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How to live life to the fullest.


By Mr. Twenty Twenty Version 2.0

This is the handbook for the Positions Of Power training, which is available at http://www.innercircleproducts.com It highlights PARTS of the PRINCIPLES and methods used in that training and should not be considered a replacement for that training package. (You can only put so much in to written words, you can put much much more into recordings and live play, as you can imagine.) There is much more to the training, than what is represented here. This release was made to help the NLPunderground NXT90 members. If you find this useful, get the complete package. You will love it. Thank you for reading and using this material. Mr2020.

Copyright 2012 by Eagle Vision Media Group and Mr. Twenty Twenty All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author or publisher. Eagle Vision Media Group C / O Mr. Twenty Twenty United States of America Victoria - Australia http://www.2020unleashed.com http://www.exhostage.com http://www.innercircleproducts.com


Table of Contents
FORWARD: What to expect. INTRODUCTION 1: The Power of Elimination. INTRODUCTION 2: Streamlining Sales and Behavior Change. FAST ATTACK 1: Series Setup 1 Setup methods and mindsets. FAST ATTACK 2: Series Setup 2 More Setup methods and mindsets. FAST ATTACK 3: Rockstar Rapport Owning the room. The Position of Perspective. FAST ATTACK 4: Deadlines to Determination Eliminate pressure and deadlines. Determine your destiny. FAST ATTACK 5: Renaming and Reframing Most reframing becomes word play and head games. The Positions Of Power approach engages THE POWER OF ESSENCE. FAST ATTACK 6: Imagination Activation Stress and laziness result from delusional daydreaming. Step by step IMAGINATION ACTIVATION unleashes your innate creative and motivational powers. FAST ATTACK 7: Ideal Impact Eliminating COMPLETELY the need for APPROVAL and engaging the POWER OF IMPACT. FAST ATTACK 8: Exponential Action Stop adding in more stress and stuff to do start GETTING EXPONENTIALLY more powerful and fast results. FAST ATTACK 9: Primary Programs The ROOT SYSTEM of CHANGEWORK and PERSONAL POWER. FAST ATTACK 10: Sob Patterns Eliminating struggle and the need for BELIEF CHANGE. FAST ATTACK 11: Daily Dozen Depression Destroyers Hidden SUBTLE depression KILLS your hopes and dreams. FAST ATTACK 12: Fast Furious Fat Fighters FAST ATTACK 13: Absolute Certain Power Drivers! SUMMARY AND RESOURCES

Some of the Positions Of Power

Postion of Power 1: Stop having to sell. So they can stop having to be sold. Lose the identity of struggling salesman. Position of Power 2: Identify the SLICE the PIVOT POINT that matters. "Them buying." Not them being sold. Life isn't about being sold on it. It's about the ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION. We get to BUY INTO.... The Power of Can - Permission. Position of Power 3: How have you conditioned other people - to expect you to behave? Expectation Theory. If you expet them to expect you to behave "poorly", you will - be poor. The Student Trader. Postion of Power 4: Energy and Intention. Just energy you are entertaining. Just intention you are creepy, psycho. Be entertained by your energy. Position of Power 5: Approval or Impact. Triple Whammy. Cement in the change. Crap. Shit. Fuck. Primal. Position of Power 6: Learn to exit what you learned as a child. You learned to behave. You learned to speak when spoken to. You learned to stay in your seat. Position of Power 7: Rockstar Rapport. Don't "give into" your equal or your lesser. NLP calls doing that "rapport". That's also why most salemen and most single guys begin to think less of themselves - and what they are "selling". Get rapport with THE MUSIC. The DJ will appreciate it, and PLAY MORE TOO. Leading the room. Position of Power 8: Deadlines to Determination: Four Minute Chunks. Position of Power 9: Renaming and Reframing. The Money Machine. Position of Power 10: Imagination Activation. Feel associated. "It is real." See dissociated. See scenes that IMPLY. Position of Power 11: Ideal IMpact. Crap. Shit. Fuck. People. Anyone. Anybody on ths planet. Including parts of me. // Thinks about me. What I do. How I live. Position of Power 12: Update your software. Don't reprogram your mind. Use words that are sacral, sacred, sexual. Eliminate unconscious resistance to your evolution.

