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1. which dynasty **ng built mahabalipuram temple? -- Pallav 2. 1st women chief of UNESCO? --- irena brokova 3.

grass field of africa? -------savana 4. Rihand dam ----- on Rihand river 5. election commission ----article -324 6. Adult frenchise----- article 326 7. which article prevents childrend up to age of 14 years from hazardous work------ article 24 8. financial emergency---- article 360 9. newer aluvial soil-- khadar 10. joint naval exercise with france---- Varun 11. AN_32 fifgter plane repair---- Ukraine 12. vedenta plane displaced tribes---- kondh in orissa 13. mark to market SLR 14. french honour- Lata Mangeshkar 15. Highest population growth in last census- Nagaland 16. World economic outlook---- IMF 17. Vitamin C- Ascorbic Acid 18. Antibiotic which prevents formation of cell wall---- Penicillin 19. lowest layer of atmosphere----- Troposhere 20. india's remote sensing centre--- Hyderabad

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