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Editor: G4BUE

February 2002

A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755)
(3525, 7025, 10120-10125, 14025, 18080-18085, 21025, 24905-24910 and 28025kHz)


Welcome to the second News Sheet to be compiled and published from sunny Florida. Good luck to everyone in the Marathon. If the good conditions and high level of activity since the beginning of the year are anything to go by, then I think this could be a good one. Please let me have your current Windle Centenary scores for the table on page 4. In addition to giving me your score under the new rules, please also give me the total number of members worked (under the old rules). I will then publish both scores eg G4BUE 189/121, meaning I have a total of 189 points (under the new rules) and a total of 121 different members worked (under the old rules). This will enable comparisons to be made with the scores and tables of previous years. All the Committee and the President met on 9 January at G3LIKs QTH. The restructuring of the Internet News Groups was completed and around 200 members were subscribed to the new FOC Members Reflector. G3WGV presented a paper on an approach to review the position of FOC within amateur radio and to what makes an ideal FOC member. Various study methods were discussed and agreed and a programme outlined. Details of the programme and how members can become involved will be published in the News Sheet. The Website will shortly contain a list of members callsigns, names and FOC numbers. Seven members had asked not to be listed and their wishes will be respected. Objections to LY2PX and G4PPG were discussed and overruled. Subscription renewals had gone well. Two members from the UK and six outside the UK had not paid by the deadline and these will be contacted by GW3KGV Methods of payment . were discussed and it was agreed to publicise the Clubs bank account details to allow members to make electronic transfers of their subscription. Details will be included in the 2002 Call Book.



G3MXJ and G3VTT had made good progress with the arrangements for the 2002 Annual Dinner at Greenwich. A wider choice of menu will be available, as will an expanded choice of wine and beer. The ticket price will reduce to 29.50, a saving of 2 on the previous price. Publicity arrangements were discussed and this will be done via FOCUS and the Website. G3MXJ received 233 nominations from 126 members for membership in 2001, which was well up on previous years totals, suggesting a healthy interest in Club membership. Only one member had used all his five nominations. There are currently 484 members, eight Permanent and three Temporary Associate members. Latest member was ND4AA. Two applications for transfer to Associate membership were considered, but rejected on the grounds that both stations still appear to be active. W4CK has continued preparations to relaunch the W6WAS Award and the Committee was delighted that this will take place. W4CK has obtained the previous records from W8VSK and it was noted that 20 members had worked all 50 states. W4CK will write an announcement article for FOCUS when he is ready to commence the award. G4VXE had been approached by GU3SQX of the RSGBs Amateur Radio Development Committee (ARDC) with a view to FOC providing a series of Morse Proficiency Awards for newcomers (non-members) to follow, once they have passed their 5WPM Morse test. The aim would be to help newcomers improve their competence and confidence in using Morse on the air. It was agreed that this was a desirable objective and G4VXE will formulate some proposals, liaising, in particular with G3NOH and G3KTZ. It is anticipated that the programme would have both classroom and on-air components. The next committee meeting will be 27 April. From GJWB: I write in response to the letter by John, G3JVC, published on page 34 of FOCUS 49. I have read the letter numerous times and have come to the conclusion that I


