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John archer is a radical candidate whose policies would hurt the most vulnerable Americans. Archer not only supports the radical Ryan Plan, he also admits that he would consider cutting Medicare; raising the retirement age, and privatizing Social Security. While Archer wants to cut all taxes on giant corporations, he claimed poverty made poor Americans stupid, and he criticized the unemployed for setting a bad example for their children.

Supported Ryan Plan

Archer Supported Ryan Plan, Said It Was A Step In The Right Direction. At a Clinton County GOP Forum John Archer said, I too would support Paul Ryans budget. We actually have a team of individuals that are actually analyzing that budget, so that we are more informed about that. Any time that you talk about a budget you really talk about the three legs of a stool and thats the entitlements. And Paul Ryans budget sets out very aggressive issues to deal with entitlements, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. With very bold initiatives and with spending at $1.5 trillion annually it makes very, very difficult decisions. And I think that is what Paul Ryans budget does, It is a step in the right direction. [Clinton County GOP Forum, 4/3/12; Clinton Herald, 4/4/12] Archer Said The Ryan Plan Was Bold. At a Muscatine Candidates forum John Archer said, Another individual that immediately comes to mind for his passion and his conviction and his deep understanding of what ails this country and that is $15.5 trillion debt and the $1.6 trillion deficit is Paul Ryan. You know he has a put a bold plan together with respect to his budget. And I think Steve King and Paul Ryan are the two role models that we could look up to in the United States Congress. [Muscatine GOP Candidates Forum, 5/15/12] Wall Street Journal: Ryan Plan Would Essentially End Medicare. According to Naftali Bendavid at the Wall Street Journal, The plan would essentially end Medicare, which now pays most of the health-care bills for 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, as a program that directly pays those bills. [Wall Street Journal, 4/4/11] Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel: Ryan Budget Plan Would Nearly Double Out-Of-Pocket Costs for Seniors. The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reported that The Ryan budget plan would cut federal spending on Medicaid, which provides health care for the poor, and begin distributing money by block grant to states. The plan would do away with Medicare's direct payment for health care for seniors, replacing it with a voucher system in which recipients choose private insurers. The plan would do away with Medicare's direct payment for health care for seniors, replacing it with a voucher system in which recipients choose private insurers. The

Congressional Budget Office found that part of the plan, which would take effect in 2022, could nearly double out-of-pocket costs for seniors. [Ft Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, 4/16/2011] Economic Policy Institute: Ryan Budget Would Result in Roughly 900,000 Jobs Lost in 2012 and Roughly 1.3 Million Jobs Lost in 2013. According to the Economic Policy Institute, Using a standard macroeconomic model that is consistent with that used by private- and publicsector forecasters, we estimate that the shock to aggregate demand from near-term NSD spending cuts would result in roughly 900,000 jobs lost in 2012 and roughly 1.3 million jobs lost in 2013. Cumulatively, cuts of this magnitude would result in a loss of 2.2 million jobs over the next two years, or 3.1 million full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs. [Economic Policy Institute, 4/13/11] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Two-Thirds of the Ryan Plans Cuts Come from Programs Helping the Poor and Middle Class. In April 2011, Robert Greenstein, President of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said that nearly two-thirds about $2.9 trillion of the Ryan Plans $4.5 trillion in budget cuts over ten years comes from programs aiding the poor or disadvantaged. The $2.17 trillion of these cuts come from Medicaid and repeal of the expansion of Medicaid under the 2011 health care reform law. The remainder of the $2.9 trillion would come from non-health related services to the poor, such as Pell Grants, food stamps, and low-income housing programs. [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Press Release, 4/20/11, 4/20/11] New York Times Editorial: Ryan Plan Would End Medicares Guaranteed Benefit. The House Republican budget would mean that older Americans no longer have a guarantee that Medicare will pay for their health needs. [] He would still offer the elderly a fixed amount of money to shop for their own health insurance, but allow the option of enrolling in traditional Medicare. [New York Times Editorial, 3/20/12]

Archer Would Cut Medicare; Privatize Social Security, Raise Retirement Age
Archer Would Consider Cutting Medicare. According to the Quad City Times, Archer said solving the budget problem will require putting everything on the table. That could include Medicare, he said. We need to find a way to work together to fix Medicare without hurting those individuals who are currently reliant on it, he said. [Quad City Times, 5/26/11] Archer Supported Privatizing Social Security. At an Osceola Meet and Greet John Archer said he would support raising the Social Security retirement age. Archer said, Absolutely. Yeah,. Let me take my money and invest as I see fit [Osceola Meet and Greet, 3/9/12] Archer Supported Raising Retirement Age. At an Osceola Meet and Greet John Archer said, As we live longer I think the social security age needs to go up, its just natural.

