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Republican Party of Palm Beach County

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Newsletter of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, Florida August 2012

Message from Chairman Sid Dinerstein: 99 Years, 99 Days

It started on March 13, 1913 and got another major boost on December 23, 1913. The Income Tax and the Federal Reserve were both established in that same year, the height of the first Progressive Movement. The Income Tax destroyed our concept of Federalism while greatly diminishing our property rights. The Federal Reserve ended the quality of our money, bringing us the Great Depression and now the Greater Depression. You can also credit these historic events with our massive deficits, our accumulated debt, and our unfunded liabilities. What was passed in 1913 has inevitably led us to our huge economic problems in 2012, 99 years later. But the Progressives were just getting started. Their next President, FDR, got us hooked on entitlements and taught us that the United States Constitution is whatever five Supreme Court Justices say it is. Then came Lyndon Johnson, who showed people that you didnt need fathers as long as you had the United States government to supply all your necessities. And last, but not least, is President Obama. Our President has shown us that the only laws that matter are the ones he chooses to enforce. He showed us that if Congress wont give him the laws he wants, hell just issue an Executive Order. He made it clear that he is boss; over the CEO of General Motors, the Chairmen of the Wall Street firms and, even, the Pope. It took 99 years. You are reading this column on or about July 31, 2012, 99 days before the November 6th election. In 99 days the 99 Years War could be over, and evil will have triumphed. The reelection of President Obama would institutionalize all the Freedom destroying initiatives of the past 99 years. We will have an enfeebled Congress and a compliant Supreme Court. We will go from Shining City on a Hill to Food Stamp Nation, never to return. The defining question of our generation is: Will we use the next 99 days to begin the reversal of the last 99 years? If

enough of us say Yes, we will get the job done. If not enough of us stand up then our grandchildren will look to other nations for their opportunities, just like our grandparents did.

2012 STARTS TODAY State Committeewoman Fran Hancock: What the Republicans Are Doing RIGHT!
Dont get discouraged by rhetoric from the other side that we are in trouble. It may be good for motivation, but do not let it get into your head. We must stay focused on the end game Victory on November 6th! At the RPOF, weve launched many new initiatives with technology and GOTV activities. The RPOF has WebElect, a voter database formerly known as Voter Vault, as well as technology experts on the social media scene. As a matter of information, Palm Beach County was the first to use the Internet and email for a Presidential Campaign (its now the weekly wire). Our state leaders are focused on getting us ready for the 2012 elections. Were currently staffing offices across the state, opening our phone banking centers, preparing our teams for neighborhood walks and working with our candidates preparing for victory on election day. In Palm Beach County, we have launched two Romney Victory Offices. In addition, we will have other campaign offices sponsored in part by local Clubs, to assist with our get out the vote efforts and to distribute materials. Our state as well as the RNC is well funded and were ready to take on the liberal Democrat policies that are strangling free market enterprise with over regulation on businesses and killing jobs.
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August 2012 issue of the Newsletter, published monthly by the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. The views and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff, REC Board of Directors, or the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee. Letters to the editor are welcomed but should be no longer than 500 words and may be edited for length and content. All submissions are property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced without prior permission of the author. Any comments, questions, or other feedback should be directed to michael.barnett1@gmail.com.



Sid Dinerstein, Chairman Margi Helschien, Vice Chair Michael A. Barnett, Secretary Ira Sabin, Treasurer Fran Hancock, State Committeewoman Peter Feaman, National Committeeman
In This Issue
The Greatest Republican By Margi Helschien Bill Hagers Big Endorsement Honestly! By Raymond Tresca Palm Beach Young Republicans Calendar of Events Message from Peter Feaman Arab and Arab Spring Revisited
By Tom Mullings


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Mission Statement The Republican Party of Palm Beach County is committed to promoting Republican ideals and principles; recruiting and electing qualified candidates for public office; developing a grassroots organization that will motivate the electorate to vote; and raising the funds necessary to complete these objectives. www.pbcgop.org

Profiles in Conservatism Cindy Tindell for State Committeewoman The Boca Raton GOP Center to Elect Mitt Romney

Let the Games Begin!

