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VOL. 29.







be that this is an opening for the working out of the prophetic preliminaries, which assuredly show that Palestine is largely in the hands of the Jewish people, when the actual prophetic movements begin which shall issue in the overthrow of the kingdom of man, The possibi lity of this should keep the eye of the prophetic student upon this new phase of things in Turkey .



The venerable Count 'I'olstoi hat; published a terrible indictment directed against tile Ozar and the bureauROPHETIU students are looking with cracy, They are "murderers" and "torturers" of an great interest upon present movements in infamous type. The correspondent of the Adelaide Turkey. The events of which have reAdoeriiser summarises the articles, cently taken place in that country have and from it we cull the following: lbea\'}? come as a surprise to those who have not "Between 1842 and 190J the an3-nbictmcnt. kept closely abreast of contemporary nual average of executions in Rusevents. That a revolt by Mohammedans sia is stated to ha ye been fifteen. In 1906 the number azainst the despotism of the Sultan should take place rose to 1,642, and last year, though considerably less, it s:ems an astonishing thing. Yet it has happened. "For still exceeded 750, If, therefore, there is any exaggerayears there has been a small but growing party known tion it is not in the language of the reformer," This as the Young Turks, who feel dishonoured and degraded wholesale killing is going on in order that "a few incomby the present condition of thei r petent clerks may retain the semblance of power, with country, and wish for a change. Ube Uurhtsb the salaries of their offices," and to this end a whole But no one imagined that this feel<IrtsiS. nation is brutalised and degraded, In a letter to the ing had to any extent permeated Daily Chronicle Mr. William Watson points out that it the army till the announcement was made that a Turkis the Russian Government that is responsible for th is ish major, with 80 men under him, had taken to the hideous state of things, and with this Government the hills in .Maccdonia, and had raised the tlag of revolt." British Government has entered into friendly relations, The order from the Sultan that two battalions should and no protest is made against this horrid barbarity, proceed at once to the scene of: revolt and repress it was How blind must be a Government which imagines that disobeyed, and when the commanding officer stated that bv this policy of execution it can block the way of prohe would go alone, his troops shot him. This showed gress, "The more you hang and flog and imprison," that the army was infected with the spirit of revolt. The says 'I'olstoi in effect, "the more vou alienate the minds truth is that the Armenians, who have long sought for of' the people, and the more vou associate the numc or (-hC' autonomy, have thrown in their lot with the Y O1111g Czar, the Government, and the Orthodox Churr-h wil]: 'Turkish party, and all are working together for the harharitvand injustice, the more vou popula rise riol('11('(" restoration of the Ottoman Parliament and the rcconthe more vou nourish the (1C'C'(1 fC'c,ling of rcsontmont ,lilt! struction of the Empire on a federal footing. 'I'ho injnstice,' Y 011may go on, "he dC'ebl'C''':,"h 11\'011 Ii<lr(' possibi litv of a free and Liberal Turkey is an idea which killed off' one TIl1ssian in cvvrv ten, anti still \'()IIIi,II'(' we are slow to grasp, hut this is the aim before that not touched the essential r<ld;:;," pa1'L.I'. It may be that Russian influence will be brought (0 he111', o that the Sultan's concessions may not go too s 'I'hc /:> srroat ecclesiastical shows wh icl: 0(,(,111'1'C'(1 LOllin ral' f'or hcr jntcrcsts ; hilt that the change must result don aro 0\'('1', find men nro h<'gill'lling to note till' a.Iterill woakoning ihr Slllran'" pOIrC'l',andin placingit agflin t \ ill (he lnmd~ or IhC'people seems El certain thing. 1( III<I\' 1II31,li,Gre::d, promi nencc wns 'gi von 11.1he 1';11)-,ng1iC'fII)






to the thank-offering, and the huge sum received is viewed as an evidence ]Ecclesiastical of the whole-hearted generosity of Sbows. the people, and their desire for the rextension of the Church's influence. Already there is an outcry that the money thus given is largely made up of funds that usually go to ordinary societies, and these are consequently suffering. The Irish Church Missions complain in the Banner of Truth that "over and over again we have had letters from clergymen saying that 'owing to the special collections for the Pan-Anglican thank-offering, they regretted they could not give the usual offertories to the LC.M.;' consequently the society, which is in sore need of funds, has to suffer what we fear may prove a considerable diminution in its income." But that great show seems also to have invited the Catholic prelates to emulate, and, if possible, to exceed, it in millinery and flummery. 'I'hat the Catholic show should follow so closely upon the parade of the Anglicans is surely a sufficient sign that the so-called great Protestant Church, after all its centuries of State protection and provision, has not been able to do much injury to its powerful rival. Nay, the tendencies are that the doctrines and practices of the latter arc largely entering into the Church of England, and her Protestant claims are being undermined by hundreds of clergy whose sense of righteousness is so obtuse that they can openly teach and practice Romanism, having avowed their rejection of Rome and her works, and accept the salaries which are given for the teaching and defence of Protestantism. What has the PanAnglican Congress done to change this state of things? Nothing! In an article in the Review of Reviews. Mr. W. T. Stead declares that the Pan-Anglican Conference was a "council of the Sadducees," and attempts to justify the name by saying, "If anything is clearly evident from the whole scope and tenor of the pulpit and platform discourses of the <!ritictstno tbe Pan-Anglicans, it is that it is no conrerence. longer considered useful or expedient to endeavour to control human conduct here by considerations as to the effect which action in time is likely to have upon life in eternity." "The rehabilitation of hell and heaven as working forces in the world is the great duty that lies before the Christian Church. 'I'he Pan-Anglican Conference did not show even a glimmering perception of its importance." Now, it is true enough that the Church at large has lost the use of the old incentives. The old-time manner of presenting hell and heaven no longer makes impression upon the modern mind, and the preacher" have themselves let these go. And the present state is that there is not in the Church any real idea as to what the future holds for man; therefore, it is that "the whole of the appeal made by the Pan-Anglican speakers is based upon arguments whose force is drawn from man's life on this earth." But we

submit that Mr. Stead is himself: at sea. He is wrong first of all in the name he gives to the "council." His view is that "the distinctive note of the Sadducee was his resolute refusal to recognise as a fact governing the life of man on this earth the continuity of his existence beyond the grave." Now, if we will allow the New Tcstament to guide us on this matter we shall find that the> Sadducees refused to accept the fact that the promises of God demanded a resurrection from the dead-a statement that is widely apart from that made so confidently by the critic. But Mr. Stead sees a point which is worth noting. Having declared that a rehabilitation of hell and heaven is needed, he says, "The first step towards such a rehabilitation is the scientific demonstration of the persistence of personality after death." Just so! If ever the old beliefs Still are to return this must be done; " llUlante~." and if Mr. Stead's notions of cornmunication with the dead arc to make a justifiable claim upon the attention of men, this must be done. Theologians hold that the Biblc clearly shows that the persollality persists in conscious existence after death, but not a few earnest Bible students have asked, and asked vainly, for the proof. It has becn claimed that science demonstrates it, but here is a mart who urges upon the Anglicans that they undertake this work of finding thc scientific evidence. We can afford to wait until it is found. Dr. Amory Bradford is quoted approvingly by Mr. Stead as saying, "I think the churches should appoint a conuuittee of scholars to investigate the subject of the possibility of holding communion with those who dwell in the unseen and report from time to time." But why? '1'h8 Bible admits the possibility of holding communion with those that dwell in the unseen, but warns the reader that these are not men who have lived here. Modern Spiritism has no support in the Word. 'I'Iic committee of scholars may sift, and search, and agree that communion is possible, but how can any committee of earthly men determine that those who communicate are really the persons who have lived and died here r What can they know about the possibilities of personation and deception available to those who are spoken of as seducing spirits? Mr. Stcad may find grounds to criticise the Conference, but his remedy is, if anything, Further away from the Word of: Truth than is the position of doubt and uncertainty with which he charges its uuem bers. The Roman Catholic Congress received a set-back when it was not allowed to carry the Host through the streets of London. All arrangements were made for the imposing ceremony, and some judicious remarks were made, as from the Pope, concerning the "liberty" which is enjoyed jfloutfng in England, and for a time it mOnte. seemed that tile G overnmcnt would






bread and wine are converted into the real body and blood of the Redeemer. This is the greatest of all miracles, a veritable sea of miracles. Where in heaven is there power like that possessed by the Catholic priest? The words of the priest, 'This is My body, this is My blood,' effectually produce the holy transformation of the elements. The priest sacrifices the Son of God in human form, a bloodless sacrifice for the living and the dead. Christ, the Incarnate Son of God the Father, by whom were created the heavens and the earth, and who sustains the world, is subject in this act-the missa-to the will of the Oatholie priest. Christ has given Him power over His body, His blood and flesh, over His di vine and human body. Ohrist obeys him."

weakly yield to the subtle attempt to make the idolatrous . display. But there is still in England a strain of Protestantism that recalls the fact that Rome's "liberty" is a doubtful quantity. As. Dr. Dale said long ago, "On the lips of a prince of the Ohurch 'liberty of conscience' have an alien accent. 'I'he English people listen with a certain surprise and distrust when they are instructed on the claims of 'liberty of conscience' by a cardinal of the Romish Ohurch." So the protest of the people of England was heeded, and at almost the last moment the Premier advised that the Host be omitted from the public procession. And rightly, too. Even in Paris, till recently a Oatholic centre, such a procession would not be permitted. Two churches only have the right to make processions, and these only about the church building. That the Government was so slow to move in the matter is a reproach to it, and an encouragenient to Rome to proceed with its claims. Had the original programme been permitted, not a town in the British Empire but might have had the claim made in it, that the idolatrous procession should pass along the streets, and Protestants would be insulted by the vaunt that at the will of a priest a piece of bread can be changed into the Body of the Lord!

Lest sonic IHay be ignorant matter,

of what is claimed in this we give the following

or may have forgotten,

selection from a pastoral issued by the Cardinal Archbishop of Salzburg: "The dignity of the Catholic priest is incomprehensible in its greatness. He has the power to pardon !monstl'OUS sins and the power of consecration. ctatms. The power to pardon sins is somewhat greater than to restore sight to thc blind, or the use of the members to the lame; even greater than to raise the dead or recall to life those who have been buried, and even greater than to create worlds from nothing by the words, 'let it be.' This power is greater even than creating as many new worlds as there are stars in the heavens. In this great work the priest is a eoworker with God. What do I mean when I say the priest is a eo-worker with God? The words of the priest, 'I absolve thee from thy sins,' produce the pardon. These words not only announce the remission of sins and the justification of the sinner, they produce them. For this end God has renounced His omnipotence in favour of His vicar on earth, of the authorised priest. The power of the Oatholic priest is greater than that of princes ann kings, even than that of patriarchs, prophets, and martyrs, the multitudes of holy virgins, angels, archangels, thrones and principalities, cherubims and seraphims, even greater than that of Mary, the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven, for she has not so much power as the priest. Mary, the wife of the Holy Ghost, can only ask for the pardon of our sins; the priest is able to pardon them. He has even greater power in the act of consecration. By the word of the priest the

With ever increasing frequency and prominence the ancient lands of the East are being brought under notice. The changed methods of government, the exploitation of railway concessions, and arrangements by the Great Powers of "spheres of influence," Mo\?ements tn and other elements, combine to tbe Jeast. keep before us the races of Egypt, Ethiopia, Persia, Mesopotamia, etc. The Press is prompt to supply descriptions more or less accurate of these countries, and a well-known monthly has just given some particulars of the Persian Gulf in relation to its futu re as a great mercantile highway. Its importance will be enormously increased by the completion of the German railway through Asia Minor to the Eu phratcs, a railway which wi 11carry to the G ulf ports the products of the great plains of Mcsopotam ia, and these products will be vastly added to under the irrigation schemes already afoot. As is well-known, the British Government have never lost sight of the strategic value to India of thc Persian Gulf. Hence their policing of its waters; hence, also, their protectorate over the southern Arabian coast from Aden north-eastwards rounel the Gulf of Oman and well up to the west shore of the Persian Gulf itself. Under to-day's conditions there are present all the elements of a conflagration; with Russia pressing on Persia from the north, Britain working up from the Indian Ocean, and German influence supreme in Turkey. Nevertheless it is likely that wc shall ere long witness a parcelling out of these lands of the Middle East, in favour of the leading nations of Europe. A study of the map is most interesting, not to say impressive, as showing how closely the interests of the rival nations now impinge upon the land given to Abraham and to his seed. At present tenanted, in measure at least, by Mohammedan Ishmaelites, it will in the due time be once more possessed by the "tribe of the wandering foot and weary breast."-Conl1ibtded to Words of Life. The "results" of the Higher Oriticism are such that we may say the Bible is no longer the same book that it was, if these findings are to be accepted as true. If Job

is a late production,






and a Hebrew tragedy, and the Song of Solomon is a pastoral comedy; if Isaiah is a composite com1ban1esting pilation of many elates; if the 11 lResults." Book of Psalms is not chiefly the work of David ; if the Book of: Daniel is not earlier than 350 B.C., then it is quite certain that there must Le a considerable revision in the things "most surelv believed" hy the faithful. There further presReR the important question, What is the attitude which it teacher has to take? 1t is not a mere question of determining whether or not he adopts a certain date for the writing of: a certain book, but Bible doctrine is affected by the criticism, and the whole question of man's present relation to Goel, and of man's future is involved. What attitude must the teacher take? This is the question with which a Higher Critic professes to deal. Before a number of Angliran clergv Dr. Dukinfield Astlev advises that "if they ha ye not time and means to personally investigate these things they should accept them on the authority of scholars." 'I'his is a somewhat doubtful proposition, because so far as we can learn there is no satisfying agreement amongst these scholars on these matters. Till something like a common agreement is reached, and the reasons can be put into intelligible form for the conclusions presented, it is too soon to expect that thoughtful men will accept the position on the basis of authority.

