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Originally deleted from TESF, also found here (http://monkeytruth.net/yabb/YaBB. pl?num=1300271465) with some commentary.

<br /> <br /> <h2>"Amaranth"</h2> <span class=\"descr"\>by Mr. Quimper/Baruch</a> <h3>"So You Might Know How Not To"</h3> See also: The Monomyth; et'Ada, Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer; Shor, son of Shor The first Aurbical object is Aetherius, the stuff of Anu, "the birth of all magi c." In the state of pure Order, all of the spirits are perfect and unbounded, bu t by virtue of their perfection they are slaves to Order. Thus, the state of abs olute perfection is the lowest state of existence. The next Aurbical object is O blivion, the stuff of Padomay, "a refutation of sorts." This is Chaos and the li mitation on perfection. It is also a state of absolute liberty. Thus the two abs olutes are described: the ordered and enchained, and the free and chaotic. Howev er, the perfect and the free are two sides of the same thing, a schizophrenic go d at war with itself. All souls and all matter are part of a single identity whi ch has divided against itself. It is the herald of these two sides, personified as Akatosh and Lorkhan, that cr eates the Mundus, the first step towards self-actualization. Mundus is the merge r of Order and Chaos, an attempt to reconcile the two extremes. What arises out of that is the mortal spirits, neither perfect nor free, they are the spirits wi th actual liberty, the ability to make choices and ascend beyond their status. T he world could be thought of as a platform from which to leap from. However, Mun dus is a cycle of creation and destruction: Lorkhan/Akatosh creates it, and then Lorkhan/Akatosh destroys it. It is not one attempt, but a series of attempts. What is most important to understand about this is that Akatosh/Lorkhan sacrific ed itself to give others the opportunity to achieve actualization. This is a won derful gift. <h3>"Until They Walk Like You"<h3> See also: Vehk's Teaching; Nu-Hatta of the Sphinxmoth Inquiry Tree The first step to transcend beyond Mundus is to realize that all is one, and ver y few are able to realize this. It is not enough to know it, the way you know th at Shakespeare wrote that brevity is the soul of wit, but to realize it the way you realize that you are hot or cold or hungry or awake. To realize really and a ctually that you and everything are parts of a whole is no small feat. The secon d step beyond Mundus is to maintain ones individuality in the face of this reali zation. With the combination of these two things, one achieves what is normally called "CHIM," but which the Loveletter calls more generally "Z (... the state-g radient echo of Mundus Centerex)." Hopefully, the parallel between the transition from Aurbis to Mundus and from mo rtal to Z is apparent. Just as Mundus is the merger of the perfect and the liber tine, Z is the acceptance of the unity of reality and one's own individuality wi thin that; equality and liberty. <h3>"To Avoid The Perils Of The Landfall"</h3> See also: Loveletter From the Fifth Era; The True Purpose of Tamriel But is Z really self-actualization? Yes and no. There is one aspect that is miss ing: self-actualization cannot really be done alone. Only through the universal love of all the world for all the world, that is, solidarity, can mortals achiev e real and total self-actualization. In this sense, Vivec and Tiber Septim and t he Dwarves all failed, because they did not truly know love, because unless all succeed, all have failed.

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