By Margi Helschien

It's Olympic time! Every four years we celebrate the Olympics and get ready for a Presidential race to elect a new President of the United States. According to legend, the ancient Olympic games were founded by Heracles (the Roman Hercules), a son of Zeus. The ancient Olympic games grew and continued to be played every four years for nearly 1200 years. In 393 CE, the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences. But, approximately 1500 years later, a young Frenchmen named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival. After examining the education of the German, British, and American children, Coubertin decided that it was exercise, more specifically sports, that made a well-rounded and vigorous person. How true this is, as at election time you must be in shape physically and mentally to win any race. Just as an Olympian, you must be prepared. The Olympics has a way of bringing us together because we can root for the United States together without political boundaries. We can watch the many sports together and become a team of citizens cheering for our country. Unity and brotherhood take over and the spirit of togetherness brings us together. In politics we can often be torn apart with rooting for one side over another. The Olympics gives us a chance to sit back and say to each other, let's go for the gold!

Republican Party of Palm Beach County

Page 3 fathers before us believed, God is a major factor in the creation of this nation. The greatest Republican does not give up. Every day you are back out defending our country. You attend town hall meetings, you write letters to the editor, and you join and support local Republican groups. You make sure the elected officials are being held accountable. From walking with candidates, making phone calls for candidates, sign waving, fundraising, and attending tea parties. You do not give up, and you get up day after day, and every election cycle. You give with money, you give with time, and you give from your heart! You are a veteran, you are in the military, you are a doctor, a lawyer, a plumber, a factory worker, a teacher, an unemployed worker, a business owner, you are a mom, you are a dad, you are an aunt, an uncle, a grandma, a grandpa, you are a brother, a sister, a friend. And, the Greatest Republican is

The Greatest Republican

By Margi Helschien, Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Palm Beach County Being a Republican means understanding that we believe in having equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex, or national origin. It means believing in lower taxes, less regulation, and that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done but cannot be done by individuals. Being a Republican means you love your country. You understand that we have checks and balances between the different branches of governments and that each political side has different views and opinions. Robert Taft believed in the "Federalism" model of the American Republic. His faith was in basic American values and the abilities of the people to seek Liberty. Achieving this goal requires that such liberty is founded upon an economic system based on free enterprise, a political system based on citizen participation, and national independence and sovereignty for our country. The greatest Republican understands as Ronald Reagan once said in 1964 If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except to sovereign people, is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. Whether we believe in our capacity for selfgovernment or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. Progress in America and the promise of our future is what makes America great and its uncompromising commitment to democracy. And as the founding


Bill Hager gets big endorsement from the Florida Chamber of Commerce
The Florida Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Bill Hager for state representative for House district 89. The chamber has a membership of over 100,000 businesses and entrepreneurs from across the state. Bill Hager said, "I am honored to have the support and endorsement of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. These men and women represent the backbone of the economy and I look forward to working with them to continue to promote policies that will allow for economic growth and job creation in the private sector." David Hart, executive vice president of the Florida Chamber of Commerce said, "Bill Hager is a proven business leader who understands that Florida's businesses play a vital role in maintaining a vibrant economy. He knows what it takes to create a climate that will allow Florida to compete in the ever-changing global economy.

Republican Party of Palm Beach County

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The Scott Walker recall election serves as our benchmark for winning. As a whole, the Republicans made 4.3 Million phone calls (Democrats 800k). Republicans walked, knocked on doors and spoke to hundreds of thousands of residents in Wisconsin. It takes money to build the infrastructure, but without volunteers, the voter lift wouldnt be there. In the words of our Governor, We must have Grassroots. Although we are challenged by our voter registration numbers in Palm Beach County, we must work harder and smarter to get out our favorable votes. In Florida, weve had a Republican Governor for the past 14 years, we elected an entirely Republican Cabinet two years ago, and we have a majority in the State House and State Senate. In addition, the U.S. Congressional delegation from the State of Florida has a Republican majority. Republicans have all this

even though the other major party outnumbers us in registered voters in the state, so we must be doing some things right. With all this said, we need to be ever vigilant to maintain this momentum, never rest on our laurels, and continue the registration drive that has increased our numbers by about 60,000 during this past year alone. The State Party has money in the bank to get us through this election cycle, so what can you do? Its as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Recruit 2. Volunteer 3. Knock on Doors Ill see you on the campaign trail!

Fran Hancock

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By Raymond Tresca

Honor is something that has progressively disappeared from every day life, politics, and journalism. We have gone from a country where many would be willing to die for ones honor, to the mainstream and politicians throwing groups, tradition, common sense, the Constitution, and God under a bus for personal gain. Political correctness has paralyzed our great Nation into absolute stagnation and put us on a path of utter destruction. If we cannot speak the truth, we cannot solve the problem. If we pat down 9 year olds and grandma but let a Muslim man waltz through security for fear of the accusation of racial profiling, then we have abandoned honesty and common sense all at the same time. It will then be only a matter of time until they strike again. When it is known Major Nidal Hasan was corresponding with the now defunct Anwar al Awlaki and visiting other known terrorist web sites and we quake with fear instead of hauling his sorry ass in for questioning, then we are not being honest or remotely responsible. When the President calls this, work place violence, and says not to rush to judgment, which gutless terrorist is he afraid of offending? Look the families of the Fort Hood victims in the eye and try saying that Mr. President. Our men and women in uniform need to know that their leaders have their backs and will not offer them on the altar of political correctness. Mr. President, you have not demonstrated this to be the case. When you invoke executive privilege in the Fast and Furious