\l12.uestton corner.
"'as the ransom effected by Jesus Christ as farreaching in its results as tile fall of Adam ? Yes; Christ gave Himself as a "ransom for all." The life of the world in Adam was spared, when forfeited bv Adam, in view of the work and offering of "the Seed." To the full 'extent of the present life man enjovs the result of the atoning work of Christ. That atonement puts him now on a probation which has 1'e1'e1'once to life eternal; a boon which mu v be obtained npon Agreement with the divine conditions, 'Yill all the human race, who hare died from Adam clown to the present time, lire again? SOlVe understand the teaching of the IV orel, else the atonement does not cover the life of the world. The onlv possible exception which we can think of: is the case of those who ha ve perished under a direct judgment from God, but this does not effect the general principle. Is the "scapegoat" of Lev, x vi. a type of Satan? Does the Hebrew word Azazcl, translated "scapegoat," mean Satan? There is no reason for supposing that the word Azazel means Satan. As it now stands in the R.V. it appears to be a proper noun, but there seems to be good and sufficient reason for the old rendering - "scapegoat." The reason for the rendering as a proper name seems to be because it is said, "And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats ; one lot for the Lorel, and tile other lot for the scapegoat." And these clauses arc snp posed to mean, the ono is ctZJp1'opria.tedto the Lord, and the other ap7Jropriaied to Azazel. Hut, as Dr. A. Bonar says, "The proper sense is not appropriation to, or designation fOT, persons. The proper sense is designation f01' use, viz., (;1.) (2.) (1.)

But the graver question presses, Should these "results" be openly preached? it, that no jesuitical tion. Now, it would seem, on the face of answer should be given to this ques-

If these things are true, then teach them. No question of policy should enter. Yet the one f01' the PU1'jJOseof being killed at the L01'd's Dr. Astley does not hesitate to ad3esuittcal altar; the other f01' the purpose of be'ing sent away to vise his hearers to make a distinccon nsets. the wilderness." The whole of the narrative supports tion between the educated and the this view, for the ielea is that the confessed sins of Israel uneducated layman. "It is quite possible," he says, "for are laid upon the goat, and it is taken awav into the the clergy and other religious teachers to bo true to their wilderness, whence it never appears. So, in picture form, honest convictions, and to let the results of their knowthe fnll and free forgiveness gnmtc(1 to the children of ledge permeate and leaven their teaching Israel is vividly shown. without undermining the simple faith of: the (4.) When 'Daniel speaks of fitL' Anti-Christ honouring veriest babe in Christ." All of which is scarcely comthe God of: forces (Dan. xi. 38), whnt iKthe meanpatible with the position which Sh011ld be taken by the illg or the Angel's words? \rill 11](' .Vnl i-Clui! exponent of the truth of God. If these "results" are true. have at his di~I)()~<II!he Ill;lil'ri;]I' r()r("I'~of l];liIII'P. then they 8h0111el e openly taught, and no fear 01 man h ,,110111(1 prevent their open utterance. 'I'hc true gTOlll1cls for as well as armcd hosts ~ ,Ye need 110!'snppo-: that. nlthollgit it is e"ill('llt lrruu f;lith ShOlI1(Jhe gi,'eJ1, and those who arc <It present 1'C"!'iIIg IIpOI1a foundation thcv believe to he sound hC('<1118e !1](' j>n'didion~ or Pnul ;lIld .lnh n, titn! :<llplr1lllma1] powers wi ll ill' Ill<1nil\'sfpri ill suppor] or l lu: .\llli-l'hri"I~ of their f;\ith in tll(' intcgritj of tll(' Word sholllll he (billl 10 tit(' \\'orld-ll'illl' dominion. \\'!tH!(,\'('1' po\\'er~ pla i n l,: tllllght their error and urged to bctako il]cmschc~ t l'xcr(isPIl ill raYOllr Lo the (ritic's sure foundation. Ah, hut horo is the rub l mill' !Iv under RAtal]"; ('011 1'0 I will hl~ of hi" (-110l'C11 man, 1>111'. parl ic-nlnr pns~;lgI' llilll]('S t'hl' titi,; 'I'ho erii ic-s have no foundat iou. Tla ving p"t aside the "fol'!r(',,~rs," and t hoso wi ll l'yiill'n!h' h(' ;li l lu: di;<po,;,tl "pl'ollli~r;; lIln(lr to th [afhr-rs," thr., rest 01111' pon thr u of Ihl' Anti-C'luist, who will lWoglli,;C' anrl \\'or~hiJl 111<' ciodl'inr of sonl-inrmor+n litv, ani! thnt is as false ns their "go(l of tlli,; \I'oTIII" ;IS their pre,;iding genill~. ns;;ul'l'II result ..": and l hev have no messago for man which can takr tllP plAep of that ,,,hiell ii]eY would AII'll U5,) l.nke x. 18: \\'he11 did this happen, and whore is ~i1tan ',; present dwelling phi Cl' ;froni us by means 0 r so-called schola rsh ip.


OCTOBER, 1908. - -





Satan has not yet Iallen 1'0111 heaven. 'I'he work or our Lord and ILi::; aIJuHUe::; al"e lill" carucst l hul. lh,' g "casting-out" should occu r, and ill l' l"!Il'ltdi\' fon::;ighL He sail' Ihl' ("'I~(iJJg-uu[, \l"lIiell i~ alknrard~ [1IUI\:Jully de~nilJed in H"I .. x ii. ;-)aLlJl i,; sl i l] in lh hcavculies. (li.) \\'lIaL iD [0 be Illllil'ri'tood rWllI IJalll';,; (1IWI,dioll ill E"II, i v. i'I, "\\'1I1'1l J le ,I~l'l'll,"'d (Ill lIigll Ill' hod \'aplilit\ CHI,liYe ~.' 'I'h ,;illlldl'i'( 1':\pl;lll,1Iioll is l h.il ill l Iis OIYlllH'rSOIIlie trilllll"ltl'd over "J l im l ha] IIHd till' POIIl'!' (lIoldillg" IH)lIl'r) or de;dll.' l lv ';01111'l' i,; Lr:llli'I;t!l'd ",l m ull ii [llde or eapti vos," but it- is litcrallv "a captivity." \\'(: think the S('JI:,:e l his pns:;llg(' II!;IVbe convcyecl by tile or 1;lllgllng!' of the Jiisl'Jl Lord, "Behold J HIli alive Ior CI'('rIIIOI'U, nd L ImH' the keys or: death and of IIadcs." a (~'.) Dol'S 110[l'HIIl in :J. COl'. xii. 1--1 show that tlture is pcrsouul itv apart Irom tile Ilo(ly, "out of tho I)(HI,I," capable or: 8l'l'ing visions, ami hoaring words, sur.l; personality being presumably l1is spi rit ? \ 0; I\C cannot see an v ncrossitv ror such a supposition. 'I'hc utmost that eau be drawn from this passage is that to the apostle the tiling was so real that he could not tell whether he actually saw the things with hi.s bodily eyes or was rapt away in vision. There is no need to suppose that which in order that it should occur would contradict all that the Scripture has said about the nature of man, and would involve the death and resurrection of the apostle if "out of the body" in the orthodox sense an event which is not so much as hinted at in the history. Besides, the Bible, with unwavering persistency, invariably attaches the personality of man to the body, living 01' dead, and never for one moment allows that it can be separated from the physical organ18m.

l' IIIW';'I'. 'J'II J.; ,) Uj)W~ 01<'.::L'I.'l'.'I..N. 'I'IIEI:I'; ;11'1'1I1<l11\' a~J)ed,.; (II' tllc sal vutiun 1)l'!Il'idl'd hv (:(1(1' whirh arc seldom considered. l\ot only dOl'S 1I1!; Hible tell of the efficacy of lite Cross of Christ Ior illdividual salvation, but ill it is a llordcd complete inJUl'III<Ltiou us to the causes or Sill, tile need tor redemption, ami :1:; to the agenciesnow employed, ami to be employed, to perfect tile work. A 11 these things arc recorded JOT' 0111' leurni uu, ami all are worthy of the closest attention. Sometimes it is ~;lid. or 11f;that we spend too much Lime OJl the consideration or matters of purclv academic intercst, to the lleglect 01' preach iug the simple U01:ipeJ. ;-)lIch a charge SCE'IlI::; to be rather an attempt at selfj ustiflca tion on the part of those who make it for neglecting themes of which the Word undoubtedly speaks. Paul enjoined Timothy to "preach the Word." That injunction I would wish to lay to my own heart, but if I would be sincere in my obedience to it, then I must inquire what it is that the Word commissions me to preach; and that which I find therein as part of the Gospel message I must present, even though there are some to whom such matters may seem to be non-essential. In this collection of documents we call the Bible I find all that I have to preach to men, and trust that I shall never go beyond its contents for the subject matter of my preaching. The opportunities which come to one for presenting the Word of God are too precious to allow of any being wasted in the discussion of matters which arc non-important. I have sought to impress 11pon you tile significance of: the Bible teaching concerning the Return of: Christ. 'l'his Advent must not be viewed as if it were a mere startling event, like the passage of a meteor through our atmosphere, but it is a solemn fact, having important issues to all men. He is coming as the .Judge of men, and His reward is with Him. Already we have looked 11])Onthat office of the returning Lord in its relation to 11is own people, and to the people of: Israel ; but there arc other phases of that office which call for close attention. One of these phases 0 r His judicial authority is introduced to us in connection with that incident which marks the crisis of the Lord's earthly ministry. 'I'hat crisis occurred when He rode into J erusalem, and fulfilled in so doing two most important Old Testament prophecies - the time-prophecy of Dan. ix., and that rrom Zechariah, which said, "Behold thy King cometh unto thee riding upon an ass." Many New Testament readers suppose that the turning point of that life of service took place at the Cross, but this is a mistake; it actually occurred when the rulers of Israel refused to.


out' flDistaReS.