Archer Is Too Radical For Iowa


Archer Planned To Cut The Entire Budget By 5%. According to the Muscatine Journal, He said the election is about the question: Do we want to continue down the path of failed European socialism or embrace freedom? We need to be free from a government that is out of control with spending, Archer said. He added that when he gets into office, hell cut the congressional budget by five percent. While serving on the Pleasant Valley School Board (in Bettendorf), weve had to make cuts and deal with hard decisions, Archer said. [Muscatine Journal, 3/8/12] Archer Said He Would Phase Out The Department Of Education. During an appearance on the Simon Conway show on WHO radio John Archer said, Serving on the Pleasant Valley School Board, Simon, I believe in local control. In other words, allow me as a school board member to spend the valuable tax dollars that we have the way I see fit. Dont tie my hands and tell me I must spend these dollars or this project. Let me, I know the needs of our students better than the folks in Washington, D.C., and quite honestly, in Des Moines. And so, yes, I would be in favor of phasing out the Department of Education. According to the Burlington Hawkeye, Both favor phasing out the U.S. Department of Education, and neither favor significant cuts to national defense. Dolan said it should not be cut at all, while Archer said there are ways to identify efficiencies that do not harm the troops or the nation's security. [WHO Radio, Simon Conway Show, 3/22/12; The Hawkeye, 5/25/12] Archer Wanted To Dismantle The Department Of Energy. According to the Muscatine Journal, Archer said hed like to dismantle the U.S. Department of Energy and get the regulatory environment back under control. Thats the biggest issue we face in America. [Muscatine Journal, 5/15/12] Archer Supported Downsizing The EPA. At an Osceola Meet and Greet John Archer said, The bureaucrats within the EPA were not elected, so absolutely correct. We need to take a look at the EPA, downsize the EPA. Many people have said we must eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency, it is a good argument. There is an environmental protection agency here in Iowa. Theres one in Washington D.C. Regulations are needed. I am not standing up here saying we dont need any regulations, but what we need is people that understand whats actually going on here in Redmans. So, if they come in and they see a violation, maybe a trip cord or an electrical outlet thats not covered, dont immediately slap a fine on that. Dont immediately slap a fine on you, work with you. [Osceola Meet and Greet, 3/9/12] Archer Wanted To Privatize The TSA, Amtrak, Other Government Agencies. According to the Burlington Hawkeye, Archer said he also would seek to privatize those agencies that do not need to be subsidized or run by government, pointing to Amtrak, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the U.S. Transportation and Security Administration. [Burlington Hawkeye, 5/25/12]


Archer Wanted To Eliminate Corporate Taxes. According to the Clinton Herald, Both candidates agreed that tax rates should be lowered for individuals and corporations. Archer said he would lower the rate to zero for repatriated funds to allow corporations to invest in America, southwest Iowa and Clinton and to create more revenue. [Clinton Herald, 4/4/12]


Archer Said Poverty Created Stupidity. According to the Burlington Hawkeye, Archer spoke pointedly about Democratic energy policies and the lack of jobs, which he said creates poverty. Poverty creates stupidity, Archer said, going on to decry Democratic attitudes about job creation. They think we can create jobs out of thin air. Jobs are not created by the government. Archer said jobs are created when the economy is healthy, and employees feel secure enough in their work to go out and consume again. This is the sequence that works. This is the sequence that we need now, Archer said. [Burlington Hawkeye, 4/22/12] Archer Said People On Unemployment Set A Bad Example For Their Children. At an Osceola Meet and Greet Archer said, Ninety nine weeks of unemployment is too long in my opinion, way too long in my opinion. Your skills atrophy. You set a bad example for your children by staying at home and doing basically nothing. So, you have to do something for that period of time. [Osceola Meet and Greet, 3/9/12]

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