Position of Power 13: Ask questions that AMP YOU UP. Don't ask questions that give you additive results, add in stuff to do, or subtract energy and time from your life. Use ones that really get you thinking / and living outside the box. "How can I make 2 to 10 times the money - in half the time?" (you and we them). These will ENERGIZE you. Adding on subtracts energy and time from your life. Amping Up energizes you and gives exponential results. Position of Power 14: Primary Programs - I. You. Your name. We. First person. Second person. Third person. Tribal. Position of Power 15: SOB Patterns. Questions that pre-suppose power, exponential change, and energize you. Position of Power 16: Daily Dozen Depression Destroyers. Four Minute Solutions Fitness. Mind Input. Mind Output. Social. Eliminate hidden depression. Position of Power 17: Fast Furious Fat Fighters. Three methods. We used them to get fighting fit in our bodies. You can use them on the level of the mind too. Details reserved. Position of Power 18: The Truth about Motivation. Carrot / stick is an easy model to teach but it doesn't work all that well. A much more effective model BEGINS with Towards or avoiding. Notice if the speech, body, behaviors are simple and straight in, or evasive and circular. Position of Power 19: 40 lbs lighter in 90 days is DATA. Not all that motivating. On the other had, seeing the new you - noticing the conversations - makes it REAL - FUN ACTIONABLE. Position of Power 20: The Power is WITHIN you - because YOU are the power. You get to discover this AS you do what is in the training materials. Once you discover this, POWER IS PERMANENT.


Let's presuppose that THAT can be true what you said about X. And that you have experienced that somehow either directly with your own experience or indirectly. Do you suppose that there is just one or maybe one or more.... examples / possibilities that are different than that? You never know when..... FOUR LEVELS TO THIS SHIFT ARE BELOW. Write what you notice / experience / explore in the space between them: 1. Let's presuppose that THAT can be true what you said about X. 2. And that you have experienced that somehow either directly with your own experience or indirectly. 3. Do you suppose that there is just one or maybe one or more.... examples / possibilities that are different than that? 4. You never know when... FLIRTING: Flirting is what is reaching towards what is possible. Where else can you flirt in life? Energy and intention are both involved. What kind of energy and intention? What do you want? What do you really want? How do you want it? THE POWER OF STORIES AND STORY TELLING. Follow that patterns in the recordings as well as the stories. Notice how EVERYONE adds in SOMETHING to what they hear. TOBACCO STORY. The Thank You plant and the Peace Pipe. Native Americans added in GRATITUDE AND PEACE with smoking. The dominant culture adds in SMOKING IS BAD. Notice now YOU can add in my ancient stories.

MY TWO COFFEE CUPS AND SHAMICS. Happiness and Peace. What happens when you dedicate a DAILY activity like drinking coffee to experiencing more Happiness and Peace for example. SELLING STORIES The Magical Moment in Sales and Persuasion. That Magical Moment. Stop selling. Stop having the need to be sold. Stop having to ATTACK AND DEFEND. Traditional selling seems to be all about ATTACKING AND DEFENDING. What is REALLY needed here? They don't always need to be sold. They ALWAYS need to buy. What do they need to buy my product? The JOURNEY of The Magical Moment. I am not a sales rep. I am here as an adviser. Setting the Stage. I want us BOTH to buy into US having a fit. So that we both win now. Perfect fit both me and the product. SIDE NOTE: Buy. Buy often. Refer others that do the same. SETTING THE STAGE - Is there a fit? We get to find out what the real fit is. This helps us eliminate the need for them to attack the sale. This elimiates them having to delay the sale.

This eliminates the sales rep having to attack them delaying. OPENING TO THE SALE: We both open up to the fit. Do we all fit together? We all get to buy. No closing necessary. SETTING THE STAGE: Lighting up the tobacco sets a stage for me. It's not the WORDS it is the ENERGY AND INTENTION. What am I What are we presupposing? Do we need to presuppose that? What else can we presuppose so that live becomes more easy simple? CAN in spanish the root word is POWER. Can is a PERMISSIVE function. How can we presuppose so that POWER is maximized? THE MOMENT OF MAGIC We are on a journey together. We will take turns leading. We will walk together. And discover THE PATH to power we are on. Where is your identity? (Eliminate identity that gets in the way.) Salesmen need to sell. Buyers need to buy. When we both GET TO BUY by actually noticing - the kind of fit we are then we are on the same side of the table on the same JOURNEY TOGETHER. And resistance is reduced and eliminated as we journey together.

INTRODUCTION 2: Streamlining Sales and Behavior Change.

THE TRADITIONAL SALES MODEL: 1. I need to sell. 2. They need to be sold. 3. Then they buy. THE STREAMLINED MODEL: Eliminate the first two steps. 1. We both get to buy by noticing on our journey together how we fit. The moment that we met. Our souls began to touch. And our lives began to intertwine. IDENTITY Where we function from. I am X. Example: I am a salesman sales woman. Now we have to sell as a man or as a woman. IDENTIFY THE TINY LITTLE SLICE THAT MATTERS. The Pivotal Point THEM BUYING. Back up and reset the stage ADVISOR. We work in the same direction. ACIM Our function is happiness. That creates the space for the miracle of us. How can we accept happiness into our lives? How simple can we let happiness be? POWERPOINT: Listen to the recordings many times. Each time you listen and apply you change. What you hear notice accept changes AS you change. So the course itself seems to change.

