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Affiliations: SOLO: BUDDY: TEAM: Distinctions: "Sorceress Supreme" Almost _TOO_ powerful Corruptible Power Set: -Mystic MaidSorcery: Durability: Mystic Blast: Senses: and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting Mystic complication on a target. and keep an additional effect die for each additional target. Mystic Resistance: or

SFX: Affliction. Add a SFX: Area Attack. Add a

Limit: Uncontrollable. Change any Mystic Maiden power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power. Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Mystic Maiden power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. Limit: Conscious Activation. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Mystic Maiden. Recover when stress is recovered or you awake. If Physical or Mental Trauma is taken, shutdown Mystic Maiden until trauma is recovered. Limit: Without Cloak of Darkness, only Sorcery is active. -Cloak of DarknessFlightTeleport-

Limit: Gear Shutdown Cloak and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover. Specialties: Crime Expert , Mystic Master

Background Laura Wright, the daughter of Senator Thomas Wright of Florida, was born in Washington, D.C., to a household accustomed to the trappings of power. As a 21-year old debutante, she began a romantic relationship with Dan Barton, a government operative during World War II who fought a covert battle against the Nazis as The Black Commando. Dan was teaching Laura the tricks of his trade in order that she could be his professional, as well as personal, partner when Laura received word that Dan had been killed in a mission. Resolving herself to carry on in his stead, Laura continued to train and donned the crime fighting persona of the Blue Bulleteer. Her agility and expertise with the nickel-plated .45s on her hips made her a thorn in the side of the Nazis for the remainder of the war and led to her becoming a founding member of the Femforce. After the war, Laura continued to fight crime as the Blue Bulleteer but over time her prowess faded and eventually she found herself with her back to the wall, her bullets spent, as the kind of thugs she had spent a career defeating closed in for the kill. It was then that Azagoth, a powerful sorceror from another dimension, intervened and saved her life. Azagoth offered to teach her the intricacies of spellcasting and a gratified Laura Wright agreed to become his pupil. She spent years in a pocket dimension of Limbo learning the mental discipline required to manipulate magical energies and, when her training was nearly complete, Azagoth gave her the mystic Cloak of Darkness, a legendary power source, as a gift. Armed with her new powers of sorcery, Laura returned to this world and began her crusade against the wrongs of the world anew as Nightveil. Rejoining her former compatriots in the Femforce, Nightveil is most likely the most powerful entity on this planet. However, her great power has come at a cost to her humanity.

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