&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er t the "3rier+
6I thin% y3 ha2 $etter nt 4 3t in a $at& ma2emise--e&6 E34eni 2e"-are2+
Winter$3rne .ishe2 t Hea0en this #retty 4ir- .ere nt s !ami-iar .ith her "3rier9 $3t
he sai2 nthin4+
6I s3##se y3 2n=t thin% it=s #r#er@6 Daisy ex"-aime2+ 6E34eni 2esn=t thin%
anythin4=s #r#er+6
6I am at y3r ser0i"e&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6Des ma2emise--e #r#se t 4 a-ne>6 as%e2 E34eni ! Mrs+ Mi--er+
6Oh& n9 .ith this 4ent-eman@6 ans.ere2 Daisy=s mamma+
The "3rier -%e2 !r a mment at Winter$3rne5the -atter th34ht he .as smi-in45
an2 then& s-emn-y& .ith a $.& 6As ma2emise--e #-eases@6 he sai2+
6Oh& I h#e2 y3 .3-2 ma%e a !3ss@6 sai2 Daisy+ 6I 2n=t "are t 4 n.+6
6I myse-! sha-- ma%e a !3ss i! y3 2n=t 4&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6That=s a-- I .ant5a -itt-e !3ss@6 An2 the y3n4 4ir- $e4an t -a34h a4ain+
6Mr+ Ran2-#h has 4ne t $e2@6 the "3rier ann3n"e2 !ri4i2-y+
6Oh& Daisy9 n. .e "an 4@6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er+
Daisy t3rne2 a.ay !rm Winter$3rne& -%in4 at him& smi-in4 an2 !annin4 herse-!+
682 ni4ht&6 she sai29 6I h#e y3 are 2isa##inte2& r 2is43ste2& r smethin4@6
He -%e2 at her& ta%in4 the han2 she !!ere2 him+ 6I am #311-e2&6 he ans.ere2+
6We--& I h#e it .n=t %ee# y3 a.a%e@6 she sai2 0ery smart-y9 an2& 3n2er the es"rt !
the #ri0i-e4e2 E34eni& the t. -a2ies #asse2 t.ar2 the h3se+
Winter$3rne st2 -%in4 a!ter them9 he .as in2ee2 #311-e2+ He -in4ere2 $esi2e the
-a%e !r a :3arter ! an h3r& t3rnin4 0er the mystery ! the y3n4 4ir-=s s322en
!ami-iarities an2 "a#ri"es+ B3t the n-y 0ery 2e!inite "n"-3sin he "ame t .as that he
sh3-2 en;y 2e3"e2-y 64in4 !!6 .ith her sme.here+
T. 2ays a!ter.ar2 he .ent !! .ith her t the ,ast-e ! ,hi--n+ He .aite2 !r her in the
-ar4e ha-- ! the hte-& .here the "3riers& the ser0ants& the !rei4n t3rists& .ere -3n4in4
a$3t an2 starin4+ It .as nt the #-a"e he sh3-2 ha0e "hsen& $3t she ha2 a##inte2 it+
She "ame tri##in4 2.nstairs& $3ttnin4 her -n4 4-0es& s:3ee1in4 her !-2e2 #aras-
a4ainst her #retty !i43re& 2resse2 in the #er!e"tin ! a s$er-y e-e4ant tra0e-in4 "st3me+
Winter$3rne .as a man ! ima4inatin an2& as 3r an"estrs 3se2 t say& sensi$i-ity9 as
he -%e2 at her 2ress an2& n the 4reat stair"ase& her -itt-e ra#i2& "n!i2in4 ste#& he !e-t as
i! there .ere smethin4 rmanti" 4in4 !r.ar2+ He "3-2 ha0e $e-ie0e2 he .as 4in4 t
e-#e .ith her+ He #asse2 3t .ith her amn4 a-- the i2-e #e#-e that .ere assem$-e2
there9 they .ere a-- -%in4 at her 0ery har29 she ha2 $e43n t "hatter as sn as she
;ine2 him+ Winter$3rne=s #re!eren"e ha2 $een that they sh3-2 $e "n0eye2 t ,hi--n
in a "arria4e9 $3t she ex#resse2 a -i0e-y .ish t 4 in the -itt-e steamer9 she 2e"-are2 that
she ha2 a #assin !r steam$ats+ There .as a-.ays s3"h a -0e-y $ree1e 3#n the .ater&
an2 y3 sa. s3"h -ts ! #e#-e+ The sai- .as nt -n4& $3t Winter$3rne=s "m#anin
!3n2 time t say a 4reat many thin4s+ T the y3n4 man himse-! their -itt-e ex"3rsin
.as s m3"h ! an es"a#a2e5an a20ent3re5that& e0en a--.in4 !r her ha$it3a- sense !
!ree2m& he ha2 sme ex#e"tatin ! seein4 her re4ar2 it in the same .ay+ B3t it m3st $e
"n!esse2 that& in this #arti"3-ar& he .as 2isa##inte2+ Daisy Mi--er .as extreme-y
animate2& she .as in "harmin4 s#irits9 $3t she .as a##arent-y nt at a-- ex"ite29 she .as
nt !-3ttere29 she a0i2e2 neither his eyes nr thse ! anyne e-se9 she $-3she2 neither
.hen she -%e2 at him nr .hen she !e-t that #e#-e .ere -%in4 at her+ Pe#-e
"ntin3e2 t -% at her a 4reat 2ea-& an2 Winter$3rne t% m3"h satis!a"tin in his
#retty "m#anin=s 2istin43ishe2 air+ He ha2 $een a -itt-e a!rai2 that she .3-2 ta-% -32&
-a34h 0erm3"h& an2 e0en& #erha#s& 2esire t m0e a$3t the $at a 42 2ea-+ B3t he
:3ite !r4t his !ears9 he sat smi-in4& .ith his eyes 3#n her !a"e& .hi-e& .ith3t m0in4
!rm her #-a"e& she 2e-i0ere2 herse-! ! a 4reat n3m$er ! ri4ina- re!-e"tins+ It .as the
mst "harmin4 4arr3-ity he ha2 e0er hear2+ He ha2 assente2 t the i2ea that she .as
6"mmn69 $3t .as she s& a!ter a--& r .as he sim#-y 4ettin4 3se2 t her "mmnness>
Her "n0ersatin .as "hie!-y ! .hat meta#hysi"ians term the $;e"ti0e "ast& $3t e0ery
n. an2 then it t% a s3$;e"ti0e t3rn+
6What n EARTH are y3 s 4ra0e a$3t>6 she s322en-y 2eman2e2& !ixin4 her a4reea$-e
eyes 3#n Winter$3rne=s+
6Am I 4ra0e>6 he as%e2+ 6I ha2 an i2ea I .as 4rinnin4 !rm ear t ear+6
6Y3 -% as i! y3 .ere ta%in4 me t a !3nera-+ I! that=s a 4rin& y3r ears are 0ery near
6Sh3-2 y3 -i%e me t 2an"e a hrn#i#e n the 2e"%>6
6Pray 2& an2 I=-- "arry r3n2 y3r hat+ It .i-- #ay the ex#enses ! 3r ;3rney+6
6I ne0er .as $etter #-ease2 in my -i!e&6 m3rm3re2 Winter$3rne+
She -%e2 at him a mment an2 then $3rst int a -itt-e -a34h+ 6I -i%e t ma%e y3 say
thse thin4s@ Y3=re a :3eer mixt3re@6
In the "ast-e& a!ter they ha2 -an2e2& the s3$;e"ti0e e-ement 2e"i2e2-y #re0ai-e2+ Daisy
tri##e2 a$3t the 0a3-te2 "ham$ers& r3st-e2 her s%irts in the "r%s"re. stair"ases& !-irte2
$a"% .ith a #retty -itt-e "ry an2 a sh322er !rm the e24e ! the 3$-iettes& an2 t3rne2 a
sin43-ar-y .e--7sha#e2 ear t e0erythin4 that Winter$3rne t-2 her a$3t the #-a"e+ B3t
he sa. that she "are2 0ery -itt-e !r !e32a- anti:3ities an2 that the 23s%y tra2itins !
,hi--n ma2e $3t a s-i4ht im#ressin 3#n her+ They ha2 the 42 !rt3ne t ha0e $een
a$-e t .a-% a$3t .ith3t ther "m#aninshi# than that ! the "3st2ian9 an2
Winter$3rne arran4e2 .ith this !3n"tinary that they sh3-2 nt $e h3rrie25that they
sh3-2 -in4er an2 #a3se .here0er they "hse+ The "3st2ian inter#rete2 the $ar4ain
4ener3s-y5Winter$3rne& n his si2e& ha2 $een 4ener3s5an2 en2e2 $y -ea0in4 them
:3ite t themse-0es+ Miss Mi--er=s $ser0atins .ere nt remar%a$-e !r -4i"a-
"nsisten"y9 !r anythin4 she .ante2 t say she .as s3re t !in2 a #retext+ She !3n2 a
4reat many #retexts in the r344e2 em$ras3res ! ,hi--n !r as%in4 Winter$3rne s322en
:3estins a$3t himse-!5his !ami-y& his #re0i3s histry& his tastes& his ha$its& his
intentins5an2 !r s3##-yin4 in!rmatin 3#n "rres#n2in4 #ints in her .n
#ersna-ity+ O! her .n tastes& ha$its& an2 intentins Miss Mi--er .as #re#are2 t 4i0e the
mst 2e!inite& an2 in2ee2 the mst !a0ra$-e a""3nt+
6We--& I h#e y3 %n. en34h@6 she sai2 t her "m#anin& a!ter he ha2 t-2 her the
histry ! the 3nha##y Bni0ar2+ 6I ne0er sa. a man that %ne. s m3"h@6 The histry !
Bni0ar2 ha2 e0i2ent-y& as they say& 4ne int ne ear an2 3t ! the ther+ B3t Daisy
.ent n t say that she .ishe2 Winter$3rne .3-2 tra0e- .ith them an2 64 r3n26 .ith
them9 they mi4ht %n. smethin4& in that "ase+ 6Dn=t y3 .ant t "me an2 tea"h
Ran2-#h>6 she as%e2+ Winter$3rne sai2 that nthin4 "3-2 #ssi$-y #-ease him s
m3"h& $3t that he 3n!rt3nate-y ther ""3#atins+ 6Other ""3#atins> I 2n=t $e-ie0e
it@6 sai2 Miss Daisy+ 6What 2 y3 mean> Y3 are nt in $3siness+6 The y3n4 man
a2mitte2 that he .as nt in $3siness9 $3t he ha2 en4a4ements .hi"h& e0en .ithin a 2ay r
t.& .3-2 !r"e him t 4 $a"% t 8ene0a+ 6Oh& $ther@6 she sai29 6I 2n=t $e-ie0e it@6
an2 she $e4an t ta-% a$3t smethin4 e-se+ B3t a !e. mments -ater& .hen he .as
#intin4 3t t her the #retty 2esi4n ! an anti:3e !ire#-a"e& she $r%e 3t irre-e0ant-y&
6Y3 2n=t mean t say y3 are 4in4 $a"% t 8ene0a>6
6It is a me-an"h-y !a"t that I sha-- ha0e t ret3rn t 8ene0a tmrr.+6
6We--& Mr+ Winter$3rne&6 sai2 Daisy& 6I thin% y3=re hrri2@6
6Oh& 2n=t say s3"h 2rea2!3- thin4s@6 sai2 Winter$3rne56;3st at the -ast@6
6The -ast@6 "rie2 the y3n4 4ir-9 6I "a-- it the !irst+ I ha0e ha-! a min2 t -ea0e y3 here
an2 4 strai4ht $a"% t the hte- a-ne+6 An2 !r the next ten min3tes she 2i2 nthin4 $3t
"a-- him hrri2+ Pr Winter$3rne .as !air-y $e.i-2ere29 n y3n4 -a2y ha2 as yet 2ne
him the hnr t $e s a4itate2 $y the ann3n"ement ! his m0ements+ His "m#anin&
a!ter this& "ease2 t #ay any attentin t the "3risities ! ,hi--n r the $ea3ties ! the
-a%e9 she #ene2 !ire 3#n the mysteri3s "harmer in 8ene0a .hm she a##eare2 t ha0e
instant-y ta%en it !r 4rante2 that he .as h3rryin4 $a"% t see+ H. 2i2 Miss Daisy Mi--er
%n. that there .as a "harmer in 8ene0a> Winter$3rne& .h 2enie2 the existen"e !