THE SIMPLIFICATION PROCESS SIMPLY SIMPLIFY. 1. Identify the PIVOT POINT. 2. Eliminate need for force. Eliminate ALL EXTRA STEPS in your mind. 3. Reposition - SET STAGE in the SAME direction. (We both become buyers.) 4. The Invitation. Dance with me. 5. Act / Dance together. What CAN I give myself PERMISSION to do? What can I choose to empower? FEEL IT enough that YOUR BODY takes action. This is THE KEY to linking the two powers: Generation and Manifestation. They are ACTUALLY one and the same. Because what you GENERATE your ATTRACT.

FAST ATTACK 1: Series Setup 1 Setup methods and mindsets.

EXPECTATION THEORY: How have you conditioned other people to expect you to behave? How does your spouse or partner expect you to behave? What do they expect from you what kind of communication activity level? What kind of person does any specific group or person perceive you as? - - The FRAME you set determines to a very high degree what other people expect from you. What other people EXPECT from you largely determines how they will treat you and WHAT PERMISSIONS they give to you. SET THE STAGE so that you will be EXPECTED to be the PERSON OF POWER THE DOMINANT FACTOR in a situation in a room in a relationship. And do this with INTEGRITY AND POWER. FRAMESET: Deliberately Determine the FRAME you are perceived in so that your behavior and the behavior of other people MAXMIZES POWER AND ELIMINATES POVERTY. For example, as an expert in what I do, I expect to be treated with respect. This includes people respecting my time by being on time, and people following my instructions after they ask me for them. If I set the stage so that they know this I am more likely to be of benefit to my clients without wasting my time. ENERGY / INTENTION: In all circumstances remember that HIGHER EN ERGY and FOCUSED INTENTION will LEAD a room, a meeting, a relationship, or other situation. We need both ENERGY and INTENTION WORKING together. ENERGY without intention comes off as you being entertaining. INTENTION without energy comes off as you being creepy or psycho.


I don't give a crap. I don't give a shit. I don't give a fuck. what people... ...what anyone... ...what anyone on this planet... THINKS about me. POWERPOINT: Until you STOP FOCUSING on WHAT THEY THINK you won't be able to focus 100% on your IMPACT. You don't want to influence what they think, you choose to have IMPACT on what they do. Powerful questions can only be at this level. Because while you THINK about WHAT THEY THINK you are loopy. I don't give a.... - - - those are all PRIMAL and ROOT based. NOTICE THE POWER OF THREE in the recordings in your life in your mind. THIS IS THE CEMENT. Primal centers of the body are accessed here. Crap is the G rated version of Shit. And Fuck.... all related to the parts we keep hidden private on our bodies. People odds are you will put specific people in this slot. Anyone anyone you have seen or experienced = more general. Anyone on this planet anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

What impact is my life and my actions having? SILVER STAR SYNDROME STUCK IN YOUR SEAT They trained us in school to sit and wait. Wait to be asked a question. Then we could put up our hands, and if we were lucky, we got to give the RIGHT ANSWER the answer THEY EXPECTED TO HEAR. So today.... you know the right thing to do.... like exercise.... like taking action.... like DOING anything.... But you sit there. Stuck in your seat. Like a school kid. Waiting to be asked. So you can say.... the right answer. THE MASTER KEY. Take action. GET OUT OF YOUR SEAT. Stop being a good student. Give yourself PERMISSION to take action to be somewhat right to make errors to take action and to make course corrections. You won't get a silver star. You might make waves. You will MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

POWERPOINT: You are learning how to EXIT what you have been TRAINED TO DO as a child.

FAST ATTACK 3: ROCKSTAR RAPPORT How to OWN the room. Engaging the Position of Perspective.
The Mistake Most People Make: Men trying to get rapport with women. Salesmen focused on getting rapport with prospects. Both of these examples can lead to YOU getting lost in their world as you gain rapport. EXAMPLE: Men attempting to get rapport with women who look down on them can result in the man looking down on himself losing his Position of Power. If they see you as a chump and you abandon something bigger when getting rapport you will lose your power in the process. EXAMPLE: Salesmen focused on getting rapport with a skeptical prospect can result in the salesman getting skeptical about his product or his motives. The solution includes SOMETHING BIGGER living by the principle we all must profit. THE SOLUTION: Get rapport with THE ROOM first. The room can be the music you and the ladies are both listening to dancing to. The room can be the ideal of MUTUAL PROFIT for the salesman and the client. When I was teaching a group of men how to meet women that would be worth having a FULL ON relationship with the first step was to have the men get FULL ON about something in their lives. First we have SLOW STRATEGIES that focus on an interest over time. SLOW STRAGETIES: One fella took up Scuba diving and while going into that FULL ON he almost magically attracted a woman he dated for 3 years. Another started started up a Meet-up group focused on short nature walks and he met 2 ladies that he dated for two years before committing to one of them. Next we have FAST ATTACKS that focus on SOMETHING NOW. Like positively participating in THE MUSIC AND THE DANCE in the room. Like walking into a business and seeing the PROFIT POTENTIAL and seeing how your PRODUCT can help the business owner or decision maker. MAJOR KEY: Committing to dance with the music FIRST is big chunk. Dancing with the music sets the stage to dance with the ladies. Committing to mutual profit FIRST sets the stage for NOT HAVING TO SELL but finding how both you the