OUR failures are not the test of: our lives, but rather what wc (10 with our failures. Some men let a failure mark the end of effort; \I'ith other men, failure is the (,ha llengc that calls forth their hest. Therein was the life-and-death difl'erencc between Peter and Judas. Both men failed miscrahlv ; hut .J url as let his failure put an ('11(1 [urthor effort, while Peter turned to Christ for to [lower to 1ive it down. "1\ li Fe is great not by the measure or few mistakes, but bv splendid mastery over all JlIistakcs." Christ came to gi vo us this mastery. Men win it or lose it, as thcv accept 01' reject Him.-S.S. Times. 1 rejoice not merely that .Tcsus Christ made peace, but that "He is our peace;" not simply that Jesus Christ opens the door, but that He is the door; not simply that Jesus Christ preaches the truth, but that He is the truth ; not simply that J csus Christ points out the way, but that He is the way; not simply that He teaches the doctrine of the resurrection, hut He says, "I am the resurrection.v=.zl. J. Cordon.


accept their Messiah on the appointed day. When they "would not have this man to rule over them," then God certified once more to the claims of His Son by the voice from heaven. Some explanation of this utterance is required, and this the Lord gi.ves in the words that follow : "Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out" (John xii. 30, 31). 'I'hus at this most solemn crisis of the Lord's history upon earth do 1 find this statement. Surely it is significant; but what does it mean? Are there not questions to be asked here? Who is the Prince of this world? Why should he be cast out? How is that casting out connected with the redemptive work of Christ? How is it connected with the Messianic claim which He made on that memorahle day? so that when the people refused Him, and God endorsed Him, the triumphant declaration should be made, "Now is the judgment of this world ; now shall the Prince of this world be cast out?" As you can readily perceive, the Messianic claims and the possessions of the Prince of this world stand over against each other. Said I not well. This is important. The open ing story of the 11 istory of humanity tells of: the temptation which entered the Garden of Eden from a subtle ol1tsideinflnence, to which man succumbed when he was being tested as to his worthiness. Under that temptation man falls, but it is noteworthy that when he stands before the Lord for judgment, according to the terms of the threatened penalty, that act of temptation seems to tell in his favour, for he is spared to undergo a new probation; but the penalty of death shall pass llpon the serpent tempter. H the Old Testament is read in the light of the thought that the object of the tempter was to hinder man's willing subjection to the authority of God, you will have the key to the whole story of the need for redemption. But that is a theme into which I do not here enter. Let me keep close to the Gospel story, which shows that Jesus was the heir to David's throne, and to the Kingdom of God upon the earth. In the course of His ministry, in which He makes good His claims, there is a special phase of His work which calls for mention. In that service of humanity He is found healing men of their bodily ills, whatsoever they were. Amongst these are some which our ordinary conception of disease does not cover. "They brought unto Him all that were .possessed with demons;" "He cast out the spirits with a word;" "He cast out many demons; and He suffered not the demons to speak, because they knew Him" (Matt. iv. 24; viii. 16; Mark i. 32-34). 'I'hose expressions introduce a wide range of incidents. It would seem that we are reading a history which seems to swarm with references to beings who are inimical to the interests of mankind. As soon as Christ begins His work He comes into contact with these "unclean spirits." Note the incident of the demoniac in the synagogue in Capernaum (Mark i. 21-26) ; the man of Gadara (Mark v. 1-20) ; the dumb spirit (Matt. iv, 32) ; the lunatic boy (lVIark ix. 14-29) ; the woman with the spirit of infirmity (Luke xiii.



10-17). Who or what were these "demons" -: 'I'hey are under the control of a prince, who is Satan (Matt. xii. 8 I-26); thev are his angels (Matt. xxv, 41). Towards them Christ always manifests hostility. 'I'ho poor sufferers He pities and heals, but there is no word of pity for these evil spirits.

That is a remarkable word of thc Lord which is 101ll1l1 in Matt. xii. .26-28. It depicts a k ingdol1l struggle. See the altitude to which this gl'eat matter is lifted, Here Satan is represented as working to prnservc his kingdom, and Christ is working to show that the Kingdom of Goel is brought unto Israel. 'I'he interest of Satan 1ics in preventing the incoming of the Kingdom of God, and Christ's purpose is to convince His people according to the flesh that their best interests lie in accepting Him, in order that the king do 111 which He represented, and for which he laboured, might oust the ruinous kingdom of Satan. But they whom He came to bless rejected Him. Does that mean that the king(10111 of Satan is victorious? So it would seem. Yet it is this very rejection which opens the way to the ultimate conquest by wh ich the Prince of this world shall he judged, and his kingdom overturned. That rejection of the Christ was the prelude to His death upon Calvary, when human hate and Satanic wile seemed to be victorious. But the grave could not hold Him, and the contest is then renewed. The doom of Satan, though determined, is not yet inflicted. Believers now take their part in the struggle, for they "wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, world-rulers of this darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness," in which words you will notice the kingdom ideas conveyed. Satan is the great world-ruler, and his present special activity is against the Ch111'ch, which is the representative of Christ on earth, as Christ is the representative of the Church in the heavenlies. 'I'o the time when our Lord shall return Satan is the Prince of this world, and the doings of the world which mark the effort to secure betterment are attempts on his part to make men believe they can secure the longed-for good by their own efforts, and without the intervention of Divine power. But there can be nothing but failure, even as the past is strewed with the wreckage of human endeavour under Satanic sway and guidance. The promise for human good lies connected with the statement made to the Church, "The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly" (Rom. xvi. 20). How? That is detailed for us in the Word of Truth, so that we may know. In the opening verses of Rev. xiii. is found the resume of the great conflict that has been proceeding since the fall of man, and the prophecy carries that conflict forward so that we can trace it to its triumphant close. 'I'he old serpent, the Devil, Satan, is cast down, and a great voice is heard saying, "Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of God, and the authority of His Christ." That declaration can be linked


and pledges of His ultimate victory, and guaranteed the destruction of the present ruler of this world, who has the holding power of death. So mighty a Saviour, so complete a Saviour is He, we need Him. 'rile world needs him, and God has given Him for us and for the world-this same Jesus, who is offered to us as our personal Saviour, worthy of cut trust, and inviting us to His love. Notes of an Address delivered at West Street,

to the first statement, "He shall bruise thy head," to the Saviour's words in our text.

That is the first stage of the coming judgment. He who is the Prince of the power of the air is expelled from his aerial domains, and his further actions are limited to the earth. That casting out means the expulsion from his centre of government. What does that further signify? Why, that Christ and His people shall obtain possession of them, for they are raised to meet Hi m in the air, and to Hi III the principalities in the heavenly places are made subject. T'he Revelation goes on to describe the further actings of Satan, over which I must paR~ without mention, that r may centre attention upon the next grrat act of jndgment"' which falls 11pon the Prince of this world. Thus it reads, "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of tlio a hvss, and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and ca~t hi III into the abyss, and shut it, and sealed it over him." Ousted from the heavenly seats, he will use all his I'o\\'rr to load men in opposition against the Kingdom of Cio(l, hut he is vanquished, and bound as a prisoner. That wi II mean a period of freedom from external temptation, a time in which men will not be able to cast the blame upon another, if they fail in their allegiance to the rulcrship of God's dear Son. For a thousand yearH peace and prosperity shall rule upon the earth. But how does that period end? Let the Scriptures reply: Both for Satan and for man, in rebellion. The freedom from external temptation and seduction does not change the heart of man, and the long period of confinement does not bring amendment to the dispossessed ruler. 'I'hm; once more man js tempted to revolt against the 1\ ingdom of God, but this time there is swift and decisive j uclgment. Rebellious men are consumed with fire from heaven, and the great tempter is consigned to the lake of fire and brimstone. Thus shall the Prince of this world he judged. In Heb. ii. 14 is found the significant statement, "Since, then, the children are sharers in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the sams ; that through death He might bring to nought him that had the power of death, that is, the Devil. In the light of the thoughts presented, I trust you wil l be able to trace the connection between the work of Christ, which brings salvation to man, and the conquest and ultimate destruction of Ratan. 'I'hat salvation can be enjoyed only in the Kingdom of God, and could not actually occur until he who now rules in this world is dispossessed and destroyed. Destroyed? Yes, he shall be brought to nought. Now, what can I do but urge npon you that you put yourselves and your case into the hands of Him who has undertaken for you. Undertaken to free you from the power of death and from the power of sin. Undertaken to introduce you to Eternal Life, and to give you an abiding fellowship with Himself', and in this great contest with Satan has paid down the

" Zoe " l..tfe ano " \psucbe" jlAfe.

A COHHERI'ONDEN'l'inClnirr::;, "Is it true that the Greek term zoe always signifio eternal life, and that psuclie always means temporal life, as some claim?" VV~reply that the claim is not tenable. Both words are someti mes applied to temporal life, and both are sometimes used to designate eternal life, as the following facts will show:1. Z oe is used in the following texts in reference to temporal life: "For what is your zoc? "I is even a t vapour, that appeareth for a Iittle while and then vanisheth away" (James iv, 1-1.). "Seeing he giveth to all zoen, and breath, and all things" (Acts xvii. 25). "If in this zoe only we have hope in Christ" (1 Cor. xv. 19). 2. Psuclie is used in the following texts to bring to view eternal life: "He that loveth his psuchen shall lose it; and he that hateth his psuchen. in this world shall keep it unto eternal zoen" (John xii. 25). "He that loseth his psuclien for M,' sake shall find it" (Matt. xii. 39). "But whosoever will lose his psuclien for My sake, the same shall save it" (Luke ix. 24 and other texts). 3. Death took away the zoe of Christ, and also His psuchl}--not two lives, but two names for one life. "In His humiliation His judgment was taken away; and who shall declare His generation? for His zoe is taken from the earth" (Acts viii. 33). "For the Son of Man came to give 'His psuchen a ransom for many" (Mark x. 45). The foregoing texts, and others that might be quoted, invalidate the claim that zoe always signifies eternal life, and that psuche never signifies endless life, proving that all men have zoe-life, and that death terminates it. Instead of having two kinds of life, we have the duration of life gauged by its basis; a mortal nature producing only temporal life, but the immortal nature, obtained at the resurrection, will produce eternal life: "This mortal shall put on immortality."-Wm. Sheldon.


The following story is told of N eal Dow, the famous temperance orator: While in a neighbouring city one day Doll' passed the house of a prominent citizen. A new brick walk was being laid before the door, and as Dow struck the loose sand he slipped and went head over heels into the gutter. As he did so the owner of the house rushed out, and, picking him up, exclaimed, "My, how I wish there wasn't a drop of liquor in the world."







rill' lu m ill Ili,.;weak ,,(;lil. 'I'I. lilow I\'a,; heal',\" in<il'('ri, 11.5--110 I"d 11'('011'\'l hun k Iu l III ~n.'" I hal hI' rn ll it-rl, a n.l lall'~L 118 Il!l III'I\''';ill ro1'1 ; 11" lIwl Ill' i,.; IJl'ogl'l',;,.:ing ::;IOI\'I\'(011 rds m a 11\1 1'('('('Il'n-. IID-I;;I
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~ Cb~ Bibl~ Standard. ~

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ntW Ztaland Evanjltlistl.c and Publication Jlssociatlon.


The Editor wishes it to be understood that, while he exercises H. genera! super-tstcn over the articles and Correspondence appearing in the ST-'.NDlltD, responetbility {or sentiments expressed rests upon the individual writer.



letter received, and held over.

At the close of September the weekly lectures which have been continued since Fchruary will cease for the present. When they were begun the intention was to deliver two or three addresses in review of an onslaught which had been made llpon the doctrine of Conditional Immortality by the Rev. J. Urquhart, but the interest seemed so strong that it was decided to continue the lectures through the winter. This has been Clone, and now as the "warmer weather approaches it is thought wise to discontinue them. Rome of: the themes recently discussed have drawn appreciative audiences, and the questions wh ich have been put have shown that close attention has been paid to the subjects advanced by the lecturer, On October 7 the Bible read ings will he resumcd, and we hope that not a few of those who have taken interest in the lectures will continue with us to profit from the reading of: the Word of Truth.
0111' respected brother in the Lord, Mr. Bowker, Editor of Words of Life, has recently been passing through deep waters. He was seized with a dangerous illness, and for some time his life was despaired of, but gradually he came out of that state, and showed signs of improvement. His wife gave her care and attention to the invalid until he began to improve, and then she WaS smitten down, and in a short time died. Bro. Bowker knew nothing of this until she had been for some time dead, as it was feared that the news would be too much

Our llr. ,II'JJkim; 11",; bl'l'lI ::il'riOIl::;].'"l dllriJlg a pal-L il or llli:; lust mouth, but is 11011' recovered, and has 1'e811111\':([ h is work. lie took a bad cold, and was compelled lu gil'l' up 'Iris duties and take' Io bed, nnu-h to his rcgrel. lie reports that he was k i url lv rl'cejYed at \\'tlCreuga \'all\'.I~ and spocia llv records his thanks to Xlr. and \I.r,.;. ~HllJPSOll for thci r 11111('11 a-sisraucc. 'I'hoi r Icl lowsh i]l iIt 'lhe Ble';';ld H 0]1(''' 11',1'; 'dl'l"h iug 10 the ha vul lcr. I _\t Hallgirirj he reports an intcrvicw with a sceptic, who reproduced the olr] ('Iwrgl'::i ng,liniOt the Bible. At Ohi ncwai till' ~TJlSj)_\ltl) nrro)'(lcd a lJ1edj'IIH of conversation whiclr was appreciated. AL J Iuntly it was found that Socialism is a prominent topic, and here, as elsewhere, it has two distinct phases-that which is called Cluistian Socialism, and. that which directly opposes the Bible. Two distinct things, which can certainly never unite for effective service 101' human weal. The Missioner fears that the Christian Socialist will be overwhelmed by the tide of Infidel Socialism. The cxperionce of tbe Missioner is that as a rule men will listen to a talk upon any subject except the question 0 F Xlan's N ature. This rouses opposition whenever produced. At Huntly an address on this subject was giycn, and at the close a number of questions were put. The resident Methodist minister satisfied himself that some 0 f his flock were touched with the evidence adduced by the Missioner, and announced that he would give an address in which he would show the "Teaching of Christ and His Apostles on Man's Immortality." He spoke on this topic on Sunday evening, September 13, and announced a continuation of the subject for the following Sunday. The Missioner heard the flrst address, and reports that it was a very harmless talk, delivered by a man who is not very well acquainted with the subject. He made a few notable admissions, and the Missioner intends to review the address. At 'I'au pi ri some earnest, thoughtfnl :folk were discovered. It was a pleasure to meet with Sis, Dwen, of: the West Street fellowship. From this place Bro. Jenkins moved on to N garuawahia, where he is at the present time.

