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The human kidney anatomy is well equipped to perform all its crucial functions. The following kidney diagram represents the structure of a kidney... sliced vertically.

KIDNEY ANATOMY The kidneys are dark-red, bean-shaped organs. One side of the kidney bulges outward (convex) and the other side is indented (concave). There is a cavity attached to the indented side of the kidney, called the Renal Pelvis... which extends into the ureter. Each Kidney is enclosed in a transparent membrane called the renal capsule... which helps to protect them against infections and trauma. The kidney is divided into two main areas... a light outer area called the renal cortex, and a darker inner area called therenal medulla. Within the medulla there are 8 or more cone-shaped sections known as renal pyramids. The areas between the pyramids are called renal columns.

Kidney Anatomy and Excretion The most basic structures of the kidneys, are nephrons. Inside each kidney there are about one million of these microscopic structures. They are responsible for filtering the blood... removing waste products. The renal artery delivers blood to the kidneys each day. Over 180 liters (50 gallons) of blood pass through the kidneys every day. When this blood enters the kidneys it is filtered and returned to the heart via therenal vein. The process of separating wastes from the body's fluids and eliminating them, is known as excretion. The body has four organ systems that are responsible for excretion. The urinary system is one of the main organ systems responsible for excretion. It excretes a broad variety of metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs, hormones, salts, hydrogen irons and water. The kidneys are the main organs of the urinary system.

Kidney Anatomy and Blood Vessels The kidneys are full of blood vessels. Blood vessels are integral to efficient kidney function. Every function of the kidney involves blood, therefore, it requires a lot of blood vessels to facilitate these functions. Together, the two kidneys contain about 160 km of blood vessels.

KIDNEY LOCATION The normal kidney location is towards the back of the abdominal cavity, just above the waist. If you put your hands on your hips, your kidneys are located just about where your thumbs are. One kidney is normally located just below the liver, on the right side of the abdomen and the other is just below the spleen on the left side. In rare cases, however, one or both kidneys may be located much lower in the abdomen. This is not necessarily a problem except probably in the case of pregnancy. As the fetus begins to develop in the womb this could sometimes place pressure on the kidney which is located in the lower abdomen.

NORMAL KIDNEY SIZE The normal kidney size of an adult human is about 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) long and about 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 inches) wide. It is approximately the size of a conventional computer mouse. A kidney weighs approximately 150 grams. Kidneys weigh about 0.5 percent of total body weight.

The human kidney anatomy, though relatively simple, enables it to perform extremely complex but essential functions. If any area of the kidney is damaged or becomes diseased, this could significantly affect its ability to perform these functions.

The Path of the Formation of Urine Blood enters the efferent arterioles

Passes through the glomeruli

To bowmanss capsule

Now it becomes filtrate (blood minus RBCs and plasma protein

Continues through the proximal convulated tubules

To the collectine tubules (at this about 99% of the filtrate has been reabsorbed)

Approximately 1ml of urine is formed per minute and goes to the renal pelvis

To the ureter

To the bladder

To the urethra

To the urinary meatus


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