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C# Driver Version 1.

1 Release Notes =================================== This is a significant release of the C# driver, with many new features and impro vements. There are also a few breaking changes, which should affect very few users as they are mostly at a ver y low level. Because there are some breaking changes make sure to read these release notes and be prepared to m ake some minor changes. Highlights BsonDocument.Parse allows you to easily parse a JSON string New Shell JsonOutputMode (it's now the default) Many JsonReader improvements Support for new regular expressions options (i, m, x, and s) Support for custom type mappers that can be registered with BsonTypeMapper Deserializer optimized to not look for discriminator when not necessary New IsClassMapRegistered method in BsonClassSerializer If a class defines a ShouldSerializeXyz method it is called to determine if property Xyz should be serialized Driver now throws EndOfStreamException instead of hanging when server closes socket BsonDateTime now supports full range of valid BSON DateTime values (not just .NET range) New GuidRepresentation enum and UuidStandard or UuidLegacy BsonBinarySubType s Id values of 0 and BsonNull.Value are no longer prohibited (unless you want them to be) GenerateDocument method of IIdGenerator now has access to container (i.e. co llection) and document Driver is more PowerShell (and metadata) friendly by adding non-generic vers ions of all generic methods MapReduce output can now be sent to a collection in a different database ValidateCollectionResult supports new embedded document result (or parses st ring when connected to older servers) FindAndModify no longer throws an exception when no matching document is fou nd FindAndRemove no longer throws an exception when no matching document is fou nd Save now works correctly with a compound _id Tailable cursors are supported New MongoServerInstance class represents a physical instance of a MongoDB se rver New MongoBuildInfo class has information about server version GridFS Download and Upload methods now verify MD5 hash to detect transmissio n errors Connecting to a replica set is faster because it returns as soon as primary is found Shell output mode The purpose of this new JsonOutputMode is to generate JSON strings that can be d irectly pasted into the MongoDB shell. It is now the default JsonOutputMode. GuidRepresentation and UuidStandard or UuidLegacy BsonBinarySubTypes In the past, three drivers have supported UUIDs: C#, Java and Python. All three have used BSON binary sub type 3 to store UUIDs, but unfortunately they have all used different byte orders to store the U

UID, making sharing UUID data between the drivers and the MongoDB shell difficult. In the future all drivers will standard ize on network byte order for UUIDs, and a new binary sub type 4 will be used for these UUIDs. Binary sub type 3 will ind icate that the UUID is stored in a driver dependent byte order. Eventually binary sub type 3 will be deprecated. This version of the C# driver defaults to GuidRepresentation CSharpLegacy, which means that unless you take some action it will continue to behave exactly like the previous version. Note that t he driver allows you to configure the GuidRepresentation at the server, database and collection level. The lowest leve l at which it can be configured is the collection, which means that all UUIDs in the same collection must be stored usi ng the same representation. This may sound like a limitation, but it actually should help keep things from getting too conf using. If you absolutely must write code that handles a mix of UUID representations in the same collection configure the GuidRepresentation to Unspecified and use BsonDocuments instead of POCOs, and work directly at the level of BsonBinaryData instances. Note: make sure that whatever you set the GuidRepresentation to matches what is actually stored in the collection. If you want to change the GuidRepresentation for a collection the existing data mus t be converted as well. We will be providing an offline utility for converting GUIDs between the various representations. Breaking changes Many error messages changed slightly (only breaking if you were relying on t he text of the error message) Some methods throw a different exception (only breaking if you were catching them) BsonReader ReadDateTime return type changed BsonWriter WriteDateTime parameter type changed IBsonSerializable interface changed IBsonSerializer interface changed IIdGenerator interface changed Several properties of MongoServer removed Update builder Rename return type changed

BSON Library changes -------------------BsonBaseReader.cs ReadDateTime returns long instead of DateTime Added ReadName method BsonBaseWriter.cs Added overloads of WriteBinaryData that take a guidRepresentation parameter WriteDateTime value parameter is now a long instead of a DateTime BsonBinaryReader.cs Added GuidRepresentation property ReadDateTime returns long instead of DateTime BsonBinaryReaderSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property