'I'he Sunday School Anni vcrsarv at West Street was a most successful occasion, in that we had a beautifully fine day, large attenc1ances, and the children sang splendidly. The Rev. Luxford gave an adc1ress to the children in the afternoon service, and the Editor spoke at night to a crowded auditory. On the following Wednesday the Annual Tea was held, at which a number of former scholars attended, and revived the memories of their Sunday School experiences. The after-meeting was presided over by the Editor. Bro. C. B. King gave an address to the parents and friends, urging upon their consideration the neec1 for all possible assistance to be given by them to those who arc engaged in the arduous work of training the young in the ways of righteousness,

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a llo wur fiOllg by [our scholars, iJeillg ~lIL'eiall\' appn'l'i,dl'd, .ull'. Jlaclicl'lllott gave akillclllHtograpiJ d isp lnv,

till' 111Il'il'II~or till' pa nluncd , rv-torcd , u n.l ltaJ>Jlr uul ion, II'It('11 Cluis]. Italillg' dC~l'('J](I('d 1'1'0111t1',ll'l'll to curth, 1 ~ltalll)(,('lllltrolle(J;I'; l\illgOlt \It. Zioll. (\olithe dir-

which the children greatly


~I)e ZioniM f1I)O\)elllent.


which IOllg ago rctu rucd 1'1'0111llubvlon. . ] l-IJ.)

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of the earth.

And Eph ra uu ,h,,11 no]. ('Ill'." .Iudn h, (Lsa. xi. 10-10).

and .Judu h shal l not vex Ephra im"

CLOSJc:LY connected with Zionism, which at present is ,[ purely Jewish movement, is the future recovery of their brethren the lost ten tribes of the house of Israel. 'I'he salvation of the one hall of the now clivided nation involves the salvation of the other half, Paul declares that "all Israel shall be saved" (Rom. xi. 26), Isracl's capti vi ty and dispersion having takeu place at two different times, and on two distinct grounds, there 'rill be corresponding diflerenccsiu the order and mode of their restoration. TIle ten tribes, who were, 101' their idolatry, carried away by the Assyrians, will be restored in onc way. The Jews, who, having first been carried capti re to Baby lon and re tored to their land at the end of seventy years, were a second time dispersed by the Romans, for the awful sin of rejecting and crucifying their Messiah, will bc restored in a different wav. (1.) Scripture-in lllany passages-clearly states that a considerable number of the Jews will return to the land of Palestine in a state of unbelief. There they wi l] be associated with the imperial power of the earth, when in its last Satanic form. (The Anti-Christ's connexion is exclusively with the Jews, never with the ten tri bes of ] srael.) 'I'he infatuated rulers of the Jewish people at Jerusalem will seek the shelter of the great head of the Gentile power, and between him and the Jews an alliance or covenant will be made, This covenant, permitting to the Jews the exercise of their nations 1 worsh ip, will be treacherously broken hy "the prince,"in whom thcY\l'iH have trusted, instead of trusting in .Tehovah, their God, and in Jesus, thc true Messiah, their appointed King. 'I'ho worship of Johovah will be forbidden, and the i 111 of "the Beast" set lip age in the holy place. Many of the Jews will submit to this last degradation practised upon them by Satan. But there will be some whose hearts God will touch, and these, amid the horrors of that time of tribulation, will seck the Lord God of their fathers, and be preserved by His grace from the iniquity that will abound. This Jewish remnant, distinguished from the nation by their pen itcnce, obedience, faithfulness, and expectation of their Messiah, even the Lord Jesus Christ, will be looking for Him, that He may deliver them, Such of them as survive the desolations of the last awful crisis become

(2.) '1'/1(' {('II {riu(,s-di"tilHtirl'l\' dl'HOlllillakd Israel. 01' 1'~phr<lilll-Irho":L' captil-ik bl'gall IWlg Ill,rOl'e tltl' lil'"l cOllling or ('hl'i,.;I-, n nd who ha v 1101.(us .Jlldall or the ;J('I\"") to t-;ull'el' 1'01' he ('1'()lrniJlg sin or cl'Ill'ir\'iJJg' l l i iu, t wi l l not l>l'ill\()lll'd ill lhos filial tl'OlIbll'~ or wh i]: Lill' 1101\- LlIl](1 i~ lite "J>l'l'i,ll thoul r, \\'hile tile ,Jell's arc 1I1](lcrg-oillg l hrir tcrrih! ,;irtillg in tile land. tlu- ten ll'ib('M wi ll be p;l~,;iug I.hl'OlIgh rl iscip liu another kind on lhcir I('(U/ Lh ill, er. 'I'hcy will be restored in another 11'<1,1', al](1 uudvr lotallv different circumstances, by the LOl'd\; own hand (lsa. xxvii. 12, 1;), and the wicked


011C::; wi ll be purged out Irom alllong them before they reach. the land of Israel. "1 will bring you out from the people and wi 11 gather you out of the countries wherein )'C arc scattered and I will bring vou into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face and I will cause \'OLl to pass under the rod, and 1 will bring YOLl into the bond of the covcnant ; and I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against Me; I will uring th eni forth out of the count'!'!} uiliere the!} sojourn: and they (who continue rebellious) shall not enter 'into till; land of Israel>' and ye shall know that I am the Lord" (Ezek. xx, 3-!-38). It 11'0111<1 appeal' from this that all that portion of the ten tribes which actually enters tile land will consist of godly persons, brought back by tile Lord's own power (J er. xxiv, 7; Zeph. iii. 11, 12). It is to this return of the ten tribes that J ererniah xxxi, 8, 9 refers. "Behold I will bring them from the north country and gather them from tile coasts of the earth they shall come with weeping and with supplications. 1. am et Father to Israel and Ephraim is 111yfirst-born." It appears that the return of Ephraim with the other tribes will be in progress while Juclah is being purged at Jerusalem, and their arrival in the Holy Land OCCllI'S soon after the Jewish pnrging has been completed, Isaiah xlix. gives LlS a most touching picture of the effect of their arrival on thc poor heart-broken remnant who survive the desolations of Jerusalem: "Lift up thine eyes round about, and bchold : all these gather themsel vcs together, and come to thee surely now thy Ja11<l hal l be too s strait for the inhabitants, Then thou shalt Day in thine heart, \Yho hath begotten me these, seeing I have been an exile and wandering to and Iro ? and who hath brought lip these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where were they?" (verses 18 to 20) Tt is the harvest of joy after the long sowing in tears, It is the joining together of the dispersed of all Israel, even those who hail been forgotten. At the present time the Jews arc the only known of Israel, hut here we have Ephraini and his tribes returned who have been so long hidden






away (Jer. xxxi. 6). Isaiah tells us they ("the outcasts of Israel") shall come "from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, and the islands 01 the sea" (xi. 11). "These shall come from far, and, 10, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim"-China in the east (xlix. 1'2). From all parts of the earth they ("the preserved of Jsracl") finally emerge and gather in Palestine. 'I'hus will the twelve tribes be re-united in their land, and form one nation, under the peaceful rule of their long-rejected King. The return of the ten tribes is to he accompanied by many signs and wonders. "The Lord "hall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and with His scorching wind shall he shake Hi" hand over the river (Euphrates}, and shall smite it into seven streams, and cause men to go over dry shod. And there shall he a highway for the remnant of His people which shall remain from Assyria ; like ,1S there was for J sracl in the day that If e came lip out of. the land of Egypt" (J sa. xi. 15, Hi). Here we have J chovah's supernatural dealings with external nature on behalf of 1-1 is people. But is not the age of miracles past? Will God again work as in the days of Moses? Yes, He will. And if a man does not bel ieve in future miracles he should avoid the study of prophecy, for prophecy is miraculous. At the close of this age there will be miracles in the material physical world, am] marvellous sights to be seen in the celestial spheres -in sun and moon and stars. A gainsaying and incrednlous world shall yet be astonished at the great wonders that will accompany the final deliverance of Israel. 'I'hc hands of the living God are not bound by the laws of nature as the heathen gods were bound by irresistible fate. Mighty and miraculous acts of the Almighty God arc certainly to accompany Israel's restoration. And there shall be no unseemly haste about the departurc from the various lands of captivity. When Israel came out of Egypt under Moses they ate the passover "in haste" (Ex. xii. 11), they "came forth in haste" (Deut. xvi. 3), but of the coming day of Israel's deli verance we read, "Ye shall not go out in haste, neither shall ye go by flight" (lsa. lii. 12). It shall not be, as of old, in hurry and anxiety, even though then they were directed and guided by Goel. There shall be a glorious intervention on the part of J ehovah, and in greatest deliberation and with leisurely step shall they return to the land of their fathers. "They shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace" (Isa. 1vi. 12). But how shall the restoration of the ten tribes be effected? What means shall be used? How shall it be done? Very simply. 'I'he text at the heading of this paper tells us, "The Lord shall set His hand to recover the remnant of His people." And so we read, "Behold' I will send for many fishers, saith the Lorel, and they shall fish them; and after I will send many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks" (J er. xvi. 14, 16). Here, the restorer is God Himself, and no

other. His hand shall set the tribes in motion and guide the returning nation to the covenant - land. What fishers and hunters He may use, what trumpet may be blown (Isa. xxvii. 13), and what that ensign may be (lsa. xviii, 3) around which the outcasts of r srael sha 11 gather, we need not wait to inquire, and it would be foolish to pretend to know. Enough that it is God who Rends the fishers and the hunters, and causes the trumpet signal to sounel, and the standard, or ensign, to be set IIp. (Sec also Hosea xi. 10, 11.) But let us not forget that the salvation of the Jewish remnant at .Iorusalem, and the deliverance of Ephraim ani! the ten tribes from the four quarters of the earth, are closely ielenti fied with and dependent upon the return of' the Messiah from heaven and His personal appearance as King in Zion. Apart from the personal presence of the lUighty Son of God, the appointed Saviour of Israel, there can be no complete and permanent deliverance 101' that oppressed and down-trodden people. "He saw that there was no man (no champion that could deliver}, therefore His own arm brought salvation (deliverance)." And the prophet goes on to 8UY, "And a Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in J acob." The picture of this Redeemer is one clad with a breastplate and a helmet and garments of vengeance. It is the day of vengeance, and He comes to clestroy Israel's foes (Isa. 1ix. 16-21). And Isaiah further describes Him as coming from Edom, with erimsoned garments from Bozrah. He had trampled the nations in His fury, and their lifeblood is poured out upon the earth and sprinkled upon His garments (Isa. lxiii. 1-6). When that "great and terrible day of the Lord" (J oel ii. 31) shall come, the world will behold the wonderful reappearance, not only of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Lion of the tribe of Judah-Rev. v. 5) and of His people, Israel (a young lion tearing in pieces - Micah v. 8), but of Israel's ancient rivals and enemies (such as Edom, Moab and Ammon- Isa. xi. 14), which, like the ten tribes, men of the world assume to be extinct and for ever lost. And with these the King of Israel will deal as they have dealt with the sons of the chosen Abraham (Ezek. xxv.; compare Matt. xxv, 31-46). Now we can take a step forward and go on to consider the consolidation and final settlement of the twelve tribes of Israel in their own land. But let us bear in mind that all that now follows is after the battle of Armageddon, after the destruction of Anti-Christ, after the return of the ten tribes, after the descent of the Lord from heaven, and-what will be much in the Zionists' favour-it will be aiie their invisible enemy, who has ever dogged their steps, even Satan himself, has been chained in the abyss, so that the Hebrew nation, as well as other nations, shall be deceived by him no more duri ng the duration of the millennial age (Rev. xx, 1-3). It is perhaps impossible for us to attain an exact and systematic arrangement of the order of events by which the ultimate fulfilment of all the prophecies concerning





1bis JE,!cellenc)1.
"0 ea rth! Lord, our Lord,' how excellent is Thy name in all the (Ps. viii. 1).

