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Treatment of high triglycerides ------------------------------------In most cases, high triglycerides are managed by making lifestyle changes.

You may be advised to: Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Eat less, particularly high fat foods. Increase the amount of fibre in your diet. Avoid high sugar foods such as lollies. Choose foods with a low glycaemic index (GI) such as legumes and wholegrain products. Eat more fish. Choose fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and trout. Omega-3 in high doses can reduce triglyceride levels. Cut back on alcohol. The kilojoules and sugar in alcoholic drinks can raise trig lyceride levels. Lose excess body fat using a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise. Don t smoke. Manage coexisting health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension effectively . ----------------------------------At the birth of every human being the first breath is being given by the Holy S pirit or the Maha Chohan. The last breath at the end of our time span is taken b y one of Them. The breath can contain the qualities of the Holy Spirit when you concentrate upo n them. The Holy Breath is composed of 4 parts: 1. The inbreath, when you breathe the quality ( for instance patience ) in. 2. The absorption, when you hold the breath into your body, absorb the quality i nto your four lower vehicles ( physical, etheric, emotional and mental ). 3. The expansion, when you breathe out, increases the power and momentum of the Holy Breath. 4. As you hold your breath out of your body, project these magnificent God Quali ties forth to all life. Repeat this exercise a minimum of three full breaths. ---------------------------------------

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