BsonBinaryWriter.cs Added GuidRepresentation property WriteBinaryData now takes a guidRepresentation parameter WriteDateTime value parameter is now a long instead of a DateTime BsonBinaryWriterSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property BsonBuffer.cs LoadFrom now throws an EndOfStreamException instead of hanging when server c loses socket BsonDocumentReader.cs Added settings field Added GuidRepresentation property ReadDateTime returns long instead of DateTime BsonDocumentReaderSettings.cs New class Added GuidRepresentation property BsonDocumentWriter.cs Added settings field Added GuidRepresentation property WriteBinaryData now takes a guidRepresentation parameter WriteDateTime value parameter is now a long instead of a DateTime BsonDocumentWriterSettings.cs New class Added GuidRepresentation property BsonReader.cs Added GuidRepresentation property Added some new Create overloads ReadDateTime returns long instead of DateTime Added ReadName method BsonWriter.cs Added GuidRepresentation property Added some new Create overloads Added overloads of WriteBinaryData that take a guidRepresentation parameter WriteDateTime value parameter is now a long instead of a DateTime ContextType.cs Class is now public JsonOutputMode.cs Added new Shell value (shell output mode is now the default for ToJson) JsonReader.cs Added new settings field Added GuidRepresentation property Added support for double constants positive and negative Infinity, NaN Added support for BinData constants (with or without "new" keyword) Added support for Date constants (with or without "new" keyword) Added support for ISODate constants (with or without "new" keyword) Added support for NumberLong constants (with or without "new" keyword) Added support for ObjectId constants (with or without "new" keyword)

ReadDateTime returns long instead of DateTime JsonReaderSettings.cs New class Added GuidRepresentation property JsonScanner.cs Added support for left and right parenthesis (required for "new" keyword) Added support for single quoted strings (in addition to existing support for double quoted strings) JsonToken.cs Added new LeftParen and RightParen values to JsonTokenType enum Changed type of value field of DateTimeJsonToken from DateTime to BsonDateTi me JsonWriter.cs Added support for new Shell JsonOutputMode (so named because output can be p asted into mongo shell) Added GuidRepresentation property WriteBinaryData now takes a guidRepresentation parameter WriteBinaryData now supports BinData constant in Shell output mode WriteDateTime value parameter is now a long instead of a DateTime WriteDateTime now supports ISODate constant in Shell output mode WriteDouble now always outputs decimal point so doubles can be identified vi sually WriteInt64 now supports NumberLong constant in Shell output mode WriteRegularExpression now escapes empty pattern and special characters JsonWriterSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property Default JsonOutputMode is now Shell BsonArray.cs Added ToList method BsonBinaryData.cs Added GuidRepresentation property (only relevant if subType is UuidStandard or UuidLegacy) Added new constructors and Create methods Added ToGuid overload that allows GuidRepresentation to be specified BsonBinarySubType.cs SubType 3 is now called UuidLegacy SubType 4 is new and is called UuidStandard BsonDateTime.cs Now supports full range of valid BsonDateTime values (not just range of Date Time) Added new constructors and Create methods Added IsValidDateTime property Added MillisecondsSinceEpoch property Value now throws an exception if IsValidDateTime is false BsonDocument.cs Changed constructors with Hashtable to IDictionary Added Parse method to parse BsonDocument from JSON string Changed Add methods with Hashtable to IDictionary Added ToString method (calls ToJson)

BsonDocumentWrapper.cs Added non-generic Create method Added non-generic CreateMultiple method BsonRegularExpression.cs Constructor now unescapes empty pattern and special characters Constructor now maps .NET options to new server options (i, m, x and s) ToRegex now maps new server options (i, m, x and s) to .NET options ToString escapes special characters BsonTimestamp.cs RawValue property now returns null BsonTypeMapper.cs Added support for custom type mappers Added support for mappping IDictionary values Added RegisterCustomTypeMapper method TryMapToBsonValue returns false instead of throwing exception when value is null BsonValue.cs Added AsBsonDateTime property Added IsBsonDateTime property IsDateTime only returns true if IsValidDateTime also returns true IsGuid now returns true for UuidStandard or UuidLegacy ReadFrom uses GuidRepresentation of reader when a UuidLegacy value is read WriteTo converts UuidLegacy value to GuidRepresentation of writer (if not Un specified) GuidConvert.cs New helper class that converts to and from the various GuidRepresentations Added FromBytes method Added ToBytes method GuidRepresentation.cs New enum that represents the various representations for Guids Values are: Unspecified, Standard, CSharpLegacy, JavaLegacy and PythonLegacy ICustomBsonTypeMapper.cs New interface implemented by custom type mappers that can be registered with the BsonTypeMapper Added TryMapToBsonValue method DiscriminatorConventions.cs GetActualType now calls EnsureKnownTypesAreRegistered GetActualType is optimized to not check input for discriminator when not req uired IdGenerators.cs Added new BsonObjectIdGenerator (similar to existing ObjectIdGenerator) Refactored GenerateId method of CombGuidGenerator GenerateId methods now take container and document parameters BsonPrimitiveSerializers.cs Moved ToLocalTimeHelper and ToUniversalTimeHelper to BsonUtils.cs GuidSerializer Deserialize uses GuidRepresentation of bsonReader GuidSerializer Serialize uses GuidRepresentation of bsonWriter BsonValueSerializers.cs BsonBinaryDataSerializer Deserialize uses GuidRepresentation of bsonReader