s3"h a #ersn& .as :3ite 3na$-e t 2is"0er& an2 he .as 2i0i2e2 $et.een ama1ement at
the ra#i2ity ! her in23"tin an2 am3sement at the !ran%ness ! her #ersi!-a4e+ She
seeme2 t him& in a-- this& an extrar2inary mixt3re ! inn"en"e an2 "r32ity+ 6Des she
ne0er a--. y3 mre than three 2ays at a time>6 as%e2 Daisy irni"a--y+ 6Desn=t she
4i0e y3 a 0a"atin in s3mmer> There=s n ne s har2 .r%e2 $3t they "an 4et -ea0e t
4 !! sme.here at this seasn+ I s3##se& i! y3 stay anther 2ay& she=-- "me a!ter y3
in the $at+ D .ait 0er ti-- Dri2ay& an2 I .i-- 4 2.n t the -an2in4 t see her arri0e@6
Winter$3rne $e4an t thin% he ha2 $een .rn4 t !ee- 2isa##inte2 in the tem#er in
.hi"h the y3n4 -a2y ha2 em$ar%e2+ I! he ha2 misse2 the #ersna- a""ent& the #ersna-
a""ent .as n. ma%in4 its a##earan"e+ It s3n2e2 0ery 2istin"t-y& at -ast& in her te--in4
him she .3-2 st# 6teasin46 him i! he .3-2 #rmise her s-emn-y t "me 2.n t
Rme in the .inter+
6That=s nt a 2i!!i"3-t #rmise t ma%e&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6My a3nt has ta%en an
a#artment in Rme !r the .inter an2 has a-rea2y as%e2 me t "me an2 see her+6
6I 2n=t .ant y3 t "me !r y3r a3nt&6 sai2 Daisy9 6I .ant y3 t "me !r me+6 An2
this .as the n-y a--3sin that the y3n4 man .as e0er t hear her ma%e t his in0i2i3s
%ins.man+ He 2e"-are2 that& at any rate& he .3-2 "ertain-y "me+ A!ter this Daisy
st##e2 teasin4+ Winter$3rne t% a "arria4e& an2 they 2r0e $a"% t /e0ey in the 23s%9
the y3n4 4ir- .as 0ery :3iet+
In the e0enin4 Winter$3rne mentine2 t Mrs+ ,ste-- that he ha2 s#ent the a!ternn
at ,hi--n .ith Miss Daisy Mi--er+
6The Ameri"ans5! the "3rier>6 as%e2 this -a2y+
6Ah& ha##i-y&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6the "3rier staye2 at hme+6
6She .ent .ith y3 a-- a-ne>6
6A-- a-ne+6
Mrs+ ,ste-- sni!!e2 a -itt-e at her sme--in4 $tt-e+ 6An2 that&6 she ex"-aime2& 6is the
y3n4 #ersn .hm y3 .ante2 me t %n.@6
Winter$3rne& .h ha2 ret3rne2 t 8ene0a the 2ay a!ter his ex"3rsin t ,hi--n& .ent t
Rme t.ar2 the en2 ! Jan3ary+ His a3nt ha2 $een esta$-ishe2 there !r se0era- .ee%s&
an2 he ha2 re"ei0e2 a "3#-e ! -etters !rm her+ 6Thse #e#-e y3 .ere s 2e0te2 t
-ast s3mmer at /e0ey ha0e t3rne2 3# here& "3rier an2 a--&6 she .rte+ 6They seem t
ha0e ma2e se0era- a":3aintan"es& $3t the "3rier "ntin3es t $e the mst intime+ The
y3n4 -a2y& h.e0er& is a-s 0ery intimate .ith sme thir27rate Ita-ians& .ith .hm she
ra"%ets a$3t in a .ay that ma%es m3"h ta-%+ Brin4 me that #retty n0e- ! ,her$3-ie1=s
5Pa3-e Mere5an2 2n=t "me -ater than the <?r2+6
In the nat3ra- "3rse ! e0ents& Winter$3rne& n arri0in4 in Rme& .3-2 #resent-y ha0e
as"ertaine2 Mrs+ Mi--er=s a22ress at the Ameri"an $an%er=s an2 ha0e 4ne t #ay his
"m#-iments t Miss Daisy+ 6A!ter .hat ha##ene2 at /e0ey& I thin% I may "ertain-y "a--
3#n them&6 he sai2 t Mrs+ ,ste--+
6I!& a!ter .hat ha##ens5at /e0ey an2 e0ery.here5y3 2esire t %ee# 3# the
a":3aintan"e& y3 are 0ery .e-"me+ O! "3rse a man may %n. e0eryne+ Men are
.e-"me t the #ri0i-e4e@6
6Pray .hat is it that ha##ens5here& !r instan"e>6 Winter$3rne 2eman2e2+
6The 4ir- 4es a$3t a-ne .ith her !rei4ners+ As t .hat ha##ens !3rther& y3 m3st
a##-y e-se.here !r in!rmatin+ She has #i"%e2 3# ha-! a 21en ! the re43-ar Rman
!rt3ne h3nters& an2 she ta%es them a$3t t #e#-e=s h3ses+ When she "mes t a #arty
she $rin4s .ith her a 4ent-eman .ith a 42 2ea- ! manner an2 a .n2er!3- m3sta"he+6
6An2 .here is the mther>6
6I ha0en=t the -east i2ea+ They are 0ery 2rea2!3- #e#-e+6
Winter$3rne me2itate2 a mment+ 6They are 0ery i4nrant50ery inn"ent n-y+
De#en2 3#n it they are nt $a2+6
6They are h#e-ess-y 03-4ar&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--+ 6Whether r n $ein4 h#e-ess-y 03-4ar
is $ein4 =$a2= is a :3estin !r the meta#hysi"ians+ They are $a2 en34h t 2is-i%e& at any
rate9 an2 !r this shrt -i!e that is :3ite en34h+6
The ne.s that Daisy Mi--er .as s3rr3n2e2 $y ha-! a 21en .n2er!3- m3sta"hes
"he"%e2 Winter$3rne=s im#3-se t 4 strai4ht.ay t see her+ He ha2& #erha#s& nt
2e!inite-y !-attere2 himse-! that he ha2 ma2e an ine!!a"ea$-e im#ressin 3#n her heart&
$3t he .as annye2 at hearin4 ! a state ! a!!airs s -itt-e in harmny .ith an ima4e that
ha2 -ate-y !-itte2 in an2 3t ! his .n me2itatins9 the ima4e ! a 0ery #retty 4ir- -%in4
3t ! an -2 Rman .in2. an2 as%in4 herse-! 3r4ent-y .hen Mr+ Winter$3rne .3-2
arri0e+ I!& h.e0er& he 2etermine2 t .ait a -itt-e $e!re remin2in4 Miss Mi--er ! his
"-aims t her "nsi2eratin& he .ent 0ery sn t "a-- 3#n t. r three ther !rien2s+
One ! these !rien2s .as an Ameri"an -a2y .h ha2 s#ent se0era- .inters at 8ene0a&
.here she ha2 #-a"e2 her "hi-2ren at s"h-+ She .as a 0ery a""m#-ishe2 .man& an2
she -i0e2 in the /ia 8re4riana+ Winter$3rne !3n2 her in a -itt-e "rimsn 2ra.in4 rm
n a thir2 !-r9 the rm .as !i--e2 .ith s3thern s3nshine+ He ha2 nt $een there ten
min3tes .hen the ser0ant "ame in& ann3n"in4 6Ma2ame Mi-a@6 This ann3n"ement .as
#resent-y !--.e2 $y the entran"e ! -itt-e Ran2-#h Mi--er& .h st##e2 in the mi22-e
! the rm an2 st2 starin4 at Winter$3rne+ An instant -ater his #retty sister "rsse2
the thresh-29 an2 then& a!ter a "nsi2era$-e inter0a-& Mrs+ Mi--er s-.-y a20an"e2+
6I %n. y3@6 sai2 Ran2-#h+
6I=m s3re y3 %n. a 4reat many thin4s&6 ex"-aime2 Winter$3rne& ta%in4 him $y the
han2+ 6H. is y3r e23"atin "min4 n>6
Daisy .as ex"han4in4 4reetin4s 0ery #retti-y .ith her hstess& $3t .hen she hear2
Winter$3rne=s 0i"e she :3i"%-y t3rne2 her hea2+ 6We--& I 2e"-are@6 she sai2+
6I t-2 y3 I sh3-2 "me& y3 %n.&6 Winter$3rne re;ine2& smi-in4+
6We--& I 2i2n=t $e-ie0e it&6 sai2 Miss Daisy+
6I am m3"h $-i4e2 t y3&6 -a34he2 the y3n4 man+
6Y3 mi4ht ha0e "me t see me@6 sai2 Daisy+
6I arri0e2 n-y yester2ay+6
6I 2n=t $e-ie0e that@6 the y3n4 4ir- 2e"-are2+
Winter$3rne t3rne2 .ith a #rtestin4 smi-e t her mther& $3t this -a2y e0a2e2 his
4-an"e& an2& seatin4 herse-!& !ixe2 her eyes 3#n her sn+ 6We=0e 4t a $i44er #-a"e than
this&6 sai2 Ran2-#h+ 6It=s a-- 4-2 n the .a--s+6
Mrs+ Mi--er t3rne2 3neasi-y in her "hair+ 6I t-2 y3 i! I .ere t $rin4 y3& y3 .3-2 say
smethin4@6 she m3rm3re2+
6I t-2 YOU@6 Ran2-#h ex"-aime2+ 6I te-- YOU& sir@6 he a22e2 ;"se-y& 4i0in4
Winter$3rne a th3m# n the %nee+ 6It IS $i44er& t@6
Daisy ha2 entere2 3#n a -i0e-y "n0ersatin .ith her hstess9 Winter$3rne ;324e2 it
$e"min4 t a22ress a !e. .r2s t her mther+ 6I h#e y3 ha0e $een .e-- sin"e .e
#arte2 at /e0ey&6 he sai2+
Mrs+ Mi--er n. "ertain-y -%e2 at him5at his "hin+ 6Nt 0ery .e--& sir&6 she ans.ere2+
6She=s 4t the 2ys#e#sia&6 sai2 Ran2-#h+ 6I=0e 4t it t+ Dather=s 4t it+ I=0e 4t it mst@6
This ann3n"ement& instea2 ! em$arrassin4 Mrs+ Mi--er& seeme2 t re-ie0e her+ 6I s3!!er
!rm the -i0er&6 she sai2+ 6I thin% it=s this "-imate9 it=s -ess $ra"in4 than S"hene"ta2y&
es#e"ia--y in the .inter seasn+ I 2n=t %n. .hether y3 %n. .e resi2e at S"hene"ta2y+
I .as sayin4 t Daisy that I "ertain-y ha2n=t !3n2 any ne -i%e Dr+ Da0is& an2 I 2i2n=t
$e-ie0e I sh3-2+ Oh& at S"hene"ta2y he stan2s !irst9 they thin% e0erythin4 ! him+ He has
s m3"h t 2& an2 yet there .as nthin4 he .3-2n=t 2 !r me+ He sai2 he ne0er sa.
anythin4 -i%e my 2ys#e#sia& $3t he .as $3n2 t "3re it+ I=m s3re there .as nthin4 he
.3-2n=t try+ He .as ;3st 4in4 t try smethin4 ne. .hen .e "ame !!+ Mr+ Mi--er
.ante2 Daisy t see E3r#e !r herse-!+ B3t I .rte t Mr+ Mi--er that it seems as i! I
"3-2n=t 4et n .ith3t Dr+ Da0is+ At S"hene"ta2y he stan2s at the 0ery t#9 an2 there=s a
4reat 2ea- ! si"%ness there& t+ It a!!e"ts my s-ee#+6
Winter$3rne ha2 a 42 2ea- ! #ath-4i"a- 4ssi# .ith Dr+ Da0is=s #atient& 23rin4
.hi"h Daisy "hattere2 3nremittin4-y t her .n "m#anin+ The y3n4 man as%e2 Mrs+
Mi--er h. she .as #-ease2 .ith Rme+ 6We--& I m3st say I am 2isa##inte2&6 she
ans.ere2+ 6We ha2 hear2 s m3"h a$3t it9 I s3##se .e ha2 hear2 t m3"h+ B3t .e
"3-2n=t he-# that+ We ha2 $een -e2 t ex#e"t smethin4 2i!!erent+6
6Ah& .ait a -itt-e& an2 y3 .i-- $e"me 0ery !n2 ! it&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6I hate it .rse an2 .rse e0ery 2ay@6 "rie2 Ran2-#h+
6Y3 are -i%e the in!ant Hanni$a-&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6N& I ain=t@6 Ran2-#h 2e"-are2 at a 0ent3re+
6Y3 are nt m3"h -i%e an in!ant&6 sai2 his mther+ 6B3t .e ha0e seen #-a"es&6 she
res3me2& 6that I sh3-2 #3t a -n4 .ay $e!re Rme+6 An2 in re#-y t Winter$3rne=s
interr4atin& 6There=s F3ri"h&6 she "n"-32e2& 6I thin% F3ri"h is -0e-y9 an2 .e ha2n=t
hear2 ha-! s m3"h a$3t it+6
6The $est #-a"e .e=0e seen is the ,ity ! Ri"hmn2@6 sai2 Ran2-#h+
6He means the shi#&6 his mther ex#-aine2+ 6We "rsse2 in that shi#+ Ran2-#h ha2 a
42 time n the ,ity ! Ri"hmn2+6
6It=s the $est #-a"e I=0e seen&6 the "hi-2 re#eate2+ 6On-y it .as t3rne2 the .rn4 .ay+6
6We--& .e=0e 4t t t3rn the ri4ht .ay sme time&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er .ith a -itt-e -a34h+
Winter$3rne ex#resse2 the h#e that her 2a34hter at -east !3n2 sme 4rati!i"atin in
Rme& an2 she 2e"-are2 that Daisy .as :3ite "arrie2 a.ay+ 6It=s n a""3nt ! the s"iety
5the s"iety=s s#-en2i2+ She 4es r3n2 e0ery.here9 she has ma2e a 4reat n3m$er !
a":3aintan"es+ O! "3rse she 4es r3n2 mre than I 2+ I m3st say they ha0e $een 0ery
s"ia$-e9 they ha0e ta%en her ri4ht in+ An2 then she %n.s a 4reat many 4ent-emen+ Oh&
she thin%s there=s nthin4 -i%e Rme+ O! "3rse& it=s a 4reat 2ea- #-easanter !r a y3n4
-a2y i! she %n.s #-enty ! 4ent-emen+6
By this time Daisy ha2 t3rne2 her attentin a4ain t Winter$3rne+ 6I=0e $een te--in4 Mrs+
Wa-%er h. mean y3 .ere@6 the y3n4 4ir- ann3n"e2+
6An2 .hat is the e0i2en"e y3 ha0e !!ere2>6 as%e2 Winter$3rne& rather annye2 at
Miss Mi--er=s .ant ! a##re"iatin ! the 1ea- ! an a2mirer .h n his .ay 2.n t
Rme ha2 st##e2 neither at B-4na nr at D-ren"e& sim#-y $e"a3se ! a "ertain
sentimenta- im#atien"e+ He remem$ere2 that a "yni"a- "m#atrit ha2 n"e t-2 him that
Ameri"an .men5the #retty nes& an2 this 4a0e a -ar4eness t the axim5.ere at n"e
the mst exa"tin4 in the .r-2 an2 the -east en2.e2 .ith a sense ! in2e$te2ness+
6Why& y3 .ere a.!3--y mean at /e0ey&6 sai2 Daisy+ 6Y3 .3-2n=t 2 anythin4+ Y3
.3-2n=t stay there .hen I as%e2 y3+6
6My 2earest y3n4 -a2y&6 "rie2 Winter$3rne& .ith e-:3en"e& 6ha0e I "me a-- the .ay
t Rme t en"3nter y3r re#ra"hes>6
6J3st hear him say that@6 sai2 Daisy t her hstess& 4i0in4 a t.ist t a $. n this -a2y=s
2ress+ 6Di2 y3 e0er hear anythin4 s :3aint>6
6S :3aint& my 2ear>6 m3rm3re2 Mrs+ Wa-%er in the tne ! a #artisan ! Winter$3rne+
6We--& I 2n=t %n.&6 sai2 Daisy& !in4erin4 Mrs+ Wa-%er=s ri$$ns+ 6Mrs+ Wa-%er& I .ant t
te-- y3 smethin4+6
6Mther7r&6 inter#se2 Ran2-#h& .ith his r34h en2s t his .r2s& 6I te-- y3 y3=0e 4t
t 4+ E34eni=-- raise5smethin4@6
6I=m nt a!rai2 ! E34eni&6 sai2 Daisy .ith a tss ! her hea2+ 6L% here& Mrs+ Wa-%er&6
she .ent n& 6y3 %n. I=m "min4 t y3r #arty+6
6I am 2e-i4hte2 t hear it+6
6I=0e 4t a -0e-y 2ress@6
6I am 0ery s3re ! that+6
6B3t I .ant t as% a !a0r5#ermissin t $rin4 a !rien2+6
6I sha-- $e ha##y t see any ! y3r !rien2s&6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er& t3rnin4 .ith a smi-e t
Mrs+ Mi--er+
6Oh& they are nt my !rien2s&6 ans.ere2 Daisy=s mamma& smi-in4 shy-y in her .n
!ashin+ 6I ne0er s#%e t them+6
6It=s an intimate !rien2 ! mine5Mr+ 8i0ane--i&6 sai2 Daisy .ith3t a tremr in her "-ear
-itt-e 0i"e r a sha2. n her $ri--iant -itt-e !a"e+
Mrs+ Wa-%er .as si-ent a mment9 she 4a0e a ra#i2 4-an"e at Winter$3rne+ 6I sha-- $e
4-a2 t see Mr+ 8i0ane--i&6 she then sai2+
6He=s an Ita-ian&6 Daisy #3rs3e2 .ith the #rettiest serenity+ 6He=s a 4reat !rien2 ! mine9
he=s the han2smest man in the .r-25ex"e#t Mr+ Winter$3rne@ He %n.s #-enty !