investigation at the same time saying you knew nothing about it, what information are you then privileging? Look the parents of border patrol agent Brian Terry in the eye and tell them, Mr. President. Huma Abedin, deputy Chief-of-Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has three members of her immediate family with close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sharia Law anybody?) Patriot and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a member of the House Intelligence Committee along with four other conservative members sent a letter requesting that the matter be investigated. In no size shape or form was Ms. Abedin accused or implicated in anything. They simply requested that the matter be looked into. Anyone of us would probably not even be permitted on a plane with those kinds of ties. Bring on the onslaught of chicanery and accusations of intolerance! Can we have a little honesty here people? McCarthyism is being shouted from the mountaintops. By the way, while his tactics may be debated, I believe the declassified Verona Tapes exonerated Senator Joe McCarthy, but when the left is in, the truth need not apply. The usual cast of characters are in hyperdrive castigating Representative Bachmann, but then theres John McCain, saying, the Hobbits are coming, the Hobbits are coming! This is precisely where I ask the Party to define itself. Senator McCain, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your service and sacrifice, and may God keep you, but may He keep you out of political office. You have become what is wrong with Washington. It is the left that accuses us of intolerance. Ask Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy who is intolerant. Honestly!

Raymond Tresca

Republican Party of Palm Beach County

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Battle of the Sexes Phone Banking! Men vs. Women w/ Prizes for the winning team! Thursday, August 9th: 6:00-9:00pm @ The West Boca GOP Victory Office (Boca Greens Shopping Center). Young Republicans knocking on doors of Registered Republicans to get out the vote for Primaries (8/14). Saturday, August 11th: 12:00-2:00pm @ Lake Clarke Shores, Precinct 3014. PBCYRs team up with PWRC for a fun night of phone banking and subs! Tuesday, August 13th: 6:00-9:00pm. 1555 PB Lakes, Victory Office, Suite 650 Subs with our Club.

Palm Beach County Young Republicans Calendar of Events

http://www.pbcyr.com/ Phone calls, Beer, Pretzel, and Cheez-it Tasting night! Thursday, August 2nd: 6:009:00pm @ The West Boca GOP Victory Office (Boca Greens Shopping Center). PBCYR and PWRC phone banking party. SUPER SATURDAY! Saturday, August 4th: 10:00am-8:00pm @ The GOP Victory Office, 1555 PB Lakes, Suite 650. Ladies night! Wine and Cheese and Phone Calls! Tuesday, August 7th: 6:00-9:00pm @ The GOP Victory Office, 1555 PB Lakes, Suite 650. PBCYR and PWRC phone banking party. Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee Monthly Meeting. Wednesday, August 8th: 6:45-9:00pm @ The Palm Beach Kennel Club.

PRIMARY ELECTIONS! Tuesday, August 14th: All day@ your voting location. Remember to cast your ballot before 7:00pm and bring a friend!!! Happy Hour and Forum with Representatives Bill Hager and Pat Rooney. Wednesday, August 22nd: 5:30-7:00pm @ Cha Chas on Worth Ave. Palm Beach County Young Republican Club. Palm Beach County Young Republican Clubs Happy Hour and Forum, Wednesday, September 19th: 5:30-7:00pm @ Cha Chas on Worth Ave. Speaker TBA. The BRRC is teaming up with the Ronald Reagan Club and the PBCYRs for a fun-filled Candidate Celebration. October 4th: TBA @ The South County Civic Center in Delray. *** New events are added every day! *** Check out our website for more information @ http://www.pbcyr.com/

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The Arab and Iranian Spring Revisited

By Tom Mullings In the June, 2011 issue of this Newsletter, I argued that the Arab Spring presented a golden geopolitical opportunity that the U.S needed to take advantage of. I further argued that better organized Islamist elements in the Middle East could easily co-opt these uprisings from weaker democratic movements if the United States did not take on a more central role in guiding and guarding these revolutions from below. Sadly, thanks to the Obama administration and its policy of "leading from behind," we face the specter of a takeover of much of the Middle East by antidemocratic religious fanatics. The good news is that we are not there yet and there is still hope of turning things around. In Egypt, although Islamists have ostensibly taken over the reins of government, the real power, for the moment at least, still rests with the Egyptian military, which is resisting yielding power to the Muslim Brotherhood.