BsonBinaryDataSerializer Serialize uses GuidRepresentation of bsonWriter BsonDateTimeSerializer no longer delegates to DateTimeSerializer DictionaryGenericSerializer.cs DictionarySerializer Serialize now uses TKey and TValue as nominal types so "_t" discriminator is no longer written when not needed NetPrimitiveSerializers.cs Added IPAddressSerializer Added IPEndPointSerialzier BsonClassMap.cs Uses BsonSerializer.ConfigLock instead of staticLock to prevent deadlocks Added IsClassMapRegistered method AutoMapMember now supports ShouldSerializeXyz methods BsonClassMapSerializer.cs Deserialize has better error message when attempt is made to deserialize a s truct (which is not supported) SetDocumentId has better error message when attempt is made to use it with a struct (which is not supported) SerializeMember now calls ShouldSerializeXyz if it exists BsonDefaultSerializer.cs Uses BsonSerializer.ConfigLock instead of staticLock to prevent deadlocks Added IsTypeDiscriminated method LookupActualType now calls EnsureKnownTypesAreRegistered first BsonMemberMap.cs Added ShouldSerializeMethod property Added SetShouldSerializeMethod method BsonSerializer.cs Uses BsonSerializer.ConfigLock instead of staticLock to prevent deadlocks Added UseNullIdChecker property Added UseZeroIdChecker property LookupIdGenerator no longer uses NullIdChecker or ZeroIdChecker unless told to do so IBsonSerializable.cs GetDocumentId now has out idNominalType parameter IBsonSerializer.cs GetDocumentId now has out idNominalType parameter IIdGenerator.cs GenerateId now has container and document parameters BsonDefaults.cs Added GuidRepresentation property BsonExtensionMethods.cs Added non-generic overloads of ToBson Added non-generic overloads of ToBsonDocument Added non-generic overloads to ToJson BsonUtils.cs Added ToDateTimeFromMillisecondsSinceEpoch method Added ToLocalTime method Added ToMillisecondsSinceEpoch method

Added ToUniversalTime method

Driver changes -------------MapReduceOptionsBuilder.cs Added new overload of Replace that takes databaseName parameter Added new overload of Merge that takes databaseName parameter Added new overload of Reduce that takes databaseName parameter QueryBuilder.cs Type of queries parameter to And method changed to IMongoQuery[] And method ignores any elements of the queries array that are null Type of query parameter to ElemMatch method changed to IMongoQuery Added new Nor method Type of queries parameter to Or method changed to IMongoQuery[] Or method ignores any elements of the queries array that are null Type of size parameter to Size method changed to int (was already int in Que ry, changed in QueryBuilder) UpdateBuilder.cs Return type of Rename method changed to UpdateBuiler (so Renames can now be chained) Added non-generic overload of Replace method GeoNearResult.cs GeoNearResult and related classes refactored to be PowerShell friendly New non-generic abstract base classes introduced (GeoNearResult, GeoNearHit) Changes should not break existing code MapReduceResult.cs CollectionName now handles compound result element { db : ..., collection : ... } Added DatabaseName property Added non-generic overload of GetInlineResultsAs GetResults now handles output collections sent to a different database Added non-generic overload of GetResultsAs GetResultsAs not handles output collections sent to a different database ValidateCollectionResult.cs Now works with either old string format result or new document format result Added DataSize property Added DeletedCount property Added DeletedSize property Added Errors property Added ExtentCount property Added FirstExtent property Added FirstExtentDetails property Added IndexCount property Added IsValid property Added KeysPerIndex property Added LastExtent property Added LastExtentSize property Added Padding property Added RecordCount property Added Warning property Added ExtentDetails nested class