Ita-ians& $3t he .ants t %n. sme Ameri"ans+ He thin%s e0er s m3"h ! Ameri"ans+
He=s tremen23s-y "-e0er+ He=s #er!e"t-y -0e-y@6
It .as sett-e2 that this $ri--iant #ersna4e sh3-2 $e $r34ht t Mrs+ Wa-%er=s #arty& an2
then Mrs+ Mi--er #re#are2 t ta%e her -ea0e+ 6I 43ess .e=-- 4 $a"% t the hte-&6 she sai2+
6Y3 may 4 $a"% t the hte-& Mther& $3t I=m 4in4 t ta%e a .a-%&6 sai2 Daisy+
6She=s 4in4 t .a-% .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i&6 Ran2-#h #r"-aime2+
6I am 4in4 t the Pin"i&6 sai2 Daisy& smi-in4+
6A-ne& my 2ear5at this h3r>6 Mrs+ Wa-%er as%e2+ The a!ternn .as 2ra.in4 t a
"-se5it .as the h3r !r the thrn4 ! "arria4es an2 ! "ntem#-ati0e #e2estrians+ 6I
2n=t thin% it=s sa!e& my 2ear&6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er+
6Neither 2 I&6 s3$;ine2 Mrs+ Mi--er+ 6Y3=-- 4et the !e0er& as s3re as y3 -i0e+
Remem$er .hat Dr+ Da0is t-2 y3@6
68i0e her sme me2i"ine $e!re she 4es&6 sai2 Ran2-#h+
The "m#any ha2 risen t its !eet9 Daisy& sti-- sh.in4 her #retty teeth& $ent 0er an2
%isse2 her hstess+ 6Mrs+ Wa-%er& y3 are t #er!e"t&6 she sai2+ 6I=m nt 4in4 a-ne9 I
am 4in4 t meet a !rien2+6
6Y3r !rien2 .n=t %ee# y3 !rm 4ettin4 the !e0er&6 Mrs+ Mi--er $ser0e2+
6Is it Mr+ 8i0ane--i>6 as%e2 the hstess+
Winter$3rne .as .at"hin4 the y3n4 4ir-9 at this :3estin his attentin :3i"%ene2+ She
st2 there& smi-in4 an2 smthin4 her $nnet ri$$ns9 she 4-an"e2 at Winter$3rne+
Then& .hi-e she 4-an"e2 an2 smi-e2& she ans.ere2& .ith3t a sha2e ! hesitatin& 6Mr+
8i0ane--i5the $ea3ti!3- 8i0ane--i+6
6My 2ear y3n4 !rien2&6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er& ta%in4 her han2 #-ea2in4-y& 62n=t .a-% !! t
the Pin"i at this h3r t meet a $ea3ti!3- Ita-ian+6
6We--& he s#ea%s En4-ish&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er+
68ra"i3s me@6 Daisy ex"-aime2& 6I 2n=t t 2 anythin4 im#r#er+ There=s an easy .ay
t sett-e it+6 She "ntin3e2 t 4-an"e at Winter$3rne+ 6The Pin"i is n-y a h3n2re2 yar2s
2istant9 an2 i! Mr+ Winter$3rne .ere as #-ite as he #reten2s& he .3-2 !!er t .a-%
.ith me@6
Winter$3rne=s #-iteness hastene2 t a!!irm itse-!& an2 the y3n4 4ir- 4a0e him 4ra"i3s
-ea0e t a""m#any her+ They #asse2 2.nstairs $e!re her mther& an2 at the 2r
Winter$3rne #er"ei0e2 Mrs+ Mi--er=s "arria4e 2ra.n 3#& .ith the rnamenta- "3rier
.hse a":3aintan"e he ha2 ma2e at /e0ey seate2 .ithin+ 682$ye& E34eni@6 "rie2
Daisy9 6I=m 4in4 t ta%e a .a-%+6 The 2istan"e !rm the /ia 8re4riana t the $ea3ti!3-
4ar2en at the ther en2 ! the Pin"ian Hi-- is& in !a"t& ra#i2-y tra0erse2+ As the 2ay .as
s#-en2i2& h.e0er& an2 the "n"3rse ! 0ehi"-es& .a-%ers& an2 -3n4ers n3mer3s& the
y3n4 Ameri"ans !3n2 their #r4ress m3"h 2e-aye2+ This !a"t .as hi4h-y a4reea$-e t
Winter$3rne& in s#ite ! his "ns"i3sness ! his sin43-ar sit3atin+ The s-.7m0in4&
i2-y 4a1in4 Rman "r.2 $est.e2 m3"h attentin 3#n the extreme-y #retty y3n4
!rei4n -a2y .h .as #assin4 thr34h it 3#n his arm9 an2 he .n2ere2 .hat n earth
ha2 $een in Daisy=s min2 .hen she #r#se2 t ex#se herse-!& 3natten2e2& t its
a##re"iatin+ His .n missin& t her sense& a##arent-y& .as t "nsi4n her t the han2s
! Mr+ 8i0ane--i9 $3t Winter$3rne& at n"e annye2 an2 4rati!ie2& res-0e2 that he
.3-2 2 n s3"h thin4+
6Why ha0en=t y3 $een t see me>6 as%e2 Daisy+ 6Y3 "an=t 4et 3t ! that+6
6I ha0e ha2 the hnr ! te--in4 y3 that I ha0e n-y ;3st ste##e2 3t ! the train+6
6Y3 m3st ha0e staye2 in the train a 42 .hi-e a!ter it st##e2@6 "rie2 the y3n4 4ir-
.ith her -itt-e -a34h+ 6I s3##se y3 .ere as-ee#+ Y3 ha0e ha2 time t 4 t see Mrs+
6I %ne. Mrs+ Wa-%er56 Winter$3rne $e4an t ex#-ain+
6I %n. .here y3 %ne. her+ Y3 %ne. her at 8ene0a+ She t-2 me s+ We--& y3 %ne.
me at /e0ey+ That=s ;3st as 42+ S y3 34ht t ha0e "me+6 She as%e2 him n ther
:3estin than this9 she $e4an t #ratt-e a$3t her .n a!!airs+ 6We=0e 4t s#-en2i2 rms
at the hte-9 E34eni says they=re the $est rms in Rme+ We are 4in4 t stay a-- .inter&
i! .e 2n=t 2ie ! the !e0er9 an2 I 43ess .e=-- stay then+ It=s a 4reat 2ea- ni"er than I
th34ht9 I th34ht it .3-2 $e !ear!3--y :3iet9 I .as s3re it .3-2 $e a.!3--y #%y+ I .as
s3re .e sh3-2 $e 4in4 r3n2 a-- the time .ith ne ! thse 2rea2!3- -2 men that
ex#-ain a$3t the #i"t3res an2 thin4s+ B3t .e n-y ha2 a$3t a .ee% ! that& an2 n. I=m
en;yin4 myse-!+ I %n. e0er s many #e#-e& an2 they are a-- s "harmin4+ The s"iety=s
extreme-y se-e"t+ There are a-- %in2s5En4-ish& an2 8ermans& an2 Ita-ians+ I thin% I -i%e
the En4-ish $est+ I -i%e their sty-e ! "n0ersatin+ B3t there are sme -0e-y Ameri"ans+ I
ne0er sa. anythin4 s hs#ita$-e+ There=s smethin4 r ther e0ery 2ay+ There=s nt m3"h
2an"in49 $3t I m3st say I ne0er th34ht 2an"in4 .as e0erythin4+ I .as a-.ays !n2 !
"n0ersatin+ I 43ess I sha-- ha0e #-enty at Mrs+ Wa-%er=s& her rms are s sma--+6 When
they ha2 #asse2 the 4ate ! the Pin"ian 8ar2ens& Miss Mi--er $e4an t .n2er .here Mr+
8i0ane--i mi4ht $e+ 6We ha2 $etter 4 strai4ht t that #-a"e in !rnt&6 she sai2& 6.here
y3 -% at the 0ie.+6
6I "ertain-y sha-- nt he-# y3 t !in2 him&6 Winter$3rne 2e"-are2+
6Then I sha-- !in2 him .ith3t y3&6 "rie2 Miss Daisy+
6Y3 "ertain-y .n=t -ea0e me@6 "rie2 Winter$3rne+
She $3rst int her -itt-e -a34h+ 6Are y3 a!rai2 y3=-- 4et -st5r r3n 0er> B3t there=s
8i0ane--i& -eanin4 a4ainst that tree+ He=s starin4 at the .men in the "arria4es: 2i2 y3
e0er see anythin4 s "->6
Winter$3rne #er"ei0e2 at sme 2istan"e a -itt-e man stan2in4 .ith !-2e2 arms n3rsin4
his "ane+ He ha2 a han2sme !a"e& an art!3--y #ise2 hat& a 4-ass in ne eye& an2 a
nse4ay in his $3ttnh-e+ Winter$3rne -%e2 at him a mment an2 then sai2& 6D y3
mean t s#ea% t that man>6
6D I mean t s#ea% t him> Why& y3 2n=t s3##se I mean t "mm3ni"ate $y si4ns>6
6Pray 3n2erstan2& then&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6that I inten2 t remain .ith y3+6
Daisy st##e2 an2 -%e2 at him& .ith3t a si4n ! tr3$-e2 "ns"i3sness in her !a"e&
.ith nthin4 $3t the #resen"e ! her "harmin4 eyes an2 her ha##y 2im#-es+ 6We--& she=s a
"- ne@6 th34ht the y3n4 man+
6I 2n=t -i%e the .ay y3 say that&6 sai2 Daisy+ 6It=s t im#eri3s+6
6I $e4 y3r #ar2n i! I say it .rn4+ The main #int is t 4i0e y3 an i2ea ! my
The y3n4 4ir- -%e2 at him mre 4ra0e-y& $3t .ith eyes that .ere #rettier than e0er+ 6I
ha0e ne0er a--.e2 a 4ent-eman t 2i"tate t me& r t inter!ere .ith anythin4 I 2+6
6I thin% y3 ha0e ma2e a mista%e&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6Y3 sh3-2 smetimes -isten t a
4ent-eman5the ri4ht ne+6
Daisy $e4an t -a34h a4ain+ 6I 2 nthin4 $3t -isten t 4ent-emen@6 she ex"-aime2+ 6Te--
me i! Mr+ 8i0ane--i is the ri4ht ne>6
The 4ent-eman .ith the nse4ay in his $sm ha2 n. #er"ei0e2 3r t. !rien2s& an2
.as a##ra"hin4 the y3n4 4ir- .ith $se:3i3s ra#i2ity+ He $.e2 t Winter$3rne as
.e-- as t the -atter=s "m#anin9 he ha2 a $ri--iant smi-e& an inte--i4ent eye9 Winter$3rne
th34ht him nt a $a27-%in4 !e--.+ B3t he ne0erthe-ess sai2 t Daisy& 6N& he=s nt the
ri4ht ne+6
Daisy e0i2ent-y ha2 a nat3ra- ta-ent !r #er!rmin4 intr23"tins9 she mentine2 the
name ! ea"h ! her "m#anins t the ther+ She str--e2 a-ne .ith ne ! them n ea"h
si2e ! her9 Mr+ 8i0ane--i& .h s#%e En4-ish 0ery "-e0er-y5Winter$3rne a!ter.ar2
-earne2 that he ha2 #ra"ti"e2 the i2im 3#n a 4reat many Ameri"an heiresses5
a22resse2 her a 4reat 2ea- ! 0ery #-ite nnsense9 he .as extreme-y 3r$ane& an2 the
y3n4 Ameri"an& .h sai2 nthin4& re!-e"te2 3#n that #r!3n2ity ! Ita-ian "-e0erness
.hi"h ena$-es #e#-e t a##ear mre 4ra"i3s in #r#rtin as they are mre a"3te-y
2isa##inte2+ 8i0ane--i& ! "3rse& ha2 "3nte2 3#n smethin4 mre intimate9 he ha2
nt $ar4aine2 !r a #arty ! three+ B3t he %e#t his tem#er in a manner .hi"h s344este2
!ar7stret"hin4 intentins+ Winter$3rne !-attere2 himse-! that he ha2 ta%en his meas3re+
6He is nt a 4ent-eman&6 sai2 the y3n4 Ameri"an9 6he is n-y a "-e0er imitatin ! ne+
He is a m3si" master& r a #enny7a7-iner& r a thir27rate artist+ DGGn his 42 -%s@6 Mr+
8i0ane--i ha2 "ertain-y a 0ery #retty !a"e9 $3t Winter$3rne !e-t a s3#erir in2i4natin
at his .n -0e-y !e--. "3ntry.man=s nt %n.in4 the 2i!!eren"e $et.een a s#3ri3s
4ent-eman an2 a rea- ne+ 8i0ane--i "hattere2 an2 ;este2 an2 ma2e himse-! .n2er!3--y
a4reea$-e+ It .as tr3e that& i! he .as an imitatin& the imitatin .as $ri--iant+
6Ne0erthe-ess&6 Winter$3rne sai2 t himse-!& 6a ni"e 4ir- 34ht t %n.@6 An2 then he
"ame $a"% t the :3estin .hether this .as& in !a"t& a ni"e 4ir-+ W3-2 a ni"e 4ir-& e0en
a--.in4 !r her $ein4 a -itt-e Ameri"an !-irt& ma%e a ren2e103s .ith a #res3ma$-y -.7
-i0e2 !rei4ner> The ren2e103s in this "ase& in2ee2& ha2 $een in $ra2 2ay-i4ht an2 in
the mst "r.2e2 "rner ! Rme& $3t .as it nt im#ssi$-e t re4ar2 the "hi"e ! these
"ir"3mstan"es as a #r! ! extreme "yni"ism> Sin43-ar th34h it may seem&
Winter$3rne .as 0exe2 that the y3n4 4ir-& in ;inin4 her amrs& sh3-2 nt a##ear