A Message From Your State Committeeman and National Committeeman-Elect

A house divided against itself cannot stand. - a quote from the Bible made famous by Abraham Lincoln, but applicable here in the Palm Beach County REC today. I dont need to name names or cite issues, but the things dividing our party right now are numerous, involving different groups of people on various matters. All of you know how passionate I am about the election in November. I know all of you feel the same way. And yet Fellow patriots, the infighting that is going on right now must stop. We must keep our eye on the goals: 1. Recapture the White House and restore America as the light of the world and the hope for all nations. Take control of the Senate (by defeating Bill Nelson) so, among other things, we can at least get a budget passed in Washington! Reclaim the tenor of the national debate: that the greatness of America was and is achieved, not through dependence upon a government that provides everything.



Rather, that Americas greatness was and is achieved through faith, family and freedom. I do not have all the answers. I only have a love of country and a love for all of you who believe as I do God, family, country. In the name of all three, lets keep it together. Onward to victory!

The problem for the Western democracies remains lack of strong leadership from a left-wing American President, who views his own country's power as a danger to the rest of humanity that needs to be constrained thru international organizations, rather than the force for good it truly is, to be deployed in defense of democracy and the rule of law in this unipolar world. And make no mistake; we are still in a unipolar era as opposed to the bipolar climate of the Cold War from
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Peter M. Feaman

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Following WWII and the Korean War, American troops occupied Germany, Japan and Korea. Over a half-century later, those troops are still there and our attempts to introduce the countries to democracy have been sterling successes. Trying to plant and germinate the seeds of democracy in authoritarian countries requires much nurturing and time and American power standing guard over its development. Our impatience to see such noble projects through to fruition, as happened in Vietnam and is in danger of happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and the geostrategically vital Middle East, is to deny our true calling in this world. In 1821 John Quincy Adams declared that America "goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy." That was good advice then, when America was weak and her potential external enemies were infinitely stronger. But that was then and this is now--the twenty-first century with the United States standing alone as the only superpower on earth. We should seize the moment and use our unprecedented power to advance the cause of democracy and the rule of law in the world, and there is no better place to deploy it than in the Middle East where Islamists may soon have Iranian nukes to play with. The more we involve ourselves in an Arab and Iranian spring, the more influence we will have in its outcome. Like it or not, the security and stability of the oil-rich region represents a vital strategic interest of the United States, which can best be secured with a long-term commitment on the part of our people to help those untold Arab and Iranian "masses yearning to be free" to realize their dreams.

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which we've emerged. During the Cold War the U.S. faced the threat of intervention in the Middle East by the other superpower. During the '73 Yom Kippur War, the Soviet Union put its seven airborne divisions on full alert and threatened to send them into the conflict in support of its Arab client states. At that time those rejectionist states were being protected by their superpower patron. It is especially frustrating, that today's cast of Arab and Iranian bad guys, with no superpower to protect them, are being tip-toed around in such a pathetically spineless, manner by the Obama Administration. The President seems more concerned in giving a much-diminished Russia veto power over its policies in the U.N. Security Council, than it is in formulating a long-term strategy based on an effective application of American power. Unfortunately it's not just the Administration who's to blame here. We, the American people, share some of the responsibility too, with our eagerness for early exits from foreign challenges whose resolutions require long-term commitments.

The Obama Administration has failed to recognize that the key to securing America's vital interests in the Middle East lies in providing strong American leadership in support of democratic movements, and instead clings to the discredited view that resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be the main focus. To be sure, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict needs to be resolved, but the central problem that needs redress is the lack of democracy and rule of law in Iran and the Arab world. This is a major foreign policy challenge that cries out for remedy, and remedy can only come with a new American Administration, hopefully in November.

Tom Mullings is a decorated Army infantry combat veteran of the Vietnam War, who served as a scout dog handler with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He was one of the three original incorporators of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, and is a long-time Palm Beach REC Committeeman from precinct 5154.