CollectionOptionsDocument.cs CommandDocument.cs FieldsDocument.cs GeoNearOptionsDocument.cs GroupByDocument.cs IndexKeysDocument.cs IndexOptionsDocument.cs MapReduceOptionsDocument.cs QueryDocument.cs ScopeDocument.cs SortByDocument.cs UpdateDocument.cs Added constructors with IDictionary parameter UpdateWrapper.cs Removed constructor that was missing nominalType parameter Added nominalType parameter to non-generic overload of Create MongoCollection.cs Drop now returns a CommandResult instead of void Added non-generic overload of FindAllAs FindAndModify no longer throws an exception if there is no matching document FindAndRemove no longer throws an exception if there is no matching document Added non-generic version of FindAs Added non-generic versions of FindOneAs Added non-generic version of FindOneByIdAs Added non-generic versions of GeoNearAs Added non-generic versions of Insert and InsertBatch Added non-generic versions of Save Save now works with compound _id values Save now supports generating new _id values for strings represented external ly as ObjectId Added Insert methods to MongoCollection<TDefaultDocument> MongoCollectionSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property MongoConnectionStringBuilder.cs Added GuidRepresentation property MongoCursor.cs MongoCursor is now a non-generic abstract base class MongoCursor<TDocument> now derives from MongoCursor Added SerializationOptions property Added SetSerializationOptions method MongoCursorEnumerator.cs class is now public connection is now returned to connection pool between calls to GetMore added support for tailable cursors Added IsDead property Added IsServerAwaitCapable property MongoDatabase.cs only force commands to primary when connected to a replica set Added new overload of AddUser that takes a MongoUser parameter Added new overload of CreateConnection that takes only collection name param eter Added non-generic version of CreateCollectionSettings DropCollection no longer throws an exception if the collection doesn't exist

Added Added Added Added Added Added Added

support for nolock to Eval non-generic overload of FetchDBRefAs FindAllUsers method FindUser method non-generic overloads of GetCollection new overload of RemoveUser method that takes a MongoUser parameter non-generic overloads of RunCommandAs

MongoDatabaseSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property MongoServer.cs now uses new MongoServerInstance class to track server(s) it is connected to ConnectionPool property moved to MongoServerInstance MaxDocumentSize and MaxMessageLength moved to MongoServerInstance EndPoints property removed ReplicaSet property removed SecondaryConnectionPools property removed Added MaxServerCount property Added ServerCount property Create method now throws exception if more than MaxServerCount instances are created Added UnregisterServer method Added Arbiters property Added BuildInfo property (delegates to primary MongoServerInstance) Added Instance and Instances property Added Passives property Added Primary property Added ReplicaSetName property Added Secondaries property Connect now returns as soon as primary is found when connecting to a replica set (without waiting for all secondaries to respond) Added non-generic overload of FetchDBRefAs Added Ping method Added non-generic overloads of RunAdminCommandAs Added Shutdown method MongoServerAddress.cs Comparison of host names is now case insensitive MongoServerBuildInfo.cs new class Added Bits property (returns 32 or 64) Added GitVersion property (the git commit Id) Added SysInfo property Added Version property Added VersionString property MongoServerInstances.cs new class Added Address property Added BuildInfo property Added ConnectException property Added ConnectionPool property Added EndPoint property Added IsArbiter property Added IsPassive property Added IsPrimary property Added IsSecondary property Added MaxDocumentSize property

Added MaxMessageLength property Added State property MongoServerSettings.cs Added GuidRepresentation property MongoUrl.cs Added GuidRepresentation property MongoUrlBuilder.cs Added GuidRepresentation property Setting ReplicaSetName implies ReplicaSet ConnectionMode Setting Servers seed list to more than one server implies ReplicaSet Connect ionMode Now supports escaping special characters in username in password (using URL escape rules) MongoUser.cs new class Added Username property Added PasswordHash property Added IsReadOnly property MongoGridFS.cs Download method now verifies the MD5 hash Find and FindAll methods now return a real MongoCursor, so cursor methods li ke SetSkip and SetLimit can be used Upload method now verifies the MD5 hash MongoGridFSStream.cs Added UpdateMD5 property (useful when file is updated many times and you wan t to do MD5 calculation just once at the end) Fixed a bug that resulted in metadata not being properly set when file was c reated MongoDefaults.cs Added GuidRepresentation property (it's an alias for the same property in Bs onDefaults) Added MaxDocumentSize (it's an alias for the same property in BsonDefaults)

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