mre im#atient ! his .n "m#any& an2 he .as 0exe2 $e"a3se ! his in"-inatin+ It .as
im#ssi$-e t re4ar2 her as a #er!e"t-y .e--7"n23"te2 y3n4 -a2y9 she .as .antin4 in a
"ertain in2is#ensa$-e 2e-i"a"y+ It .3-2 there!re sim#-i!y matters 4reat-y t $e a$-e t
treat her as the $;e"t ! ne ! thse sentiments .hi"h are "a--e2 $y rman"ers 6-a.-ess
#assins+6 That she sh3-2 seem t .ish t 4et ri2 ! him .3-2 he-# him t thin% mre
-i4ht-y ! her& an2 t $e a$-e t thin% mre -i4ht-y ! her .3-2 ma%e her m3"h -ess
#er#-exin4+ B3t Daisy& n this ""asin& "ntin3e2 t #resent herse-! as an ins"r3ta$-e
"m$inatin ! a32a"ity an2 inn"en"e+
She ha2 $een .a-%in4 sme :3arter ! an h3r& atten2e2 $y her t. "a0a-iers& an2
res#n2in4 in a tne ! 0ery "hi-2ish 4aiety& as it seeme2 t Winter$3rne& t the #retty
s#ee"hes ! Mr+ 8i0ane--i& .hen a "arria4e that ha2 2eta"he2 itse-! !rm the re0-0in4
train 2re. 3# $esi2e the #ath+ At the same mment Winter$3rne #er"ei0e2 that his
!rien2 Mrs+ Wa-%er5the -a2y .hse h3se he ha2 -ate-y -e!t5.as seate2 in the 0ehi"-e
an2 .as $e"%nin4 t him+ Lea0in4 Miss Mi--er=s si2e& he hastene2 t $ey her s3mmns+
Mrs+ Wa-%er .as !-3she29 she .re an ex"ite2 air+ 6It is rea--y t 2rea2!3-&6 she sai2+
6That 4ir- m3st nt 2 this srt ! thin4+ She m3st nt .a-% here .ith y3 t. men+ Di!ty
#e#-e ha0e nti"e2 her+6
Winter$3rne raise2 his eye$r.s+ 6I thin% it=s a #ity t ma%e t m3"h !3ss a$3t it+6
6It=s a #ity t -et the 4ir- r3in herse-!@6
6She is 0ery inn"ent&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6She=s 0ery "ra1y@6 "rie2 Mrs+ Wa-%er+ 6Di2 y3 e0er see anythin4 s im$e"i-e as her
mther> A!ter y3 ha2 a-- -e!t me ;3st n.& I "3-2 nt sit sti-- !r thin%in4 ! it+ It seeme2
t #iti!3-& nt e0en t attem#t t sa0e her+ I r2ere2 the "arria4e an2 #3t n my $nnet&
an2 "ame here as :3i"%-y as #ssi$-e+ Than% Hea0en I ha0e !3n2 y3@6
6What 2 y3 #r#se t 2 .ith 3s>6 as%e2 Winter$3rne& smi-in4+
6T as% her t 4et in& t 2ri0e her a$3t here !r ha-! an h3r& s that the .r-2 may see
she is nt r3nnin4 a$s-3te-y .i-2& an2 then t ta%e her sa!e-y hme+6
6I 2n=t thin% it=s a 0ery ha##y th34ht&6 sai2 Winter$3rne9 6$3t y3 "an try+6
Mrs+ Wa-%er trie2+ The y3n4 man .ent in #3rs3it ! Miss Mi--er& .h ha2 sim#-y
n22e2 an2 smi-e2 at his inter-"3tr in the "arria4e an2 ha2 4ne her .ay .ith her
"m#anin+ Daisy& n -earnin4 that Mrs+ Wa-%er .ishe2 t s#ea% t her& retra"e2 her ste#s
.ith a #er!e"t 42 4ra"e an2 .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i at her si2e+ She 2e"-are2 that she .as
2e-i4hte2 t ha0e a "han"e t #resent this 4ent-eman t Mrs+ Wa-%er+ She imme2iate-y
a"hie0e2 the intr23"tin& an2 2e"-are2 that she ha2 ne0er in her -i!e seen anythin4 s
-0e-y as Mrs+ Wa-%er=s "arria4e r34+
6I am 4-a2 y3 a2mire it&6 sai2 this -a2y& smi-in4 s.eet-y+ 6Wi-- y3 4et in an2 -et me #3t
it 0er y3>6
6Oh& n& than% y3&6 sai2 Daisy+ 6I sha-- a2mire it m3"h mre as I see y3 2ri0in4 r3n2
.ith it+6
6D 4et in an2 2ri0e .ith me@6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er+
6That .3-2 $e "harmin4& $3t it=s s en"hantin4 ;3st as I am@6 an2 Daisy 4a0e a $ri--iant
4-an"e at the 4ent-emen n either si2e ! her+
6It may $e en"hantin4& 2ear "hi-2& $3t it is nt the "3stm here&6 3r4e2 Mrs+ Wa-%er&
-eanin4 !r.ar2 in her 0i"tria& .ith her han2s 2e03t-y "-as#e2+
6We--& it 34ht t $e& then@6 sai2 Daisy+ 6I! I 2i2n=t .a-% I sh3-2 ex#ire+6
6Y3 sh3-2 .a-% .ith y3r mther& 2ear&6 "rie2 the -a2y !rm 8ene0a& -sin4 #atien"e+
6With my mther 2ear@6 ex"-aime2 the y3n4 4ir-+ Winter$3rne sa. that she s"ente2
inter!eren"e+ 6My mther ne0er .a-%e2 ten ste#s in her -i!e+ An2 then& y3 %n.&6 she
a22e2 .ith a -a34h& 6I am mre than !i0e years -2+6
6Y3 are -2 en34h t $e mre reasna$-e+ Y3 are -2 en34h& 2ear Miss Mi--er& t $e
ta-%e2 a$3t+6
Daisy -%e2 at Mrs+ Wa-%er& smi-in4 intense-y+ 6Ta-%e2 a$3t> What 2 y3 mean>6
6,me int my "arria4e& an2 I .i-- te-- y3+6
Daisy t3rne2 her :3i"%ene2 4-an"e a4ain !rm ne ! the 4ent-emen $esi2e her t the
ther+ Mr+ 8i0ane--i .as $.in4 t an2 !r& r3$$in4 2.n his 4-0es an2 -a34hin4 0ery
a4reea$-y9 Winter$3rne th34ht it a mst 3n#-easant s"ene+ 6I 2n=t thin% I .ant t %n.
.hat y3 mean&6 sai2 Daisy #resent-y+ 6I 2n=t thin% I sh3-2 -i%e it+6
Winter$3rne .ishe2 that Mrs+ Wa-%er .3-2 t3"% in her "arria4e r34 an2 2ri0e a.ay& $3t
this -a2y 2i2 nt en;y $ein4 2e!ie2& as she a!ter.ar2 t-2 him+ 6Sh3-2 y3 #re!er $ein4
th34ht a 0ery re"%-ess 4ir->6 she 2eman2e2+
68ra"i3s@6 ex"-aime2 Daisy+ She -%e2 a4ain at Mr+ 8i0ane--i& then she t3rne2 t
Winter$3rne+ There .as a -itt-e #in% !-3sh in her "hee%9 she .as tremen23s-y #retty+
6Des Mr+ Winter$3rne thin%&6 she as%e2 s-.-y& smi-in4& thr.in4 $a"% her hea2& an2
4-an"in4 at him !rm hea2 t !t& 6that& t sa0e my re#3tatin& I 34ht t 4et int the
Winter$3rne "-re29 !r an instant he hesitate2 4reat-y+ It seeme2 s stran4e t hear her
s#ea% that .ay ! her 6re#3tatin+6 B3t he himse-!& in !a"t& m3st s#ea% in a""r2an"e .ith
4a--antry+ The !inest 4a--antry& here& .as sim#-y t te-- her the tr3th9 an2 the tr3th& !r
Winter$3rne& as the !e. in2i"atins I ha0e $een a$-e t 4i0e ha0e ma2e him %n.n t
the rea2er& .as that Daisy Mi--er sh3-2 ta%e Mrs+ Wa-%er=s a20i"e+ He -%e2 at her
ex:3isite #rettiness& an2 then he sai2& 0ery 4ent-y& 6I thin% y3 sh3-2 4et int the
Daisy 4a0e a 0i-ent -a34h+ 6I ne0er hear2 anythin4 s sti!!@ I! this is im#r#er& Mrs+
Wa-%er&6 she #3rs3e2& 6then I am a-- im#r#er& an2 y3 m3st 4i0e me 3#+ 82$ye9 I
h#e y3=-- ha0e a -0e-y ri2e@6 an2& .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i& .h ma2e a tri3m#hant-y
$se:3i3s sa-3te& she t3rne2 a.ay+
Mrs+ Wa-%er sat -%in4 a!ter her& an2 there .ere tears in Mrs+ Wa-%er=s eyes+ 68et in
here& sir&6 she sai2 t Winter$3rne& in2i"atin4 the #-a"e $esi2e her+ The y3n4 man
ans.ere2 that he !e-t $3n2 t a""m#any Miss Mi--er& .here3#n Mrs+ Wa-%er 2e"-are2
that i! he re!3se2 her this !a0r she .3-2 ne0er s#ea% t him a4ain+ She .as e0i2ent-y in
earnest+ Winter$3rne 0ert% Daisy an2 her "m#anin& an2& !!erin4 the y3n4 4ir-
his han2& t-2 her that Mrs+ Wa-%er ha2 ma2e an im#eri3s "-aim 3#n his s"iety+ He
ex#e"te2 that in ans.er she .3-2 say smethin4 rather !ree& smethin4 t "mmit
herse-! sti-- !3rther t that 6re"%-essness6 !rm .hi"h Mrs+ Wa-%er ha2 s "harita$-y
en2ea0re2 t 2iss3a2e her+ B3t she n-y sh% his han2& har2-y -%in4 at him& .hi-e
Mr+ 8i0ane--i $a2e him !are.e-- .ith a t em#hati" !-3rish ! the hat+
Winter$3rne .as nt in the $est #ssi$-e h3mr as he t% his seat in Mrs+ Wa-%er=s
0i"tria+ 6That .as nt "-e0er ! y3&6 he sai2 "an2i2-y& .hi-e the 0ehi"-e min4-e2 a4ain
.ith the thrn4 ! "arria4es+
6In s3"h a "ase&6 his "m#anin ans.ere2& 6I 2n=t .ish t $e "-e0er9 I .ish t $e
6We--& y3r earnestness has n-y !!en2e2 her an2 #3t her !!+6
6It has ha##ene2 0ery .e--&6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er+ 6I! she is s #er!e"t-y 2etermine2 t
"m#rmise herse-!& the sner ne %n.s it the $etter9 ne "an a"t a""r2in4-y+6
6I s3s#e"t she meant n harm&6 Winter$3rne re;ine2+
6S I th34ht a mnth a4+ B3t she has $een 4in4 t !ar+6
6What has she $een 2in4>6
6E0erythin4 that is nt 2ne here+ D-irtin4 .ith any man she "3-2 #i"% 3#9 sittin4 in
"rners .ith mysteri3s Ita-ians9 2an"in4 a-- the e0enin4 .ith the same #artners9
re"ei0in4 0isits at e-e0en ="-"% at ni4ht+ Her mther 4es a.ay .hen 0isitrs "me+6
6B3t her $rther&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& -a34hin4& 6sits 3# ti-- mi2ni4ht+6
6He m3st $e e2i!ie2 $y .hat he sees+ I=m t-2 that at their hte- e0eryne is ta-%in4 a$3t
her& an2 that a smi-e 4es r3n2 amn4 a-- the ser0ants .hen a 4ent-eman "mes an2 as%s
!r Miss Mi--er+6
6The ser0ants $e han4e2@6 sai2 Winter$3rne an4ri-y+ 6The #r 4ir-=s n-y !a3-t&6 he
#resent-y a22e2& 6is that she is 0ery 3n"3-ti0ate2+6
6She is nat3ra--y in2e-i"ate&6 Mrs+ Wa-%er 2e"-are2+
6Ta%e that exam#-e this mrnin4+ H. -n4 ha2 y3 %n.n her at /e0ey>6
6A "3#-e ! 2ays+6
6Dan"y& then& her ma%in4 it a #ersna- matter that y3 sh3-2 ha0e -e!t the #-a"e@6
Winter$3rne .as si-ent !r sme mments9 then he sai2& 6I s3s#e"t& Mrs+ Wa-%er& that
y3 an2 I ha0e -i0e2 t -n4 at 8ene0a@6 An2 he a22e2 a re:3est that she sh3-2 in!rm
him .ith .hat #arti"3-ar 2esi4n she ha2 ma2e him enter her "arria4e+
6I .ishe2 t $e4 y3 t "ease y3r re-atins .ith Miss Mi--er5nt t !-irt .ith her5t
4i0e her n !3rther ##rt3nity t ex#se herse-!5t -et her a-ne& in shrt+6
6I=m a!rai2 I "an=t 2 that&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+ 6I -i%e her extreme-y+6
6A-- the mre reasn that y3 sh3-2n=t he-# her t ma%e a s"an2a-+6
6There sha-- $e nthin4 s"an2a-3s in my attentins t her+6
6There "ertain-y .i-- $e in the .ay she ta%es them+ B3t I ha0e sai2 .hat I ha2 n my
"ns"ien"e&6 Mrs+ Wa-%er #3rs3e2+ 6I! y3 .ish t re;in the y3n4 -a2y I .i-- #3t y3
2.n+ Here& $y the .ay& y3 ha0e a "han"e+6
The "arria4e .as tra0ersin4 that #art ! the Pin"ian 8ar2en that 0erhan4s the .a-- !