salesman and the prospect CAN (permission power) profit from your meeting no matter what the ultimate decision THAT DAY is. When I go dancing everyone wins. Everyone has a better time, including the disk jockey, the ladies, the men, the owner because more people are enjoying themselves and buying drinks and staying longer. POWERPOINT: Positively Participating in the music and the dance. I hear too many men wanting to bitch about something, so they can have rapport with the bitches. Their words, not mine. Same with sales reps. Agreeing that the economy will suck until someone out there does something or agreeing that we have to wait until it - the economy turns around puts THE POSITION OF POWER outside of you and outside of them. NOTE: Anytime you embrace your POSITION OF POWER you also help those around you ENGAGE THEIRS. It's not about you having power over them. Positions of Power help everyone involved everyone near or on the dance floor STEP UP.

FAST ATTACK 4: Deadlines to Determination Eliminate pressure and deadlines. Determine your destiny.
Deadlines are killing you. They keep you stressed out and bleed out your power. Having to do x by time y might get you moving but often it stops you from grooving. Moving and grooving get to go hand in hand. THE MISTAKE MOST PEOPLE MAKE: To stop having deadlines most people stop having ANY outcome in mind. They go with the flow to the point of being ADRIFT. THE SOLUTION: Four Minute Chunks. There are two primary kinds of FOUR MINUTE CHUNKS. The first is a FOUR MINUTE CHUNK of time where you determine WHAT THE MOST POWERFUL IMPACTFUL activity I can complete in FOUR MINUTE CHUNKS of time is. When I look at my business in FOUR MINUTES - sometimes I see that an ARTICLE would help my readers lives improve and help by business improve so I decide IN THOSE FOUR MINUTES what to write an article on which website to put it on and WHEN to do do it. FOUR MINUTES for THE BODY - ONE PROBLEM AND SOLUTION. FOUR MINUTES to write out THE HEADLINE. FOUR MINUTES to write out THE CLOSING. FOUR MINUTES to shoot SUPPORTING VIDEO. FOUR MINUTES to clean it up and AMP IT UP. That is 20 minutes of time that makes a huge difference in the world. Two more FOUR MINUTE CHUNKS for promotion. Write out a quick EMAIL to send to my lists to send them to the article - in FOUR

MINUTES. Link to the article on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn. - Total of Four Minutes one minute each. BUSINESS BUILT LIVES CHANGED in just 32 minutes TOTAL TIME. QUESTIONS WORTH ASKING: How can you apply this in your life? Where in your life can you apply this? Where else / how else can you apply this in your life? How many ways is your life changing can your life possibly change as you do this daily? POWERPOINT: Rewrite all these questions using you language, I language and we language. Track what you discover. We explore this in FAST ATTACK #9. WHAT IS THE MOST VALUABLE USE OF THIS CHUNK OF MY LIFE? What can I accomplish in FOUR MINUTE CHUNKS TODAY that will have the most impact in my life?

FAST ATTACK 5: Renaming and Reframing Most reframing becomes word play and head games. The Positions Of Power approach engages THE POWER OF ESSENCE.
THE PROBLEM with TRADITIONAL NLP reframing is that often what happens is just word play head games. An attempt to put a spin that SOUNDS GOOD on a problem or stuck spot. THE POSITION OF POWER we share here RENAMING is about getting CLOSER TO THE ESSENCE. Of course a COMPUTER does compute. But what do I use it for? What is it's purpose for me? It is my Money Machine. It is my Freedom Finder. The OUTCOME I have in mind is to GENERATE MONEY AND FREEDOM in my life and in the lives of my readers clients friends. The OUTCOME leads me to THE RENAME.

FAST ATTACK 6: Imagination Activation

Stress and laziness result from delusional daydreaming. Listen to this recording and get THE DETAILS by filling in the blanks below. Imagination Activation works because we focus on both GRABBING it and GETTING to it. Think both HANDS AND FEET. Determined and Defined. What is the difference between behavior and actions? Feel ASSOCIATED. It is real. I am like that. See DISSOCIATED See scenes that IMPLY the state / wish / outcome is fulfilled and accomplished. NAPOLEON HILL'S SIX STEP FORMULA 1. Fix in mind the exact amount. 2. Determine EXACTLY what you choose to give in return. 3. Establish a DEFINITE date of possession. 4. Have a DEFINITE PLAN for carrying this out. Start IMMEDIATELY. 5. Write this out. 6. Read it 2 times daily. Position it where you can see it. You are already in possession. Why is it important that we SEE OUR HANDS in our IMAGININGS?