agree with the majority of its contents, although there are some points that I do not agree with. I am active on the bands almost daily and am regularly on the LF bands during the evenings. I find that members, including some Committee members, are scarce on the bands, although there are plenty of QSOs to be enjoyed with other stations. Regarding the Bill Windle Memorial Award, I find this to be an excellent ongoing event, however it bears no resemblance to its original conception. I, perhaps wrongly, was under the impression that this was to promote activity and friendship amongst members. It is my view that it is basically a number chasing event. In January this year I was knocked off my frequency numerous times by number chasers (twice by the same station). I note from my log that I only work certain members once a year. I also get quite disillusioned when I find that certain members accumulate many points via contests where a quick 599001-161 (oh good I have another Windle point) seems to be the norm. I do listen to some contests and the Club member activity is quite amazing. Some of these members I have never worked to date. The majority of them then disappear only to re-appear for the next contest. I even heard one member state he had acquired 27 Windles in a four hour contest and it was his way of increasing his score. I work hard for my Windles but the current situation makes us lesser mortals look rather inadequate and less active than the bang bang brigade. In view of this situation I no longer submit Windle reports, as there seems little point to it. With regard to the Marathon, I note that the minimum exchange is RST and membership number. Windle points are not allowed and the WARC bands are not included (contest format?). I understand this event is described as an activity weekend. I took part in the event last year and in my opinion it was a contest without a title. For this reason I feel very reluctant to take part in the forthcoming event in February. I feel a lot of the inactivity on the bands is due to the fact that members have become disillusioned with the emphasis which is being placed on contesting and number chasing. I agree with John that the ban on Marathon Windles should be extended to include contest Windles. If this one point was implemented I am sure, in time, the Club would thrive. I am not a contester and I am certainly not against contests, we all do what we enjoy, so let the members have a ball taking part in contests including button pushing, using keyboards, CAT systems, super logging programs and perhaps hand sent Morse, but without the contest Windles, then maybe other members will become a little more interested and active. In conclusion, I am still fiercely proud to be a member of this fine Club. I wish the Club and all its members a long and prosperous future.


Starred List

An invitation will be sent to VK3XU. An objection to LY2PX has been overruled by the Committee.

Additional Nominations

6. N1RL (Rick): VA3LK, W9NN. 6. K6MD (Jerry): K6TS. 6. MUFAL (Colin): N4AF, K8MFO. 5. K1LKP (Carmen): K2ZR, K1JD, W4PM, W1FZY. 5. K8LSB (Marc): K2ZR. 4. 4Z4KX (Mark): 4X4NJ, LZ1AF, G3UOF, N3JT. 4. N5AW (Marv): ZP6CW, K5NA. 4. G3MBN (Brian): ZP6CW, G3XNG, K6TS, G4OEC. 4. ZL2TX (Nigel): G3LCS, G3CWW, G3SXW, F3OA, ZL1MH, GM3YTS. 3. HS/G3NOM (Ray): F5VHC, G4UZN, G3IGW, G3SED. 2. NSS (Tom): KT5X, K1JD, K2VCO, G3ZYV, W4QM, N3JT. 2. G4OHX (Sam): VP2MT, G3CWW. 2. G3HJF (Jim): GM3JKS, G3MCK. 1. LA2TD (Odd): LA1IE. 1. SM7EH (Goesta): SM7BVO. 1. K4OGG (Jay): K4BAI. 1. WK2G (Merill): VE3DZZ. 1. LX1DA (Andre): OK1RR.

New Member

1767 ND4AA (Norm) N. Duxbury, 65 Ocean Way Drive, Ponce Inlet, FL 32127-7314; XYL Nancy; tel - 386 756 7875; e-mail <nduxbury@worldnet.att.net>.


G3WGV (1600): new address - Pennine View, Sleagill, Cumbria CA10 3HD; tel - 01931 714604. OK1RP (1745): XYL - Nadine. W5ZR (1722): amend telephone - 337 365 5262. From G3MXJ: A recent reader poll in September 2001 CQ Magazine (page 40), with the full results in January 2002 (page 43), looked at readers attitudes towards CW as an operating mode. The magazine reported a large response and the answers do not appear to support the

view that CW is a dying art or that removal of regulatory requirements will spell the modes death knell. How would you classify your proficiency level as a CW operator Expert - 20% Advanced - 32% Intermediate - 30% Your level of CW activity versus other modes Exclusively - 14% Most of the time - 32% About half of the on-air time - 17% The on-air activities using CW a majority of the time HF DXing - 34% Ragchewing - 32% Contesting - 21% Primary reason for operating CW Enjoyment of the mode - 55% Ability to get through in marginal conditions - 22% Simplicity and efficiency - 15% Would you have learnt CW if it was not a li censing/upgrading requirement? Yes - 54% No - 26% From N4AF: Regarding the ongoing discussion on what constitutes activity and a good member. It seems to me that there is far too much discussion of our (small) differences and not enough on our similarities. Firstly, we are all agreed on the FOC Code of Conduct. Secondly, we all want to promote CW activity on the amateur radio bands. Whether that activity occurs using a bug, keyer, keyboard, straight key or whether the operator prefers short snappy, real ragchews, DXing or contesting, all pale when compared to the larger picture of low CW activity and the encroachment on our beloved bands from other modes not all amateur radio in origin. It seems to me that the diversity of CW interests within FOC adds to our strength, and should be a matter of pride, rather than dispute. I think we all have so much in common that it does not make sense to nit over some of the issues I have seen. We need folk who are radio active ambassadors, be they contesters, rag-chewers, DXers, etc. I certainly sympathise with any criticism over someone who is a big XXXer, but then doesnt get on the air on a weekly basis and, obviously, it is a challenge for all of us as we put someone up for nomination. The following members are reported to be competing in WRTC2002 in Finland in July:
G4BWP (with G4PIQ) JE1JKL (with JM1CAX) K1AR (with K1DG) K6NA (with N6KT) N2NT (with N6RT) N5TJ (with K1TO)