Rme an2 0er-%s the $ea3ti!3- /i--a Br4hese+ It is $r2ere2 $y a -ar4e #ara#et& near
.hi"h there are se0era- seats+ One ! the seats at a 2istan"e .as ""3#ie2 $y a 4ent-eman
an2 a -a2y& t.ar2 .hm Mrs+ Wa-%er 4a0e a tss ! her hea2+ At the same mment these
#ersns rse an2 .a-%e2 t.ar2 the #ara#et+ Winter$3rne ha2 as%e2 the "a"hman t
st#9 he n. 2es"en2e2 !rm the "arria4e+ His "m#anin -%e2 at him a mment in
si-en"e9 then& .hi-e he raise2 his hat& she 2r0e ma;esti"a--y a.ay+ Winter$3rne st2
there9 he ha2 t3rne2 his eyes t.ar2 Daisy an2 her "a0a-ier+ They e0i2ent-y sa. n ne9
they .ere t 2ee#-y ""3#ie2 .ith ea"h ther+ When they rea"he2 the -. 4ar2en .a--&
they st2 a mment -%in4 !! at the 4reat !-at7t##e2 #ine "-3sters ! the /i--a
Br4hese9 then 8i0ane--i seate2 himse-!& !ami-iar-y& 3#n the $ra2 -e24e ! the .a--+
The .estern s3n in the ##site s%y sent 3t a $ri--iant sha!t thr34h a "3#-e ! "-32
$ars& .here3#n Daisy=s "m#anin t% her #aras- 3t ! her han2s an2 #ene2 it+ She
"ame a -itt-e nearer& an2 he he-2 the #aras- 0er her9 then& sti-- h-2in4 it& he -et it rest
3#n her sh3-2er& s that $th ! their hea2s .ere hi22en !rm Winter$3rne+ This
y3n4 man -in4ere2 a mment& then he $e4an t .a-%+ B3t he .a-%e25nt t.ar2 the
"3#-e .ith the #aras-9 t.ar2 the resi2en"e ! his a3nt& Mrs+ ,ste--+
He !-attere2 himse-! n the !--.in4 2ay that there .as n smi-in4 amn4 the ser0ants
.hen he& at -east& as%e2 !r Mrs+ Mi--er at her hte-+ This -a2y an2 her 2a34hter& h.e0er&
.ere nt at hme9 an2 n the next 2ay a!ter& re#eatin4 his 0isit& Winter$3rne a4ain ha2
the mis!rt3ne nt t !in2 them+ Mrs+ Wa-%er=s #arty t% #-a"e n the e0enin4 ! the
thir2 2ay& an2& in s#ite ! the !ri4i2ity ! his -ast inter0ie. .ith the hstess& Winter$3rne
.as amn4 the 43ests+ Mrs+ Wa-%er .as ne ! thse Ameri"an -a2ies .h& .hi-e
resi2in4 a$ra2& ma%e a #int& in their .n #hrase& ! st32yin4 E3r#ean s"iety& an2 she
ha2 n this ""asin "--e"te2 se0era- s#e"imens ! her 2i0erse-y $rn !e--. mrta-s t
ser0e& as it .ere& as text$%s+ When Winter$3rne arri0e2& Daisy Mi--er .as nt there&
$3t in a !e. mments he sa. her mther "me in a-ne& 0ery shy-y an2 r3e!3--y+ Mrs+
Mi--er=s hair a$0e her ex#se27-%in4 tem#-es .as mre !ri11-e2 than e0er+ As she
a##ra"he2 Mrs+ Wa-%er& Winter$3rne a-s 2re. near+
6Y3 see& I=0e "me a-- a-ne&6 sai2 #r Mrs+ Mi--er+ 6I=m s !ri4htene29 I 2n=t %n.
.hat t 2+ It=s the !irst time I=0e e0er $een t a #arty a-ne& es#e"ia--y in this "3ntry+ I
.ante2 t $rin4 Ran2-#h r E34eni& r smene& $3t Daisy ;3st #3she2 me !! $y
myse-!+ I ain=t 3se2 t 4in4 r3n2 a-ne+6
6An2 2es nt y3r 2a34hter inten2 t !a0r 3s .ith her s"iety>6 2eman2e2 Mrs+ Wa-%er
6We--& Daisy=s a-- 2resse2&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er .ith that a""ent ! the 2is#assinate& i! nt !
the #hi-s#hi"& histrian .ith .hi"h she a-.ays re"r2e2 the "3rrent in"i2ents ! her
2a34hter=s "areer+ 6She 4t 2resse2 n #3r#se $e!re 2inner+ B3t she=s 4t a !rien2 !
hers there9 that 4ent-eman5the Ita-ian5that she .ante2 t $rin4+ They=0e 4t 4in4 at
the #ian9 it seems as i! they "3-2n=t -ea0e !!+ Mr+ 8i0ane--i sin4s s#-en2i2-y+ B3t I
43ess they=-- "me $e!re 0ery -n4&6 "n"-32e2 Mrs+ Mi--er h#e!3--y+
6I=m srry she sh3-2 "me in that .ay&6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er+
6We--& I t-2 her that there .as n 3se in her 4ettin4 2resse2 $e!re 2inner i! she .as
4in4 t .ait three h3rs&6 res#n2e2 Daisy=s mamma+ 6I 2i2n=t see the 3se ! her #3ttin4
n s3"h a 2ress as that t sit r3n2 .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i+6
6This is mst hrri$-e@6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er& t3rnin4 a.ay an2 a22ressin4 herse-! t
Winter$3rne+ 6E--e s=a!!i"he+ It=s her re0en4e !r my ha0in4 0ent3re2 t remnstrate .ith
her+ When she "mes& I sha-- nt s#ea% t her+6
Daisy "ame a!ter e-e0en ="-"%9 $3t she .as nt& n s3"h an ""asin& a y3n4 -a2y t
.ait t $e s#%en t+ She r3st-e2 !r.ar2 in ra2iant -0e-iness& smi-in4 an2 "hatterin4&
"arryin4 a -ar4e $3:3et& an2 atten2e2 $y Mr+ 8i0ane--i+ E0eryne st##e2 ta-%in4 an2
t3rne2 an2 -%e2 at her+ She "ame strai4ht t Mrs+ Wa-%er+ 6I=m a!rai2 y3 th34ht I
ne0er .as "min4& s I sent mther !! t te-- y3+ I .ante2 t ma%e Mr+ 8i0ane--i
#ra"ti"e sme thin4s $e!re he "ame9 y3 %n. he sin4s $ea3ti!3--y& an2 I .ant y3 t
as% him t sin4+ This is Mr+ 8i0ane--i9 y3 %n. I intr23"e2 him t y39 he=s 4t the
mst -0e-y 0i"e& an2 he %n.s the mst "harmin4 set ! sn4s+ I ma2e him 4 0er
them this e0enin4 n #3r#se9 .e ha2 the 4reatest time at the hte-+6 O! a-- this Daisy
2e-i0ere2 herse-! .ith the s.eetest& $ri4htest a32i$-eness& -%in4 n. at her hstess an2
n. r3n2 the rm& .hi-e she 4a0e a series ! -itt-e #ats& r3n2 her sh3-2ers& t the
e24es ! her 2ress+ 6Is there anyne I %n.>6 she as%e2+
6I thin% e0ery ne %n.s y3@6 sai2 Mrs+ Wa-%er #re4nant-y& an2 she 4a0e a 0ery "3rsry
4reetin4 t Mr+ 8i0ane--i+ This 4ent-eman $re himse-! 4a--ant-y+ He smi-e2 an2 $.e2
an2 sh.e2 his .hite teeth9 he "3r-e2 his m3sta"hes an2 r--e2 his eyes an2 #er!rme2 a--
the #r#er !3n"tins ! a han2sme Ita-ian at an e0enin4 #arty+ He san4 0ery #retti-y ha-!
a 21en sn4s& th34h Mrs+ Wa-%er a!ter.ar2 2e"-are2 that she ha2 $een :3ite 3na$-e t
!in2 3t .h as%e2 him+ It .as a##arent-y nt Daisy .h ha2 4i0en him his r2ers+ Daisy
sat at a 2istan"e !rm the #ian& an2 th34h she ha2 #3$-i"-y& as it .ere& #r!esse2 a hi4h
a2miratin !r his sin4in4& ta-%e2& nt ina32i$-y& .hi-e it .as 4in4 n+
6It=s a #ity these rms are s sma--9 .e "an=t 2an"e&6 she sai2 t Winter$3rne& as i! she
ha2 seen him !i0e min3tes $e!re+
6I am nt srry .e "an=t 2an"e&6 Winter$3rne ans.ere29 6I 2n=t 2an"e+6
6O! "3rse y3 2n=t 2an"e9 y3=re t sti!!&6 sai2 Miss Daisy+ 6I h#e y3 en;ye2 y3r
2ri0e .ith Mrs+ Wa-%er@6
6N+ I 2i2n=t en;y it9 I #re!erre2 .a-%in4 .ith y3+6
6We #aire2 !!: that .as m3"h $etter&6 sai2 Daisy+ 6B3t 2i2 y3 e0er hear anythin4 s
"- as Mrs+ Wa-%er=s .antin4 me t 4et int her "arria4e an2 2r# #r Mr+ 8i0ane--i&
an2 3n2er the #retext that it .as #r#er> Pe#-e ha0e 2i!!erent i2eas@ It .3-2 ha0e $een
mst 3n%in29 he ha2 $een ta-%in4 a$3t that .a-% !r ten 2ays+6
6He sh3-2 nt ha0e ta-%e2 a$3t it at a--&6 sai2 Winter$3rne9 6he .3-2 ne0er ha0e
#r#se2 t a y3n4 -a2y ! this "3ntry t .a-% a$3t the streets .ith him+6
6A$3t the streets>6 "rie2 Daisy .ith her #retty stare+ 6Where& then& .3-2 he ha0e
#r#se2 t her t .a-%> The Pin"i is nt the streets& either9 an2 I& than% 42ness& am
nt a y3n4 -a2y ! this "3ntry+ The y3n4 -a2ies ! this "3ntry ha0e a 2rea2!3--y #%y
time ! it& s !ar as I "an -earn9 I 2n=t see .hy I sh3-2 "han4e my ha$its !r THEM+6
6I am a!rai2 y3r ha$its are thse ! a !-irt&6 sai2 Winter$3rne 4ra0e-y+
6O! "3rse they are&6 she "rie2& 4i0in4 him her -itt-e smi-in4 stare a4ain+ 6I=m a !ear!3-&
!ri4ht!3- !-irt@ Di2 y3 e0er hear ! a ni"e 4ir- that .as nt> B3t I s3##se y3 .i-- te--
me n. that I am nt a ni"e 4ir-+6
6Y3=re a 0ery ni"e 4ir-9 $3t I .ish y3 .3-2 !-irt .ith me& an2 me n-y&6 sai2
6Ah@ than% y35than% y3 0ery m3"h9 y3 are the -ast man I sh3-2 thin% ! !-irtin4
.ith+ As I ha0e ha2 the #-eas3re ! in!rmin4 y3& y3 are t sti!!+6
6Y3 say that t !ten&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
Daisy 4a0e a 2e-i4hte2 -a34h+ 6I! I "3-2 ha0e the s.eet h#e ! ma%in4 y3 an4ry& I
sh3-2 say it a4ain+6
6Dn=t 2 that9 .hen I am an4ry I=m sti!!er than e0er+ B3t i! y3 .n=t !-irt .ith me& 2
"ease& at -east& t !-irt .ith y3r !rien2 at the #ian9 they 2n=t 3n2erstan2 that srt !
thin4 here+6
6I th34ht they 3n2erst2 nthin4 e-se@6 ex"-aime2 Daisy+
6Nt in y3n4 3nmarrie2 .men+6
6It seems t me m3"h mre #r#er in y3n4 3nmarrie2 .men than in -2 marrie2 nes&6
Daisy 2e"-are2+
6We--&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6.hen y3 2ea- .ith nati0es y3 m3st 4 $y the "3stm ! the
#-a"e+ D-irtin4 is a #3re-y Ameri"an "3stm9 it 2esn=t exist here+ S .hen y3 sh.
y3rse-! in #3$-i" .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i& an2 .ith3t y3r mther56
68ra"i3s@ #r Mther@6 inter#se2 Daisy+
6Th34h y3 may $e !-irtin4& Mr+ 8i0ane--i is nt9 he means smethin4 e-se+6
6He isn=t #rea"hin4& at any rate&6 sai2 Daisy .ith 0i0a"ity+ 6An2 i! y3 .ant 0ery m3"h t
%n.& .e are neither ! 3s !-irtin49 .e are t 42 !rien2s !r that: .e are 0ery intimate
6Ah@6 re;ine2 Winter$3rne& 6i! y3 are in -0e .ith ea"h ther& it is anther a!!air+6
She ha2 a--.e2 him 3# t this #int t ta-% s !ran%-y that he ha2 n ex#e"tatin !
