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Objective is to provide essential medical services online to everyone hardly matters you live in metro or a remotely located village. Users can connect through their home internet or approach any nearby kiosk to get these services. What motivate to build this system are: 1) Very few or no doctors at remote locations 2) Limited hour services and lack of sophisticated medical equipments 3) No patients history/lab data management

Existing System:
The existing system consists of entering the details in the Microsoft Excel Sheets for the storing of the data. When a Doctor needs information of the another doctor they need to search for the specified file in the file system. They opens the file and takes the information. Report Generation done manually by copying the content of the different files into another file. The Manually generated report was then printed. Limitations in Existing System Information retrieval is a very big process. Lack of organization of the files may effect to information loss due to accidental deletion of files. No security because the files are visible to the users. Report generation will be a big task.

Proposed System:
The Proposed system is a browser which is completely related to online system, which provides the centralized database. It stores the entire information and description of the particular patients prescription or treatment data. It can also create Excel reports and PDF documents based on the information in its database. Advantages over Existing System The performance is increased due to well designed database. Security is increased Time saving in report generation Easy to update the details

Number of Modules: Study of the System:

In the flexibility of uses the interface has been developed a graphics concepts in mind, associated through a browser Interface. The GUIs at the top level has been categorized as follows A. Admin B. Doctor C. Patient

Number of Modules:
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules: The Modules involved are 1. Admin 2. Doctor 3. Patient 4. Security and Authentication 5. Reports

Admin Module:
These users are authenticated to the website by providing the credentials which they got at the time of registration. He is the person who received the Profile of a Doctor and accept/reject the registration. He is the person who receives the Complaints from the Patient and redirects to respective Doctor for response.


He should have a facility to communicate using chat, email facility with other stakeholders. He should take care of Backup of Patient, Doctor details and maintain history. He should able to generate Reports Patient History, Kiosk Manager Monthly Servicewise, etc.

Doctor Module:
These users are authenticated to the website by providing the credentials which they got at the time of registration. While registering, he should also enter the Available Timings for the Patient visits. This user should able to enter his Qualifications, Experience & Expertise details into the system. He should able to see a Patients appointment details on a particular date. Also if the Patient is already visited, able to see the previous Prescription given the Patient, Disease History, Visiting details, etc. They should be able to see the Feedback given by the Patient. They should be able to see the Complaints given by the Patient and must provide the Response for that. He should have a facility to communicate using chat, email facility with other stakeholders.

Patient Module:
Being a Patient (after registration) should able to take an Appointment of a Doctor visit. This request goes to Admin and he will confirm the appointment based on the availability. This user should able enter the History of his/her Health Checkup Record on a particular Date like Height, Weight, B.P., Sugar, ECG, Blood Test, Urine Test, etc. This user should also able to enter Disease History Record like Medicines used in the Past, lastly visited Doctor Details, Doctor Prescription details, etc. They should have a facility to register to the site with their Personal data along with Health details Height, Weight, Family inherited Diseases, Blood Group, etc. They should send the Lab Report details to Admin through email to upload the details into system. They should have a facility to give Complaints about Doctor service. This should be received by Administrator and redirect to respective Doctor for getting response. They should have an access to provide their Feedback about Doctor service. They should have an Online Chat with Doctor facility. They should able to Search for a Doctor and can see the Doctors Profile for an appointment.

Security and Authentication:

1. User Registration. 3. Change password 2. Login as User or Donor and Administrator 4. Forgot Password

In this Module the administrator, Doctor, Woman Welfare Organizations and Patient can generate different types of reports.

Software Requirements:
Operating System User Interface Client-side Scripting Programming Language Web Applications IDE/Workbench : : : : : : Windows XP/2003 or Linux HTML, CSS JavaScript Java JDBC, Servlets, JSP My Eclipse 6.0


Database Server Deployment Frame Work Processor Hard Disk RAM

: : : : : :

Oracle 10g Tomcat 6.x Struts 1.x Pentium IV 40GB 512MB or more

Hardware Requirements:


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