FAST ATTACK 7: Ideal Impact More Core Influence

PRIMARY PINCIPLE: You can focus on GETTING APPROVAL or HAVING IMPACT. Focusing on both is not possible sane or POWERFUL. Pick the path to power FOCUS on, What impact am I having right now? How to ELIMINATE COMPLETELY the need for APPROVAL. Notice: THE TRIPLE PLAY THE TRIDENT THE POWER OF 3 in the IDEAL IMPACT FORMULA. THE IDEAL IMPACT FORMULA: PART 1: I don't give a crap... I don't give a shit... I don't give a FUCK... PART 2: What people / anybody... What anybody on this planet... What anybody on this planet including PARTS of me... PART 3: THINKS about me... What I do... How I live. I do this because I WANT to. I do this because I CHOOSE to. I do this because I CAN. IMPACT!

The root of CAN in SPANISH comes from the world POWER. Can is a PERMISSIVE VERB. First we let go of what people will think, so we can use that very real MENTAL SPACE and CONCEPTION ENERGY to FOCUS ON, What is the impact my life and actions are having? How can I dial that up a level higher? IMPACT lasts LONGER than WE do here on planet Earth. What people THINK of you matters only for a very short time. POWERPOINT: Taking up 3 POSITIONS in the mind FORMS A TRIANGLE in the mind. The triangle is the MOST STABLE AND POWERFUL simple structure we can form. Where else can you use it? Where else in these recordings can you find it hidden? MULTIPLE MOTIVATIONAL AXIS EXTERNAL Motivation: Tends to involve APPROVAL from the outside. INTENRAL Motivation: Tends to be about WHAT IMPACT do we choose. WAR Motivation: Life or death FEELING. EITHER / OR. Win / lose. GAME Motivation: Flirting. Flirting is WHAT IS reaching for what is possible. MAKING USEFUL DISTINCTIONS What was the FIRE and WOOD story stuff really about? Making useful distinctions. How can you increase your awareness and make more USEFUL distinctions? What happens when we make SURVIVAL a game? The TRIPLE WHAMMY puts COUNTER EXAMPLES to rest inside your mind. Crap. Shit. Fuck. People. Anyone. Anyone on this planet.

UPDATING YOUR SOFTWARE do this. Reprogramming your mind. Is often met with RESISTANCE. THE POWER OF WORDS SACRAL AND SACRED AND SEXUAL The power of those words is CORE and primal. What are you? Noun or Verb? Position or Momentum?

FAST ATTACK 8: Exponential Action Stop adding in more stress and stuff to do start GETTING EXPONENTIALLY more powerful and fast results.
THE CHALLENGE: Exit the Poverty Position. Stop trading TIME FOR MONEY. You are surrounded by mostly well intending people who will trade your life away for money. Good people getting okay results in life. If you are going to succeed wildly in life and come from THIS POSITION OF POWER you have two choices. You must TRAIN THEM to think and live EXPONENTIALLY too or you have to eliminate them or the effect their thinking has on your life, behavior, goals, actions and outcomes. Let's get REAL. You only do have so much time each day each week this lifetime. Trading precious time for tiny bits of money is foolish at best. The Mistake Most People Make: If you have a small goal making a bit more money or getting a bit more fit you won't have the energy excitement enthusiasm to make it happen. And what's worse you'll add in more stuff to do and up your stress levels for tiny little results. POWERPOINT: It's easy to get ENERGIZED about EXPONENTIAL CHANGE. How can I make 10 times as much money from teaching? Film it and SELL the film. Sell it on eBay. Sell it to class participants. Sell it to those who missed the class. That's EXPONENTIAL AND EXCITING. Adding in more classes to teach it would take teaching 10 times as many people to make 10 times the money. ARE YOU asking questions that AMP UP your systems and strategies or are you ADDING IN more stuff to do? How can I make 2 to 10 times the money in half the time? How can you make 2 to 10 times the money in half the time? How can we make 2 to 10 times the money in half the time? (What are the other ways to write / speak this out? See FAST ATTACK #9)

POWERPOINTS FROM THE RECORDING: 1. Me and my world. Don't you forget it. 2. I am the DOMINANT FACTOR. Other people's bullshit and love of distraction is NOT. 3. Participation and Principles. Identify and AMP UP your principles. 4. Street REAL approach to Money and Freedom. It's all about lifestyle life and style money is just part of the MEASURABLE part of the equation. MEASURE: Money coming in. Money going out especially money wasted on distractions. Time. Are you wasting it? Investing it? Getting multiple returns.