sh"%in4 her $y this e;a"3-atin9 $3t she imme2iate-y 4t 3#& $-3shin4 0isi$-y& an2
-ea0in4 him t ex"-aim menta--y that -itt-e Ameri"an !-irts .ere the :3eerest "reat3res in
the .r-2+ 6Mr+ 8i0ane--i& at -east&6 she sai2& 4i0in4 her inter-"3tr a sin4-e 4-an"e&
6ne0er says s3"h 0ery 2isa4reea$-e thin4s t me+6
Winter$3rne .as $e.i-2ere29 he st2& starin4+ Mr+ 8i0ane--i ha2 !inishe2 sin4in4+ He
-e!t the #ian an2 "ame 0er t Daisy+ 6Wn=t y3 "me int the ther rm an2 ha0e
sme tea>6 he as%e2& $en2in4 $e!re her .ith his rnamenta- smi-e+
Daisy t3rne2 t Winter$3rne& $e4innin4 t smi-e a4ain+ He .as sti-- mre #er#-exe2& !r
this in"nse:3ent smi-e ma2e nthin4 "-ear& th34h it seeme2 t #r0e& in2ee2& that she
ha2 a s.eetness an2 s!tness that re0erte2 instin"ti0e-y t the #ar2n ! !!enses+ 6It has
ne0er ""3rre2 t Mr+ Winter$3rne t !!er me any tea&6 she sai2 .ith her -itt-e
trmentin4 manner+
6I ha0e !!ere2 y3 a20i"e&6 Winter$3rne re;ine2+
6I #re!er .ea% tea@6 "rie2 Daisy& an2 she .ent !! .ith the $ri--iant 8i0ane--i+ She sat
.ith him in the a2;inin4 rm& in the em$ras3re ! the .in2.& !r the rest ! the
e0enin4+ There .as an interestin4 #er!rman"e at the #ian& $3t neither ! these y3n4
#e#-e 4a0e hee2 t it+ When Daisy "ame t ta%e -ea0e ! Mrs+ Wa-%er& this -a2y
"ns"ienti3s-y re#aire2 the .ea%ness ! .hi"h she ha2 $een 43i-ty at the mment ! the
y3n4 4ir-=s arri0a-+ She t3rne2 her $a"% strai4ht 3#n Miss Mi--er an2 -e!t her t 2e#art
.ith .hat 4ra"e she mi4ht+ Winter$3rne .as stan2in4 near the 2r9 he sa. it a--+ Daisy
t3rne2 0ery #a-e an2 -%e2 at her mther& $3t Mrs+ Mi--er .as h3m$-y 3n"ns"i3s !
any 0i-atin ! the 3s3a- s"ia- !rms+ She a##eare2& in2ee2& t ha0e !e-t an in"n4r33s
im#3-se t 2ra. attentin t her .n stri%in4 $ser0an"e ! them+ 682 ni4ht& Mrs+
Wa-%er&6 she sai29 6.e=0e ha2 a $ea3ti!3- e0enin4+ Y3 see& i! I -et Daisy "me t #arties
.ith3t me& I 2n=t .ant her t 4 a.ay .ith3t me+6 Daisy t3rne2 a.ay& -%in4 .ith a
#a-e& 4ra0e !a"e at the "ir"-e near the 2r9 Winter$3rne sa. that& !r the !irst mment&
she .as t m3"h sh"%e2 an2 #311-e2 e0en !r in2i4natin+ He n his si2e .as 4reat-y
6That .as 0ery "r3e-&6 he sai2 t Mrs+ Wa-%er+
6She ne0er enters my 2ra.in4 rm a4ain@6 re#-ie2 his hstess+
Sin"e Winter$3rne .as nt t meet her in Mrs+ Wa-%er=s 2ra.in4 rm& he .ent as !ten
as #ssi$-e t Mrs+ Mi--er=s hte-+ The -a2ies .ere rare-y at hme& $3t .hen he !3n2
them& the 2e0te2 8i0ane--i .as a-.ays #resent+ /ery !ten the $ri--iant -itt-e Rman
.as in the 2ra.in4 rm .ith Daisy a-ne& Mrs+ Mi--er $ein4 a##arent-y "nstant-y ! the
#inin that 2is"retin is the $etter #art ! s3r0ei--an"e+ Winter$3rne nte2& at !irst .ith
s3r#rise& that Daisy n these ""asins .as ne0er em$arrasse2 r annye2 $y his .n
entran"e9 $3t he 0ery #resent-y $e4an t !ee- that she ha2 n mre s3r#rises !r him9 the
3nex#e"te2 in her $eha0ir .as the n-y thin4 t ex#e"t+ She sh.e2 n 2is#-eas3re at
her tete7a7tete .ith 8i0ane--i $ein4 interr3#te29 she "3-2 "hatter as !resh-y an2 !ree-y
.ith t. 4ent-emen as .ith ne9 there .as a-.ays& in her "n0ersatin& the same 22
mixt3re ! a32a"ity an2 #3eri-ity+ Winter$3rne remar%e2 t himse-! that i! she .as
seri3s-y intereste2 in 8i0ane--i& it .as 0ery sin43-ar that she sh3-2 nt ta%e mre
tr3$-e t #reser0e the san"tity ! their inter0ie.s9 an2 he -i%e2 her the mre !r her
inn"ent7-%in4 in2i!!eren"e an2 her a##arent-y inexha3sti$-e 42 h3mr+ He "3-2
har2-y ha0e sai2 .hy& $3t she seeme2 t him a 4ir- .h .3-2 ne0er $e ;ea-3s+ At the
ris% ! ex"itin4 a sme.hat 2erisi0e smi-e n the rea2er=s #art& I may a!!irm that .ith
re4ar2 t the .men .h ha2 hithert intereste2 him& it 0ery !ten seeme2 t
Winter$3rne amn4 the #ssi$i-ities that& 4i0en "ertain "ntin4en"ies& he sh3-2 $e
a!rai25-itera--y a!rai25! these -a2ies9 he ha2 a #-easant sense that he sh3-2 ne0er $e
a!rai2 ! Daisy Mi--er+ It m3st $e a22e2 that this sentiment .as nt a-t4ether !-atterin4 t
Daisy9 it .as #art ! his "n0i"tin& r rather ! his a##rehensin& that she .3-2 #r0e a
0ery -i4ht y3n4 #ersn+
B3t she .as e0i2ent-y 0ery m3"h intereste2 in 8i0ane--i+ She -%e2 at him .hene0er
he s#%e9 she .as #er#et3a--y te--in4 him t 2 this an2 t 2 that9 she .as "nstant-y
6"ha!!in46 an2 a$3sin4 him+ She a##eare2 "m#-ete-y t ha0e !r4tten that
Winter$3rne ha2 sai2 anythin4 t 2is#-ease her at Mrs+ Wa-%er=s -itt-e #arty+ One S3n2ay
a!ternn& ha0in4 4ne t St+ Peter=s .ith his a3nt& Winter$3rne #er"ei0e2 Daisy
str--in4 a$3t the 4reat "h3r"h in "m#any .ith the ine0ita$-e 8i0ane--i+ Present-y he
#inte2 3t the y3n4 4ir- an2 her "a0a-ier t Mrs+ ,ste--+ This -a2y -%e2 at them a
mment thr34h her eye4-ass& an2 then she sai2:
6That=s .hat ma%es y3 s #ensi0e in these 2ays& eh>6
6I ha2 nt the -east i2ea I .as #ensi0e&6 sai2 the y3n4 man+
6Y3 are 0ery m3"h #re""3#ie29 y3 are thin%in4 ! smethin4+6
6An2 .hat is it&6 he as%e2& 6that y3 a""3se me ! thin%in4 !>6
6O! that y3n4 -a2y=s5Miss Ba%er=s& Miss ,han2-er=s5.hat=s her name>5Miss Mi--er=s
intri43e .ith that -itt-e $ar$er=s $-"%+6
6D y3 "a-- it an intri43e&6 Winter$3rne as%e256an a!!air that 4es n .ith s3"h
#e"3-iar #3$-i"ity>6
6That=s their !--y&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--9 6it=s nt their merit+6
6N&6 re;ine2 Winter$3rne& .ith smethin4 ! that #ensi0eness t .hi"h his a3nt ha2
a--32e2+ 6I 2n=t $e-ie0e that there is anythin4 t $e "a--e2 an intri43e+6
6I ha0e hear2 a 21en #e#-e s#ea% ! it9 they say she is :3ite "arrie2 a.ay $y him+6
6They are "ertain-y 0ery intimate&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
Mrs+ ,ste-- ins#e"te2 the y3n4 "3#-e a4ain .ith her #ti"a- instr3ment+ 6He is 0ery
han2sme+ One easi-y sees h. it is+ She thin%s him the mst e-e4ant man in the .r-2&
the !inest 4ent-eman+ She has ne0er seen anythin4 -i%e him9 he is $etter& e0en& than the
"3rier+ It .as the "3rier #r$a$-y .h intr23"e2 him9 an2 i! he s3""ee2s in marryin4
the y3n4 -a2y& the "3rier .i-- "me in !r a ma4ni!i"ent "mmissin+6
6I 2n=t $e-ie0e she thin%s ! marryin4 him&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6an2 I 2n=t $e-ie0e he
h#es t marry her+6
6Y3 may $e 0ery s3re she thin%s ! nthin4+ She 4es n !rm 2ay t 2ay& !rm h3r t
h3r& as they 2i2 in the 8-2en A4e+ I "an ima4ine nthin4 mre 03-4ar+ An2 at the same
time&6 a22e2 Mrs+ ,ste--& 62e#en2 3#n it that she may te-- y3 any mment that she is
6I thin% that is mre than 8i0ane--i ex#e"ts&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6Wh is 8i0ane--i>6
6The -itt-e Ita-ian+ I ha0e as%e2 :3estins a$3t him an2 -earne2 smethin4+ He is
a##arent-y a #er!e"t-y res#e"ta$-e -itt-e man+ I $e-ie0e he is& in a sma-- .ay& a "a0a-iere
a00"at+ B3t he 2esn=t m0e in .hat are "a--e2 the !irst "ir"-es+ I thin% it is rea--y nt
a$s-3te-y im#ssi$-e that the "3rier intr23"e2 him+ He is e0i2ent-y immense-y
"harme2 .ith Miss Mi--er+ I! she thin%s him the !inest 4ent-eman in the .r-2& he& n his
si2e& has ne0er !3n2 himse-! in #ersna- "nta"t .ith s3"h s#-en2r& s3"h #3-en"e& s3"h
ex#ensi0eness as this y3n4 -a2y=s+ An2 then she m3st seem t him .n2er!3--y #retty
an2 interestin4+ I rather 23$t that he 2reams ! marryin4 her+ That m3st a##ear t him
t im#ssi$-e a #ie"e ! -3"%+ He has nthin4 $3t his han2sme !a"e t !!er& an2 there is
a s3$stantia- Mr+ Mi--er in that mysteri3s -an2 ! 2--ars+ 8i0ane--i %n.s that he hasn=t
a tit-e t !!er+ I! he .ere n-y a "3nt r a mar"hese@ He m3st .n2er at his -3"%& at the
.ay they ha0e ta%en him 3#+6
6He a""3nts !r it $y his han2sme !a"e an2 thin%s Miss Mi--er a y3n4 -a2y :3i se
#asse ses !antaisies@6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--+
6It is 0ery tr3e&6 Winter$3rne #3rs3e2& 6that Daisy an2 her mamma ha0e nt yet risen t
that sta4e !5.hat sha-- I "a-- it>5! "3-t3re at .hi"h the i2ea ! "at"hin4 a "3nt r a
mar"hese $e4ins+ I $e-ie0e that they are inte--e"t3a--y in"a#a$-e ! that "n"e#tin+6
6Ah@ $3t the a00"at "an=t $e-ie0e it&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--+
O! the $ser0atin ex"ite2 $y Daisy=s 6intri43e&6 Winter$3rne 4athere2 that 2ay at St+
Peter=s s3!!i"ient e0i2en"e+ A 21en ! the Ameri"an "-nists in Rme "ame t ta-% .ith
Mrs+ ,ste--& .h sat n a -itt-e #rta$-e st- at the $ase ! ne ! the 4reat #i-asters+
The 0es#er ser0i"e .as 4in4 !r.ar2 in s#-en2i2 "hants an2 r4an tnes in the a2;a"ent
"hir& an2 mean.hi-e& $et.een Mrs+ ,ste-- an2 her !rien2s& there .as a 4reat 2ea- sai2
a$3t #r -itt-e Miss Mi--er=s 4in4 rea--y 6t !ar+6 Winter$3rne .as nt #-ease2 .ith
.hat he hear2& $3t .hen& "min4 3t 3#n the 4reat ste#s ! the "h3r"h& he sa. Daisy&
.h ha2 emer4e2 $e!re him& 4et int an #en "a$ .ith her a""m#-i"e an2 r-- a.ay
thr34h the "yni"a- streets ! Rme& he "3-2 nt 2eny t himse-! that she .as 4in4 0ery
!ar in2ee2+ He !e-t 0ery srry !r her5nt exa"t-y that he $e-ie0e2 that she ha2
"m#-ete-y -st her hea2& $3t $e"a3se it .as #ain!3- t hear s m3"h that .as #retty& an2
3n2e!en2e2& an2 nat3ra- assi4ne2 t a 03-4ar #-a"e amn4 the "ate4ries ! 2isr2er+ He
ma2e an attem#t a!ter this t 4i0e a hint t Mrs+ Mi--er+ He met ne 2ay in the ,rs a
!rien2& a t3rist -i%e himse-!& .h ha2 ;3st "me 3t ! the Dria Pa-a"e& .here he ha2
$een .a-%in4 thr34h the $ea3ti!3- 4a--ery+ His !rien2 ta-%e2 !r a mment a$3t the
s3#er$ #rtrait ! Inn"ent H $y /e-as:3e1 .hi"h han4s in ne ! the "a$inets ! the
#a-a"e& an2 then sai2& 6An2 in the same "a$inet& $y the .ay& I ha2 the #-eas3re !