Israel IV ill be brought abo ut, nor is it necessary for our faith or our hope. But from various Scriptures we may ga ther manv interesting details which together present a f;lirlr (" cm' outline, showing how God will deal with His I people J sracl in "the age to come." Doubtless one of the first proceedings after the II ebrew nation has welcomed their God-appointed King will be the division of the land of Palestine among the L wclve tribcs, and the erection of the Divine Sanctuary. TIll' concluding chapters of Ezekiel's prophecy give the plan of the Temple, down to the most minute details, describe the sacrifices offered, the order of priests instituted, the return of the glory of J ehovah to dwell in the sanctuary, the dimensions and divisions of the reconstructed city-"the city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. lix. 14)-and the fresh arrangement of the land among the tribes. The extent of the land possessed by Israel under Joshua was only about 180 m ileslong and 60 miles broad (David by conquest added much territory), while the extent of the land to he possessed by the nation as detailed by Ezekiel extends to about 500 miles long and a mean average width of from 2!5() to 280 mi les, a larger extent of country than was OCCll pied even by Solomon. Here we pause. In a concluding paper we hope to pass in hasty review some special features connected with the Messiah's reign and Israel's glory.

who hast set Thy glory above the heavens"

and things excellent in character are one thing, and those that are so termed may be quite another matter. When a man by some hook or crook arrives at a certain political station nowadays he i" called c, Honourable," or "Right Honourable," notwithstanding that his honour may be somewhat off colour; and he is spoken of as "His Excellency," when he may be greatly deficient in many things that go to make a desirable manhood. Other persons in social positions are "Very Eminent Sir," or "Most Eminent;" and certain Church dignitaries are termed "the Very Reverend," and so on, ad infinitwn ad nauseam " until it makes one wonder how large a piece of gilt paper it takes to wrap a little worm in, and he is still the same worm after he is so wrapped. Nurserymen have a way of tagging small fruit-trees when sold and. set out, so folks can tell what they are before the days of fruit bearing. After that they do not need a tag. If the fruit is particularly excellent, every boy in town knows them; and others may by the clubs in and under them! It would seem that this practice might well be reversed in the case of mankind, by putting the tin tags telling what they are on little folks without a reputation, and leaving them off really Rotorua. C. CRISP BROWN. great people, who have made their mark in the world . and do not need them. 'I'he real germ of excellency may be in many a bare"a;t'ace for @race." foot boy-suppose we tag him and let others know who TI-m fulness of Christ is inexhaustible. No grace redo not recognise it? And as for that other full-grown ceived is ever the last. Sometimes we think this may be dignitary, who is, or ought to be, abounding with the so when God takes from us a blessing we prize very fruit expected of him, having had all the opportunity highly, something which seemed necessary to our very of culture-why, he ought to get along without a tag, existence. We say that tender grace never can be rebeing sufficiently marked by all the clubs and stones of placed. We say it of a precious friendship, which means calumny that such are likely to receive from the public, more than life to us. We think the emptied place must being public property. remain for ever empty. But here, as always, God gives It was a king with a tainted reputation who cried, grace for grace, a new grace instead of the one that is "0 Lord, how excellent is Thy name." He had doubtgone. Instead of the grace of the living friend gone less looked in vain elsewhere-as well he might, and as out of our life, the grace of divine comfort is given. Any we still do-for a name that is not tarnished in some good that is taken from us has done its work in us and way, no matter how pretentious among men they appear. gives way to another gift, which also in its turn will Just now we are reminded that nomination for an be a blessing to us. The fountain is never exhausted. important office coveted by many, will, if other occasions It has infinite fulness-all of God's love and grace. The fail, generally dig up everything that a fellow ever did time never will come to any child of God when a grace that was not exactly plumb and square, and tell it round shall vanish or fade out and no other grace be left ready from mouth to mouth, if not put it in print, and perhaps to take its place. Grace for grace, grace replacing grace, assail his progenitors for two or three generations back. will be the law of divine love until the last earthly grace Well, when you sicken of muck and slime, as you will, is exchanged for the first grace of heaven. if you keep looking at that and nothing else, look up, and also around in other circles, and then you may rightly exclaim, with David, "0 Lord, our Lord, how excellent There are ways in which even silent people can belong is THY name.' It is said that "a good name is rather to God and be a blessing in the world. A star does not to be chosen than great riches," and the name of Jesus is talk, but its calm, steady beam shines down continually the best of all; let us use it reverently, and bear the name out of the sky, and is a benediction to many. Be like a of Christian worthily.-By C. E. Copp, in Our Hope. star in your peaceful shining, and many will thank God Lawrence, Mass. for your life.-Dr. F. R. Miller.



dust of the earth, (Dan. xii. 2).



in the awake"

lb~ ijom~ ~ircl~.







of life, thought, action to all men (Job iii. 11, 13, Hi; xiv, 10, 14; Ps. vi. 0; xxx. o , Ixxxvi ii. 10-12; CX\-. 17; l xvi . .J.; Eec1. ix. 6, G, 10; l sa, xxxvi ii. JH, J!); "~ets ii. 04) .

It is a negation

~lAj'\ l)i DK~Tll.

H is rcpr<,'e;ellted as a rest awl U", !lro!'c, a 'I'l'"lill[l-plaGu, or 1101110 (,Job iii. 1 I-I:), 17, IH; x vii. 10, io , Ecc!' x ii. 0, 7; ha. xi,'. J;;; lv ii. ~).
,\ slale 01' il cncc (1 t:lalll. ii.!J; Ps. x x x i. 17; cxv, 17). Of obti cion. (1'". vi, ;5; l x x x vii i. U). Of d(lr/;II(,8" (I !;-i'llll. ii. D; JOD iii. .J; x . ~I, :2~; x vi i. 1;); x x x iii. 2H; PH. x l ix, I!); l xxxviii. I ~; .lob ix . .J.).

III view of ti,e couunon den th-stu te, t.ue following .tuswers UTe i.uportan t i->(I)


upon the and



Do good die?


go to IIC'~I'l'll whe-n sa,)'s Li,,'y do.


Tll('rl' (~)

is Il"L ;1 tox L which

Do I>ad nu-n go to so ur pl,,('c of ('~1I1:-;('iol1:-; ,";IlI1"pl'illg <It death'! '1'1",1'(' is Ill) ;-;..,.ipLllr" to tl,al"lr"I'L
(:: I
1;t 11 .~



is Li", ,,1I'(,d,

or d"aLi,



I" I,i"

i-, 1)\,(,,,11, ",,('Ih forLlI; 1/(; rct uructlc cu rt li" (I',. cx lvi . .J.).

Of co rru pi ion .uul destruct ion. (Job x iv. IS, 20; x xvi. U; x xvi ii. 2~; ]". x vi. 10; x li x. U, 12-J.J., H!, ~O; lxx xvi ii. 11; Pro,'. xv. 11; xxvii. ~O; Ads x ii i. ~v; ll'or. x v. IS). (b'I'O/n 1/ t rucl IIV Ndllllllll{ /,((1(), 1J.LJ.,

(.J.) Is ({",,(I, a f"il'lld il",lwli(','el'l

or all ('llelll," t

(I~) H"" JJH\'i(l uscendcd into "CH\'(~ll '! "I"ol' Dn vid asecndci! uo! into lite licu-oeu>" (.Acl,; ii. 24).

"TI:e 111,,1 1'11('111.'/ lh" [; ,1"111 be a boli,h('(l is ({('<1 (1," (l C'or. x v, :W). llI C'uu 111'111 hiuk during 1.1,,' dca.thL sta le? "11 is 1>1'('<1 godll I1I forLiI; Ill' n-Luruct.h to I,i, earlll: in (h"L vvrv d>l," hi" tJ/(JII!JII I, I,c,.i"/I' (1',-;. cx lvi. -I). Can he praise Co,l'! "'I'he detu! /)1'(1;80 "01 t h /,(11'11, nci Llu-r :111\' LI"IL go down iuto si k-u.:" (I's. x v. 17) . (7) Call 1,(' renu-mber God!

"re ti'l' dead HL Lite time "'('ontl .ulveut.? ".\1:",,,,,1 nut .i t t.h is, for lit" hour C(JIll1'111 ill wh i.-h (Ill tliu! I/IT ill. t lic {UIIIU" "hail hcu r l l i-, voice, u ud "hall come }'orLJI-th(,,)' tlui t 1",,'(' donr- go()(l uuto t.ln- j'('SUJT(,(tio n of J i r". "lid they Llui.t I,a,'" done ill unto the rcsu rrur-tion of ,illdglllellt" (John v. ~S, :2!J).
t.ho 0H\'io/ll"';



irrepressible nature of these men, or their intellectual creed speaks truth, and we find that the former does. To one capable of grasping the vast thought of inunortal ity, death is indeed a terror. [<'or what is de,~th, accordiug to the \\-onl of Uod'l It is eveu Lnrs : "Tiled, wh ich belu lleth the sons of IIWll iJP[ulletll i>,'a,t,; ""Cll one thing Iwfa l lel.h t.heru : "s (,he one dicth , so diet.h LI,e o t nvr; 'yea, t.hcv hu vc all oue brca.th ; "0 LlI<I a 1":111 L ilni1, nu pre-eluillelll'e over ;\ bl'(I:.. -t.." . ~v, :I\\,:ly! Dcp.ut nl l tile gl'<\lId tltlllgS ,,['oke1l of dealh. \\'c sec tlll'lIl (0 b" \,,"11 illusions fond couccits suuuucd Ill' III l:e<lLIt,'n Limes to ;;/Ist:lill urort.i licd 111:111 ,de t.hc sight of his mo rtu li ty. DC:I(I, i", :Iller all, the King of Terror". Uc" (1, lS, for the t.ime, the .umi h ilu Lion of ma.u, h is hopes, his tbough ts, n is Ii Ic-, h imsolI -<In n nn i h iln t iou wi tlrou t hope, were It not for that Saviour, the tl'llC Pri nc of l'e,rcc-iJec<luse the Prince of Lil'e-\\'III) onqucrcd ,lentil ill Jlis 011'11I'cl'sl)n, and wi 11 <l bol ish it in th"t of ]1 i,; own P('upl<-. Hilt this last is a future thing. The Li urc i>i yet to conic of which hai"h spe;lk:;: '\Ic will destroy in t.his 1111)(111t.i in the [<lee of the coveri ng cast over a.ll peop lc, uud tile \'eil tI"tL is :;pre<l(l over a ll nations. IJc will swu.llo w lip death ill victory ; and the Lord Uod 11'1" wipe away tears Irom off all Iuces ; and the rebuke of His people sh'111 He tuke a \\,<ly from off <Ill the earth; for the Lord ha th spoucn it." Until the Lord performs t.h is, \\'C must regard death as the CII,'III\' who will be, but has not yet been,



vanguard rearward, error, tenor, vanguard

"For in death there of Thee" (p~. vi. 5).

is no remembrance

(8) Do any mental powers survive the stroke of death? "Whatsoever thy hand fiudeth to do, do it wi Ll. thy might; for there is no '//;01'1.-, uor device, 1101' knowledge, nor unsdo m, in t lic grace whither thou qoest" (Eccl. ix. 10). (D) Doe" man differ from the beast in the act of dying? "For that which befn.l leth the sons of men befa lleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dietli tlie other" (Eccl. iii. 19).