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Profiles in Conservatism: Members Elected in July 2012

Scott Wallace Brians

I was born in Miami and raised in Jacksonville. I graduated from the University of Florida with a Master of Science from the Electrical Engineering department. On the day of my graduation, I married my wife, who is German. Between us we have three children. I have lived in Germany 10 years. While there I worked as a program manager for renovation projects for US Army medical facilities as a contractor. My wife and I also owned and managed a consulting business. Upon returning to the U.S., we moved to Fort Lauderdale where I was employed in project controls for the construction of the W-Hotel; I managed $57 million of change orders. Currently I am leading a business development project to introduce Raman technology as the new worldwide standard in Liquid Natural Gas composition analysis. This project is similar to moving the world from the typewriter to the personal computer. The current administration has spurned me to action. We have a president that does not know the difference between a broken economy, and a functioning economy; between the curses of debt and the blessings of capital accumulation; between perversion and love; between a tissue blob and a baby. His brand of policies has destroyed the family and the economy wherever they have been implemented. I must act to assist, even if in a small way, to turn the tide.

Eric Cameron Rupard

Thank you everybody for voting for me as the Committeeman for Precinct 1056--- located in Northwest Jupiter. My Mother 1st came to the area in the late 1980's, purchasing the town home we now live in December of 1987. I moved here in 1990 and lived here until 1995, and then moved back in 2002 (I lived in various other PBC Municipalities from '03-'06). I can remember when most of the area where I live was Unincorporated PBC with "Pockets" that were in Jupiter, and to the South the same was true West of Military Trail in Palm Beach Gardens, and still further South the same West of Military in West Palm Beach and Lake Worth. Now the situation is pretty much the opposite. In most cases it is for the better, for example, in the case of the HOA I live in the response of Jupiter Police Department is better than PBSO, but, PBSO is much more Professional and Efficient, and less Political and, dare I say it, either stupid or corrupt (unless JPD is both). My 1st Political Job was being a Phone Operator in the Basement of the Westchester County (NY) Office Building on Election Eve in the 1980's taking calls from Municipalities with Results. I also was Campus Coordinator at Westchester Community College for Reagan\Bush '84. I also "worked the phones for a Westchester County Executive Re-Election Campaign (Andrew O'Rourke - you may remember him from the Tylenol Scare back in the 1980's--- he was the County Executive that, I believe, ordered Tylenol off the shelves throughout Westchester County). I have also volunteered in many Voter Registration Drives. I am looking forward to being part of keeping County Commission District 1 in GOP hands, as well as bringing other Districts, etc. into the GOP fold. God Bless You.

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Greetings Friends. My name is Cindy Tindell and I am running to be Palm Beach Countys Republican State Committeewoman. As your State Committeewoman, my job would be to better communicate with you and help us better plan and organize ourselves for the future. Our partys leadership needs improvement. Did you know that only 29% of registered voters in Palm Beach County are Republican? That means that 71% of our neighbors are not with us, and the trends arent good. We need to be more effective in getting out our conservative Republican values message and helping our candidates get elected. I will do this by

using new and modern methods of communicating, better managing how our contributions are used, and by attracting and retaining more young people. I am a life-long Republican; one of my first jobs was working for President Ronald Reagan at the White House when I was in college. Currently, I serve on the Countys Republican Executive Committee and am President of the Republican Club of the Northern Beaches. I see firsthand why we need to modernize our party if we are to be able to compete and win in the future! I look forward to meeting with you and appreciate your consideration and support.

The Boca Raton GOP Center to Elect Mitt Romney

Over 250 people attended the Grand Opening of the Boca Raton GOP center to elect Mitt Romney. For the first time ever, West Boca has a GOP Center where we will be making phone calls for Mitt Romney, walks, packets, and much more!

The event kicked off with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by the East West Karate children, and local recording artist Lou Galterio sang the National Anthem. Elected officials such as Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff and National Committeeman Peter Feaman spoke, plus the excitement created due to candidates running for office. Entertainment was by Lou Galterio and everyone enjoyed lots of yummy food. What made this event so amazing was that there has never been any GOP office in West Boca before. With the huge turnout of Republicans and Independents, and the Boca Tea Party, we will be able to work

hard and believe in America. Here's to VICTORY in 2012! Please come and volunteer! We are Open Now! And we need you! Boca Greens Shopping Center (Next to Pinch A Penny) 19635 S. State Rd. 7

Boca Raton, FL 33498 (561) 910-1561

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The Republican Executive Committee (REC) will meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month in 2012. All REC meetings begin at 6:45 PM. Our Next REC meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at

1111 North Congress Avenue in West Palm Beach

1111 North Congress Avenue in West Palm Beach

If you would like information on volunteering for one of our several Republican Party committees, or if you would like to contribute financially, visit our website at www.pbcgop.org or call (561) 686-1616. Bring your Republican friends to the next REC meeting and sign them up! We are always accepting new REC members who have the grassroots determination to help our candidates win in 2012!

2012 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Regions Financial Tower, 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 210, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-2301 Phone: (561) 686-1616 Fax: (561) 686-1898 Email: info@pbcgop.org

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