"ntem#-atin4 a #i"t3re ! a 2i!!erent %in25that #retty Ameri"an 4ir- .hm y3 #inte2
3t t me -ast .ee%+6 In ans.er t Winter$3rne=s in:3iries& his !rien2 narrate2 that the
#retty Ameri"an 4ir-5#rettier than e0er5.as seate2 .ith a "m#anin in the se"-32e2
n% in .hi"h the 4reat #a#a- #rtrait .as enshrine2+
6Wh .as her "m#anin>6 as%e2 Winter$3rne+
6A -itt-e Ita-ian .ith a $3:3et in his $3ttnh-e+ The 4ir- is 2e-i4ht!3--y #retty& $3t I
th34ht I 3n2erst2 !rm y3 the ther 2ay that she .as a y3n4 -a2y 23 mei--e3r
6S she is@6 ans.ere2 Winter$3rne9 an2 ha0in4 ass3re2 himse-! that his in!rmant ha2
seen Daisy an2 her "m#anin $3t !i0e min3tes $e!re& he ;3m#e2 int a "a$ an2 .ent t
"a-- n Mrs+ Mi--er+ She .as at hme9 $3t she a#-4i1e2 t him !r re"ei0in4 him in
Daisy=s a$sen"e+
6She=s 4ne 3t sme.here .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i&6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er+ 6She=s a-.ays 4in4
r3n2 .ith Mr+ 8i0ane--i+6
6I ha0e nti"e2 that they are 0ery intimate&6 Winter$3rne $ser0e2+
6Oh& it seems as i! they "3-2n=t -i0e .ith3t ea"h ther@6 sai2 Mrs+ Mi--er+ 6We--& he=s a
rea- 4ent-eman& anyh.+ I %ee# te--in4 Daisy she=s en4a4e2@6
6An2 .hat 2es Daisy say>6
6Oh& she says she isn=t en4a4e2+ B3t she mi4ht as .e-- $e@6 this im#artia- #arent res3me29
6she 4es n as i! she .as+ B3t I=0e ma2e Mr+ 8i0ane--i #rmise t te-- me& i! SHE
2esn=t+ I sh3-2 .ant t .rite t Mr+ Mi--er a$3t it5sh3-2n=t y3>6
Winter$3rne re#-ie2 that he "ertain-y sh3-29 an2 the state ! min2 ! Daisy=s mamma
str3"% him as s 3n#re"e2ente2 in the anna-s ! #arenta- 0i4i-an"e that he 4a0e 3# as
3tter-y irre-e0ant the attem#t t #-a"e her 3#n her 43ar2+
A!ter this Daisy .as ne0er at hme& an2 Winter$3rne "ease2 t meet her at the h3ses !
their "mmn a":3aintan"es& $e"a3se& as he #er"ei0e2& these shre.2 #e#-e ha2 :3ite
ma2e 3# their min2s that she .as 4in4 t !ar+ They "ease2 t in0ite her9 an2 they
intimate2 that they 2esire2 t ex#ress t $ser0ant E3r#eans the 4reat tr3th that& th34h
Miss Daisy Mi--er .as a y3n4 Ameri"an -a2y& her $eha0ir .as nt re#resentati0e5.as
re4ar2e2 $y her "m#atrits as a$nrma-+ Winter$3rne .n2ere2 h. she !e-t a$3t a--
the "-2 sh3-2ers that .ere t3rne2 t.ar2 her& an2 smetimes it annye2 him t s3s#e"t
that she 2i2 nt !ee- at a--+ He sai2 t himse-! that she .as t -i4ht an2 "hi-2ish& t
3n"3-ti0ate2 an2 3nreasnin4& t #r0in"ia-& t ha0e re!-e"te2 3#n her stra"ism& r
e0en t ha0e #er"ei0e2 it+ Then at ther mments he $e-ie0e2 that she "arrie2 a$3t in her
e-e4ant an2 irres#nsi$-e -itt-e r4anism a 2e!iant& #assinate& #er!e"t-y $ser0ant
"ns"i3sness ! the im#ressin she #r23"e2+ He as%e2 himse-! .hether Daisy=s
2e!ian"e "ame !rm the "ns"i3sness ! inn"en"e& r !rm her $ein4& essentia--y& a
y3n4 #ersn ! the re"%-ess "-ass+ It m3st $e a2mitte2 that h-2in4 ne=s se-! t a $e-ie!
in Daisy=s 6inn"en"e6 "ame t seem t Winter$3rne mre an2 mre a matter ! !ine7
s#3n 4a--antry+ As I ha0e a-rea2y ha2 ""asin t re-ate& he .as an4ry at !in2in4 himse-!
re23"e2 t "h##in4 -4i" a$3t this y3n4 -a2y9 he .as 0exe2 at his .ant ! instin"ti0e
"ertit32e as t h. !ar her e""entri"ities .ere 4eneri"& natina-& an2 h. !ar they .ere
#ersna-+ Drm either 0ie. ! them he ha2 smeh. misse2 her& an2 n. it .as t -ate+
She .as 6"arrie2 a.ay6 $y Mr+ 8i0ane--i+
A !e. 2ays a!ter his $rie! inter0ie. .ith her mther& he en"3ntere2 her in that $ea3ti!3-
a$2e ! !-.erin4 2es-atin %n.n as the Pa-a"e ! the ,aesars+ The ear-y Rman
s#rin4 ha2 !i--e2 the air .ith $-m an2 #er!3me& an2 the r344e2 s3r!a"e ! the Pa-atine
.as m3!!-e2 .ith ten2er 0er23re+ Daisy .as str--in4 a-n4 the t# ! ne ! thse 4reat
m3n2s ! r3in that are em$an%e2 .ith mssy mar$-e an2 #a0e2 .ith mn3menta-
ins"ri#tins+ It seeme2 t him that Rme ha2 ne0er $een s -0e-y as ;3st then+ He st2&
-%in4 !! at the en"hantin4 harmny ! -ine an2 "-r that remte-y en"ir"-es the "ity&
inha-in4 the s!t-y h3mi2 2rs& an2 !ee-in4 the !reshness ! the year an2 the anti:3ity !
the #-a"e rea!!irm themse-0es in mysteri3s inter!3sin+ It seeme2 t him a-s that Daisy
ha2 ne0er -%e2 s #retty& $3t this ha2 $een an $ser0atin ! his .hene0er he met her+
8i0ane--i .as at her si2e& an2 8i0ane--i& t& .re an as#e"t ! e0en 3n.nte2
6We--&6 sai2 Daisy& 6I sh3-2 thin% y3 .3-2 $e -nesme@6
6Lnesme>6 as%e2 Winter$3rne+
6Y3 are a-.ays 4in4 r3n2 $y y3rse-!+ ,an=t y3 4et anyne t .a-% .ith y3>6
6I am nt s !rt3nate&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6as y3r "m#anin+6
8i0ane--i& !rm the !irst& ha2 treate2 Winter$3rne .ith 2istin43ishe2 #-iteness+ He
-istene2 .ith a 2e!erentia- air t his remar%s9 he -a34he2 #3n"ti-i3s-y at his #-easantries9
he seeme2 2is#se2 t testi!y t his $e-ie! that Winter$3rne .as a s3#erir y3n4 man+
He "arrie2 himse-! in n 2e4ree -i%e a ;ea-3s .er9 he ha2 $0i3s-y a 4reat 2ea- !
ta"t9 he ha2 n $;e"tin t y3r ex#e"tin4 a -itt-e h3mi-ity ! him+ It e0en seeme2 t
Winter$3rne at times that 8i0ane--i .3-2 !in2 a "ertain menta- re-ie! in $ein4 a$-e t
ha0e a #ri0ate 3n2erstan2in4 .ith him5t say t him& as an inte--i4ent man& that& $-ess
y3& HE %ne. h. extrar2inary .as this y3n4 -a2y& an2 2i2n=t !-atter himse-! .ith
2e-3si0e5r at -east TOO 2e-3si0e5h#es ! matrimny an2 2--ars+ On this ""asin
he str--e2 a.ay !rm his "m#anin t #-3"% a s#ri4 ! a-mn2 $-ssm& .hi"h he
"are!3--y arran4e2 in his $3ttnh-e+
6I %n. .hy y3 say that&6 sai2 Daisy& .at"hin4 8i0ane--i+ 6Be"a3se y3 thin% I 4
r3n2 t m3"h .ith HIM+6 An2 she n22e2 at her atten2ant+
6E0ery ne thin%s s5i! y3 "are t %n.&6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
6O! "3rse I "are t %n.@6 Daisy ex"-aime2 seri3s-y+ 6B3t I 2n=t $e-ie0e it+ They are
n-y #reten2in4 t $e sh"%e2+ They 2n=t rea--y "are a stra. .hat I 2+ Besi2es& I 2n=t
4 r3n2 s m3"h+6
6I thin% y3 .i-- !in2 they 2 "are+ They .i-- sh. it 2isa4reea$-y+6
Daisy -%e2 at him a mment+ 6H. 2isa4reea$-y>6
6Ha0en=t y3 nti"e2 anythin4>6 Winter$3rne as%e2+
6I ha0e nti"e2 y3+ B3t I nti"e2 y3 .ere as sti!! as an 3m$re--a the !irst time I sa.
6Y3 .i-- !in2 I am nt s sti!! as se0era- thers&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& smi-in4+
6H. sha-- I !in2 it>6
6By 4in4 t see the thers+6
6What .i-- they 2 t me>6
6They .i-- 4i0e y3 the "-2 sh3-2er+ D y3 %n. .hat that means>6
Daisy .as -%in4 at him intent-y9 she $e4an t "-r+ 6D y3 mean as Mrs+ Wa-%er 2i2
the ther ni4ht>6
6Exa"t-y@6 sai2 Winter$3rne+
She -%e2 a.ay at 8i0ane--i& .h .as 2e"ratin4 himse-! .ith his a-mn2 $-ssm+
Then -%in4 $a"% at Winter$3rne& 6I sh3-2n=t thin% y3 .3-2 -et #e#-e $e s
3n%in2@6 she sai2+
6H. "an I he-# it>6 he as%e2+
6I sh3-2 thin% y3 .3-2 say smethin4+6
6I 2 say smethin496 an2 he #a3se2 a mment+ 6I say that y3r mther te--s me that she
$e-ie0es y3 are en4a4e2+6
6We--& she 2es&6 sai2 Daisy 0ery sim#-y+
Winter$3rne $e4an t -a34h+ 6An2 2es Ran2-#h $e-ie0e it>6 he as%e2+
6I 43ess Ran2-#h 2esn=t $e-ie0e anythin4&6 sai2 Daisy+ Ran2-#h=s s%e#ti"ism ex"ite2
Winter$3rne t !3rther hi-arity& an2 he $ser0e2 that 8i0ane--i .as "min4 $a"% t
them+ Daisy& $ser0in4 it t& a22resse2 herse-! a4ain t her "3ntryman+ 6Sin"e y3 ha0e
mentine2 it&6 she sai2& 6I AM en4a4e2+6 I I I Winter$3rne -%e2 at her9 he ha2
st##e2 -a34hin4+ 6Y3 2n=t $e-ie0e@6 she a22e2+
He .as si-ent a mment9 an2 then& 6Yes& I $e-ie0e it&6 he sai2+
6Oh& n& y3 2n=t@6 she ans.ere2+ 6We--& then5I am nt@6
The y3n4 4ir- an2 her "i"erne .ere n their .ay t the 4ate ! the en"-s3re& s that
Winter$3rne& .h ha2 $3t -ate-y entere2& #resent-y t% -ea0e ! them+ A .ee%
a!ter.ar2 he .ent t 2ine at a $ea3ti!3- 0i--a n the ,ae-ian Hi--& an2& n arri0in4&
2ismisse2 his hire2 0ehi"-e+ The e0enin4 .as "harmin4& an2 he #rmise2 himse-! the
satis!a"tin ! .a-%in4 hme $eneath the Ar"h ! ,nstantine an2 #ast the 0a43e-y
-i4hte2 mn3ments ! the Dr3m+ There .as a .anin4 mn in the s%y& an2 her ra2ian"e
.as nt $ri--iant& $3t she .as 0ei-e2 in a thin "-32 "3rtain .hi"h seeme2 t 2i!!3se an2
e:3a-i1e it+ When& n his ret3rn !rm the 0i--a Jit .as e-e0en ="-"%K& Winter$3rne
a##ra"he2 the 23s%y "ir"-e ! the ,-sse3m& it re"3rre2 t him& as a -0er ! the
#i"t3res:3e& that the interir& in the #a-e mnshine& .3-2 $e .e-- .rth a 4-an"e+ He
t3rne2 asi2e an2 .a-%e2 t ne ! the em#ty ar"hes& near .hi"h& as he $ser0e2& an #en
"arria4e5ne ! the -itt-e Rman street"a$s5.as statine2+ Then he #asse2 in& amn4
the "a0ern3s sha2.s ! the 4reat str3"t3re& an2 emer4e2 3#n the "-ear an2 si-ent
arena+ The #-a"e ha2 ne0er seeme2 t him mre im#ressi0e+ One7ha-! ! the 4i4anti"
"ir"3s .as in 2ee# sha2e& the ther .as s-ee#in4 in the -3min3s 23s%+ As he st2 there
he $e4an t m3rm3r Byrn=s !am3s -ines& 3t ! 6Man!re2&6 $3t $e!re he ha2 !inishe2
his :3tatin he remem$ere2 that i! n"t3rna- me2itatins in the ,-sse3m are
re"mmen2e2 $y the #ets& they are 2e#re"ate2 $y the 2"trs+ The histri" atms#here
.as there& "ertain-y9 $3t the histri" atms#here& s"ienti!i"a--y "nsi2ere2& .as n $etter
than a 0i--ain3s miasma+ Winter$3rne .a-%e2 t the mi22-e ! the arena& t ta%e a mre
4enera- 4-an"e& inten2in4 therea!ter t ma%e a hasty retreat+ The 4reat "rss in the "enter
.as "0ere2 .ith sha2.9 it .as n-y as he 2re. near it that he ma2e it 3t 2istin"t-y+
Then he sa. that t. #ersns .ere statine2 3#n the -. ste#s .hi"h !rme2 its $ase+
One ! these .as a .man& seate29 her "m#anin .as stan2in4 in !rnt ! her+
Present-y the s3n2 ! the .man=s 0i"e "ame t him 2istin"t-y in the .arm ni4ht air+
6We--& he -%s at 3s as ne ! the -2 -ins r ti4ers may ha0e -%e2 at the ,hristian
martyrs@6 These .ere the .r2s he hear2& in the !ami-iar a""ent ! Miss Daisy Mi--er+