Good luck to you all. I would be pleased to receive details of other FOC members involved with the event by way of adjudicators, observers etc). AA4Z: Bruce will be QRV 24 February/3 March as KP2/AA4Z from St Croix when not sailing or diving. EA6ACC: Josep is on holiday in South Africa and will be QRV in the Marathon as ZS6/ EA6ACC from the Krger National Park. Sometime between 1/15 February he will arrive at the Malolotja Nature Reserve and will be QRV as 3DAFOC for a few days. His equipment is the same as he used in VK4FOC in 2000, (IC-706MK2G 100 watts and R7000 vertical). G3LZK: Barry says, Whilst we have not completed on the sale of our house yet ,I am now QRT and wont be in the Marathon this year. G3NKS: Derek offers, I like the new Windle and Marathon check sheets. They are so much easier to use, especially when compiling from computer generated listings. G3RXP: Dave reports the Harrogate Get-Together will be held on 6 July at the Imperial Hotel Harrogate. The conditions will be the same as last year and he will give more information nearer the time. The Contact for booking rooms and/or the dinner is Penny Wells, and mention FOC. G3SWH: Phil and Jim, G3RTE, will be joined by Zack, W1MU, to be QRV 30 March/6 April from Midway Island as W4M, CW/SSB, 40-10 metres with two stations. They have set a target of 10k QSOs (half CW and SSB) and will be concentrating on Europe. QSL via G3SWH. G3SXW: Roger will give a presentation on various DXpeditions at the LA-DX Group Annual DX Meeting in Haraldvangen on 13/14 April. G3YXX: David will be one of the operators of GB9MGY a special event station QRV 13/14 April in Guildford, Surrey to commemorate MGY, the call sign of the Titanic when it sank 90 years ago. The event is being organised in co-operation with the Godalming Museum by the Titanic Wireless Commemorative Group, (20 local amateur radio enthusiasts) to honour the memory of Jack Phillips, the Chief Wireless Telegraphist aboard the Titanic. Born and bred in Godalming, Surrey, Jack Phillips, 25, stayed at his post sending out SOS distress signals in Morse code to alert other ships which saved over 700 lives before he went down with his ship two hours and 40 minutes after it struck the iceberg. It was the first time that the SOS message had been sent at sea. Complementing an exhibition in the Museum, running from 12 March to 25 May, which will describe the Titanic disaster and Jacks heroic efforts in detail, the Group plans to set up a replica of the Titanics Wireless Room in a public building,