MISTAKE MOST PEOPLE MAKE: Attempting to REPROGRAM instead of simply UPDATING AND UPGRADING. Think MAKE CURRENT and OPTIMIZE. THE PRIMARY PROGRAM POSITIONS: First Person: I Every day in every way I am getting better and better. Second Person: You Every day in every way YOU are getting better and better. Third Person: YOUR NAME Every day in every way BOB is getting better and better. Tribal Partner: WE - Every day in every way WE are getting better and better. VARIATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS Third Person Variations: Bob here... Bob there... The KEY is are YOU in TOUCHING RANGE- for BOB HERE. You can be across the room or the world for Bob there.... For some people and at specific stages THIS VARIATION is vital to explore. Second Person Variations: I see that you are.... People tell me that you are ... I hear that you are.... The second person variations take SECOND PERSON through SUBPOSITIONS OF POWER that include another level of FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PERSON. These are POWERFUL to explore and once you find your CURRENT COMBINATION updating and upgrading your programs and releasing you from your programming entirely will be MUCH FASTER AND MUCH MORE PERMANENT. Enjoy and have MAJOR FUN with these! BONUS POINTS: Notice which positions show up most in your stories and language.

Notice which positions show up most often in people around you. Notice if there is ONE position that IRRITATES OR BORES you.

FAST ATTACK 10: SOB PATTERNS The Science of Belief and Eliminating BELIEF CHANGE.
Presuppositions: What you PRE-SUPPOSE is true. Supposing is a process. Pre- gets one thinking about what you SUPPOSE is true for your behaviors and actions to be what they are. POWERPOINT: Remember questions set directions inside the mind. PRESUPPOSE that you have to work more hours to make more money and that you will get paid at the same rate and you will ADD IN more stress and struggle into your life. PRESUPPOSE that you can start learning, using, and LIVING BY new kinds of systems, strategies and streamlined processes and you will start MULTIPLYING your results EXPONENTIALLY. (When we are doing coaching and training sesssions and calls, THIS kind of PRESUPPOSING gets revealed, challenged, and eliminated ENTIRELY during the sessions. It can be a very slow process to attempt to work on yourself. Many people presuppose that they can get the same speed of results without a trainer or coach which is not likely. POWERPOINT: Make sure that you base your presuppositions on the most POWERFUL reality possible. This example is a great case study, because when you notice that GREAT PEOPLE create teams, masterminds, have coaches, trainers etc... they realize that PRESUPPOSING that they can do it on their own is DELUSIONAL. So form POWERFUL PRESUPPOSITIONS based on both reality and greatness.


Hidden SUBTLE depression KILLS your hopes and dreams FIRST. Use these POSITIONS to ELIMINATE HIDDEN DEPRESSION. When your goals, dreams and visions are 30 to 60 to 90 days out or longer depression can result because you aren't ACCOMPLISHING much that is measurable. THE FOUR MINUTE SOLUTION. Every FOUR MINUTE CHUNK of time that we finish each day gives us an ACCOMPLISHMENT it makes us feel good and moves us forward in FAST FOCUSED CHUNKS. A typical day includes: FOUR Four Minute Fitness Chunks: Four Minutes of focused scientific stretching Four Minutes of STREAMLINED STRENGTH TRAINING, Four Minutes of Dance Four Minutes of Skilled Fitness Martial Arts. (That makes the BODY AND MIND feel great and gives us FOUR accomplishments BEFORE the tea is done in the morning. FOUR MINUTES OF MIND Input: What can I read in the next FOUR MINUTES that will AMP UP my day? Optimize my THINKING? STREAMLINE my Strategies? (If I do just FOUR minutes of each that is THREE MORE accomplishments. FAST! FOUR MINUTES OF MIND Output: What can I quickly write? For myself primary. Or a quick tweet or Facebook update that changes lives. Help me CEMENT in what I learned by making it mine. FOUR MINUTES OF SOCIAL: What FOUR PEOPLE can I call today and have FOCUSED FUN conversations with that last just FOUR MINUTES? A 16 minute investment here, builds relationships, gives me great ideas, helps me give IN A TARGETED way, and ELIMINATES ISOLATION. The list above is WELL OVER a dozen ACCOMPLISHMENTS in a single day, taking less than 90 minutes if I RUN over or take breaks.