6Let 3s h#e he is nt 0ery h3n4ry&6 res#n2e2 the in4eni3s 8i0ane--i+ 6He .i-- ha0e t
ta%e me !irst9 y3 .i-- ser0e !r 2essert@6
Winter$3rne st##e2& .ith a srt ! hrrr& an2& it m3st $e a22e2& .ith a srt ! re-ie!+ It
.as as i! a s322en i--3minatin ha2 $een !-ashe2 3#n the am$i43ity ! Daisy=s $eha0ir&
an2 the ri22-e ha2 $e"me easy t rea2+ She .as a y3n4 -a2y .hm a 4ent-eman nee2
n -n4er $e at #ains t res#e"t+ He st2 there& -%in4 at her5-%in4 at her
"m#anin an2 nt re!-e"tin4 that th34h he sa. them 0a43e-y& he himse-! m3st ha0e
$een mre $ri4ht-y 0isi$-e+ He !e-t an4ry .ith himse-! that he ha2 $there2 s m3"h
a$3t the ri4ht .ay ! re4ar2in4 Miss Daisy Mi--er+ Then& as he .as 4in4 t a20an"e
a4ain& he "he"%e2 himse-!& nt !rm the !ear that he .as 2in4 her in;3sti"e& $3t !rm a
sense ! the 2an4er ! a##earin4 3n$e"min4-y exhi-arate2 $y this s322en re03-sin !rm
"a3ti3s "riti"ism+ He t3rne2 a.ay t.ar2 the entran"e ! the #-a"e& $3t& as he 2i2 s& he
hear2 Daisy s#ea% a4ain+
6Why& it .as Mr+ Winter$3rne@ He sa. me& an2 he "3ts me@6
What a "-e0er -itt-e re#r$ate she .as& an2 h. smart-y she #-aye2 at in;3re2 inn"en"e@
B3t he .3-2n=t "3t her+ Winter$3rne "ame !r.ar2 a4ain an2 .ent t.ar2 the 4reat
"rss+ Daisy ha2 4t 3#9 8i0ane--i -i!te2 his hat+ Winter$3rne ha2 n. $e43n t thin%
sim#-y ! the "ra1iness& !rm a sanitary #int ! 0ie.& ! a 2e-i"ate y3n4 4ir- -3n4in4
a.ay the e0enin4 in this nest ! ma-aria+ What i! she WERE a "-e0er -itt-e re#r$ate> that
.as n reasn !r her 2yin4 ! the #erni"isa+ 6H. -n4 ha0e y3 $een here>6 he as%e2
a-mst $r3ta--y+
Daisy& -0e-y in the !-atterin4 mn-i4ht& -%e2 at him a mment+ Then56A-- the
e0enin4&6 she ans.ere2& 4ent-y+ I I I 6I ne0er sa. anythin4 s #retty+6
6I am a!rai2&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6that y3 .i-- nt thin% Rman !e0er 0ery #retty+ This
is the .ay #e#-e "at"h it+ I .n2er&6 he a22e2& t3rnin4 t 8i0ane--i& 6that y3& a nati0e
Rman& sh3-2 "3ntenan"e s3"h a terri$-e in2is"retin+6
6Ah&6 sai2 the han2sme nati0e& 6!r myse-! I am nt a!rai2+6
6Neither am I5!r y3@ I am s#ea%in4 !r this y3n4 -a2y+6
8i0ane--i -i!te2 his .e--7sha#e2 eye$r.s an2 sh.e2 his $ri--iant teeth+ B3t he t%
Winter$3rne=s re$3%e .ith 2"i-ity+ 6I t-2 the si4nrina it .as a 4ra0e in2is"retin& $3t
.hen .as the si4nrina e0er #r32ent>6
6I ne0er .as si"%& an2 I 2n=t mean t $e@6 the si4nrina 2e"-are2+ 6I 2n=t -% -i%e
m3"h& $3t I=m hea-thy@ I .as $3n2 t see the ,-sse3m $y mn-i4ht9 I sh3-2n=t ha0e
.ante2 t 4 hme .ith3t that9 an2 .e ha0e ha2 the mst $ea3ti!3- time& ha0en=t .e&
Mr+ 8i0ane--i> I! there has $een any 2an4er& E34eni "an 4i0e me sme #i--s+ He has 4t
sme s#-en2i2 #i--s+6
6I sh3-2 a20ise y3&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& 6t 2ri0e hme as !ast as #ssi$-e an2 ta%e
6What y3 say is 0ery .ise&6 8i0ane--i re;ine2+ 6I .i-- 4 an2 ma%e s3re the "arria4e is
at han2+6 An2 he .ent !r.ar2 ra#i2-y+
Daisy !--.e2 .ith Winter$3rne+ He %e#t -%in4 at her9 she seeme2 nt in the -east
em$arrasse2+ Winter$3rne sai2 nthin49 Daisy "hattere2 a$3t the $ea3ty ! the #-a"e+
6We--& I HA/E seen the ,-sse3m $y mn-i4ht@6 she ex"-aime2+ 6That=s ne 42
thin4+6 Then& nti"in4 Winter$3rne=s si-en"e& she as%e2 him .hy he 2i2n=t s#ea%+ He
ma2e n ans.er9 he n-y $e4an t -a34h+ They #asse2 3n2er ne ! the 2ar% ar"h.ays9
8i0ane--i .as in !rnt .ith the "arria4e+ Here Daisy st##e2 a mment& -%in4 at the
y3n4 Ameri"an+ 6DID y3 $e-ie0e I .as en4a4e2& the ther 2ay>6 she as%e2+
6It 2esn=t matter .hat I $e-ie0e2 the ther 2ay&6 sai2 Winter$3rne& sti-- -a34hin4+
6We--& .hat 2 y3 $e-ie0e n.>6
6I $e-ie0e that it ma%es 0ery -itt-e 2i!!eren"e .hether y3 are en4a4e2 r nt@6
He !e-t the y3n4 4ir-=s #retty eyes !ixe2 3#n him thr34h the thi"% 4-m ! the
ar"h.ay9 she .as a##arent-y 4in4 t ans.er+ B3t 8i0ane--i h3rrie2 her !r.ar2+
6L3i"%@ :3i"%@6 he sai29 6i! .e 4et in $y mi2ni4ht .e are :3ite sa!e+6
Daisy t% her seat in the "arria4e& an2 the !rt3nate Ita-ian #-a"e2 himse-! $esi2e her+
6Dn=t !r4et E34eni=s #i--s@6 sai2 Winter$3rne as he -i!te2 his hat+
6I 2n=t "are&6 sai2 Daisy in a -itt-e stran4e tne& 6.hether I ha0e Rman !e0er r nt@6
U#n this the "a$ 2ri0er "ra"%e2 his .hi#& an2 they r--e2 a.ay 0er the 2es3-try
#at"hes ! the anti:3e #a0ement+
Winter$3rne& t 2 him ;3sti"e& as it .ere& mentine2 t n ne that he ha2 en"3ntere2
Miss Mi--er& at mi2ni4ht& in the ,-sse3m .ith a 4ent-eman9 $3t ne0erthe-ess& a "3#-e
! 2ays -ater& the !a"t ! her ha0in4 $een there 3n2er these "ir"3mstan"es .as %n.n t
e0ery mem$er ! the -itt-e Ameri"an "ir"-e& an2 "mmente2 a""r2in4-y+ Winter$3rne
re!-e"te2 that they ha2 ! "3rse %n.n it at the hte-& an2 that& a!ter Daisy=s ret3rn& there
ha2 $een an ex"han4e ! remar%s $et.een the #rter an2 the "a$ 2ri0er+ B3t the y3n4
man .as "ns"i3s& at the same mment& that it ha2 "ease2 t $e a matter ! seri3s
re4ret t him that the -itt-e Ameri"an !-irt sh3-2 $e 6ta-%e2 a$3t6 $y -.7min2e2
menia-s+ These #e#-e& a 2ay r t. -ater& ha2 seri3s in!rmatin t 4i0e: the -itt-e
Ameri"an !-irt .as a-armin4-y i--+ Winter$3rne& .hen the r3mr "ame t him&
imme2iate-y .ent t the hte- !r mre ne.s+ He !3n2 that t. r three "harita$-e
!rien2s ha2 #re"e2e2 him& an2 that they .ere $ein4 entertaine2 in Mrs+ Mi--er=s sa-n $y
6It=s 4in4 r3n2 at ni4ht&6 sai2 Ran2-#h56that=s .hat ma2e her si"%+ She=s a-.ays
4in4 r3n2 at ni4ht+ I sh3-2n=t thin% she=2 .ant t& it=s s #-a43y 2ar%+ Y3 "an=t see
anythin4 here at ni4ht& ex"e#t .hen there=s a mn+ In Ameri"a there=s a-.ays a mn@6
Mrs+ Mi--er .as in0isi$-e9 she .as n.& at -east& 4i0in4 her 2a34hter the a20anta4e ! her
s"iety+ It .as e0i2ent that Daisy .as 2an4er3s-y i--+
Winter$3rne .ent !ten t as% !r ne.s ! her& an2 n"e he sa. Mrs+ Mi--er& .h&
th34h 2ee#-y a-arme2& .as& rather t his s3r#rise& #er!e"t-y "m#se2& an2& as it
a##eare2& a mst e!!i"ient an2 ;32i"i3s n3rse+ She ta-%e2 a 42 2ea- a$3t Dr+ Da0is&
$3t Winter$3rne #ai2 her the "m#-iment ! sayin4 t himse-! that she .as nt& a!ter a--&
s3"h a mnstr3s 4se+ 6Daisy s#%e ! y3 the ther 2ay&6 she sai2 t him+ 6Ha-! the
time she 2esn=t %n. .hat she=s sayin4& $3t that time I thin% she 2i2+ She 4a0e me a
messa4e she t-2 me t te-- y3+ She t-2 me t te-- y3 that she ne0er .as en4a4e2 t
that han2sme Ita-ian+ I am s3re I am 0ery 4-a29 Mr+ 8i0ane--i hasn=t $een near 3s sin"e
she .as ta%en i--+ I th34ht he .as s m3"h ! a 4ent-eman9 $3t I 2n=t "a-- that 0ery
#-ite@ A -a2y t-2 me that he .as a!rai2 I .as an4ry .ith him !r ta%in4 Daisy r3n2 at
ni4ht+ We--& s I am& $3t I s3##se he %n.s I=m a -a2y+ I .3-2 s"rn t s"-2 him+
Any.ay& she says she=s nt en4a4e2+ I 2n=t %n. .hy she .ante2 y3 t %n.& $3t she
sai2 t me three times& =Min2 y3 te-- Mr+ Winter$3rne+= An2 then she t-2 me t as% i!
y3 remem$ere2 the time y3 .ent t that "ast-e in S.it1er-an2+ B3t I sai2 I .3-2n=t
4i0e any s3"h messa4es as that+ On-y& i! she is nt en4a4e2& I=m s3re I=m 4-a2 t %n. it+6
B3t& as Winter$3rne ha2 sai2& it mattere2 0ery -itt-e+ A .ee% a!ter this& the #r 4ir- 2ie29
it ha2 $een a terri$-e "ase ! the !e0er+ Daisy=s 4ra0e .as in the -itt-e Prtestant "emetery&
in an an4-e ! the .a-- ! im#eria- Rme& $eneath the "y#resses an2 the thi"% s#rin4
!-.ers+ Winter$3rne st2 there $esi2e it& .ith a n3m$er ! ther m3rners& a n3m$er
-ar4er than the s"an2a- ex"ite2 $y the y3n4 -a2y=s "areer .3-2 ha0e -e2 y3 t ex#e"t+
Near him st2 8i0ane--i& .h "ame nearer sti-- $e!re Winter$3rne t3rne2 a.ay+
8i0ane--i .as 0ery #a-e: n this ""asin he ha2 n !-.er in his $3ttnh-e9 he seeme2
t .ish t say smethin4+ At -ast he sai2& 6She .as the mst $ea3ti!3- y3n4 -a2y I e0er
sa.& an2 the mst amia$-e69 an2 then he a22e2 in a mment& 6an2 she .as the mst
Winter$3rne -%e2 at him an2 #resent-y re#eate2 his .r2s& 6An2 the mst inn"ent>6
6The mst inn"ent@6
Winter$3rne !e-t sre an2 an4ry+ 6Why the 2e0i-&6 he as%e2& 62i2 y3 ta%e her t that
!ata- #-a"e>6
Mr+ 8i0ane--i=s 3r$anity .as a##arent-y im#ert3r$a$-e+ He -%e2 n the 4r3n2 a
mment& an2 then he sai2& 6Dr myse-! I ha2 n !ear9 an2 she .ante2 t 4+6
6That .as n reasn@6 Winter$3rne 2e"-are2+
The s3$t-e Rman a4ain 2r##e2 his eyes+ 6I! she ha2 -i0e2& I sh3-2 ha0e 4t nthin4+
She .3-2 ne0er ha0e marrie2 me& I am s3re+6
6She .3-2 ne0er ha0e marrie2 y3>6
6Dr a mment I h#e2 s+ B3t n+ I am s3re+6
Winter$3rne -istene2 t him: he st2 starin4 at the ra. #rt3$eran"e amn4 the A#ri-
2aisies+ When he t3rne2 a.ay a4ain& Mr+ 8i0ane--i& .ith his -i4ht& s-. ste#& ha2 retire2+
Winter$3rne a-mst imme2iate-y -e!t Rme9 $3t the !--.in4 s3mmer he a4ain met his
a3nt& Mrs+ ,ste-- at /e0ey+ Mrs+ ,ste-- .as !n2 ! /e0ey+ In the inter0a-
Winter$3rne ha2 !ten th34ht ! Daisy Mi--er an2 her mysti!yin4 manners+ One 2ay he
s#%e ! her t his a3nt5sai2 it .as n his "ns"ien"e that he ha2 2ne her in;3sti"e+
6I am s3re I 2n=t %n.&6 sai2 Mrs+ ,ste--+ 6H. 2i2 y3r in;3sti"e a!!e"t her>6
6She sent me a messa4e $e!re her 2eath .hi"h I 2i2n=t 3n2erstan2 at the time9 $3t I ha0e
3n2erst2 it sin"e+ She .3-2 ha0e a##re"iate2 ne=s esteem+6
6Is that a m2est .ay&6 as%e2 Mrs+ ,ste--& 6! sayin4 that she .3-2 ha0e re"i#r"ate2
ne=s a!!e"tin>6
Winter$3rne !!ere2 n ans.er t this :3estin9 $3t he #resent-y sai2& 6Y3 .ere ri4ht in
that remar% that y3 ma2e -ast s3mmer+ I .as $%e2 t ma%e a mista%e+ I ha0e -i0e2 t
-n4 in !rei4n #arts+6
Ne0erthe-ess& he .ent $a"% t -i0e at 8ene0a& .hen"e there "ntin3e t "me the mst
"ntra2i"try a""3nts ! his mti0es ! s;3rn: a re#rt that he is 6st32yin46 har25an
intimatin that he is m3"h intereste2 in a 0ery "-e0er !rei4n -a2y+

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