S5A (with S59AA) W4AN and K4BAI


WRTC2002 by G4BUE

the Wilfrid Noyce Centre, with radio aerials erected on the adjacent sportsfield. The Groups Chairman Brian Grist said Morse code was Jack Phillips sole means of alerting rescue vessels to the predicament of the Titanic. Exchanging greetings with radio stations worldwide using the same code will be a fitting tribute to his heroism. G4BKI: Paul was involved in a bad road accident in January and stayed in intensive care in hospital for a few days. He is now being looked after by his parents at their winter home and is getting up and about. We wish you a speedy recovery Paul - thanks GW3NJW. K1NA: Jim was QRV as PJ5/K1NA in January. K4BAI: John, K4OGG and W4AN, were QRV in the NA QSO Party (multi-two class) in January from Bills QTH as W4AN K4LQ: Fred had a great New Years Day. He says, I got to 100 DXCC worked on 6 metres with CU8AO and then I worked Leif, OZ1LO, also on 6 metres for my first 2002 Windle. Since then Fred has moved up to 106 worked on 6 metres. K4LTA: Ruby and Bill will be QRV again from 29 January as J37RO and J37BO. Bill will also be QRV as J38A in the Marathon, the NA Sprint on 9 February and the ARRL DX CW Contest. Ruby will be QRV SSB 10, 15 and 20 metres and monitor 6 metres. Outside the contests, Bill will be QRV CW mainly on the WARC bands plus 80 and 160 metres. QSL via their home calls. LA3FL: Per will miss his big Yagi in the Marathon this year as his tower came down during high wind gusts on 5 January - full story and pictures in FOCUS 50. N3BB: Jim will be QRV in the Marathon as W5FOC. OK1RP: Congratulations to Nadine and Petr on the birth of their son Jacob on 23 December. W1PL: Between 7 January and 27 March, Laci is staying with his sister-in-law in Sarasota, FL, but unfortunately radio is not allowed in the condominium there. He says, Since September my linear has became a yo-yo, going up and down between Mississippi and Massachusetts with equipment problems. Just now it is down there again. W1RM: Pete says, I had my last QSO this morning (6 January) for a while. We pulled out all the coax in preparation for the digging of the new foundation for our addition. The digging is to start on Tuesday. The whole project is anticipated to run 16 weeks so I will probably not be QRV until the ARRL DX CW Contest when Ill be on from K1KI.

(callsign in brackets indicate G4FOC operator)


Now J37BO by K4LTA (628) Now VP8GEO by 9V1YC & K4UEE (627) Until 25 Feb ZSx/EA6ACC (628) Until Apr V31JP by K8JP (622) Until Apr ZF2NT by N6NT (624) Until 1 May NA-062 by K2ZR/4 (626/7) February (G3WUX) 1/3 Marathon 9G5XA by G3XAQ (625) G4FOC by G3WUX J38A by K4LTA (628) PJ2T by N7BG (627) P4/K2LE by K2LE (627) V31JP by K8JP (625) W4/G4BUE (627) W5FOC by N3BB (628) ZS6/EA6ACC (628) 1/15 3DAFOC by EA6ACC (628) 4/11 S9LA by SM5COP + others (627) 12/20 KG4ZK by W4ZYT (628) 15 Deadline for FOCUS 50 16/17 ARRL DX CW Contest J38A by K4LTA (628) KG4DZ by W4ZYT & others (628) ZF2NT (m/s) (628) 24/3 Mar KP2/AA4Z (628) 26 Deadline for March News Sheet March VP6 (Ducie Isl) by K5VT + others (627) 15 Deadline for Marathon entries to G3LIK 30/6 Apr W4M by G3RTE & G3SWH (628) W4MQC: Alan will be in the UK on holiday at the end of May/beginning of June. W4ZYT: Don, with W4SD (KG4SD), N8CH (KG4NW), KU4EC, (KG4EC) and N6ZO (KG4ZO) from the Virginia DX Club will be QRV 12/20 February as KG4ZK, including the ARRL DX CW Test as KG4DZ. Don says he will be especially looking for FOC members. W5ZR: Bert says, 103 Windle points in the first 12 days of January - activity seems to be much improved on the bands. W8XM: Dick was in hospital in early January and was reported to be in a critical condition thanks K8MFO. ZF2NT: Bruce will be joined by Rick, N6XI, for a multi-single effort in the ARRL DX CW Contest as ZF2NT. ZP6CW: Doug made 7374 QSOs in 2001, an average of 615 a month and about 20 a day.

Score updates can be passed to G4BUE or any Committee member. An asterisk against the call indicates the score has been updated this month. Table shows the scores received by 0230z 30 January 2002.
W5ZR VE3DZZ G4BUE 181 122 117 K4EF KT4P K5DQ 100 97 93 G3NKS K2VCO K4XU 88 82 77 W4CK G4BJM G3KKQ 70 68 63 G4PKD G3JJG N4AF 62 61 56 N4TY K5CA G3LHJ 56 51 47 EA6ACC GW3SB 40 29 K6WG OZ4FF 29 28


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