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Table 8-1.

Developmental Milestones
2 wk 2 mo

Gross Motor

Fine MotorAdaptive

Regards face Smiles responsively

Alerts to bell Cooing Searches for sound with eyes Laughs and squeals

Other Cognitive

Moves head side to side Lifts shoulder while Tracks past prone midline

4 mo

Lifts up on hands Rolls front to back

Reaches for object Raking grasp

Looks at hand Begins to work toward toy

If pulled to sit from supine, no head lag 6 mo Sits alone Transfers object Feeds self hand to hand Holds bottle 9 mo Pulls to stand Starting to pincer Waves bye-bye grasp Gets into sitting Bangs 2 blocks Plays pat-a-cake position together 12 mo Walks Puts block in Drinks from a cup cup Stoops and stands Imitates others 15 mo Walks backward Scribbles Uses spoon and fork Stacks 2 blocks Helps in housework 18 mo Runs Stacks four Removes garment blocks Kicks a ball "Feeds" doll 2 yr Walks up and down Stacks 6 blocks Washes and dries stairs hands Throws overhand Copies line Brushes teeth Puts on clothes 3 yr Walks steps Stacks 8 blocks Uses spoon well, alternating feet spilling little Broad jump Wiggles thumb Puts on t-shirt


Says Dada and Mama, but nonspecific 2-syllable sounds Says Mama and Dada, specific Says 1-2 other words Says 3-6 words Follows commands Says at least 6 words

Puts 2 words together Points to pictures Knows body parts Names pictures Speech understandable to stranger 75% Says 3-word sentences Names colors Understands adjectives Counts Understands opposites Defines words

Understands concept of "today"

Understands concepts of "tomorrow" and "yesterday"

4 yr

Balances well on each foot Hops on one foot Skips Heal-to-toe walks Balances on each foot 6 sec

5 yr 6 yr

Copies O, maybe Brushes teeth without + help Draws person Dresses without help with 3 parts Copies Copies Draws person with 6 parts

Begins to understand "right" and "left"

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