FAST ATTACK 12: Fast Furious Fat Fighters Eliminating FAT from both the body and the mind. THREE CUTTING EDGE methods to ROCK YOUR WORLD.
Eliminate FAT from your body, mind, and life. THREE METHODS Physical Fat Fighters 1. The ice man. Deliberately induce hypothermic state because COLD WATER takes more energy to heat up than COLD AIR. This is how THE SWIMMER eats 12,000 calories A DAY and is in OLYPIC SHAPE. He spends HOURS in the pool. Your options here are: Drink ice water about a liter / quart. Put ice packs on the area around / below the neck / shoulder region. Take ice baths or showers. 2. 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking. This sets the HORMONES in the body to build tissue / burn fat. Compared to eating a donut or cereal which prepares the body to STORE FAT. 3. DAY OF DECADENCE. One day a week we PIG OUT and abandon our SLOW CARB regimin. Get the metabolism HIGH, by eating BIG. Amp it up by eating grapefruit within the hour of eating BIG and doing 20 plus SQUATS. THREE TWISTS Eliminate FAT from your lifestyle. 1. TAKE OVER. Conversations. Groups. Go in HARD AND COLD if you have to, to WARM THEM UP. Don't tolerate people talking crap, bringing themselves and possibly you down. It's your world, ask them questions, tell them stories, that CREATE CHANGE instead of waiting for it to happen. 2. BEGIN WITH MEAT. Grandpa would say, News is sugar. Skip the sugar. It's not NEW, it's not NEWS. Its the same old stuff. Stop listening to the gloom and the doom. Fill your mind with MEAT. Classics. Solid reading and listening. Stuff that will BUILD UP your strength. 3. PAIN x ACTION + TUNE UP.

MOTIVATION AXIS #1 Toward a perceived positive. Avoiding a perceived negative.

NOTICE: Do they bolt towards or circle around? MISTAKE MOST PEOPLE MAKE: This is NOT the TOWARDS / AWAY motivation model. Most commonly taught as seeking a carrot or moving away from a stick. IN THIS MODEL: TOWARDS is very EAT THAT in behavior. Pounce on it. AVOIDING is a very I AM AVOIDING BEING EATEN in behavior. Don't get POUNCED on. When you think BEHAVIOR think MOVEMENT. Body movement. Eye movement. How a SENTENCE moves. Is it direct? Does it circle around and not come to the point? When they ask a question, are they asking for the answer, or asking for something that IMPLIES an answer.


Major Question: How traumatic is a decision that leads to action? WAR is all about survival. Something FEELS LIKE DEATH. Desperation. GAME allows BOTH people to win and the nature of the game AMPS UP all participants. Inspiration.


INSIDE: You are where the BUCK stops. I decide. OUTSIDE: Something OUTSIDE of you the economy the church the culture your partner tea leaves. INSERTING DIAGRAMS HERE.


To learn what someone runs in Motivation Axis, we ask:, What is the downside? FUN: When motivated by fun, the reason one might take a workshop, travel to a far away land, or order a new meal is, that seems like it will be fun. THE DOWNSIDES OF FUN MOTIVATION INCLUDE: Boredom. Avoiding boredom by seeking trivial stuff. SPECIAL: When motivated by SPECIAL, the reason one might take a workshop is because the content, leader or location is SPECIAL. The last of the lineage holders, holding this once in a lifetime workshop, in a very ancient sacred spot. Someone who runs special, may order the same meal, eat at the same table, the same day every week because that is where they had a special moment happen like an engagement or a first date. THE DOWNSIDES OF SPECIAL MOTIVATION INCLUDE: Lack of special = life has no meaning, purpose or point. Too much focus on having to FIND THE SPECIAL has one miss out on fun moments that are essentially meaningless.

MONKEY MOTIVATION Bonus recordings...

Unlock the Secret Keys to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated. What do you want? Make it an IMAGE in mind. You can watch the monkey... make images of eating the bananas, then making images, that get him from where he is, to where the bananas are. What do you want? Ask this question and get ABSOLUTE CLARITY. 40 lbs lighter in 90 days is DATA. SEEING IT.... Me fighting fit at ANYTIME in my life. Forty year old man fighting fit. Put my head on his body. Seeing it brings it into BEHAVIOR. Seeing it and SEEING how I did it. View from the FUTURE into now. So SEE the END RESULT. 1. What do I want? 2. How does this integrate / fit into / support the rest of my life? (This builds in CONTEXT which helps with INTEGRATION.) 3. Behaviors that support? Doing. Stop doing. General course not EXTREME DETAIL.

How will I behave once I have accomplished / been there?

What do I want? Seeing me as fighting fit. Seeing me as a fighter. Seeing me.... POWER POINT: 90 Degree Smokers need new SOCIALIZATION strategies to stop smoking. Build in behaviors that support the new you. MONKEYS SWING. They don't sit there and talk about bananas. POWERPOINT: Once you get clear, you start seeing resources. Not until then. ATTENTION: Get attention by being stuck like the masses. Easy rapport that kills. Give attention TO your outcomes and actions. Make people WANT rapport with you.

