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Maturity Benchmark

School Pseudonym: Schulz Junior High Your Name or Group Name: Rachaelle Grimsrud Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Policy Planning ADMINISTRATIVE


Administrative Information Electronic Information Assessment


Curriculular Integration

Teacher Use

Student Use Stakeholder Involvemnt Administrative Support SUPPORT Training

Technical/Infrastructure Support

Local Area Networking (LAN) District Area Networking (WAN) CONNECTIVITY Internet Access

Communication Systems

New Technologies INNOVATION

New Technologies INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated x x x x x Intelligent

of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

x behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure x behavioral x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

x x x

vey Sheet
Evaluator Comments As far as I am aware, formal policy does not exist. I have seen nothing in written form.

My school has a relatively small technology budget. If a request has anything to do with technology, it is shifted to the technology request section. Other budgets usually aren't considered even though the tech request may fit those parameters as well. We use online grade books and attendance. Each teacher also has a class website. Not all teachers keep their class website current or make regular use of it. PE teachers do not have regular access to computers in their classrooms.

Many teachers in my school do not use technology for assessment purposes. Many of them stick to traditional methods of assessment.

Our current media specialist made sure materials were available for most curricular areas. While there was quiet a bit available for traditional classrooms, not much was available for nontraditional classrooms. All teachers must use an online grade book and attendance system. Most core teachers have access to a fair amount of technology in their classroom. Many have SmartBoards, clickers and a number of computers. Electives have been largely ignored. No SmartBoards, some have projectors, very few computers.

Only planning committees seem to have any idea what is happening. Planning groups are small and tend to be made up of core teachers since many elective teachers travel between school buildings.

Many teachers won't attend technology training unless forced. Those same teachers won't implement technology unless forced. There is very little technology training outside of learning how to use the grade book and our school website. We have a district wide tech support desk. Once you have submitted a help desk ticket, your concern is usually addressed within 24 hours. There may be high speed access in all environments, but computers aren't present in all environments.

Through our online grade book, most students use the internet to check their grades. Many staff members incorporate their class websites into their curriculum. Email is frequently used among teachers and staff for administrative purposes. All staff members have a school email address and access to school email. School email accounts are not provide to students. Teachers may have students create an email address for individual classes, but no school wide email for students. Many staff members accept new technologies, but several refuse to accept new ideas.

It's frequently left up to staff to figure out how to use new technologies. Very little administrative direction is given. Technology is becoming more comprehensive in several classrooms, but other classrooms are limited to basic technology.

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