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OF Comic Drd Svetlana Sauciuc Phd Daniela Roventa Frumuani Habermas said, the public sphere is touched by an irreversible deterioration process; people reduced their implication in the political life; mass culture, especially in its television form is an entertainment culture: it involves demagogy, the primary impulses and it resigns from educating the critical spirit. So what sollutions we can find in order to improve that situation and to improve that situation? What direction should be followed in order to do something, being aware of the deterioration of the public sphere? What approach should be made in order to improve this situation? Jurgen Habermas has, also, a strong theory regarding creation and functioning of public space. His communicational theory was developed in two different ways: a vulgata which circulated in certain intellectual groups, that altered the initial position, and a theoretical debate forum, that proposed several re-evaluations. Keeping in mind the previous information we will try to give a solution for a harmonious and coherent communication in any type of public space, and that solution is a comical one. Why comic? Because comic means detachment and awareness. From psychological point of view, we can laugh of something when we have a global prospective of that situation or we can handle the situation very well, and we want to make other to understand and accept our point of view. Comic, also, gives the opportunity to consider life and communication like a game, the game of life, in fact. But, in order to see exactly why we choose comic we will see what the scientist said about comic. Most of the modern scientists (of which we can mention Paul Ekman and David Matsumoto), but also traditional art science have agreed that the human figure is the most important communication tool that holds the human body. It is clear therefore why give great importance to facial expressions that bring out different emotions that you feel. Beyond philosophical considerations concerning laugh and comic, the idea that laugh can have therapeutic virtues has a long medical history. More specifically, the moral influence of comic upon the development and treatment of diseases is known medically since ancient times. Psychologists, thinkers and philosophers, doctors almost always approached the issue in a pragmatic laughter. From Aristotle onwards can be found scattered in the medical literature, explicit reference to comic, in antiquity doctors recommending comic, laugh, as a method of strengthening the lungs and to revive the entire body. One of the prominent surgeons of XIII century, Henri de Mondeville, suggested the use of laugh and comic, in order to restore after certain types of surgery. He also notes that negative emotions can interfere with the healing process: "The surgeon will prohibit his patient anger, hatred and sadness and I will remind that the body strengthens the joy and sadness weakens through."

In the XIX century, Hupland Gottlieb, a German physician, said that laugh and comic are one of the most important factors of digestion, citing in support of this thesis medieval habit of buffoons, responsible for entertaining the guests, you usually thought to be founded on great principles medical. In 1928 appeared an enthusiastic book of American physician James Walsh, who makes a genuine mathematical equation, "a person's health is proportional to his/her laugh quantity." In 1976, American journalist Norman Cousins says in a famous medical journal that he succed to cure an ankylosing spondylitis (very serious disease of the joints and spine), through laugh therapy. Average daily laugh quantity decrease, but this decrease is a serious warning for the state of mind "morose", or grumpy, which tends to hold of most people today. "Depression" becomes a kind of evil of the century, maintained the interests of a real drug industry, producing increasingly more antidepressants and sleeping pills. Worldwide, socio-economic cult of drug prescriptions and lost working days is immense and growing. Such findings are even more necessary foundation of an effective laugh and comic therapy as a panacea which would contribute greatly to the change of attitude that makes most people a kind of "automatic" seeking "happiness pills". What happens when we laugh? When we laugh we changed physiologically. Our facial muscles are stretched (and are over 40), pulse and blood pressure and breathing accelerates us, sending more oxygen to tissues. It seems that laugh and comic, not only entertain us but makes us to look better burn calories. Maciej Buchowski, a researcher at the University Vnderbilt, conducted a study of this statement. He measured the amount of calories consumed during laughter and found that in 10 to 15 minutes to laugh with lust can burn 50 calories (not excited yet ... a piece of chocolate contains the number of calories, so it require many hours of laughter for the weak visible). Researchers at University College London and Imperial College London have found that positive sounds such as laughter or cries of joy, have a strong "response" in the brain of the listener, according to "The Journal of Neuroscience". Response occurs in an area of the brain that is activated when we smile. "There seems to be very true saying: laugh and the world will laugh with you," says researcher Sophie Scott. "It's long been that when talking with someone, I often copy their behavior, the words you say, mimics and gestures. Now we have shown that the same thing happens with laughter, at least at the level of the brain," she adds. The team made a series of studies involving volunteers whose brain activity was monitored using magnetic resonance techniques. Some sounds used were positive, such as laughter or cries of triumph, others unpleasant, such as the scream of pain. All sounds were triggered activity in premotor cortical region of the brain, which prepares the muscles in the face to respond accordingly. But the response was stronger when sounds positive, indicating they are more contagious than negative. "Laugh means health," says popular wisdom. "A cheerful heart heals like a drug, but a sad soul sick to the bone," says a proverb. Laugh, comic and smile are good to soul and body. Professors from the Faculty of Medicine U.S. Irvien found even that influence

mood and immune system diseases development. Laughter is helpful against viruses, heart disease and cancer. The explanation is simple. Stress ruin immune resistance. Laughter strengthens you! Researchers have found that watching video clips of funny cause a significant decrease secretion of the so-called stress hormone. This helps to strengthen the immune system, which can thus better fight viruses and other attacks that attempt to cause harm to the body. Studies have demonstrated that laughter produces endorphins and serotonin. Laughter is like a natural drug. To better understand, we must know that each of us is born with a number of "receptors of happiness." They expect to be fired by serotonin and endorphins. We are happy when the receivers have received the required amount. Explicitly stated otherwise, neurons, nerve cells that are designed to transform external stimuli into nerve impulse came, they interact with the chemicals, called serotonin. Serotonin and endorphins are closely linked metabolisms and their quantity is controlled by the brain. Both substances affect the mood of man. Endorphins have a role in reducing the sensation of pain, their lasting over 30 hours and are released under the influence of strong light, like the chili peppers and chocolate, exercise, laughter or sexual activities. Serotonin is synthesized motoaminotransmiter of neurons in the central nervous system, in cells or platelets enterocromafine produced from tryptophan. One minute of laugh equals 45 minutes of relaxation With all these considerations we can have another approach of communication and we can improve and harmonize it in any public space. Our work will describe the 6 types of comics, in order to have very clear in our mind how we can handle our communication in order to provide to the lister a certain state of mind and spirit through our communication.

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