That little tug.... Emmett wrote to The Core folks about following that little tug. How it helped him experience a positive in life. His head wanted him to do one thing, his body, another. This is how I got into NLP. I followed a little tug and took a course which I thought would improve my interview and interrogation skills. That was back in 1988. That course gave me the skills to survive being a hostage in a prison riot, and gave me enough experience to know how to get the real help that would save my life when I realized that psychotherapy wasn't helping. A little tug to take a little course. How many of you have followed that little tug and took courses here, stayed in my home during private trainings, spent what people would think was way too much money on this stuff here.

How many folks don't follow that little tug and continue to be observers in life, lurking .... settling for trying to do it on their own? John's little golden nugget recipe of the day, from our Monkey Motivation mini site, coming very soon... Get clear about what you want. Follow the little tugs that show up, take action on them. You will be glad you did. John Wingert The Original and The Only No Bullshit Life Coach why not visit: http://www.no-bull-persuasion.com http://www.no-bs-life.com -----Original Message----From: wuji@att.net [mailto:wuji@att.net] Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 12:54 PM To: scienceofexcellence@yahoogroups.com Subject: RE: [scienceofexcellence] Re: The Power of Clarity! What happen when I/YOU express it simply and clearly... what you want... and how it can benefit both... you and the others? Depends on the level or chunk size of "THE WANT(S)"... because not only are we dealing with the story want put also the duality sheet and... You may want to have pleasure with the woman and she may want some pleasure (rush) too. You may want some pleasure and she may want to "not be alone" (argh) You may want some pleasure and she just loves the comfortable feeling of the unwinding (ahhh) You may want some pleasure and she may want the release even though your not perfect (pulse away) Now she may want her Existentials, sorting, motivators, CONVINCERS... TICKELED (framed / reframed) too In "Sale Motivation" we could play with "Rush", "Ahhh", Pusle Away (that's what I'm calling it), Argh These "Sales Motivation" frames are helpful too... in expressing /connecting the wants with... or they way they want the wants met Just some thoughts... CLARITY, CONVINCERS, and SALES MOTIVATION with Simplicty... Maybe...LOL Best, Rick PS - The tricky part for a lot of people is becoming clear with themselves first.

I've been listening to John's Monkey Motivation... You can hear more energy in John's voice on this one...more energy

from achieving his goal...loosing weight...and So, here it goes...over the next week I have a vision of using this Monkey business...mixing it in with the CHOICE method wow...feels in my body like a lethal combination for the world. I saw the Cleveland Browns versus the Pittsburg Steelers game last week...the Browns lost, no surprise. As I was watching...the anouncers talked about something that really stuck out for me... no, not the ties. They were talking about the star quaterback for the Steelers...Rothlisberger. They were talking about his bad year this year...doing poorly and having a lot of struggles with his play and the team's play. They make this comment: Yeh, he had a fantasy two first years, it was easy...now this year he is living the real life...he is struggling and he is finding out what life as a quaterback in really like. What? My question was, what if his first two years was the real life, and everything this year is just a quark...and off season, not real life. Man, after exploring kino and getting where i'm stuck and where others are stuck, as a kid the only time i was in touch with feelings was when my mom or the doctor asked..how are you feeling? as I lay in bed feeling bad. Now I have been through the core the past few weeks struggleing with the KINO stuff...feeling bad...and getting so muuuuch out of it. And the anouncers talk about the real life as being hard... WHAT if we swung from the trees to our visions like the MONEKEYs...they see the bananas and then see the vines to get them there and they start swinging. They fall, roll on the ground and laugh and get back up and swing some more...they get the bananas. I just watched Curious George with my little ones...the new movie...I read the book as a kid, one of my favorites back then...when I got into Junior High, my favorite book was about the World War Two great excapes from POWs... wow, same thing, not settling for the prison. So Curious George falls a gets back up... and gets the bananas.

SO, I'm taking the MONKEY MOTIVATION patterns...combined with the CHOICE METHOD this week, and getting some quick and easy goals taken care of... I'll report back in a week. John, thanks for the gift...

Enjoy, Emmett Clarity.... Either you have it or you have parts of it... I'd love to play with this here, Carol and I are having a blast with this one.... You need clarity in 4 areas... What you want... How it fits into your life... Family Job Health Etc... Behaviors that support you getting it... Behaviors that are there once you've got it. ++++ The big mistake... "I will weigh 215 pounds..." That's not clear, that's DATA.... How I will look at 215, in DETAIL.... that's clarity. How do I generate that? Find pictures of me at 215. Find pictures of 40 year old men who are fit at 215.... Generate pictures of me at 40 at 215, fit, tough... Next step... How does that fit in with my life... Again... data won't work... it's the biggest mistake... How about... your turn... BTW... if you email me off list, and request a download of Monkey Motivation, I'll GIVE IT TO YOU.... What I need are brief, good, testimonials... to build a website with... Play here, go for it! John Wingert

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