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Afirman que medidas tributarias agilizarn comercio exterior (21-06-2012)

Tax measures will speed up foreign trade The first three legislative decrees in tax matters approved by the Executive will speed up foreign trade operations, said tax expert David Bravo. These measures will make tax collection and foreign trade easier, announced Official newspaper El Peruano. Bravo pointed out that Legislative Decree N 1108 modified IGV and ISC (Excise tax) Law to dynamize this sectors operations and he said that in this case norm was corrected adding a new section for export sales operations which will benefit small and medium scale companies (pyme) and avoid tax exports. Also fair tax treatment is established in postal service matters which standardizes Value added tax and duties for this area and also express dispatch. In this regard, administrative processes between customs and foreign trade operators have been simplified to face external crisis in better conditions. Other legislative decree modified tax obligations payment system and also changed the electronic proof of payment and Value Added tax law. Third legislative decree changed the General Customs Law and sped up foreign trade processes. Tax expert Jorge Manini said that one of the main changes that this norm include is reduction of fine imposed to companies that carry collection functions. Even if the norm referred to drawdown had good results, it is always subject to improvements to improve collection processes, he pointed out.


Consideran que plan de estmulo fiscal dinamizar economa nacional Tax incentive plan is considered to dynamize national economy
Governments new tax incentive plan, that reaches S/.2,000 million, will succeed at making national economy more dynamic because it is made in advance, according to Esan teacher Jorge Guilln. Minister of Economy and Finance, Luis Miguel Castilla said that two thirds of the incentive plan credit will be spent this year and assigned to public investment and maintenance projects. In contrast to preventive measures that were applied in 2009 to face financial crisis, economic agents will get to know in advance plans that government will apply to minimize impact of current external crisis in production, said Guilln. He pointed out that in 2009 they were only able to implement 40% of resources allocated and economy only grew 0.9%.

This time our goal is to implement the largest amount of allocated supplementary credit, he emphasized. In this regard, Guilln said that urgent decree that approved the tax incentive plan is timely for the country. It gives enough time to adequate laws in a way that they do not obstruct spending plans to help increase GDP. What we are worried about is the short management capacity to increase expenditure. Regions receive larger budgets but in the end money returns to government funds he said. Guilln expressed that in order to take account of this situation it is better to postpone for a while the Fiscal Prudence and Transparency Law because it might become a factor that makes the spending plans difficult.


Lnea de transmisin Machupicchu Quencoro Onocora Tintaya se licitar en noviembre

Bidding process of transmission line Machupicchu-Quencoro-Onocora-Tintaya will take place in November Machupicchu Quencoro Onocora Tintaya 220 Kv Transmission Line and substations project th tender will take place on November 15 , informed Proinversion. According to this process timeline, it is planned that if there are no observations to the offers, projet th award will take place that same day; otherwise the winner will be known on November 18 . ProInversions Telecommunication, Power and Hydrocarbons Projects Committee (Proconectividad) pointed out that the winner of this bid will design, fund, build, operate and maintain transmission line. According to timeline, application submission for bidders qualification will take place until th September 21st and observation corrections time will take place until September 26 .

The announcement of consortia or prequalified companies will be on October 12th and modification or consortia formation will be until 26th. The Project will be awarded as an Integral Project which means that the winner will be responsible for designing, funding, constructing, operating and maintaining the project. At the end of concession, the transmission line will be returned to Peruvian State. Competitive factor will be the lowest Total Service Cost to Commercial start-up date of the transmission line.

Total Service cost includes the sum of Investment Cost annuity plus Annual Operating and Maintenance Cost. Concession period will be 30 years plus construction period which is 38 months, counted after the closure of the award procedure date. Required investment is approximately 70 million dollars.

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