(10) Do they differ in the result of death? "All go uuto OHe place, all are of the dust, and all [1.(1'1t to dust again" (Eccl. iii. 20). (11) How does Scripture represent the deu.th-sta te ? (a) It is a sleep, in the case of good men (Deut. xxxi, 16; 1 Kings ii. 10; Chron. xxxii. 33; Job iii. 13, 14; vii. 21; xiv. 11, 12; Ps. xiii. 3; xvii, 3, 15; Mu tt. xxvii. 52; John xi. 11, 13; Acts vii. 60; xii i. 36; 1 Cor. xv. 6, 18, 20, 51; 1 Thess. iv. 13-10; v. 10; 2 Peter iii. 4). "All nwn, and many of them that.

In the teuch ing of men who cull themselves orthodox and Scriptural, death is nmguified and lauded to the skies. No event can be more cheering, no event ca.n be more glcrious. More glorious things call not be spoken of Life Eternal than these men speak of death! 'I'he Coming' of our Lord is not more spoken of than the coming of death! Speak of death as an cuemy l Speak of death as a penalty! Speak of death as a curse! "r'i s a foul slander, shouts out the host of the orthodox, fo l lo wi ug in the wake of Plato. Death is the best of friends, tile truest of comforters, the presence most to be desired! rso loud is the chorus of voices pru.isi ng dca.t.h, so unanimous the crowd of grave, lc.uned, pious men, who speak loving:y, cheerfully, trustfully, of death, that we almost think we must be wrong, and that we have been saying things of death that we ough t not to have utte-red. But when we look a little more closely into the conduct of these men we begin to doubt the siuceri ty of their words, 0]', at all events, their truth. 'I'hey seem to dread this friend, to shudder at the approach of this Prince of Peace. Nature then seems to us to struggle with them against their creed, and 'to be too strong for it. lt begins to appeal' to us to be with them an intelligent proposition which they learned at school, not a heart belief. \Ve go back to Our Bibles to sce whether the

Thank God, there's still cL Fighting for the right! 'Lhough the throng 110ek to Lifting, ashen-white Flags of truth to sin and Clasping hands, mute wi th Thank God, there's still Cl Fighting for the right!

Through the wilderness ad vaucing, Hewers of the way, Forwurd l far their spears are glancing, Flashing back the clay. "Back!" the leaders cry who fear Lheru ; "Back!" from all the army near them, They, with steady step advancing, Cleave their certain way. Slay them; From each drop that fa! let'1 Springs a hero armed. Where the martyr's fire appa llcth, Lo, they pass unharmed. Crushed beneath thy wheel, oppression, Bold, their spirits hold possession, Loud the dross-purged ,,0 ice out-cu llet.h. 13,)' the death-throes warmed. Thank God, there's still a v<lnguard Fighting for the right! ,~lTor's legion's know their standard, Float.iug in the light. When the league of sin rejoices, Quick outring the rall,)'ingmices; "Thank God, there's still a va nguurd Fighting for the right!"

OCTOBER, 1908.




follows a most animated description of the preparations of the Ninevitos to defend themselves against their enemies. It was Lh(' Medes, assisted bv the Babvlon iu ns, that dest.roved Kil;eveh, TI;es(' two powers had no common bond 0]' interest. They were united for onc reign, not h~' national instincts, but bv the ambition of two individuu ls. Indeed, it was onlv about a century later that the Mcdes, ,;ssisted by t.he P~rsians took and sucked the imperia l ci tv of Babvlon. It was by fire and water that Xine\'eh should be destroyed. An old oracle had (leelHred that no' foe could enter the citv till the river tu rnerl to be its enomv. An~[ it is recorded that in the third ,;'ear of the siogo continued rains had so '5\\'ollen the ri ve r TigriR that it inundu ted p.ut of the city aud caused a, long lengtn of' its wall to collapse, whereupon King Sn rda nn palus, collecting his riches, CO\l' cubiuos, and royal personages into tho pa lu co, himself set Jire to the pile, a ud all m iseru hl v perished. And in view of this, the I)j'~phet exults, ",,'rh ere is the den of lions, where the lioness walked and none made them afraid?" And of tha t ei tv wh ich had so long been a. terror to Israel he exclaims, "'I am against thee,' sa ith the Lord of Hosts. 'r.ne voice of thv messengers shall no mor be hoard.' " In the last chapter the prophet calls Xine\'eh "the bloody city." SI1('h had it ever been, "It is full of lie;; and robbery, the l)l'e)' departeth not." Then comes a most animated sketch of lhl' enemies' advance to assail n nd slav (\'NSeS 2-~). Next follows the ster;1 condemnation of .Iehova h, who once spared the city, "Behold, I am against thee; T will make thee vile, and will set thee HR n g<.lzing-stock." As a warning to Nineveh that the strength of her posit io n u nd the might of her armies shall not, ;;a I'" 11('1', tl,(, prophe-t. sets fOl'th I I", .i wfn l ti('sl rur-I io n o[ -:\o-allll)11 ('I'II('h(", wi t l: its hlll1dl'l'd g'a!.,'s)' whicl: 1111' .\~,"""J'i(\1I .r rruir- ... 11<1:1 I"ii\'(lnvd (\"(r..,.:t'~ i-Ili), '1'1"'11,1'1'0111\'('I',,,S I (I" 1],(, "lld,
\<11111111 .i u] ;Iddn:-;:-;t-'.... \,illl'\'I'}1 OIH'" 1111)1"\'.

Letters to a Young Friend on tbe Study of Propbeoy.


About one hundred vca rs n f'ter tll(' time of .Ionah, the prophr-t NRhn111 wrote th is hook. Vision delivered most to It is ea llr-d "The Probably and orally, but

Bool.. of tho
it was not as were given of with as

of Nahum." piecemeal prophecy, that of the prophecies,

one complete observe

Tt is rema rkablc
was GathJudah objected Nazareth, When When office of Israel both towns

doomed city-at least, for a time. But the~' had lapsed into thei r former sins of debauchery and crueltv and now Nahurn is commissioned to declare that Nineveh was to perish utterlv, RS the habitable WOI'M perished in the time of Noah. There is no call to repentance, no gleam of 11I('1'C.\'. Not n sing:e word of comfort or of svrnpathv for the guilty city, It should fall, and never rise ag,1in, and the prophet declared that all who should hc.i r of the overthrow "shall clap their hands" ( iii. I!)) in joyous apprO\-a I. .lonnh and Na hum forrn connected parts of one moral history, tho 1'e111'i881'on of God's judgment being illustrated in the one, the eeecuiion. of it ill the other; the mercy and the sovori ty of God being vividly set forth in thesE' two ancient writ.ings. It is the "burden" of Nineveh the prophet is to unfold, which means the heavy sentence of God which should press out of existence that famous ci tv. It is a phrase frequently used by th~ prophets. (Sec Isa. x iii, 1, etc.) First of all, Nahum brings before us the character of God in remn rknbly vivid terms; indeed, with a majesty of utter' ance most suitable to the subject God entrusted to him. "The Lord is a jealous God, and avengeth ; the Lord taketh vengeance on His adversa.ries, and He reserveth wra th for His enemies." Yet thc prophet is careful to inform us that "The Lord is slow to anger." He has no delight in exercising His wrathful power. Slowness to angel' is ordinarily tile proof of moral greatness, but a hesitation to enforce judgment when needed betokens moral weakness. And yet, flgain, we read, "ThE' Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, He knoweth them that trust in Him" (verse 7) , From verse 9 to the end of the chapte r the iriva sion of .Tudah by !'lennacherih is ref'errr-d to, and the promise of del ive ra nee giv('n, "T will hrea k h is yoke f/'0111 ofT' t.her-." 1'1,(, '\''';''4\'l'i,(11 .u-mv ,I,a I1 "1", cn t down :111(\ P;l"'" ;1\\':1,1'," ;1;111Ih0 1'1'('mn turc .-le,ltl, of Ih,' ,\ss,\'I'i;ln King-is foretold "T wi l] mu l 111\' !:!:I';"'", 1',\1' thou ;11:(, \'iI0." 1'11" fnIGI;III,,'I(, "I' th is ,re' 1l1HY nii\(l ill I:-;.l. x x xvii. :~n~:-HL An d tho ch.rptr-:: conr-Iudo- witl: a, vision of the messenger1i,\F;LCIl i ng' 0\"('1' the 11101111tn ins, bri ngi ng til(' good tidings of the overthrow of the onr-mv. Rud the restorat ion of pr-a cr- a nd ;;,1fcL,\' to thf'i l' beloved land. Tn chuptors ii. and iii. we have verv d ist i nct lv u nd [u llv (;h(' p ri m o object of t l- prol~h,'(',\' of '<allnl1l, to wluch t ho lir,,(' eha ptcr is ;I I'l'cf;1e(', Kow the gl'l'at. ('it," r-OIllP:-i p rom inr-u t lv hf'fon 11:-:. "11" t hnI. ,];I.. r-t h in pi"""..; i..; ('0111(' np h ],,.[01',, 111\' [ae,', \\';d,I, till' \\';1.", fori i 1'\'
tll,\" pn\\'t:r Ini: .. tfil.\ .' d TIH\

.Ionah unconnected

liephr-r and Nahum in Ga.li lee, and and Jerusalem, to Jesus because in Galilee flourished ,~llhnm (John nnder was called .Iona h prophesied,

of Elkosh,

and yet the Jews He came from vi i. 41 and the Jeroboam kingdom 52)!


to the prophetic

the Kingdom of Israel to exist, the ten tribes ricd away capt.ive ria , whose capital seemed

had just ceased havi ng been en 1'King of AssyIt of

by the only

city was Nineveh. a question

as if it were

time-a short time-when the Kingdom 01 Judah likewise should fall into the hands of the Assyrian King. Already he had captured "all the fenced cities of .Iudah," and Hezek iah, in order to save Jerusalem, had paid a fine of 300 talents of si Iver, and 30 talents of gold (2 Kings xvi ii.). But it was of no avail. The deceitful and avaricious King Sennaeherib sent an army to take the city, There seemed no hope, it was "a day of trouble" (2 Kings x ix. 3). But, tlil'Ollgh the prophet Isaiah, God sent a message of cheer to the good King Hezek iah, and Nahu m was inspired to write this wondcrf'u l prophecy concerning Niucvch a 11(1 il~ .Iohovah-defying King. It \\'a~ about. 72li vca rs H,C, that Na hu m wrote his book.' He certa inlv forl'lolil events which 110 human fOl'~sight ouhl devise. and of which n ccotupl islunouts there ca n h(' 110 doubt. At the lime );alllllll proph('sil'<i there wcro no sign~ of an)' 811('h (';d'l~lro]lhe, no ovidr-uc, of all,\' wonkenillg of the ~\:-l:-;.\'riall power. :\lltl,llIoreover. whr-u Nahum wroto. the wo rli l had nr-v.-r sr-cn t.lu- LoL11 and irn'I);lmhl,' 0\'('1't Ilro\\' of :->\1(11 n ('ity :\:--; ilH\f~h. whirl: X al t h.r I. limp \\',Is t hr- I(';lding' "ily or iluwo rld, T'l ,I!'slrlll'iioll of '\ill,,\',,1I 1,,\' '\;ll>opola""ar (of 1\"h,l'lon) all,l ('yaxan',; ("I' 1f,',lia) is g,'n(,I'nll~' put. 1:,('. li~:i. ,,1'0111,a ("'1\1111'\' ;lfI('r -"ahlllll 1)I"\plll'si('<I, :Iollnh';-; lnis~ioll in Xi novc-h \\'fl~ it 11I1'('al. of ;1 SIlPl'l'lWLllrnl o\"'rUII'O\\' wil,hi,l forl\' d,,,'s. 'l'1,is so t(,l'rifi('(] the ill' Ilahilnlil,; l:h:1I, a Hational illllllili,llioll ;111(1 profc~siol\ of l'I'IWnl,Hn<,c \\'a~ r(,80rl ..I 0 10, ill hop('s t.hat t.hl' greal, ,Iehondl of 1"1'11('1 migln ,,[U1'1\ a\l'a~' from Hi, n('1'(,(, angel'," norl. in m ('1'(':1', spRred 0,('

d""I'II"'s 1,II;1t si", sll<lll ran' 110 1>('[11'1' 1.11<111 :\0-,1111011 ill I,h,' In lid or 1':gyl'l.
PI"t-'P<ll"l\ Cl...






