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One of the fundamentals of life, is having the option to bear faith in a superio r being/afterlife in one form or another.

51% of the world's population are beli evers, while 17% are not. A third party remain undecided. As most individuals ar e well aware, there is no incisive proof to prove or disprove these beliefs. How ever, I am willing to speculate on which party appears to be making wisest choic e. I have had many different beliefs and views on the workings of everythin g around us, and the likelihood of a God. Based off the different observations m ade around me, and the assortment of intelligence gained, I have seen the view f rom all sides, so to say. Throughout history humans have always conflicted withi n themselves to make sense of all that is going on around them. During a more p rimitive time, a God was the only option that made sense. It gave some of our mo st primitive ancestors, something in which humans tend to assay; Assurance. Clai ms throughout time have been made, one after another, as evidence towards proof of a God. Whether or not the claims, stories, writings and so forth are true or not, is not something I am willing to speculate. The fact is we do not possess a way to prove them true, nor false. On a factual basis, the question still lies as to whether or not these c laims of religious clues are true, or fabricated as a way to provoke belief, in turn providing assurance to those who do. I believe that if there is a God, he's clearly smart enough to hide himself from us, especially considering the way pe ople react to their mistakes in this day and age. What people are suppose to gai n from religion, is a sense of morals, wisdom, and spirituality. Faith is in one 's own heart, and therefore those who believe should be content with their own b eliefs, rather than caring so passionately about the beliefs of others. Although the messages behind religion appear to be good, the way in whic h man has depicted them throughout time, has shown to be the opposite. The churc h's power over what people believed in ancient times, is outstanding. The fact i s, that even with provided scientific evidence against their claims, they would ruin the lives of those, who choose to believe anything other than what they sai d. It may be hard for some to hear, but religion has appeared to scare people in to believing, rather than giving them a road to true faith. Consequently it has shown to have lost its moral. Religion has been the acute cause, of a lot of conflict throughout time. Terrorist groups, committing horrid acts, to say the least, based off their own form of faith. That being only one example, I think it's more than enough to sa y that religion can bear some negative impacts. My thoughts are, that if there i s a God, and he really went through the time to make us, and this indescribable universe, the last thing he wants' is for us to bring about conflict in his name . The fact is, that weather or not other people believe what you do, shoul d not matter! Those who believe should be sure enough in their own mind, that wh at they believe is true. They shouldn't seek out others approval, as a way to ma ke it true. It's why they say "You need to have faith". Also, weather religion b e true or not, based on one's own intellect and will, we should all still posses s the morals in which it tries to advocate. The fact is, that no matter what we do, even if God is real, he's not go ing to show himself until we pass away. That being said, we should focus on what can see, while we are here on earth. There are so many amazing things, that sci ence has proved, and brought to aid the human race. People draw a strict line be tween science and religion, but I don't see why that's necessary. Science is no ware near disproving a God. People look at evolution, and the big bang, and all these different things, as anti religious. Mainly because religion it's self tel ls a different story. But the fact is, that things as big as the big bang and evolution, are s till only theories. If they are proven true, they will "disprove" a lot of what is said in religion. I put disprove in quotes, cause that's not the case from my point of view. This is where being afraid of being wrong, as well as change com e into play. If a God really did communicate with humans, in the times it is sai d he has, than there is more to consider with what you put faith into.

If we talked to a species of which is as primitive as we were in those t imes, do you think it would be easier to explain things to them, in a complex ma nner? Or would demonstrating it, in a way that they can understand and except wi th what they know and believe, prove to be the better method? If we know that's true, then so would God. Therefore, more than likely if people did talk to him, what is thought to be true, is a simile of what is really true. Considering that, you can try and see my skepticism of the reasoning beh ind the conflict between religion and science. Perhaps a big bang, as well as ot her phenomenon's were God's way of creating the universe, and the sacred message s from him, were depictions of which we could understand. All of which I am saying, is in effort to show why conflict isn't necess ary in certain areas of which we apply it. Humanity needs to gain enlightenment, and work to coexist. We are all one in the same, and we all seek the same thing - Truth. We need to except the things we are wrong of, when there is good evide nce that shows it, rather than ignoring what's blatantly there. Only then, can w e achieve what our race is capable of. I said I would speculate on which group is the wisest in choice. You may not see it, but essentially I have. Right now, it doesn't appear as though we w ill know definite truth regarding the matter. We should focus on the other myste ries, of which we are capable of solving. Our race is extraordinary nonetheless, and we could be better. I choose to focus on what can be seen right now. That w hich cannot be known, is of no desire for me to look for. Therefore, I don't bel ieve, or disbelieve in a God. I simply don't know. -***** ****** July 28th 2012 11: 20 Pm

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