Inr,,,\\'ill, gi\'(,lI 10 ,\il\c\',,!t 10 <I<:'f('I\,1 11('1';-;('\ f ,\;-; \)('sL sll(\ ilia v, fnr illt'rt' i .. t!H: ut most. d,lllg'l:ll' si.Hri;lg' 11(,1' ill th f . eo. r 1"111'had ('n.iO\'('(] \lOO .",'ars of nuln-okr-n ('on'f'I(,sl. hll(, no\\' I,he hOllr of her dC';;I in\' 11<1<1 I., 'I'h(, ;;('('ollll yeri'(' is H ('on ' pal"('llthesi,.;, an(1 poinls Ollt t.Iwt whil(' Co,] sll:1ll o\,f'rtllro\\' Ih(' prolld NinevC'h, I h, people of Jsr,If'1 whom they had oppr('ssf'(1 '~hall flgain be restored to Gou s favonr (8~e the revised version), Th0J1

shall take Lhpil' ('III'S(' 0\'('1' tho dcvotr-d ci tv. From the highest to th" lowest, all shou ld bo o\'(,l'wh"II11(',1 ill th(' e0l11111011 overthrow. eith!'r fnl' <lpnth Or r-apl ivi Lv. j\iI1P\'ph i, never to reappear as a "'ll'ital ci ty. though the _-\ss,niall wi ll h(' l'('p]'odll(,,',1 ill I.ho 1'0\\'('1' that wi i l pns:-;(':-;"':ht, i.(ITiLor.\- <111(1i uho rit i110 p ri.ht of Ih,' lalld of :\ill1l'<)([ 1(:,,11. x. R,I~), '1'11(' Lowu of .\I()sui hits :-;prllllg lip. HlId :--if ill lluu rishes. wi t hi u :-;ight, (If flH' 11I""I"ls of x im-vi-h. ],111 "illt,\",], i(.""TI' lIas III I ,'rI,\' <lisal'lWal'ccl, Thor an' ill th" hook 0(' );alllllll I,hl'l'" r(,III<ll'kal>l" pl't'dif'iiollS: (I) Th,' SlIIIt!"1I cl,'st.l'Il('lioll of i"f'lIn,I(hel'i]"s .nmv .nul his own vio lr-ut. (1(,;ILiI ill LlI(' 1I0Ils("o(' hi, got!, 1~) '1'1,(, ('a 1'(.111'('of ~i!1('\',h, 1101, h.\' Sillg'(1 or rnmillP, hilt th0 rh'pr, ,vhich \l':IR its prot('('tion, shollld be('ome its (Iestruetion, (3) Its utter d('sola tion when captnred, ~eve]'theless - oh, the depth of the ri01'e~ both of the wisdom and the know-

ledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past tracing ou c (Rom. xi. 33) -nevertheless, in the millennial age Assyria-not Nineveh, but Assyria-is to have a distinguished place. In the midst of the judgments of the latter days God will exercise His mercy, and Egypt and Assyria are particularly mentioned as having a leading place along with Israel in that day (Isa. xix. 24, 25) .-Your friend, CARPUS.



OCTOBER, 1908. drew attention to the many times eleetion or selection occurred, and how they were developed and expanded, then, again, circumscribed. Adam, a representative man on test for the whole race of men. Expansion began in Seth. There were, and are, zones of men, animals, plants, etc.-such as an Esquimo would not feel at home in equatorial Africa, and vice versa. Centrality was God's plan of progress and development (Gen. ii. 8). Eden the country, and a garden, to tue eastward, Paradise central. Adam fell, the Flood came, and Paradise lost. Selection again. Abraham told to go to a selected land. Abraham and Lot parted; then Tsaac, then Jacob, who goes to Egypt. A great nation is formed, and led out of Egypt by a selected man, Moses. Palestine chosen, Jerusalem central. The following texts will help to bind together: Deut. xi. 8, Tsa, Ixii. 3, xxi i. 1, and li., Mal. iii, 12, Jeremiah iii. 17, Ezek. v. 5. Wednesday, September 23: The subject o , the lecture considered this evening was "The Edenic Nara.tive, the Base of ih>Jle Doctrine." It would have been well if some of the Higher Critics and those who sympathise with them in the desire to eliminate the Book of Genesis from the Bible had they been present at the lecture delivered OIL the above date. These Critics ha vc ruled out of court the lst and 2nd chapters of Genesis, and classed them as allegory. Yet there is a distinct linkage of fact added to fact which runs through from Genesis to Revelation. Many phases are not generally touched upon. Is there anything in the Bible, anywhere, but that, if one follows on, it will lead one back to Genesis, then again on to Revelation. Take away the Book of Genesis and the rest of the Bible is of no use to mall, for there is no redemp tion apart from the historical fact of the Creation and FaH of Man. The New Testament will harmonise with the other Scripture, and lead right on to the New Jerusalem. The New Testament has a prospective right to our thoughts, and demands that we accept the 3rd chapter of Genesis. Notice i.ue answer Christ gives to those questioners who tried to tangle Him. See Matt. xix. 3, the reference being to Gen. ii. 4. These Pharisees were silenced hy the reply. See John viii. 44, Gen. iii., Ist Epistle of John iii. 12, Luke iii., from verse 23, traces right back to Adam. So we have Christ and the Apostles confirming the Book of Genesis. Now, hear Paul on the subject: Rom. v. 12, 19, 1 Cor. xv. 22, "et, 1 Tim. ii. 13, 14. Read the faitTi chapter, .Lieb. xi. The life of Christ stands over against the life of Adam. The righteousness of Christ stands over against the sin of Adam. W.G. VVAIllI.-It is our sad experience to report that once again death has invaded our little circle, and this time has taken our beloved Bro. John H. Moore. T-Tefell on sleep in Christ on Saturday, Heptember 5, and we laid him to rest on Sunday in the Wai hi Cemetery. Most of our brethren and sisters were present. Bra. Foster conducted the service, and,

"If I go away, I come again." This was confirmed by the two men in white. As He went, so He will come. There will be no redemption, no immortality, unless Christ shall come again. Indications point to the near future for the consummation. Sunday, September 20: Bro. White presided. Matt. XVIII. from 18th verse. The keynote of address was "Forgiveness." In the evening the topic was "The Eclipse of Hope." Acts xx. from 17th verse was read, but the discourse was considered from and built upon verse 17. Stirring, telling, and delivered in such a manner that anything but deep interest was impossible. Paul not only anticipated that the hope of Christ's second coming would be eclipsed by the traditions of men, and he said, "I know that after my departing grievous wolves shall enter in among you." He twice told the people that he had declared unto them "the whole council of God." If that be so, and man possesses an immortal soul, Paul did not know what he was talking about, or he deceived his hearers. But, does man possess an immortal soul? Orthodox teachers give this forth as a fact, but as no hint of such a thing appears in the whole of the Scriptures, it cannot be a Bible doctrine. They arc therefore false guides, and should be avoided by all true believers in the Word. 'lne second coming of Christ was lost sight of in the latter part of the third century, through the influence of Pagan philosophy. To teach soul-immortality and the second coming of Christ is impossible, because they do not harmonise; if a soul is immortal, and goes to heaven at death, and is in a state of felicity, of what use is resurrection to that soul ? The writer could fully appreciate this address, because it touched upon his young life. The teaching of soul-immortality and eternal torments drove him to the verge of infidelity, where he would in all probability have landed had he not happened on believers in Conditional Immortality, for which he is deeply grateful to Almighty God. And thus the bete noir was dispelled for ever. It seems impossible that anyone holc1ing to the Bible doctrine of Life Only in Christ could sit and listen to a preacher libelling the character of such a merciful beneficent God. How thankful the scholars trained in the West Street School should be for the privileges they enjoy. Wednesday evening, September 2: The third lecture on "One Race, or Many?" was given to an interested audience, the title being, "Picture Testimony to the Plurali ty of Races." This lecture was illustrated by lantern views, showing that no change has taken place in the lm man race for the last 4,000 years. Photographs of mummies recently taken were thrown upon the screen, the featu res of which correspond with the identical types of the present-day races. vVe(llll'sday, versa rv 'refl. September 9: S.S. Anni-


Chureh and Mission News.

AucKLANI).-Sunday, Aldridge Heb. In

August An excellent being

30: Bro. exhortafrom subject A



tion was given by Bro. E. Aldridge xii. "The 12, the keynote evening Bro. Unshakable discourse things out the Aldridge's followed,


Kingdom." based

splendid between point this age;

HeL. xii. 27, pointing

the difference looked the at from between incoming those who

looked at from a worldly the difference age and between

of view and things present the evil

God's standpoint; difference

take sides with the world and those who take sides with Christ. There is, however, for those who embrace Christianity, a hard fight before them, not only with hosts in is susthe world, but with spiritual heavenly places; the Christian

tained only by the keeping power of God. Sunday, September 6: Bro. Dixon presided. 2 Timothy. The matter dwelt upon was Paul's energy and zeal, either when doing right or wrong, but more particularly after his conversion in doing right. With us in fellowship, Bro. and Sis. Sanders, of the Thames, Bro. and Sis. Snu cu, of Morningside, and Sis. Keat, of Rotorua, In the evening the Sunday School Anniversary was held. Bro. Aldridge gave an address to parents and scholars, the subject being "Childhood's Perfect Praise." Sunday, September 13: Bro . .dldridge presided. 2 Cor. v. to vi. 13. An exhortation from verse 11. Paul did not hesitate; he was in no doubt ; he said, "I know." When the ovennastering love of Christ took hold on him he was constrained to do His will, to suffer, and to die. The whole world of men are in a tlyillg condition, but Christ died over a: I; tncrefore, all who put their trust in Him become new creatures in Christ .Iesus. In the evening a helpful and encouraging d iscourse was delivered entitled, "That Blessed Hope" (Ti tus ii.. 13). After His resurrection Christ remained on o.uth for 40 days, and talked to His disci pIes concerning the Kingdom. He said,

Wednesday, September 16: The lectures were resumed on the above date. The topic spoken to was entitled, 1.)1 vine Principle of Centrality." The lecturer

OCTOBER, 1908. in accordance with the expressed wish of our deceased Bro., Bro. Donaldson spoke a few words to those present on the glorious hope of all who die linked to the Lord Jesus. Cancer was the fell disease to which our Bro. succumbed. (few knew the pain and awful suuering he endured, but all who were privileged to see him while he was confined to bed can testify that even between the spasms of pain he would persist in proclaiming the wonderful love of God and his own living faith in Christ his Saviour. The last few words he ever penned was a message to the brethren, "In sure and certain hope of the resurrection from the dead through Jesus Christ our Lord." His noble example, his patience and f'ortitude in suffering, and his burning testimony for the Master has, I feel sure, left lessons with us which shall never bo forgotten as long as lifc itself shall last. He put on Christ in baptism about 13 years ago, and at the time of his decease was 66 years old. He leaves a widow and a grownup family to mourn their great loss. Bro. Foster will (D.V.) conduct a memorial service next Sunday nig"", September 13. In the absence of Bro. Foster a fortnight ago, Bro. Willie Mason conducted tile evening service, and gave a very instructi v address. Indeed, all the brethren do their best to fill every breach occasioned by the absence of any.




Septernber 14: Reading Circle. Bro. Cl . Aunidge gave the Band a very instructivs and interesting talk on "The Lord's Anointed." In reading the I-;criptures some definite object should be in view, Read with the heart, and with "he understanding. Do not pick out a fe\l' texts here and there, but endeavour to find out what the purpose of each book is, and what it contains. Jesus was of the rova l line (Matt. i. 17). 1-Ic is ""e Son ot'the Highest, and He shall rule (Luke i. 32). He was "the Christ," the Anointed One, set apart for the kingl~' authority (John i. 41- 49). .Iohn's testimony to Christ was, "That ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that, believing, ye might have life through His name" (.lohn x x, and xxxi.}, Peter, adding his testimony, says, "For neither is there a uv other nu me under hcuven that is gi,rC'1I among men wherein we must be "t,cd." C.C. KINDNESS TH"; great TO DUMB ANIMALS. laden heavy would with for a have

3: The "Appea I of Present-day \I'ai; tho subject of a paper by Ha IT.'-, to

Augnst -,rission," ~Ir. T. Gcnesis


showed is

that revealed

from the


forethought that none

God, a nd shall perish.

His desire is Jpsus corn-

Re our new church, we have our eyes on a most suitable site, which wo will do our best to obtain; and then, if sufficient help is forthcoming, we must get a building up, and thus have our own litt.: home. We arc praying for our Heavenly Fatllf'r's blessing in tlle work, and trying at tIle same time to do our own share. D.D.
])UNICIHN.-Since our last report our iuootings have been ca rricd on as usual, both the morning and evening services being very well at.tended. The lantern lectures for this veal' closed "bout a month ago; these h~ve proved very interesting and instructive. Our annual Church Tea Meeting was held on August 26, the weather being perfect. We had H good number at the tea. at which all thoroughly enjoyed themselves, Others who could not get along quite as earlv came to the after-meeting, which cornmenced at 7A5. A short address was given by the Chairman (Bro. Lawrenco ) , who expressed pleasure at seeing so manv present, and hoped it would not be tlu- last time thl'.v would pay us a visi t, and invited them to our lneeLing,;, to hem' what we, 'tH a Church, believe thl' Word of God to Leach. The re' "minder of the time was devoted to solos, duets, recitations, readings, pianoforte solos and duets by members of Ul(, Ch u rch and friends, and a most enjovable and pleasa.nt fe"cnillg was brought to a ClOHC' 9.30 by singing thc wol l-knowu at hYIIIII. "God be \Vith YOll Till we ~Jeet ... \gaiu." God allows the saint to bury some of his earthly hopes, that he may give birth to a heavenly one.

ma nded Tl is disciples, "Go ye into all tho world and preach the Gospel"-a whol Gospel for the whole world is the Master's desire. Men "re needed to-day as much as ever to spread this glorious Gospel: in f'act, we cn n all do something to sp rea d the glad tillings. The Master went f'rom ci ty to vill:tgc with the good now. "Ye are In.\' witnesses," sa.ith the 1.01'(1. 1\[1'. Barry spccia.lly urged young men to do the i I' d 11 ty; to ~pen cl an d be spent, for there is a need for workers cvervwhe re, Tho luuvost truly is great, but the la hall rers a re few. August 24: Th is session Bro. George Aldridgo has been giving the Band a series of readings from a Iittle book entitled. "l'nclc Daniel's Bible Class.'" These readings have been most instructive ; two phases of Christ's coming have a lroadv been dealt with. On August 24 the subject dealt wi th was the Restoration. There is order and method in all the works of God, and that which we see in His creative works is equally true in thp writ.ten \Yord. There is a time for al I things, voars and agcs marking off on the dial of timc the plans and Pill" poses of Gall. So, to rightly understand th Word, we must divide rightly the dispensations. Eden, Noah, Abrahamic covenant.; then thc law, the New Testament bringing in thc <lay of grace; then judicial, followed by the Millennium and thc "fulness of ti.mes" which will see the abolition of death. What a glorious pros pect for this sin-sbricken world. David's son shall reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. August 31: Bro. "V. A. Smith reau a paper entitled "An Evening wi th Elijah." Our Bro., in well-chosen language, summarised the prophet's life and .work, and drew helpful lessons from them for pre sent application. Sopternoer 7: Bro. C. B. King gave the Band a talk on "Hymnology," and showed that hymns have always been au expres:;ion of praise, nHtIly of them being of verv ancient composi tiou. We arc exhorted to praise God with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Most of the hymns now in use date back to the 17th. isu. and 19th centuries. Our Bra. named many hymn composers, as well as the hymns they composed, such as, "Art Thou \\'ear.,-," "Before .Iehovah's Awful 'I'h rone," "Jetius Lover of My Soul," .c 0 fur u Thousand Tongues to I-;inl,;," u.iul "Christ the Lord is Risen To clay." Our Lord all ,I His discipies sang a hymn after supper_ Singing helps to brighten our religious service and by fh is means we also praise God: lIHlkin'g melody in our hearts.

waggon was heavily bags of l11e(;.'1.I,too to draw, onc

single horse thought. .

It turned into a side street, and halfway down the block again turned into an alley at the rear of a livery stable. I t required considerable tugging on the part of the horse to pull the load up the incline of the alley driveway, but be did it, and the driver looked pleased when the back wheels had made the rise and settled to level ground. At the barn door it was l1ecessary to turn the waggou around completely and back in. I-;lIrcly one horse could not do that. The turn was made easily enough, but there remained. "Back him up, Jim!" said the man, pulling lightly at the reins. The horse braced his fore feet and shoved. The waggon didn't move. The man got down from the seat and wen t around to the back of the truck and pulled. "Back!" he commanded. The horse put every muscle to the strain. "Back!" The waggon moved, this time at least a foot. Two more, and the back wheels would be over the threshold of the barn door. "Back!" The command moved the horse to exert h is greatest effort. There was a crunch of splintering wood, and the waggon rolled back. ot a blow had been struck the anima.l. Only gentle words had been spoken, and the horse had done the rest. And when it was all over thc man did nut go OILuuload ing the waggon without ,t thought of the great, obedient animal standing still between the shafts. He Wl'nt up to lrim and took his nose in his 'hands ami patted him between the eyes ,\IIlI said: "Good old Jim! You did do it, didn't you? I knew you would."

And the horse rubbed his nose against man's cheek.

to sec such

Tt is pleasant now and then th ings.-Seleoted.


THE @nr 1Sook Uable.



OCTOBER, 1908.

{tbe :3ible Stanbarb.

The Bible Stamdard. can be ordered direct from the Treasurer MR. A. M. SKT~ATES, Queen Strcct, Auckland. s. rl. Price per annnm, post free .. 2 6 Single copies .. 0 2 BOOK STEW ARD-E. H. FALKNER,Queen Street. AG}tJNTS FOR THE BIBLE STANDARD: NEW Z}t~ALAND. Aucklaud-Mr. Hancock, Bookseller, Queen l:ltreet. Wellington-H. J. Barraclough, Myrtle CIcscent. Du ned in-c-Mr. Lawrence, Hope St.reet, Kaiapoi-Mr. James Holland. Rangiora-Mr. W'm. Smith, SouLh BrOOK. New Plymouth-Mr. Fred Goodacre, Courtner Road. F.ast Oxford-Mr. A. England. Thames-MI. C. Sanders, Macky Street. Timaru--Mr. H. H. King, Stafford Street.. Tinwnld, Ashburton-Mr. Shearer. Waihi-Mr. Joseph Foster. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelatde= Mr. C. Gamble. Magill Road, Stepney. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney-Mr. H. CI'OPP.Mitchell Street, Kogarah. Oommunications to the Editor to be addressed: GB:O. AL))RIDG}t~, Avenue, Mount l~den. Telegraphic Arl (1re" .. Rocky Nook." All communications to the Association and orders for Bible St amdccrd to be addressed to the Secretn.ry. MR. AL}t~X. PAGK Mu rdochRoad. Grey Lynn, Auckland.

TIII~ KEw TESTA~IE:\'l' IX MODERX SPEECH, R. F. Weymouth, publ islied by J'. Clu rks and ('0., 2s. 6d. \Ve huve long hurl in possession the Resultant Greek Testameu t by Dr. Weymouth, and have highly valued it as an aid to the stud." of the New Testament. This book is an English version of that work. It is rendered in most attractive English, and we~l deserves to be read bv all New Testament students. Since the book came into our possession we have carefully road the Gospel by :Uatthew, and have compared it with the originaL It is what it claims to be, a "modernised" rendering, and it will prove helpful to any student who sometimes misses an important truth hecause of the familiar, and, sometimes antiquated, renderiug in our common version. \Ye have ono lite" fa u lt to find, and that relates to the notes. These are intended ma inlv to vindicate or to explain the readings given. Generu l lv they do this, with a notable exception. In passages which refer to the Second Advent there is an evident bias shown in favour of the theory of Stua rt Russell, whose book on the Pa rousia is mentioned several times and commended as being "scholarly." These notes we mentally refer to the Editor, who, when a resident of this Dominion, strongly urged this view. The noles on Revelation also are in the nature of a commentary to favour the v iew that Christ came at the destruction of Jerusalem. The New Testament itself we can hea rti ly commend, but a good many of the notes require to bp treated as "the word of men." Sometimes mere fanciful notions .obtu in a fictitious value and acceptance because they H re found n ttaehed to the books of Scriptu re. If our readers can resolutely remember that there is a clear distinction between the words of God and the words of men, then this book cn n he to them n. verv valuable aid to the close acq ua intanceship with the tpf}ching of the New Testament.

Ureasurer'tJ Rcknowlet)Ql11ents.
Standard Flnbsc1'iptiol1s.-Mesdames Johns, Alexander, Martin, Hunter, Dwcn, Mcftarlane, Austin, Mitchell, Messrs. Mn.nnder, Stoupe, Browning, Beadle, McCJintock, Moff'att, Cox, Redsha w, Duncan, Briggs, Gleeson, Irving, Jenkins, Campbell. A.

Hold ServIces as under:



SKEATES, Treasurer.

AUCKLAND-West Street. Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., Fellowsblp Meeting 6.45 p.Jn:, Preaching Service. 81lnday School at 2.45. Wednesday evenlnl';, BIble Class at 7.45. m\rangelist's addres s=Ge Alrh-Idge. Hren t wood Avenue Mount Ec1en. Secretarv=-W. Gibson. Ponsonby Road. MOUNT ROSKILL, Corner WaIters Road and Emma Street--Sunday at 11a.m., Fdlowship Meeting. Sunday at 6045 p.m., Preaching Ser vice. DUNF.DIN-Oddfellows' Hall. Stuart l:ltreet. Sunday M 11a.m .. Fellowship and Meeting. F]venlng Preaching ServIce, 6.30. Secretary's Address- S. Laurence, Hope Street, Dnnedin. J-IRLENSVILLE-Chureh.
Sunday, Sunday

jfrolll SbaMw

to Sunsbine.

J learn as the years roll onward And leave the past behind That much I have counted sorrow Bu t proves that our God is kind; 'I'hat many a flower I longed .for Had a hidden thorn of pain, And many a stony bypath Led to fields o-f:ripened grain. The clouds but cover the sunshine, 'I'hov cannot banish the sun; And the earth shines out the brighter 'When the weary rain is done; Wc must stand in the deepest shadow To see the clearest light. And often from wrong's own darkness Comes the verv strength of right. -Agncs J,. Pratt,

Fellowship Meeting, at 11 a.m, Sunday School, at 2.30

EYening-, Preaching', 7.

Church Secretary, THAMmS-Pollen

R. M. Cameron.

Street Lecture Hall. Sunday at 11 a.m., FellowshIp MeetIng. Evening Service at 6.30. Sunday School at 2.30. BIble Class every Wednesday evening at 7.:11 F.vangelist-E. H. T'avlor. I:lowcn Street, Para wai. Secret.ary-Chas. Sanders. Mackav Street. Thames. Miners' Union Hall. Sunday 11a.m, Fellowship Meeting; ,. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. Sunday F.vening. at 7. A Pu hl ic Hible Adrl ress. Church Secreta.rv=-D. Donaldson. I~vangelist-.To"eph Foster. Waihi. Street Hall. Sunday. at 11 n.m .. F'ello wsh lp M~~tlng. Artilrpss-H. H. King. StnlToril Strppt. Tf ma ru


TnfATIU-Sophla Spcrptnry's

ADF.LA[DK S.A.-Drnirls' Hall. Renlah Road. Nor wood. f;e~I'etal')"s Add rcssc-Geor-zr- G. Gamhlc. :lfa.g-i11lnnrl , Stepnp\,. F Arl eln.ide, S.A. .

\ff:SSEXGER-.-\. Maga7-inc of Ch rist.in n Insl ruct.iou .md rnt.'IIigence. -I~ditf'd by .Tamos DOII'iC'. Auuu.i] Rllh';('ript.ion, one (-o!,? 1/1). po~t (rpC'. f'rom Hohf'ri. I.('ilch. Ti~"von ie. Duufr-rml iuo.

Pri nted hy 'I"H~ RR~~T1'PR'';'I''';G ANn PlIRL'SAf1<OCO~tPANY. Shortland Street.. fol' t.he Ne w l':ealan(l Evangelistic and Publicotion Assoclat.lou. and nn hltshed I", IV. A. SMTTH.Splwyn H".d MI, A tbprt. ()( 'TOR r,~n 1'1118.

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